• Published 20th Dec 2019
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Anthology of Graybles - Str8aura

Or: Stories from the Suggestion Bin

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Princess Platinum (Starlight, Twilight; Sad)

It was a single sentence that ignited Twilight's fervor.

The Princess seldom knows contemporaneous reward; it is enough to possess the joy of knowing that what you cast into the future may someday, through one way or another, help a future generation. Even if it may be only a single individual, my sister and I have always behaved on the idea that the actions we take will leave ripples forever.

The Private Journal of Princess Platinum

What remained of the pages had been scoured by many scholars before her, but try as she might, she could find no sources or academic papers anywhere mentioning the single sentence relevation- Princess Platinum, long thought a single child, had at one point owned a sister.

Of course, in those times, many children were had by a single couple, and few were ever to survive to maturity. However, the language suggested to her something different- a sister old enough to apparently have thoughts on the world and the future. This journal page came early into her reign, several years before the founding of Equestria. As soon as she put the pieces together, she instantly became infatuated with this mystery sister Platinum had never again thought it wise to mention. It was unlikely she had done anything of note- it was even more unlikely it had been recorded, but it was enough to spur her on that the archives were incomplete. One of the most important figures to Equestrian history had a royal sister, and she could be the first to ever write on her.

However, this enthusiasm would be put out quickly by a lack of progress- as time went by and she realized just how alone her revelation was, the thought of the mystery sister largely left her head- until a few years after Starswirl's return, when she reunited with him after he concluded his trek around Equestria to see its changes. As it so happened, the Mage carried his own books on him and had taken some into the void on the faithful day he was erased from history. Most of these books had gone on to become famous among scholars, but Twilight took interest in a few- however, while she had many strong suits, Old Ponish was not one of them.

Thankfully, she had an expert on hand.

From the desk of Headmare Starlight Glimmer

I had no idea you'd send a letter this soon after leaving! Still, a part of me sees why you'd consider this so important. You're ten times the scholar I'll ever be, and even I found myself shaking with excitement as I read through these. There are a few bits I've cut out for posterity (and to lower the cost of mailing, you know how big and shoddy my hornwriting is), but I'll always have these clippings on my desk if you want the unabridged version when you get back. I look forward to hearing all the things a trained eye can gleam from this!

Here, I'll clip everything I've transcribed to this letter. Give Spike a Hi from me.

(These all have dates on them, but its a Pre-Celestia Calendar; It can be assumed each of these is only a few years apart. -S)

My sister was born today, in the same week a dear friend of mine was mauled by a beast he tried to flee from. In some ways, I'd say the former has greatly helped me get over the latter- its odd to admit it, but seeing both in such a short span has reminded me of how capricious life can be. I've already seen quite a few siblings of mine buried in shallow graves- I can only wish the best for this new occupant of the world. Welcome, Silver.

Her hair is a dull pink, like some brighter shade trying to escape soot. Her coat is her namesake, near reflective as soon as she came out, although I suspect this to be more the copious amounts of fluid she was covered in. Still, the name stuck, and I find myself with an heir to the throne should I die.

Royalty was far from my mind when I saw her for the first time. Her eyes met mine directly, open for only a second before scrunching shut again while the amniotic sac was licked off. I was never old enough to be present for one of these births before.

I hope I never have to be again. If this child survives, there will be little reason for another, especially as my mother's strength diminishes. The cold is harsh and uncaring. I pray Silver may overcome it.

A princess desperately needs frivolity in their lives- if not, I fear one may go mad.

I haven't seen fit to tell my sister of the duties I face as the upcoming heir, and my reluctance has made me realize how precious these few years will be, during which her only concerns will be who brings her food and how long her sister is gone.

I am convinced she loves me. It may sound silly, but I feared for a time I would not be able to treat her as she deserved, and I'm sure in that paranoia I may have pampered her those first few years. She'll be pampered even more when or if she's in my position- maybe its for the best I guide her to this life.

I do fear for the world she will be born into. It seems the Unicorn Tribe has never known a time of peace, and may not for many more generations, if ever. Worst still are my fears for the subjects who claim to love me- they tolerate my rule because I agree with them, but the same group that celebrated my coronation will inevitably celebrate my beheading. I can adapt to what they ask of me- but a sister raised under me is inevitable to echo the sentiments I repeat to them in private, my true thoughts on monarchy, the separation of the tribes, and what subjects want versus what they need.

My second greatest fear is that I will raise Silver wrongly. My greatest fear is that I will raise her correctly, and others will not be kind to her.

A good leader follows what is demanded of them.

Contrary to what I once believed, Silver does not only enjoy the luxuries of a royal life- she wishes to engage every bit as much as I do not. In a perfect world, we would pull some excellent joke where she takes my place for the day and we both learn some life lesson about how similar our lives are.

The Princess seldom knows contemporaneous reward; it is enough to possess the joy of knowing that what you cast into the future may someday, through one way or another, help a future generation. Even if it may be only a single individual, my sister and I have always behaved on the idea that the actions we take will leave ripples forever.

She understands this- perhaps better than I do. She wishes to take the tribe by its head and steer it in a new direction. She wishes to unify with the other tribes, and the worst part is I agree with her. It would be beneficial to all of us, and the dividing of labor may allow us to finally surpass these blizzards with flourish. The cold has stayed with us my entire life, and now it seems it may outlive us.

But what our subjects need is not what they want. If I wish to keep this family safe in these troubling times, I must be who they want me to be.

I have ignored my sister's advice thus far. I pray nothing happens to me which would put her in power- for her sake.

On the eve of a meeting between tribes, my sister has discovered my philosophy.

I've remained calm. I've told her everything I explain to this journal, these pages I bounce my own ideas off of to ensure I don't sound insane reading it back. And just as I expected, she thought me wrong.

I know the outcome of this meeting. I know our tribes will separate further. There has been talk of moving. I will agree to it- if I do not, I fear not only for the response to me, but the response to the rest of the tribes. I pray we will never see another Earth Pony or Pegasus again- maybe then, we can finally reach some modicum of peace.

So long as three species sharing a planet never meet, we may be safe.

I write it now, and I bounce the idea off myself, and I realize I am indeed insane.

But for the moment, I am safe, my sister is safe, and my tribe is safe.

I no longer feel like I am flinging a light into the future. I feel like I am struggling to keep the match lit one more day- and at the end of everything, my sister still thinks me worse than unfit to rule- she thinks I have failed her as family.

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