• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen Tuesday


I like ponies. Ponies are cute.

Comments ( 9 )

This story disgusted me in all the right ways if such a thing can be said. The way you have your antagonist relate his crimes with that amount of emotion...and the emotion being joy, made the hairs stand up on my neck. The worse part? There are people just like him out there. The Zodiac Killer has never been caught.

It's why I lock my doors at night.

Is it strange for me to say that I'm happy that was your reaction? I honestly didn't think I'd done that well on this. I'm... glad(?) to hear that!

This was a great story! I don’t read too many of the darker tales, although I find the good ones here and there, but this one was worth it. The only reference I found was Love Bug’s name, but that might not be it.

Great job with the fear factor! The notion that serial killers are just like us and living among us is quite a terrifying one, no?

Gruesome, gory and terrifying the way he just seems so normal...

Have a fave and a follow, Gore Master.

How was he gonna tell Twilight one of her favourite authors was a criminal?

"Oh... dangit. Well, I guess all I have now are AK Yearling and this neat-o philosophy book by S. Glimmer..."

Great bit of story! I mean... I'm not sleeping tonight... but it was great anyway. :twilightsmile:

The interrogation... unsettles him.

Not just him!! Not just him!!! :pinkiecrazy:

This is... this is terrible. I truly had to walk away for a while, to try and get my stomach back under control. I think the images my mind drew up will haunt me for life, or, at least, for a good few years.
And yet... this was fascinating. The psychological thoughts of, quite literally, a killer for a killer, were a thing I couldn't look away from. This is really something. Very nicely done!!
Now excuse me. I'ma just... double-check my doors. Make sure my car's locked. Clear my mind...

I liked him. But yes, many of us wear masks, some of us even hide behind them. I, myself, hide behind a few depending on the situation. I know people who do the same, but many of them aren't good people. If someone wears a mask, then ask yourself, "what have they got to hide?" Note: I'm not referring to any kind of internet alias. No, I'm speaking of real life. It's relatively simple to disguise oneself on the internet.

If you don't understand insanity then count yourself among the fortunate.

If you can see reason within insanity then you'll never even realize that something has gone terribly wrong.

It's like those sayings that go, "you'll be dead before you even know something went wrong".

What I liked most about this story was Shining's reaction and emotions.The fact that he could not believe that a person he met and talked...was a murderer.And not only that, but the fact that the stallion is depicted as a kind, generous and healthy individual is disturbing.
After I read this story, I even remembered one thing that happened in my childhood:we moved from a flat to a house.The couple we bought the house seemed nice enough.Calm and polite.Then after a while I found out that the husband murdered his wife and set her and the flat they bought on fire...

First off: Your spelling and grammar are absolutely wonderful. Few stories - and even fewer gore-heavy and/or gory horror/thriller stories - have the level of skill that this story contains, and I applaud you for that. Nothing interrupts or taints the reading experience and immersion of a horror story more than the grating repetitiveness of constant misspells and the improper uses of your/you're, their/they're/there, etcetera.

Second: In my opinion, the reason that this hit much harder than many other psychological thrillers with the same - or even more - amounts of gore and disturbing content I've seen is because you managed to give Inked Quill a level of realism that reflects real-life serial killers and those who have the level of disconnection from reality and/or their consequences to commit murder (whether once or several times). Many stories will often attempt this, yes, by writing the antagonist crying for the loss of the friend they've just killed (whether out of an obligation to their mental illness, by mistake, or some other vaguely unintentional reason), maniacal laughter at their enjoyment of the kill, fury at their victim or those who attempt to stop them, or any other range of intense, often over-the-top emotions. However, your writing gave us several glimpses into the life of Inked Quill: The Author, The Husband, The Father, The Civilian. The stark contrast between these portrayals and Inked Quill: The Murderer is what chilled me the most.

People seem to forget that nobody is 100% a horrible person. Not even murderers. It's not something we like to acknowledge, but even the worst of the worst will have their good (or at least decent) moments in-between the senseless slaughters and empathy-less disregards for others' wellbeings. This fic is a harsh reminder of that fact.

Overall: A damn good fic. Hats off to you, dude. Have a good one.

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