• Published 17th Dec 2019
  • 580 Views, 12 Comments

For Love of Fluttershy (A Discord Story) - Teddie Williams

Discord knows something that all of Equestria doesn't know. He's NOT the Bad Guy!

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Discord Is the Translator....

Discord insisted on being part of the group to bring the chest to the Canterlot Museum. The unicorns grimaced as they tried their best not to look over the edge of the hot air balloon that was carrying them to Canterlot. Discord hummed as he lifted his hand up. "You know it will go a lot faster if I just..." He snapped his fingers, poofing them to the courtyard in front of the museum.

Sunburst, who was the one in charge of the moving of the chest, jumped out of the balloon's basket. "Next time give us a warning before you do that..."

"I did." Discord stubbornly announced as he picked up the chest.

"Careful with that!" One of the unicorns yelped as they scrambled after him.

Discord snorted, briefly, before lowering the chest down. "What am I gonna do with it? My powers are useless against..." His front paw brushed against the lock. Immediately there was a bright flash of light as the lock fell open. "It." Flinging his hands into the air, he turned to face the unicorns. "I didn't do it! Honest!"

Sunburst examined the lock, astonishment crossing his features. "I want to say that you did... but there is no residue from your chaos magic. I think you were the key the entire time."

Discord blinked, before muttering to himself. "Of course Twilight made me the key. I wasn't in the Lost Kingdom when everything went down."

"Wait... what?"

Luna and Celestia were standing in front of the museum, surprise flashing across their features. "We were just on our way to warn Star Swirl the Bearded that Discord is on his way...but it looks like he beat us there."

"I had a head start..." Discord grumbled under his breath.

Sunburst jerked his head towards the chest. "If he hadn't come to the sight, we would never have gotten this chest open to see what's inside."

"I only opened the chest by accident right now..."

"Not helping Discord..." Sunburst hissed, before using his magic to lift a single yellow with age scroll out of the chest. "That can't be right..." He stared at the chest, puzzled. "I thought that there'd be more in there."

Discord blinked, before reaching to take the scroll... Celestia zapped him, forcing him to jump backwards. "What was that for!?"

"You are not going to mess up the scroll. Sunburst? What does it say?" Celestia just about growled.

Sunburst carefully unrolled the scroll, his gaze scanning the old parchment. "How odd... it doesn't appear to be written in Old Ponyese."

Discord poofed himself behind Sunburst, staring down at the words on the page. "Uh... Haven't seen Ancient Ponyese in a thousand years..." He stifled a groan as he noticed a small detail about the words written on the page. "And its in code as well as Ancient Ponyese."

Sunburst snapped his head around so fast that it was a miracle that he didn't get whiplash. "You can read this?!"

Discord lifted one shoulder up, the perfect picture of boredom. "Kind of. As I just said, it is in code."

"Can you break it?" Sunburst held the scroll higher so as to give Discord a better view.

Discord frowned, mumbling to himself. "At least Twilight never changed the code. She has no imagination whatsoever."

"Discord? Less grumbling and more translating please?" Luna rolled her eyes skyward.

Discord huffed, before throwing his hands in the air. "Honestly being to think that Twilight has lost. All it says is, Discord, Only you can save Ponyville. To do this you must rebuild the Statue of Friendship in Townsquare. However there is a catch, you must have a representative from each group place the Gems in place. To help you, I placed a spell on the Council of Harmony to keep them safe so that they can aide you. To free them, you must make Lady Fluttershy proud where she can see you." Discord paused, scratching the top of his head. "Yeah none of this makes any since. Anyone got their own translations or suggestions on what it means?"

"None whatsoever. I mean, really? Ponyville? What kind of place is that? And why does this pony seem to think that your the only one that can save it and what does it mean by Statue of Friendship and Gems?" Sunburst blurted out, bewilderment crossing his features.

Discord groaned, but didn't bother explaining what he meant as he poofed himself into the Museum's garden. Turning, he stared at the statue of the Council of Harmony. "Come on... give me a clue here... what am I supposed to do?"

Nothing happened for the longest time. Then the door banged open as the princesses rushed into the room, along with the unicorns that he had just traveled with. Sunburst led the charge, running right up to him. "Discord... we need to know what that means... so that we can explain it to the Museum goers."

"We also need to know what kind of ponies this Ponyville apparently had living in it so that we can place the chest and scroll in the right section." Luna interjected, the smallest hint of annoyance edging her voice.

Discord sighed, before rolling his eyes skyward. "Just place it in the common area. If you were alive and breathing you were welcomed in Ponyville. Didn't matter what type of pony you were, or if you were not a pony at all, you were still welcomed. I had wonderful conversations with Hippogriffs, Changelings, Griffins.... even the yaks were quite friendly with the citizens of the little kingdom of Ponyville." He paused, glancing down at the scroll. "One year, to celebrate the friendships between all of the kingdoms... Princess Twilight of Ponyville instigated that something called a Statue of Friendship be built. All kingdoms, regardless of their species, provided a gemstone to be used to build it. It was a giant 3D jigsaw puzzle really. After a few weeks of it being located in the town square, the different kingdoms took their gemstones back to their respective castles for safe keeping, as well as to remind them that we are all friends." Discord rolled his eyes skyward, trying his hardest not to think about the task given him. A task that Twilight had no idea was a lot more difficult than she remembered it being.

Celestia used her magic to take the scroll and read it, her eyes narrowing as she realized what the majority of the scroll read. "So this Twilight person for some reason believes that you can break some spell by rebuilding the Statue of Friendship?"

Luna piped up, a hint of curiosity in her voice. "Hold on... you mentioned a Princess Twilight. Is it the same one that you mentioned wrote the scroll?"

Discord allowed a good deal of sarcasm drip from his voice. "No. It's her mother, Twilight Velvet." Upon realizing that they were taking him seriously, he slapped his face. "Of course they're the same person! Honestly! The Royal Family of Ponyville ain't ones' to use titles... everyone knows that."

Author's Note:

Hi! So... yeah. That all just happened. Time for Discord to go about the place kidnapping ponies from all walks of live, a changling, yak, hippogriff, and griffin. Sounds like fun and chaotic!
