• Published 20th Dec 2019
  • 2,981 Views, 108 Comments

Of Copy Abilities and Friendship - MeeM

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Chapter 11: On wards! over the Ocean!

Chapter11: Onwards! over the Ocean!


“uhhhhhh” Magolor yawned “just five more minutes to sleep in...”

*beep!* the alarm clock rang again

“uhhh fine I’ll get up,” Magolor said with fatigue as he smacked his alarm clock on the snooze button.

Magolor had had a long night, it had taken him a while to explain what had happened so far to Francisca then by sunset Novo and Skystar got back with a few strange new faces along with everything he sent them off to find! Magolor had let them along with the Burning Leo, Gim, and NESP sleep in the crew quarters under the main control room of the Lor along with Francisca, but now that they found all the energy spheres in that area along with the main component, the hyperdrive. The Lor could now create portals but without the mast back flying the Lor was a lost cause, they’d also have to find every last energy sphere before they leave for Popstar since they could possibly attract sphere doomers. Magolor put his nightcap on his nightstand and headed out of his quarters to the main control room/lobby and to his surprise Nesp, Burning Leo, Gim and Francisca were already up, Novo and Skystar were probably are still sleeping back in their kingdom under and on top of the mountain and the new faces Magolor had seen last night weren’t up either.

“Morning Yo!” Gim said

“Morning everyone,” Magolor said happily

“How late did you stay up?” Burning Leo asked concerned “you look tired”.

“How about we find out?” NESP said as began to channel his psychic energy “PK Memory!” he announced, after a few seconds of looking through Magolor’s memories NESP let go

“you really stayed up all night trying to fix the Lor?” NESP said.

“Yup you’ll never guess what I saw while doing so though NESP your not allowed because you can easily read my mind and memory”

“a giant radical robot!” Gim said

“nope,” Magolor said.

“A shooting star?” Burning Leo guessed

“no,” Magolor said.

“A mater most dark?” Francisca guessed

“wrong again, it was a giant wave almost as tall as the mountain!” Magolor said, “it raised all the way past the clouds! Then fell back down anticlimactically, was one hell of a splash though”

“why would there be a giant wave randomly?” Francisca asked

“beats me,” Magolor said.

Magolor looked toward the hallway to the crew quarters and was met with the two new faces he had seen last night but had yet to properly meet

“Good morning,” Magolor said with a happy look in his eyes “we haven't formally met yet, I’m Magolor that's Francisca” Magolor motioned to Francisca who was playing pretend with some small ice statues

“and that is Nesp, Burning Leo, and Gim,” Magolor said

the three Popstarians waved.

“It’s good to formally meet, I’m Tempest and this Capper”

Tempest said, while this was happening Magolor took some time to look over the two creatures, Tempest like Princess Skystar and Queen Novo, had an equine look to her, she didn’t have wings but had a scar across her left eye, looked like it was caused by some kind of slash, it reminded him of the sword scar that was left by Kirby on Dark Meta Knight’s eye and mask... and had what was left of what looked like a horn. Capper, on the other hand, looked much more normal but very much like a cat he had paws for hands and feet brown fur and a small dirty jacket

“Interesting” Magolor said as he eyed them. Magolor was then drawn to a knocking at the front door

“Coming!” he said as he floated quickly to the door and pressed the unlock button and Princess Skystar and Queen Novo were waiting.

“Morning” Magolor said

“alright Magolor were ready to see what's next to get to fix up this ship,” Princess Skystar said with a smile

“good good” Magolor said as he leads them to the main control screen with the rest of the Lor’s occupants following. Magolor quickly booted up the map and set the locations of the Lor’s missing components on as well, the screen soon came to life as the map of Equestria showed up once more
“alright next I’m going to need the mast and another twenty energy spheres retrieved from here” Magolor pointed at a forest near the coast of the mainland not too far from Mount Eris.

“We currently have eighty of the one hundred and twenty energy spheres the LorStarcutter requires, another twenty and the mast are with Whispy woods who was teleported here by the malfunctioning hyperdrive, go to him and retrive the mast and the twenty energy spheres from him and use the hyperdrive to teleport him back to Popstar” Magolor explained.

“I’ll be coming with you to operate and use the hyperdrive on Whispy Woods, Gim, Nesp Burning Leo, you’ll be in charge of guarding the Lor until we get back, got it?” Magolor said.

“We won’t let you down,” Nesp said as he felt himself fill with DETERMINATION

“all right let's go, everyone!” Magolor announced.

They exited the Lor and headed straight for the ocean, Francisca froze the water in front of her with her snowflake axe forming an ice bridge across the water allowing Capper and Tempest to travel on foot instead of swimming, Magolor Novo and Skystar flew above in the sky through the clouds and into the bright rays of the sun. Magolor felt good to finally feel the sun upon himself again after the past few days of cloudy skies.

“So who are your friends anyway?” Princess Skystar asked

“their quite the powerful bunch, first there’s Kirby he’s apparently the hero of popstar and has helped save it from many dark forces even one that corrupted me!” Magolor explained

“Next is Bandana Dee he’s King Dedede’s second in command and is always there to help in a time of need”.

“Next is King Dedede he’s the monarch ruler of Dreamland a good chunk of the land on Popstar, he’s a gluttonous penguin and prefers to wield a giant hammer, which is surprisingly powerful!”

Magolor said “next is Meta Knight, he’s the leader of the Meta Knights and wields his sword Galaxia which can help him perform magic, ever since his victory over one of the four heroes of old he has taken the title of “Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy”.

“There are many more but I’ll tell you about them when we get back because we got to land now and get looking,” Magolor said

they glided down and regrouped with Capper, Francisca, and Tempest on the shore, “So who is this “Whispy Woods” we need to get your things from?” Capper asked.

“Whispy is a living tree and the guardian of the forests of Popstar but don't underestimate him, he’s no pushover what so ever!” Magolor said

and so they began their search for the living tree in a forest full of normal trees, Francisca frowned under her mouth mask as a squirrel hid in a tree trunk “This will take a while..” she said with annoyance.

Author's Note:

And the hunt for the needle in a haystack or in this case a whispy in a forest begins
I finally wrote out the rest of the story and.... Yare yare daze, its a doozy:applejackconfused: