• Published 29th Jan 2020
  • 707 Views, 12 Comments

Forever Wolfpony - WhateverTheHeck

After three long years of being a Wolfpony (werewolf), Fullmoon finally finds a way to rid himself of his curse. Or is it more trouble than meets the eye?

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Wolfmoon Unleashed

You think you’ll ever get rid of me?

Fullmoon suddenly jolted upwards and his eyes shot open. He frantically searched around him for the source of the voice, however, there was nothing.

There was literally nothing. Nothing but darkness for what seemed to be miles. While the surface that Moon lay on seemed soft and bouncy, under him there was also nothing. No furniture, no light, and most importantly to him, no ponies. It wasn’t dark because of the lack of light though, as he could see himself just fine.

He stuck his hooves out, slowly sliding off the surface that he was presumably sitting on. Eventually, he fell off with a loud thud. Whatever he landed on was tough and hard.

“Ow…” he muttered, gingerly standing himself back up. He turned around and tried to feel what he fell off of, however it seemed to have disappeared into the void somewhere. “What the…” A hint of worry formed within him, and this feeling only grew stronger as he slowly trotted forwards.

Wherever he was going seemed to go on forever. The surface that he walked on constantly changed. From tough, to soft, to oddly mushy. A variety of textures enveloped his hooves as he journeyed on. Many thoughts floated around in his mind. One reared its ugly head the most though.

Where in all of Tartarus am I?

After what felt like an hour of nothing but monotonous walking and thinking, a small pink speck appeared in the distance. This filled Fullmoon with hope, his speed accelerated from a slow trot to a quick gallop as he rushed to the speck. It slowly grew bigger and bigger as he drew closer and closer to his destination. About halfway there, he made out what it was.

It was a bright pink door. A slightly darker shade of pink arose from the vertical halfway point, cutting the doorway down the middle. On both sides were phases of the moon and in the center of it all was a full moon, all colored in pure white and black.

He eventually arrived at the front of the entryway, gawking at its immense size. It was at least five times taller than him, easily. He took a long and deep breath before pressing against the door heavily. It slowly creaked open, its squeaks echoing through all the… nothing. Through the door was also pure blackness.

“Might as well,” he murmured, sauntering through the doorway. As he did, the area around him began to form.

He strolled out of the door and into… the castle hallway. Just as he remembered it: long and confusingly maze-like. Looking out one of the windows, he could see that it was pitch black outside. No stars, just a full moon. His eyes widened at the sight of it, stumbling backwards against the wall. He clenched his eyes, preparing for his change.

Nothing. Nothing happened in the moment that he stood there. No pain, no sweat, just an awkward silence which felt like an eternity. He opened his eyes slowly, looking down at his hooves. No change in them, either. He let out a heavy sigh, a feeling of relief washing over him.

Almost immediately the feeling dissipated as a low but loud growl echoed through the hallway. He gulped at the sound of it, worry replacing the previous relief he experienced. He dashed through the long hall, eventually screeching to a halt as he reached a four-way hallway. He crouched by one of the corners. The deep-toned noises bounced off the walls of the castle, creating a wavy effect in the sound. Fullmoon held his breath as he heard it grow closer and closer. He eventually peeked around the corner, eyes widening as he saw a dark figure travelling down one of the other corridors.

The creature that slowly traversed the hall was big and burly, easily twice or three times the size of the poor colt. With every breath it took, a low growl escaped from it. Its fur was dark grey, and its mane and tail contained similar shades. The paws it had were absolutely massive, the claws that poked out of them as sharp as a newly forged blade. It continued to prowl the halls, searching for its next meal.

Fullmoon ducked back behind the corner, worry and fright filling him. His heart pounded out of his chest, and he gulped down the lump in his throat. Beads of sweat dribbled down his face. It occurred to him that he forgot to breathe, instantly exhaling heavily. The monster’s head flinched to the side, staring down the hall. It roared loudly, slowly travelling down the pathway. With every step it took, it felt like the castle shook.

Fullmoon’s breathing slowly turned random and quick, the colt staring up at the ceiling. Please, please go away… he thought hopefully, rapidly switching between breathing through his nose and breathing through his mouth. The creature reached the end of the hallway, searching for something to maul. After a few more moments, it finally began to head back.

Fullmoon’s breathing slowed and calmed in relief. He stood back up onto his hooves gingerly, carefully trotting across the hall in an effort to avoid the monster. One step too many, his legs locked up in fright. He slammed his hoof on the ground, alerting the creature. It turned around immediately, aligning Fullmoon in its sights. A blood-curdling roar escaped from its maw, pressing its paws against the ground and curving its back.

Fullmoon’s wings began to flap wildly, lifting him up in the air. He flew through the corridor, panting wildly as his body already started to feel tired. However he couldn’t stop, and looking behind him to see a gargantuan wolf speeding after him with bloodthirsty eyes and a drooling maw was more than enough motivation to keep going. He turned sharply at each hallway, hoping to lose the beast. However it was way faster than he had anticipated, easily catching up with him every time he swerved.

One wrong turn made his wing bump harshly into a corner, sending him spiraling out of control. He crash landed right in front of a wall onto his face, nearly breaking his muzzle.

His heart lumped into his throat as he stood up, a hot and heavy breath grazing his shoulder. He turned around hesitantly, finding the wolf towering over him. It slowly grew closer, and as it did, Fullmoon stepped backwards at the same speed. His back bumped into the wall, spelling out his doom. His forelegs shook and he swung his head in denial. This was not how it could end.

“G-Get away from me!” he squealed, fruitlessly scraping at the ground. The wolf growled angrily in response, pouncing on top of him. He gaped his maw, slobbering all over the colt's face. Fullmoon kicked and flailed helplessly in an attempt to escape, but to no avail. He screamed as the monster lowered its head. His sight dimmed to black.

“A-Ahhhhhhh!” Fullmoon shrieked, sitting straight up. His loud scream made Apple Bloom jump from her own slumber, gasping as her eyes shot open.

“M-Moon!” she exclaimed, leaping from the stool, embracing him in a hug. “W-We thought ya’d never wake up! Girls, he’s awake!” The two other fillies piled into the bedroom, smiling brightly as they joined in onto the hug. He returned the gesture, before splitting away as he examined his situation.

Nothing out of the ordinary came from his search. No wolves hunting him down, no blackness, and most importantly: he wasn’t in the belly of the beast that hunted him. He sighed in momentary comfort, flopping onto the bed.

“Thank Celestia...” he muttered under his breath, before springing back up onto his hooves suddenly. “What time is it?!”

“Close to midnight,” Scootaloo replied nonchalantly. Fullmoon’s eyes widened, hastily trying to push the three fillies out of the room.

“Y-You three need to get out of here, now!” he commanded, continuing to press against them. Already he was beginning to feel weary. His heart began to bang hard against his ribs. It was a struggle just to push against them.

“No, we ain’t leavin’!” Apple Bloom refuted, pushing his hooves away. “We’re gonna help ya through this! We promised! Right, girls!?” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement. Fullmoon stumbled backwards, his head beginning to pound.

“N-No, you can’t!” he pleaded. “I-I’ll only kill you!”

“Moon, we can handle ourselves! We’ve done way more than you think!” Sweetie Belle argued proudly, staring him down. “If we can handle a cockatrice by ourselves, then we can handle you!”

“Sweetie Belle, Fluttershy had to get us out of that, remember?” Scootaloo reminded, rolling her eyes. Sweetie’s white cheeks flushed a deep red.

“T-That’s besides the point! The point is that we’ve been in many difficult and dangerous situations, so we can handle one more!” Sweetie Belle replied.

“Y-You three are too much,” he spoke quietly, staring down at the floor, his eyes hidden away. He eventually raised his head to stare at them, his amethyst eyes changing to a topaz yellow. “I’m sorry…”

He wailed out in pain as a bone-cracking sound filled the room. The crusaders cringed at the noise as the colt doubled over onto the floor. He panted heavily, slamming his hoof against the ground in agony. One of the fillies reached a hoof out to him, only for him to slap it back. “G-Get back…!” he shrieked, clenching his eyes shut.

He slowly began to grow in size, his light grey coat darkening to a more deep shade of grey. His mane and tail also blackened to reflect his coat, which now more resembled unkempt fur of a wolf than a neatly groomed coat of a pony. His hooves painfully spread out into paws, which quickly sprouted sharp and deadly claws. He clamped his mouth closed as his teeth sharpened into fangs. With one last crack of his bone, his growth halted. At this point he towered over the three fillies.

Fullmoon’s eyes slowly eased open, revealing his pointed pupils. Their golden shine illuminated the room slightly, however they seemed soulless.

The colt in front of them was no more. Only a bloodthirsty wolf remained in his place.

“M-Moon…?” Scootaloo called out, starting to reach a hoof out to him. Sweetie Belle quickly latched onto her and pulled her back.

“N-No, don’t! That isn’t him anymore!” she yelled. All three of them slowly stepped backwards toward the door. The wolf in the room gazed at them with hungry eyes, drool slightly dripping from its mouth. It roared loudly, pouncing at them.

Ruuuuuuuun!” the three yelled in unison, dashing behind the door and out into the hallway. They went their separate ways, galloping into three different areas of the castle. He stampeded his way down the hall, chasing after one of the fillies. Sweetie Belle looked behind her as she ran, and to her unfortunate surprise, he was there, gaining on her quickly.

“Oh, come on!” she groaned, swerving quickly to the left hallway. He swiftly made back the lost distance, and was catching up fast. She surveyed the area around her, racking her brain for a plan. “T-The library!” She flipped her direction, running beside him. It threw a paw at her, but narrowly missed. It grazed her tail with its sharp claw, a medium chunk of her tail falling onto the ground.

“Moon, you’re paying for that after this is over!” she screamed down the hall. This only provoked him, the wolf speeding off after her even faster than before. She choked down a few tears as she continued to turn in different directions, swapping hallways randomly.

Finally she made it to the entrance of the library. She charged into its doors, swinging them open with brute force. She rubbed her muzzle. “Oww...probably should’ve used magic,” she groaned. Her ears perked up as she heard a low but loud growl coming from behind her. She turned backward to look. Nopony was there yet, but the beast would be upon her soon. She took her opportunity, running up the stairs and into the labyrinth of bookshelves.

“Twilight, please have the spell ready soon! I don’t know how much more I can run!” she begged to herself. She ducked next to one of the bookshelf corners, struggling to catch her breath as she leaned on it.

His roars interrupted her moment of calmness. He prowled through the library, and despite being on the other side of the enormous room, it sounded as if he was right next to her. She mustered all of her courage and slowly trotted away from her hiding spot. As she reached the end of the aisle however, she encountered the beast. He seemed to have not noticed her yet, scratching and sniffing at one of the other corridor floors.

“I’m so sorry, Moon…” she whispered, charging her horn. It shone a bright green as it surged with power. Its light grew stronger as she pointed it at the wolfpony. It made a terribly loud racket as it charged up, alerting the beast. He turned around to face the filly, slobber pouring out with every breath.

He roared with great ferocity as he scraped his claw against the ground. It made a high-pitched scratching noise, kinda like when somepony scrapes chalk against a chalkboard. With one last howl, it raced at the filly.

“Now!” she shouted, unleashing the pent-up magic stored within her. Like a sniper bullet it darted right into the wolf, knocking him back heavily. The magic bolt wasn’t done, however, as it wrapped around him like a rope, trapping him for the time being. He hollered in frustration, pressing outwards on the magical rope. Little cracks formed on the constraints as he struggled.

“Yes!” Sweetie Belle bellowed, leaping high into the air. Her proud cheers were soon quenched as Wolfmoon tore at one of the glowing straps. “Oh, come on!” she squealed, sprinting right by her previously pony friend. He roared out as she did so, tearing away another one of the ropes. She galloped out of the library hastily, looking back every now and then. “I’m so sorry, Moon!” she shouted down the hall. He responded with an angry screech. She sighed sadly, speeding through the hallways as if every second was her last.

“Look out!” Apple Bloom called. She did not call out in time however, as the two slammed head first into each other. She fell over onto the floor on her back, yelping out loudly.

“A-Apple Bloom?!” Sweetie gasped, before picking up and tightly hugging her friend. “Oh my gosh, it’s so good to see you!” She eventually let go of the embrace. “I got Moon tied up right now, but he won’t be down for long! We need to find Scootaloo and plan out a way to last until Twilight can finish the spell!”

“Right!” Apple Bloom replied. She grabbed Sweetie Belle’s hoof and dragged her closely behind. “Scootaloo must be close Ah bet!” She went from a slow trot to a determined gallop, dashing through the hallways and corridors.

As the duo reached the end of a path, they were suddenly charged into by an orange blur, sending them straight to the ground. With further inspection, they had slammed right into Scootaloo, tired and afraid. Beads of sweat dripped down her face as she groaned, stepping up to her hooves gingerly.

“Girls?!” the orange pegasus asked excitedly, standing over them. “Oh my gosh, I found you two!” She leaped backwards, hoisting them up onto their hooves. “I’ve been planning a way to trap him! But we only have one shot at it, you with me?!” The other two fillies nodded, scurrying through the hallways. “You gotta trust me on this one; this’ll hold him back for a while!”

“Are you sure? Is that plan that good?” Sweetie Belle questioned.

“It’s better than anything else we have now! A plan is better than no plan!” Scootaloo retorted, creaking open the door to a rather big storage closet. She waved a hoof, beckoning them to join her. They did just that, cautiously trotting into the room. Sweetie Belle lit up her horn, illuminating the dank dark space.

There wasn’t much within the chamber. Some cleaning supplies were scattered across the room, most likely from the excursion Scootaloo had in there during her hiding. In the center were two spools, one of chains and the other of rope. Both were in very mint condition, almost never used. Scootaloo’s eyes glowed brightly and her smile widened.

“We’re gonna tie ‘im up?” Apple Bloom asked curiously, grasping the rope within her hooves.

“Yeah! Sweetie Belle can contain him with her magic, you can throw the rope around him as if he was a bull, then I’ll swoop in and wrap the chains around him with my blazing speed! It should keep him occupied long enough for Twilight to finish the spell!” Scootaloo explained, pulling the chain by one end with her mouth. “It’ll be easy!” she mumbled around the chain.

“Are you crazy?!” Sweetie Belle shrieked, the light from her horn brightening from her outburst before subsiding back to its previous intensity. “Last time I tried to contain him, it only lasted a minute or two! I barely made it out of there alive! And you expect us to tie him up?!” Scootaloo nodded nonchalantly, letting the chain drop from her mouth.

“We’ll be fine, Sweetie Belle! Besides, you’re the one that’s gonna be at a distance! I’m gonna be the one getting up close and personal with Wolfmoon!” Scootaloo replied. The other two stared at her with odd looks.

“‘Wolfmoon’?” Apple Bloom said, holding back a couple of small chuckles. Sweetie Belle did the same. Scootaloo’s cheeks flushed a light pink.

“Nevermind that!” She pouted. “Right now we need to act. Twilight needs a clear target to cast the spell on. This is our only chance. Now help me with this chain.” Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom rolled their eyes, one grabbing the center and the other grabbing the opposite end of the chain. “Apple Bloom, wrap the rope around your belly so we don’t have to make another trip.” The farmer nodded, swinging it around her torso.

“I still have my doubts about this…” Sweetie Belle vocalized her doubts, her ears edging downwards slightly.

“If it’ll make you feel any better, stay as far back as possible and cast the spell, okay?” Scootaloo requested.

“I was planning to anyway, and that doesn’t make me feel any better!” Sweetie Belle retorted, groaning as the three hoisted the chain out of the room and into the hallway. It clinked with every move they made, the unrestrained chains swinging back and forth. “Where to?”

“The throne room, there’s plenty of space there,” Scootaloo commanded, pulling on the end of the chain. “At least, I hope so.” Her utterance made Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom fill with worry as they traveled along the walls of the corridors. Every time they peeked around one of the corners, they stood there for a moment, before continuing on their journey.

Eventually they arrived at the throne room. As Scootaloo reached out for the door handle, her ears perked up at the sound of heavy growls emanating from within. Scootaloo was taken aback, grabbing the other two and hiding beside the door.

“What’re ya doin’?! Let’s trap ‘im already!” Apple Bloom chastised.

“He’s in there! He’s going to find us!” Sweetie Belle quietly explained.

“He will, if you don’t shut up!” Scootaloo scolded, cracking the door open just a tad. Contained within the room was none other than Wolfmoon, prowling about the area. Many torn pages and book covers from Twilight’s research were scattered across the floors. Claw marks scraped across every bit of cloth inside the chamber. The look in his topaz eyes said it all; he was hungry and hunting, trying to lure out his prey.

“We keep the same plan, alright? No faltering!” Scootaloo declared, standing to her hooves as she held the chain tightly within her mouth. “Sweetie Belle, cast the spell, then Apple Bloom wraps him in the ropes. I’ll chain him up right after,” she commanded with a muffled tone.

With a frightened gasp, Sweetie Belle began charging her horn up once more. She took a huge breath, before galloping into the throne room. Immediately Wolfmoon’s attention was caught by the filly, the wolf letting out an angered roar. She shrieked, unleashing her magic as it sped off like a jet out of her horn and into him. A bright green rope tied around him, keeping him constrained.

“Now!” Scootaloo shouted. Apple Bloom charged in, swinging the rope in her mouth, which she had turned into a lasso. She followed up Sweetie Belle’s magic blast, wrapping the rope tightly around Wolfmoon’s form, going under, around, and over him multiple times before running out of rope.

“My turn!” Scootaloo announced, grabbing the chain and struggling to move it, however due to how tightly Wolfmoon was tied up, she could take her time. She reached him, slowly restricting his movement even more with the chain. Finally, he was wrapped up completely. He struggled to break free, already breaking away all of the magical bindings Sweetie Belle had put on him.

“That should buy us enough time!” Apple Bloom said, hoof-bumping her fellow crusaders.

“Where is Twilight anyway?” Sweetie Belle wondered.

“Right here!” Twilight called, barging through one of the castle doors. Her horn was overcharged with pure magic, the tome levitating in front of her. She uttered the magical words. “Circumdedisti me omni virtute, in duos distincta. Ut vivant, et non per se!” The inscription within the tome illuminated a bright green. Twilight’s horn radiated a bright pink, unleashing all of the magic pent up within. It blasted off like a cannon, shooting directly at Wolfmoon.

A pale white glow enveloped him, which encouraged him to roar more and struggle just as much. Just like a needle, the glow inserted itself into his form. He let out shrieks of agony as the spell continued to work its magic, stinging him everywhere imaginable.. The rope finally broke away, but just as it did, the magical light began splitting them apart! The pain only intensified with every second, never letting up. Blood-curdling tears and bone-breaking noises joined in with the wolf’s pain-fueled howls. Eventually, he separated into two beings, the light fading away from both of them. There lay both Fullmoon and his wolfish form, both knocked out cold from the struggle.

Fullmoon was free.

“Moon!” the crusaders screamed, rushing over to their poor friend. Apple Bloom leaned an ear near his muzzle. A light breath came out of him.

“Phew, he’s alive!” Apple Bloom sighed, before backing away as she heard the breaths of the wolf.

“So is he!” Scootaloo added, scooting backwards along with Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle followed.

“Fullmoon is now two separate beings,” Twilight said, trotting up to the crusaders. “In a way, they are both the same entity, but different at the same time.” Her horn lit up once again. A metal cage slowly formed around Wolfmoon. “This is so that he--it, won’t attack us. As for Fullmoon…” She stared down at the sleeping colt. “We should get him to bed. He’s had a long night.”

“Right,” the three fillies replied in unison, lifting him up gingerly. He showed no signs of response, breathing lightly. They looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

“His body is trying to regain its energy after the transformation,” Twilight explained. “The transformation into a wolfpony is very painful and exhausting. Which is why it’s even more important to let him rest.”

“We’ll give him all he needs. What about Wolfmoon?” Sweetie Belle asked, her eyes narrowing to the snoozing beast.

“I’ll be running some tests on it. Maybe on Fullmoon too. Celestia knows what kind of side effects this will have on both of them,” Twilight answered, before a yawn escaped her muzzle. “But I think we all need some rest, including you three.” As if on cue, the crusaders let out a few yawns of their own.

“You’re right,” Scootaloo said, beginning to struggle to lift the colt up. “Come on, let’s get him to bed before we collapse ourselves.” The other fillies nodded in agreement, travelling to Fullmoon’s room. Slowly and carefully did they slide him into the bed, lightly swishing the blanket over his form.

“Let’s get some sleep. Who knows when he’ll wake up,” Scootaloo stated. Sweetie Belle bobbed her head up and down in agreement, following the pegasus to the door. Apple Bloom, however, stood in the same spot, unwavering. “Aren’t you coming?”

“No, somepony needs ta’ watch over ‘im. Ya heard Twilight, the spell could have side effects!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, pulling up a stool. “Ah’ll call ya if Ah need any help.” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle rolled their eyes, but accepted her actions.

“Alright. Come on, Scootaloo, let’s leave them,” Sweetie Belle said, trotting out the door. Scootaloo followed suit, the door lightly clicking as it shut. The apple farmer sighed, staring at the sleeping colt.

“Yer finally free. We all are,” she whispered. And as far as she knew, she was right.

Finally, the curse was lifted.

Author's Note:

Hey Hey Hey! Sorry about the delay, everypony! Had to take a bit of a mental health break, but I'm back in business with Chapter 4 of my story! For those who have stuck around, thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying this!

As for Chapter 5...well, it'll be ready when it's ready. I'm not setting a due date so that it'll stress me out later like this one did. Hope y'all enjoy this chapter!

And yes, I acknowledge how stupid of a name Wolfmoon is :derpytongue2: