• Published 7th Dec 2019
  • 290 Views, 0 Comments

Spreading My Wings - KingBoo687

My life is one that has had its fair share of accomplishments and blemishes, but to be fair, not a lot of ponies know about it completely. This is my chance to finally let everyone know who the real me is.

  • ...

Under A Lunar Wing

Author's Note:

Before this begins, I'd like to repeat myself from the description in saying that this is a series of canon stories that featured my OC, Lunar Nights. As user Nolamancy states, there's not a lot of backstory on here for this character, with everything being posted on my FanFiction account.

There are eight total stories here (and nine total canon stories). Each chapter will be named to match the overall story that it comes from and, as such, comments have been turned off to not only avoid spoilers, but because I know these stories have been able to carry their weight, even as my writing skills evolved.

All these stories range between 2013 (Under A Lunar Wing) and this year (An Astronomical Experience) and feature Lunar in either a lead role or a supporting role. If you wish, click on the link on my profile to be taken over to my FanFiction account and read the story of your choice in its entirety, including the non-canon stories of Lunar's journeys (and there are a lot. Eight more published stories, to be exact, including the novel length canon story that's not here).

This message will appear at the beginning of each chapter as a reminder. I hope you enjoy this "quick" recap of Lunar's journey and hope that you read each story in full on my FanFiction account.


“That was the first time I'd ever seen Princess Luna,” Lunar explained, “and needless to say, I was stunned.”

“How so?” Meridian asked. “Care to explain further, Lunar?”

“Well,” continued Lunar, “it was like I was looking into a mirror that simply swapped my gender. I mean, granted that my name isn't that much of a difference between us two, but it was interesting to say the least that Princess Luna was almost exactly like me.”

“Rather,” interrupted Twilight, “you look almost exactly like her. She is older than you are, remember?”

Lunar chuckled, “You're right, Twily, like usual.”

“I try,” smiled Twilight.

Lunar rolled his eyes playfully, “Anyway, once I met Princess Luna, Princess Celestia suggested that I learn from Luna instead of herself since both Luna and myself are nocturnal ponies. I accepted – enthusiastically, if I may add – and proceeded to learn nearly everything I know about magic and the night from Princess Luna.”

“Fascinating,” admitted Meridian, “and how long did that last, Lunar?”

“For roughly three, four years,” Lunar said, “and that's when I moved to Baltimare.”

“How long did you live there?”

“A little less than a year,” replied Lunar, “I went there to map out some constellations that can only be seen in that area. Around the end of my time there, Princess Luna had sent me a letter and that was a letter that really changed my life for the better.”

“Do you remember what that letter stated, Lunar?” Meridian wondered.

Lunar smiled and nodded, teleporting the letter to himself with his magic, “I can read it all if you'd like.”

“That would be wonderful,” Meridian beamed, eager to listen to one of the final few things Lunar had received in his unicorn life.

“Excellent,” Lunar chuckled, unraveling the scroll and reading it aloud:

Dear Lunar Nights,

I trust that you are studying very hard right now in your pursuit towards your destiny. I am writing this letter to you in regards to the Star Swirl the Bearded journal, assuming you have read up to, if not, passed it at the present moment.

Lunar smiled and brought out the specified book, showing it to Meridian. “The final spell in this book was left unfinished. It is given out to specific ponies who may have a chance to complete it.”

He continued reading the letter, allowing Meridian to inspect the book:

The last spell in the journal was Star Swirl the Bearded's final spell. After many unsuccessful attempts at perfecting it, he abandoned the spell because he lacked the key motivation to perfect it, which was understanding friendship.

If you can recall, my sister had given a copy of this same journal to her former star pupil, Twilight Sparkle. She studied under my sister's tutelage for a couple of years before you started your studies. Princess Twilight Sparkle resides in Ponyville now, a town located not too far from Baltimare. I have arranged a meeting between you and Princess Twilight Sparkle. I want you to learn the wonders of friendship from her in the hopes that you too may be able to further your studies like she has.

Enclosed in this letter is a map to Ponyville. I expect you to travel there and learn the wonders of friendship. You have made me proud of all of your accomplishments over these last few years, especially in helping me overcome some of my own fears and help me start a school that even my sister is proud of. However, all of your accomplishments will be for nothing if you cannot learn how to make friends. If you learn the wonders of friendship, then I know you will be ready to continue on in your studies.

Warmest regards,

Princess Luna

“That was the final letter I ever received as a unicorn from Princess Luna,” Lunar told Meridian.

“This is incredible that you've been able to hold onto this after all of these years,” exclaimed Meridian, “how is it still kept in tact?”

“Twilight helped cast a preservation spell on it with her former pupil Starlight to keep it in that condition,” answered Lunar, “and I can't thank them enough for doing so.”

“So you received this letter from Princess Luna,” Meridian reiterated, “and then what happened? What did you do then?”

“Not wanting to disappoint anypony,” Lunar replied, “I followed my orders and went straight to Ponyville. As her pupil, I never wanted to disappoint Princess Luna and I always wanted to show how much learning from her meant to me. So, when I was sent to Ponyville, I packed up a few things and left bright and early the morning after I received that letter. When I got to Ponyville, I met Princess Twilight and was beyond impressed with her appearance. To put it simply, my knees were shaking the first time we had met and I grew very nervous.”

Twilight blushed slightly, “And I you, Lunar.”

Meridian giggled quietly to herself, “Love at first sight?”

Lunar began to blush as well, “You could say that, I suppose.”

He looked up and thought back to his time spent with Twilight as a unicorn.

“M-my name is, uh, Lunar Nights,” Lunar told Twilight, having a hard time saying it, “I, uh, I'm Princess Luna's star pupil and I'm, uh, here to see Twilight Sparkle.”

The little alicorn mare giggled, “I've been expecting you, Lunar Nights,” she explained, “I just wasn't expecting you to be so...” Twilight trailed off towards the end as she lost her chain of thought.

“So you must be Twilight Sparkle then,” assumed Lunar, “excuse me, you must be Princess Twilight Sparkle, Your Highness, correct?”

“I am indeed, Lunar Nights,” replied Twilight, “but you may simply address me as Twilight. You don't have to address me as Princess Twilight.”

“Thank you very much, Princess Twi...I mean, thank you, Twilight,” Lunar smiled, “and you may address me simply as Lunar.”

“Will do, Lunar,” Twilight giggled again.

“Our first encounter was an interesting one, to say the least,” Lunar admitted to Meridian, “we worked on our magic together and she introduced me to her friends. That was my first friendship lesson with Twilight and it went pretty well, I think.”

“It certainly did,” agreed Twilight, “and our subsequent lessons went just as well. I think my favorite time with you was when we spent the night in the Crystal Empire working on that spell with you.”

“I remember that one as well,” Lunar smiled, turning to Meridian, “we went to the Crystal Empire to get a better understanding of love in a friendship from Princess Cadence.”

“Please do elaborate,” Meridian beamed, eager for more. She checked once more to see if the tape recorder was still rolling and nodded.

“Where to begin...” Lunar chuckled, looking up once more.

“I had heard from Princess Luna that you were probably going to pay a visit,” Princess Cadence remarked, “the train must have come early today too. I was just on my way to go meet you both at the train station but, here you are.” She turned to Lunar and looked him over. “You must be Lunar Nights.”

“That is right, Your Highness,” Lunar replied, bowing to Princess Cadence in the process, “and it is an honor to rightfully meet you this time.”

“The pleasure is all mine, Lunar,” continued Cadence, “Princess Luna has told me a lot about you. Perhaps we can chat a little bit later about what you've learned.”

“That would be wonderful, Princess Cadence,” Lunar smiled confidently.

“Do you know where Shining Armor is, Cadence?” Twilight asked. “I need to ask him something about our parents' anniversary that's coming up soon.”

“Shining Armor is inside his room in the castle,” Cadence replied, “you can head in there if you want while I have a talk with Lunar here.”

“Sounds good,” smiled Twilight as she disappeared inside the Crystal Castle, leaving Lunar alone with Cadence.

“So,” Cadence began, turning to Lunar in the process, “the infamous Lunar Nights, star student of Princess Luna...I can sense a great amount of care and affection towards a certain somepony you know...somepony you met mere days ago, no less.”

“You're good,” chuckled Lunar, feeling himself blush in the process.

Cadence giggled in response, “I'm the Princess of Love, Lunar. I can see this easily.”

“So who's the somepony that I have a great amount of care and affection towards?” Lunar challenged, half-knowing that Cadence knew the answer already.

“The very special somepony you show much care and affection to happened to be the last pony that walked through those doors behind me, on her way visiting her older brother and my husband,” answered Cadence.

“You're really good,” Lunar praised.

“Like I said earlier, Lunar,” continued Cadence, “I know these kinds of things and, simply only letting you know, you both seem like a perfect match together.”

“That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about, Your Highness,” Lunar replied, twirling one of his hooves on the ground.

“Please,” Cadence smiled, “call me Cadence. Save the formalities for Princesses Celestia and Luna.”


“What did you want to talk about with Twilight?” Cadence asked.

“I, uhh...” Lunar found it hard to explain to Cadence how he felt about Twilight, though Cadence had a thought herself.

“You want to proclaim your love to Twilight, but aren't sure of how to do it, sound right?”

“Right on the nose, Cadence,” Lunar chuckled.

“Come, Lunar,” Cadence smiled, “let us both take a walk. I have something important to tell you along the way.”

With that being said, Cadence led Lunar down one of the crystallized streets. Following alongside her, Lunar prepared to have a chat with the princess. Cadence smirked, looking up towards the brightly colored sky, then back down towards Lunar.

“How much do you like Twilight, Lunar?” Cadence asked.

Lunar gulped, blushing slightly once more, “Uh...a-a lot, Cadence...”

“What exactly do you like about her?”

“What isn't there to like about Twilight?” Lunar smiled, “She's smart, funny, charming, innocent, beautiful, petite, and caring of her friends and everypony...”

“And now, describe yourself before and after meeting Twilight.”

“Before meeting Twilight,” Lunar began, looking down slightly, “I was a shy, independent unicorn that refrained from making contact with anypony else as much as I could. After meeting her, I learned that that wasn't the way to go. Twilight has taught me and has been teaching me the ways of friendship and has brought out my true potential.”

“What do you mean?” A bewildered Cadence asked.

“I now know that friendship and being social is one of the many joys of life,” answered Lunar. “Had Twilight not shown me that or had Princess Luna not sent me to learn from Twilight, I would be back in Baltimare only reading, studying my books, or focusing on my work.”

“I'm sure two ponies would love to hear that from you themselves,” Cadence told Lunar.

“Twilight and Princess Luna, right?” Lunar guessed.

“Precisely,” nodded Cadence, “and perhaps you should tell Twilight your true feelings for her.”

Lunar blushed once more, “Do you think she'll feel the same way back?”

“Lunar, love isn't about thinking,” Cadence advised, “it's about feeling and doing. If you think about it, you'll start getting plenty of negative moods and reactions that will put you down. But, if you feel confident that she'll feel the same way and do ask her, then there's only one way to find out.”

Lunar took Princess Cadence's words of wisdom into consideration. He thought that he was overthinking the entire process and, turning around, proceeded back to the castle, thanking Cadence in the process.

“Going to tell her?” Cadence asked.

“Precisely that, Princess,” Lunar replied.

“Then allow me to accompany you and show you where she is,” smiled Cadence.

Guiding Lunar back towards the castle, Cadence smiled, confident in Lunar's ability to tell Twilight how he was feeling. Once they were inside, Cadence led Lunar immediately towards Shining Armor's room. Once they were outside it, Cadence turned to Lunar and motioned towards the door.

“This is Shining Armor's private room in the castle,” she told Lunar, “Most likely, Twilight is in there as well.” I'll get Shining Armor to leave the room, leaving only you and Twilight to talk about how you both feel.”

“Thank you, Princess Cadence,” Lunar acknowledged, watching Cadence open the door to Shining Armor's room, revealing him and Twilight talking to each other.

Cadence entered into the room and approached Shining Armor, kissing him on his cheek. She pulled herself back, softly asking him if he could assist her with something elsewhere in the castle. Shining Armor gladly agreed to help Cadence and proceeded to leave with Cadence. Prior to leaving, Cadence turned around towards Lunar and winked at him, closing the door behind her and leaving Lunar alone with Twilight.

“I wonder what that was about...” Twilight smiled.

“I don't know,” Lunar replied, losing himself inside Twilight's beautiful lilac colored eyes.

“So...” Twilight continued, slowly losing her chain of thought as she stared back into Lunar's eyes.

“Uh...Tw-Twilight?” Lunar began.

“Yes, Lunar?” Twilight responded.

Lunar blushed and gulped once more, “Umm...there's something I've been wanting to tell you, Twilight.”

“That was probably one of the most nervous points in my life,” admitted Lunar to Meridian, “because I didn't know how Twilight would respond to my proclamation.”

“It was certainly something that I wasn't expecting,” Twilight smirked, “I thought you would've done that when we returned home, not while we visited Cadence in the Crystal Empire.”

“A surprise is a surprise,” Lunar chuckled.

“What did you do next?” Meridian wondered. “I mean, you're both together, so the feelings were indeed mutual.”

“After she said yes to me,” Lunar explained, “we told Cadence what happened and, honestly, most of the rest of the day is a blur to me. We did something before the sun went down and, once it did, Cadence and Shining Armor led us to a spare bedroom. Twilight and I then used much of the night trying to finish the spell. I think she showed me what would happen if it was casted in its incomplete status, right?”

Twilight nodded, “I did, and boy, was your face priceless.”

“What did the incomplete spell do?” Meridian asked, again checking to see if the tape recorder was still recording the interview.

“It swapped my cutie mark,” answered Lunar, “when she casted the spell, I had her cutie mark.”

“You see,” Twilight added, “when the spell is casted without its final component, ponies and their cutie marks get switched around. Their destinies get mixed up and the only way to reverse it is by completing that spell. For the sake of the schools that Celestia, Luna, and myself run, I cannot explain how to complete that spell.”

“I understand,” Meridian acknowledged, looking back towards Lunar, “so after everything was set in stone, what did you do?”

Lunar chuckled, “Realize my destiny.” He looked back up once more.

“So, friendship means what to you?” Twilight asked Lunar.

“Like I said earlier,” Lunar replied, “it is magic to me and I am blessed that you showed me the true light of way towards it. Without it, I would still be an independent pony, living alone, which I now know is not the true path that I should have been on. Now I know that making friends, meeting acquaintances, and being social are all just a few of the things that shape a pony into being a better, brighter, more likable one.”

“Very good, Lunar,” Twilight smiled.

Spending the night together, Lunar and Twilight were laying together on one of the crystallized beds inside the Crystal Castle. Books were strewn about the room as the moon was positioned high up in the night sky. The two ponies had spent nearly the last five to six hours trying to figure out the incomplete spell. Twilight knew the answer to it, but all she could do was help guide Lunar in one direction without providing any discrete 'yes' or 'no' answer to questions he may have had.

Closing one of the books, Twilight yawned and looked towards Lunar, whom was yawning as well. Both ponies were very tired and were on the verge of going to bed, but Twilight insisted on trying one final time for the night.

“And what does it mean when you're together with your friends, Lunar?” She asked him.

“Together,” continued Lunar, “I am one with my friends. All of us, we come together, and together we are friends; one friend, truly united by all the common bonds and problems that we all share.”

“Excellent,” beamed Twilight, looking even more eager now, “and when the marks of friends' destinies are made one?”

Lunar chuckled at Twilight's eagerness, then answered her question, “There is magic without end!”

“Now cast the spell,” Twilight told Lunar, “cast it, and you will be able to further your studies!”

Lunar smiled happily and surrounded his horn with his aura, concentrating his magic to it, “From one to another, another to one. A mark of one's destiny singled out alone, fulfilled. From all of us together, together we are friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end!”

Correctly casting the spell, Lunar began to feel a white light shine from inside his own body. The light began to engulf his entire body and reached out to engulf Twilight as well. He felt magic blasting out of his own body and tried to contain it, but was teleported away before he could do anything. Lunar looked around and tried to determine where he was teleported to, but couldn't manage to do that; he had no idea where he was.

Looking around once more, Lunar started noticing some constellations and memories of his life, the high points of his years alive. He spotted one memory of his old home in Caneighda playing with his mother and some of his toys and smiled. Looking elsewhere, he spotted the moments when he started learning from Princess Luna in her school. He saw the moment he met Twilight, saw when she said 'yes' to his question he had prepared for her, and saw all of his accomplishments lining up on both his left and right sides.

“Are these...moments in your life?” A voice spoke.

Lunar turned around and saw Twilight walking up next to him. He was shocked when he saw her, thinking that he was here by himself. Smiling at her presence, he turned back to face each of the memories.

“These are,” he answered, “these are my most memorable moments I've experienced in my life.” He pointed to one frame. “That's when I enrolled in Princess Luna's school,” he pointed to another, “and that's when I met you and all the others about a week ago,” he pointed to one final frame, “and that's when we became a couple, my dear Twilight.”

“And you can add one more to that memorial basket,” another voice said.

Turning around, Lunar noticed that the voice had belonged to Princess Luna. Happy to see her, Lunar ran up to his mentor and gave her a hug.

“Luna!” He happily shouted. “Where are we? I don't understand...”

“You have made me proud, Lunar Nights,” Princess Luna began.

Lunar grew nervous. Luna never used his full name when they spoke unless something big was happening or about to happen. He started to feel his hooves grow a bit weaker, looking at Luna some more, confused still.

“Throughout the years,” continued Luna, “I have watched you grow into a smarter, brighter, more compassionate, devoted, heart warming unicorn. Your studies have brought you here and you managed to do what only one other pony could do before.”

Twilight blushed slightly as Princess Luna finished her sentence. Luna noticed and nodded to her, using her magic to bring forward the book that contained the unfinished spell.

“You created magic that only one other pony, Princess Twilight Sparkle here, has managed to do thus far,” Luna stated. “By casting that spell, you have proven to myself that you understand friendship to a valiant extent. You have come such a long way, and I've watched since your very first day, seeing what you have done, where you have gone, and seeing what you will eventually do. You have proven that you're ready to move on in your studies.”

While Luna flared her wings out to Lunar, he grew slightly more confused.

“I don't understand,” he replied, “what do you mean?”

As soon as Lunar finished his question, a grey blob poked out of his chest and started revolving rapidly around him, pulling Lunar up into the air. Lunar became surprised as he was being lifted into the air on his own and watched as the grey blob moved faster around him, eventually releasing a bright light on him and making some changes to his body.

When the spectacle ended, the blob left Lunar on the ground. He looked around once more and noticed that Luna and Twilight were nowhere in sight; he was back in the crystallized room he and Twilight had been sharing. A bit dazed, Lunar stood up and approached a nearby mirror. Remembering that he felt some changes happen to his body, he wanted to see what had actually happened.

Standing in front of the mirror, Lunar inspected his front heavily, noticing that there wasn't much of a difference outside of height. When he turned to his side, he was stunned to see a set of wings along his body. Jumping slightly, he rubbed his wings to see if they were indeed real.

“Are these...actual wings?” He asked himself.

Astonished to see wings now, Lunar tried flapping them and tried flying, but didn't know how to control them. A door opened up behind him, causing him to turn around and spot Princess Luna and Twilight standing before him. They both housed smiles upon their faces and Twilight ran up to Lunar, embracing the new alicorn in a hug.

“Congratulations, Prince Lunar Nights,” Twilight told Lunar, kissing him on his cheek.

Lunar found a bit more confusion, “Prince?”

Princess Luna smiled, then nodded her head towards Lunar, “Since I've taken you under my wing, you've shown plenty of times the characteristics of a true Prince – kindness, understanding, leadership, devotion, and, most recently, compassion. Because you've shown these characteristics and have been able to execute and master them perfectly, you have proven that you are able to finally move on in your studies.”

Lunar looked back at his wings, then towards Twilight. He felt both happy for his accomplishments and sadness, considering what this now meant for him.

“This means that I won't be your student anymore now,” Lunar replied grimly, looking down in the process, “doesn't it?”

“Not in the same way as before, Lunar,” answered Luna, “I'll always be here to help and guide you, but now it is your task to share what you've learned with all of Equestria.”

“Sounds similar to what Princess Celestia told me,” Twilight giggled softly.

Lunar chuckled quietly, then turned once more towards Luna, feeling a tear begin to form in his eye. He approached his mentor and embraced her with a hug.

“Thank you, Princess Luna,” he said, “for everything. I don't think I would be standing here if it weren't for all that you've done for me.”

“You're quite welcome, Prince Lunar,” Luna responded, exchanging the hug with one of her own.

“I presume now that there will be a coronation for Lunar,” Twilight spoke up, “right Princess Luna?”

“Precisely,” answered Luna, pulling herself from Lunar, “I shall go and tell my sister about this accomplishment and set up something with her. Hopefully we can have your coronation within a few days.”

“Do what you need to do, Princess Luna,” smiled Lunar, looking back at his wings, then at Twilight, “I have some learning that I need to attend to.”

“So it was at that point that you became an alicorn,” Meridian nodded, “interesting.”

The tape recorder clicked, which dragged Meridian's attention away. She smirked, then reached over for her spare tapes. Looking to Lunar, she apologized for the little delay.

“Think nothing of it,” Lunar replied, “funny how it ended right at that moment.”

“A perfect point to take a break,” Twilight agreed, “did you want anything to drink, Meridian?”

“Oh, no-no,” Meridian smiled, “that's perfectly fine, Princess Twilight. Thank you for the offer, though.”

“Of course,” Twilight responded, “how about you, Lunar? I'm going to grab a cup of tea, did you also want some?”

Lunar shook his head, “No thank you, Twily, but I will take a cup of water, though.”

“As you wish,” Twilight giggled, excusing herself from the room.

Lunar sighed contently, then glanced towards Meridian, watching as she swapped the tapes and made sure the new one was rewound all the way. Meridian looked to the prince and smiled, wanting to know more about events he had mentioned prior.

“How long would you say you've studied with Princess Twilight?” She asked, checking the tape briefly.

“Not too long,” admitted Lunar, “maybe about a week or two, but we did a lot of late night studying and lectures. That period of time is really rooted into my head; I enjoyed everything about that time.”

“Off the record,” continued Meridian, “do you sometimes miss being a regular unicorn? Or would you say that being an alicorn is much more satisfying?”

Lunar chuckled, “While I do have those moments where I miss being a unicorn, I wouldn't trade being an alicorn for anything in the world. I mean, if that were the case, then neither of us would be speaking at this moment.”

“You have a point there,” Meridian nodded. The tape recorder clicked once more and pulled Meridian's attention away, “Perfect, all set now.”

“Shall we wait for Twilight to return?” Lunar wondered. “That way there's less interference in the audio when she does.”

“We shall,” acknowledged Meridian.

“So tell me,” Lunar smirked, “what made you want to do an biography on me?”

“To tell you the truth,” answered Meridian, “of the ponies that are of royal descent, you're one of the more fascinating ones.”

“How so?”

“Well,” said Meridian, “not much is known about you. We know from pony history of pretty much your banishment and not much else. Princess Luna's star student and Princess Twilight's husband, but what else does the Prince of the Night have to offer, right? And what better way to get an answer than interview that pony himself?”

“I suppose you do have a point there,” admitted Lunar, “and, if you'd like, I'll explain how I passed my time while I was banished.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Meridian smiled, watching as Twilight walked back in with the drinks, “ah, perfect timing.”

“Have I missed anything good yet?” Twilight wondered.

“Not yet, Your Highness,” Meridian answered, “we were just about to continue.”

“Excellent,” Twilight beamed, giving Lunar his cup of water, sitting back down.

Meridian looked to the prince, “Ready to continue?”

“Ready,” he said.

Meridian nodded, then pressed the record button on her tape recorder, proceeding with the interview, “So, Lunar, tell me about your coronation. How did that go?”

“Ah, the coronation,” Lunar chuckled, looking up slightly, “how I remember thee...”

“...my star pupil, doing many a great thing since I took him under my wing,” Princess Luna recited, “he's made me very proud over the years. Since my return and transformation back from Nightmare Moon, he has taught me how to cope with feelings and emotions better than I knew before. It is because of him that we are all here today. So, without further ado, allow me to introduce to you, the citizens of Equestria, to him. Fillies and gentlecolts, allow me to present to you for the very first time: Prince Lunar Nights!”

Standing in the hallway, waiting for his cue, Lunar was nervous, but prepared himself. The guards standing on either side of the doorway that separated him from Princess Luna and the ponies there experiencing the coronation heard their cue and, using their magic, opened the door slowly. Looking back and forth towards each of the ponies that lined the room, Lunar walked in slowly, followed by the sound of a horn behind him. Reaching the end of the aisle, he stood at the base and turned around to face the ponies once more, flaring his newly developed wings towards them. He saw his father and step-mother and smiled happily at them, then he noticed the empty chair next to his father and felt content. He requested that a chair be empty next to his father and closest to the aisle, stating that it would represent his deceased mother.

Turning back around, Lunar began to proceed up to the altar and approached Princess Luna slowly. Behind her stood Princesses Celestia, Cadence, and Twilight, as well as Shining Armor. Standing before Princess Luna, he saw that she only housed bright smiles on her face.

“You have made me proud, Lunar,” Luna told him, using her magic to reveal a crown to him. She placed it atop his head as he tilted it down for her, “Now I want you to share my pride all over Equestria, Prince Lunar Nights!”

Nodding, Lunar turned back towards all the other ponies, receiving an excruciating amount of cheers in the process. He looked over towards his father and step-mother, focusing mainly on the empty seat and pointed to his crown, then to each of them.

“This is for you,” He mouthed to them, Especially you, Mom. Thank you for believing in me while you were around.

Soon after, Princess Luna took Lunar over towards a balcony. Stepping out onto it, Lunar saw that thousands of ponies had lined throughout the streets below them. He started to wave at the ponies as they cheered, being guided to the railing by Princess Luna.

“Now it's your turn,” Luna exclaimed, “go on, say something to them.”

“Right,” replied Lunar, clearing his throat as the crowd got enormously quieter, “not too long ago, my mentor, Princess Luna, requested that I go search for the benefits of having friends. Prior to me doing so, I really had no friends and never really considered friendship as a valid option. My daily routines just required me trying to further my studies and make Princess Luna happy and proud of my achievements and accomplishments. Now, I stand before all of you, not as a lonely unicorn with no friends, but as an alicorn that has touched the lives of some ponies and one who has had his life touched by many ponies himself. I can honestly say that if it weren't for the assistance I've received from the ponies I've met along the way, I would not be standing here before you right now. So, I just want to say thank you, not just to the friends that have helped me further my studies, but to everypony as well. Thank you for everything.”

Turning from the crowd, Lunar was greeted with a hug from Twilight. He noticed that tears were falling from her eyes, so he proceeded to gently wipe them away for her with his hoof.

“Thank you for all you've given to me, Prince Lunar Nights,” smiled Twilight, kissing Lunar on his lips softly.

“Thank you for everything you've done, Princess Twilight,” replied Lunar, returning Twilight's kiss with one of his own. He looked over towards Princess Luna and gave her a hug.

“You've made me so proud of you over the years, Lunar,” Luna told him, hugging him back, “and there comes a time where everypony has to let their own go into the world themselves, whether they are star pupils or children to parents. I must do the same and let you go into the world to do good. I may not be your mentor, but I will be here to help and guide you if you need me to.”

“Thank you for your guidance, Princess Luna,” Lunar said, “thank you for everything that you've done for me over the years. I promise that I will not let you down and that I will help make Equestria a better place...” He pulled Twilight over with his wing very gently and chuckled a bit, “Especially with her by my side.”

“Oh, Lunar,” Twilight giggled.

“Always remember how you got here and where you came from,” Luna continued, “and always remember that you have done good to everypony, Lunar. Now go...go out there and make a difference.”

“With pleasure, Princess Luna,” Lunar obliged.