• Published 17th Dec 2019
  • 581 Views, 12 Comments

For Love of Fluttershy (A Discord Story) - Teddie Williams

Discord knows something that all of Equestria doesn't know. He's NOT the Bad Guy!

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Discord Kidnaps a young Yak...

Discord paced as he waited for the train to come in. "I still think going to Yakinstan is a bad idea..." Luna murmured from where she stood just behind him.

Star Swirl shook his head as he glanced over at the lord of chaos. "I agree with you, but we can't let Discord go there by himself."

"I'm standin' right here you know." Discord grumbled as the train finally pulled into the station. Discord darted forward, boarding the train so fast that you would think his tail was on fire.

Luna and Star Swirl followed him, settling in next to him. "Okay, so where do we have to go to find these Gems that you need again?"

"Obviously we need to go to Yakinstan, and we need a yak too." Discord pulled out of thin air a brochure of sorts, flipping it open. "We also need to go to Hippogriffs and get one of them, as well as the Griffins." Discord tapped one of the brochure pages, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Remind me about the Kirins. I always forget about them, really. Oh! Zebras and Buffaloes need to be contacted as well... And we need to hit up on every single kingdom there is...and um... bother that leaves three Gems uncounted for."

Star Swirl tilted his head to the side, eyeing him curiously. "What makes you say that?"

"Because Ponyville is Destroyed, and the Crystal Empire hidden." Discord bluntly pointed out to his reluctant companions.

Luna snapped her head around to look at him, her eyes widening in surprise. "I thought the Crystal Empire was just an old wive's tale, to keep young unicorns under control."

Discord snorted as he crossed his arms across his chest. "Oh no... all that really did happen. Of course the reason for King Sombra to remove the entire kingdom is different than a case of him being power hungry and not wanting anyone to dethrone him..." Discord could feel himself turn bright red as he thought back on that day.

"Oh? What really happened?" Luna questioned him, curiosity edging her voice.

Discord literally shrank himself so that he was the size of a small rabbit. "Well I might have attacked and nearly killed him and he pulled the Crystal Empire back so as to hide from me." Discord scowled, turning back to his normal size. "I should have gotten him back when I had the chance. I mean really, what stallion destroys my beloved and then expects me to just stand there like nothing happened?"

Star Swirl blinked, cuing in on what it was that Discord was saying. "I didn't know that you had a beloved. What was her name?"

"Lady Fluttershy Shy. The most graceful, gorgeous, kindest, young mare to ever grace this world." Discord sighed breezily as he adapted a dreamy look on his face.

Luna gasped, recognition flashing across her features. "That's the name you read on the scroll. Lady Fluttershy."

Discord rolled his eyes skyward, placing one hand over his heart. "Of course Princess Luna! My Fluttershy happens to be very good friends with Twilight, the alicorn princess that wrote the scroll."

Luna started to nod in understanding, when what he said clicked. "Wait... alicorn princess? I am pretty positive that Celestia and I are the only alicorns to ever exist."

Discord shook his head, clicking his tongue disapprovingly. "Nope. Twilight, her sister-in-law, Cadance, and niece, Flurry Hearts, all beat you two to the alicorn existence. Of course no one knows how or why Little Flurry is an alicorn." Discord mused aloud, even as the train conductor announced the next stop.

"Next stop Yakinstan! Everyone that's going there for some reason get off now!"

"Perfect! We've reached our stop!" Discord clapped his hands together in excitement, his eyes gleaming.

Luna and Star Swirl glanced over at each other, concern flashing across their features.

"Yaks no friends with Ponies!" The leader of the yaks snapped for the fiftieth time since the trio approached him.

Star Swirl nodded in understanding, trying to once again to move Discord away from the annoyed yak.

Discord huffed loudly, shaking a fist at the stubborn and proud yak. "You have to have the Yakinstan Gem somewhere in your possession! I will know it when I see it!"

"Yaks no friends with Ponies!"

"We are leaving now. Thank you for your time. Come on Discord." Luna used her magic to drag Discord away from the slowly getting angrier by the minute yak.

Once they were back in the freezing cold, Star Swirl turned to face Discord, exasperation flooding his face. "Can't you take no?"

"Not when Fluttershy, and all of Ponyville hangs in the balance!" Discord dramatically placed both hands over his heart.

Right before Luna could point out that he appeared to be more concern about Fluttershy than some unknown kingdom, a voice cut through the frigid air. "Yona holding a yard sale! Come buy Yona's old stuff!"

The three travelers turned to see a young yak standing in front of a house that had several clothing particles and toys that appeared to be for younger yaks than the one that was yelling for yaks to come over to look and hopefully buy the stuff.

Luna felt a smile twitch on her lips, amusement slipping in. "I wonder what her name is? She must be a friend of this Yona's to be helping with the yard sale."

Discord shook his head, shooting the princess a withering look. "Yaks speak in third person. That is Yona."

"Oh." Luna wrinkled her nose, surprise flashing through her.

Discord wandered over to the yard sale, looking over the items for sale with an air of boredom about him. Picking up an old beat up music box that looked vaguely familiar, he turned it over... in time for a smooth, professionally cut piece of kyanite to fall out of a hidden poorly latched compartment. Discord stiffened, grabbing the gemstone with one hand while reexamining the music box. "Starlight's music box..." He glanced down at the gem in his hand, recognizing it for what it was. "The Yakinstan Gem..." Snapping his head up, he stared at the yak that was holding the yard sale. "Yo! Kid! Where did you get this music box, and can I have it and this piece of kyanite?"

Yona blinked slowly as she eyed the music box and the gemstone. "Yona found it buried in backyard in old chest. You have it for free."

Discord hummed as he clutched the treasure, the sign that Ponyville truly exited, closer to his heart turning to face Luna and Star Swirl. Star Swirl arched one eyebrow upwards, seeing a small problem that Discord appears to be overlooking. "You still need a yak to place it."

Discord hummed, for five seconds before snapping his fingers suddenly. Immediately, the four of them were transported back to the Museum in Canterlot. Luna froze at the sight of a yak in Canterlot, before registering how the young yak got there in the first place. "Discord! You cannot go about the place kidnapping yaks!"

Author's Note:

Hi! So that just happened... he's gonna kidnap the Young Six, just so that you know. Oh! Speaking of which, which one should they recruit/ Discord kidnap, next? Thanks for your patience with me!
