• Published 20th Dec 2019
  • 2,863 Views, 65 Comments

Equestrian Mewsings - Void Runner

Most sane people think twice about making a deal with an imprisoned god. I know I did, so I thought I knew what I was getting into when Arceus sent me to Equestria as a Mew. I was wrong, but at least not all of it is bad, and the friends are better.

  • ...

First Impressions

Chapter 1: First Impressions


I am dreaming.

But I am not...

Not really.

I know I am asleep, and the images, experiences and feelings flashing in front of me are memories, but they are not my own. They are of other Mew, across space and time. As they pass I automatically compartmentalize them as they integrate with my mind, and fragments of their collective experience become my own. It is not everything, but I know it will be enough. As my experience grows, I become aware of the barriers within my mind Arceus promised to place to keep me from being overwhelmed by my new powers and start to break them down.

As they do I become more... aware...

More... More.

It is somewhat hard to adequately describe, even if just to myself; like I have been living all my life with blinders and earmuffs and suddenly they are taken away and for the first time I can see and hear the world around me. Even as I dream, I am aware of the world beyond me. I am curled up on top of something hard, but I am not overly uncomfortable. I feel a myriad of other minds around me through the ambient Psychic Field. Most are simple; insects appearing to my mind's eye as tiny spots of light radiating outward, sending ripples across the surface of the vast lake of latent psychic potential surrounding me. The minds of larger animals glow softly to my senses, their ripples telling me they are just shy of full sapience, and two particularly strong minds below and in front of me seem intent on waking me for some reason or another, becoming more agitated the longer I ignore them. The near sapience of the animals is odd, going off of my gifted experience, but not totally unexpected given that I am in Equestria now...

That thought draws me up short.

I'm in Equestria.

I blink my eyes open and push the psychic impressions of Past Mew fully to my subconscious and take my first good look around. Manicured trees, fresh cut grass, expertly tended flowerbeds, bushes and shrubbery threaded through with brick pathways greet me. There are various statuary scattered about the space as well, but before I can get a better look my appraisal is interrupted by a jaw-cracking yawn, stretching my forepaws over my head to shake off some my prolonged inactivity.

"Ok, that's cute as Tartarus, but you still need to get down from there you silly cat." I hear one of the Guard-ponies below me say. "We just got this statue back and the Princess doesn't want to risk anything else happing to it."

I blink a few times again, tilting my head curiously at the guard and his partner, both Earth Ponies, then notice that the stone horns on either side of me are oddly mismatched. Looking further I realize Arceus apparently dropped me off on top of Discord's petrified head.

Well played, Arceus. Well played.

"Come on now. Get off of there." The second guard says, making shoeing motions at me like I'm some sort of animal.

Well, I suppose to them I do look like one

Feeling somewhat mischievous, and seeing no reason to stay perched on the petrified Chaos Spirit, I jump down onto the head of the first guard. He lets out a startled "Hey!" as I begin climbing around on my new perch so I can get a better look at the crest on the helmet. I can feel his frustration mounting, and his partner is less than pleased too, but I ignore it as I run my pink paws through the blue strands.

Pink Paws.

It's not unexpected, but it's still a little unbelievable all things considered.

I giggle to myself and absently hop off of the guardspony when I sense the second making to grab me. I land on his head instead, and apply a slight layer of psychic force to make his back slick so I can slide the rest of the way.

I'm still giggling, rolling around in the grass as they collect themselves. From what I can sense of their surface thoughts, they're annoyed, but resigned. They aren't allowed to interfere with the ecology of the Gardens unless the creatures that inhabit it start to get out of hand, and so far I'm just playing around.

I stop my rolling when they start to loom over me with far too serious expressions for such a glorious day to be alive. So I jump up and boop them on their noses before running off a ways. Looking behind me, I wave my tail at them teasingly, to which they roll their eyes, but give chase. I can sense their trepidation still. I'm going to have to remedy that if this is going to be any fun so I "Mew" at them as I dart a couple more feet forward. I didn't really say anything, but the noise gets their attention more than me wagging my tail did, and they pick up the pace a bit.

The next while is spent in this way, with them chasing me as I run around and explore the Royal Gardens, climbing over and under everything I can easily jump to or squeeze through in our game of keep-away. Sometimes I'll double back and boop one or both of them again only to dart off before they can return the favor. Eventually I even sense that they're starting to enjoy the chase, but before I can turn things up another notch we're interrupted by a most melodious giggle as I'm scampering across a retaining wall.

"While I'm glad you two seem to be having fun, I think Captain Shining Armor might have a few things to say unless you return to your posts soon." Says the Sun like presence I can sense a ways off to my left, causing me to pause, stand on my hind legs and turn to face it. I hadn't given it any mind earlier since, while powerful, the being was giving off less mental noise than even the colony of Ants tucked under the rose bush next to me, which, in hindsight should have been a clue.

There in a clear sunny patch is the Big Princess herself, Celestia, in all her pale pink glory. I do the first thing that comes to mind.

[Hi Hi!] I call with an accompanying "ME~W!", waiving one of my paws in greeting to Equestria's nominal Ruler. Both guards give off startled yelps of surprise and shake out of their sudden rigor at their Princess's admonishment. Mission accomplished.

With a smile that stretches my whole face I float off of the wall, earning even more shock from the guards and a raised eyebrow from the Princess.

[I know who you are, but you don't know me. I am Elsa Keyes. It's nice to make your acquaintance Princess Celestia.] I call with an airborne bow, completely forgoing verbal communication this time and simply projecting my thoughts to wash outwards from me into the Psychic Field.

"Indeed, it is nice to make your, Acquaintance, Elsa Keyes." The princess returns with a slight nod, never breaking eye-contact. Trying to get a mental read on her is impossible for some reason. What I would normally sense as her surface thoughts is completely blank meaning any deeper understanding of her words beyond audio and visual queues is entirely hidden from me. My smile dims slightly as my confusion mounts, considering such occlusion should have, according to my gifted experience, prevented her from picking up my own projection.

"Forgive me if this question seems insensitive, but what manner of creature might you be?" she asks, sounding genuinely curious.

[I'm a Mew,] I project, flipping over and curling my tail down so it's between us as I mull over what I should tell at mental speeds that would have been astonishing to the old me. Finally, and in hardly any time at all, I settle on part of the truth so quickly even I hardly register the pause, [a Guardian Being, sent here in response to the machinations of Discord in another world during his brief period of Freedom.]

Celestia and the guards all tense at my remark, but I quickly shake my head and flip back upright, my tail now hanging limply below me and ears lying flat. [I'm only to keep an eye on things, look for others from beyond this world and offer aid if I believe it necessary.]

They relax, but only slightly, and the guards take up position on either side of the clearing to our sides. Smart, but unnecessary. I still settle to the ground, curling my tail around to hold its tip in my paws to convey that I'm non-threatening. Princess Celestia says nothing for a moment, but her horn lights with a golden glow, floating a second cup from the tea service next to her.

"Cream or sugar?" She asks as she lifts the pot and pours a cup.

[It would depend on the blend] I answer, tilting my head in curiosity, [and even then, some are better with neither but rather a squeeze of lemon. Though to tell the truth I prefer Coffee.]

The princess grins in response, taking a lemon slice from the service and giving it a slight squeeze into the cup before floating it over to me. Before it crosses half way I gently reach out with my own Psychic Telekinesis and bring it the rest of the way myself, idly floating upward again as I take in the aroma. The guards tense when I drift closer to the Princess, but apparently something in my answer reassured her enough to accept the olive branch in my words.

Celestia continues the conversation as I take my first sip, "And what will you do should you find anyone else from beyond Gaia? Would you try to return them to their home?"

[No.] I sigh as I take another sip. It was very good tea. [When I accepted this calling, it was made clear that my journey here would be very much one-way, and I lack the ability to provide the same for others on my own. Instead my vigilance must be put towards helping them should I believe they need it. Otherwise I'll leave them to their own devices as they make their own way in their new lives here.]

"I'm sorry," she says, looking and sounding genuinely sympathetic, but I wave away her concern with a smile.

[Que sera, sera, Princess.] I project the meaning of the words along with the words themselves, earning my own sunny smile from the Sun Princess. We sip at our tea in silence for a while longer, simply enjoying the day pass. I catch from the Guards thoughts that today is one of her rare days off, and that they're glad she seems to be relaxing.

Celestia eventually breaks the silence with another question, "And what of yourself, in the here and now? Where will you stay? What will you do for yourself?"

The silence is suddenly awkward as I contemplate the dregs at the bottom of my cup. A million options fly through my head in seconds, many drawing on the gifted experiences of my Mew forebearers, but they each have their drawbacks and some are more unlikely than others. Finally, I settle on working through the most likely and most beneficial to my needs.

[I believe it would be best if I found somewhere in or around Canterlot to stay. My kind are largely nomadic, and adults such as myself can use our powers to easily survive in a wide range of environments and ecosystems, but the nature of my task means it would be beneficial to have a central location to return to when not searching -]

I feel two powerful presences approaching from a distance. One is frustrated, but his thoughts are tightly controlled, likely thanks to the cotton candy like presence next to him trying to calm him down. She's more powerful than him, but less so than Celestia. I casually sip down the last of my tea as I project, [Look alive gentlemen. Your Captain approaches.]

The two guards snap to attention and Celestia raises an eyebrow questioningly at me as Captain Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza round the corner behind me. I wink in return and she turns to address the newcomers.

"Captain Armor. Cadance. How kind of you to join me today." She says, drawing the approaching pair up short.

Cadance is the first to recover and reply, "Hello Auntie. We weren't expecting to find you here."

Celestia laughs lightly as Shining Armor shakes off his surprise. "If I'm not mistaken, you were looking for Private Blue Shield and Sargant Red Hoof when my niece joined you, Captain Armor?"

"Yes Princess." Shining snaps to attention, but eyes the guards in question.

"No worries then." Celestia continues, pouring herself another cup of tea, "They encountered my guest and I in the gardens and took it upon themselves to ensure we would not be otherwise disturbed."

A blatant lie, but I'm not about to call the Princess out on it. Instead I float around and give the pair a short bow.

[Greetings Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Captain Shining Armor. My name is Elsa Keyes.] They hide their surprise well, but I feel them mentally flinch at my projection anyway.

"Miss. Keyes will be staying as a guest in the palace for the time being." Princess Celestia picks up after my introduction, and I carefully school my reaction to seem as though this isn't news to me. "She is a long way from home, and as she has explained to me the nature of her mission to our lands, our hospitality would be most beneficial to her."

"And what might that be?" Shining asks suspiciously, his eyes narrowing at me. I flip upside down and blow a raspberry at him in reply, earning a giggle from both princesses.

"She is here looking for others from her land brought here by Discord." Celestia answers, "Wherever they may be, they will be unable to return home thanks to him, so she was sent here to ensure they are able to adjust to life here in Equestria."

"And how long will you be staying in Equestria?" Cadance asks with a smile, lightly raising a hoof up to me. She's offering to shake in greeting, but being in a mischievous mood, I sniff it a couple times before butting my head under her fetlock like the cat I now am.

[Indefinitely.] I reply, startling myself when I start to purr as Cadance starts scratching her hoof behind my ears, but otherwise maintaining control of my reaction to the absolutely divine sensation. [My own means of coming to Equestria has left me equally stranded. The only practical distinction is that I volunteered, while anyone else likely doesn't know why or how they have come here.]

Cadance frowns and withdraws her hoof, causing me to let out a plaintive mew and look up at her. "That's so sad."

[It is what it is, Princess Cadenza,] I say with a smile. [and it is my honor to be here.]

"Cadance, please." Her smile is strained, and her thoughts are turning over what I and Celestia have told her. Shining Armor is still frowning suspiciously at me, but willing to give me the benefit of the doubt if Cadance is.

[As you wish, Princess Cadenza.] I return with a cheeky grin, getting an eye roll from her for my trouble and a chuckle out of Celestia.

Finishing her tea before teleporting the service and all the scattered cups... somewhere... I still can't get a read on her, but it isn't as disturbing as it was before, Celestia cuts in. "Well, as lovely as it has been and would be to sit out here for the rest of the day, I need to stretch my legs."

"Auntie?" Cadance says. Celestia stands, shaking out her legs and unfurling her wings, giving them a few short flaps before folding them back against her sides.

"Captain Armor, You and your Stallions may return to your posts." Shining Armor, Red Hoof and Blue Shield snap to attention with a crisp "yes ma'am" before marching off at the dismissal. The two Junior guards are relieved to be getting off without reprisal and Shining Armor is resigned to letting me stay despite his suspicions.

"Would you like me to help with anything Princess Celestia?" Cadance asks. She's trying to hide the surreptitious glances she's shooting at the retreating Captain, and her scattered surface thoughts are firmly on... I quickly try to block out my reading on her and suppress my blush as best I can, thankful that my pink fur naturally does most of the work for me. I'm going to have to get a handle on that aspect of my powers. Things could quickly get awkward otherwise. Thankfully, Celestia picking up the conversation offers a suitable distraction.

"Go be with your beau Cadance." She says with a chuckle, "I was just going to show Miss. Keyes around the palace and arrange a room for her to stay."

Cadance grins, and I have to work harder to block out her surface thoughts, before she scampers off in the direction the Guardsponies left in.

"Is something the matter?" Celestia asks me after Cadance rounds a hedge corner out of sight. For the first time since we met I'm grateful that I can't read her surface thoughts.

[Full disclosure.] I start. I can tell my projection is somewhat flat and lacking inflection, but I don't really care at the moment since I'm still trying to beat my blush down. [I'm very, Very powerfully psychic.]

"Oh?" Her tone is guarded, and I see the serene mask snap firmly into place.

[It's considered extremely rude to go actively rifling through the thoughts and memories of others without due cause, and while attacking other beings psychically to defend myself is allowed in the event of clear and present violent conflict, irreversibly screwing with the minds of others is forbidden] It isn't, strictly speaking, but I still find the thought of doing so repulsive, [however I am still able to pick up unguarded surface thoughts without trying to unless the individual is trained, has taught themselves, or is naturally predisposed to guarding their thoughts from others.]

Her guarded mask is still in place, but I can see her body language subtly starting to relax. Good. [Think of it like sitting in a noisy dining hall. You can try blocking out the conversations going on around you, but unless the other tables are being deliberately quiet, you're still going to pick up on things without trying.]

"Have you been able to... sense, anything from me, or Cadance?" she asks. Her tone is casual, but her mask is still guarded.

[You're a total blank.] I tell her, turning and floating further upward to look the Princess in the eye. [I can sense that you're phenomenally powerful, but you're very... quiet, otherwise.]

She nods. "And Cadance?"

My blush comes back full force. I know it must be visible through my fur, and I start twisting my tail in circles below me as I avert my eyes.

[Let's just say that Shining Armor is a very lucky stallion, and if she has her way, he's about to get even luckier...]

Celestia laughs. Not a giggle. Not a chuckle, or the polite laughter you give for a particularly bad joke that you can't call the teller out on.

No, The Big Princess lets out a full-bore belly laugh, and after a few moments of continued embarrassment I can't help but join her.