• Published 4th Dec 2019
  • 7,105 Views, 69 Comments

Not Enough Love - B_25

Love isn't for him. The young dragon, surrounded by mares, know that none will become his one. Yet it's often when we stop chasing something that it comes to us. Twilight and Starlight pine for the same heart, devising a game for it to win it.

  • ...

I - Breakfast at Starlight's

~ I ~

Breakfast at Starlight's

Sometimes I wondered how much of a villain was still left inside me.

The morning after had been enjoyable. The little glares I'd catch from Twilight only made all that I did feel that much better. Spike had been standing before the stove, shifting the pan atop the fire, so tall and concertinaing.

All it took was a brush against his thigh to snap him out of it. Twilight had been sitting at the table waiting for breakfast, that delicious glare coming from her again—but it wasn't like she could do anything. She'd been the more romantic of the two of us. Her inability to be a little more sexual lost her some points in this game of ours.

And how I licked my lips when I rose onto my hind legs, pressing my chest and belly against the side of his frame, feeling his hardness impress so deliciously into my softness. I wanted to be pushed down all over. There was something slender about his hardness stroking flames over my curves.

“Looking delicious there, Spike.” My forelegs slid over his back and chest, finding my hoof already drawing circles on his pecs. The flexed subtly beneath the dense layer of scales, the protrusion quivering on the legs. “When do you think breakfast will be made?”

“Try giving it a few minutes,” he replied with stiffness to his body, something which he all so desperately tried to play off. Clearly he'd never gotten this way with a mare before. It was too easy to make him nervous. Always delicious too. “Heater on the stove has been acting up.”

He then glanced down at me. There was something about his muzzle that I couldn't get enough of. Smaller than a pony but also a lot sharper than one too. His brilliant eyes always casting a subtle glow. He was more charming than he ever dared to realize. “Though if you act like this to the stove, I don't think it'll struggle with heat anymore.”

There were little scales of green sporting around his jaw, the first set of facial scales coming about him, small but still caught within the eye. They accentuated him in an adolescent way. The boy was a drink I couldn't get drunk enough on. “But it's probably best if you take the seat. Wouldn't want the stove to get jealous now.”

Because someone else is already doing that.

Twilight sat at the table with her eyes narrowed and mouth open. She didn't speak but was close to whimpering. Never in a thousand years could she mount dragon like I did, becoming so close to his body so casually, feeling his curves against my own.

Sometimes, it was hard not to invite him to my bed right away.

But getting to tease Twilight on all the things she couldn't do was delectable at the least. Even as I stepped down from the dragon to take a seat next to her that a shiver struck my hoof. Truth of the matter was that I had a lot to fear from her.

Spike's oldest and closest friend didn't make things impossible—but her being a princess made it close. She wasn't in her prime yet due to inexperience. But if I didn't take the lead before she mared up... I could kiss Spike's wonderfully tight behind goodbye.

It didn't take all that long for food to be done. Twilight kept glaring at me from across the table, and I responded by leaning my cheek on a raised hoof, sticking my tongue out at her. She recoiled back, looking down and recoiling beneath her mane... before sticking her tongue out at me.

This mare was already catching on.

I needed to be careful.

By the time the dragon sat down, however, the two of us were already smiling a little too eagerly at each other. Spike set the dishes on the table while narrowing an eye on us, wise to something not quite being right. But with a shrug and an exhale, he dropped the matter and lifted a fork to a stack of pancakes.

“So... Spike,” Twilight started to the left of me, delicately pulling a plate of eggs and lettuce toward her. I stared at her with a mouth stuffed with waffles, chewing them slowly, unable to speak up if everything went south. “Do you have any plans today?”

Spike leaned back in his seat, glancing at the ceiling, tapping a claw against his chin. “...not that I can recall. Have a few things I need to take care of. But not much more than that.”

Twilight beamed at that. I already started to swallow. Time was running out.

“W-Well, if that's the case, then maybe you and I can—“

“Actually!” I caught the attention of the room with the voice muffled by a mesh of waffles, swallowing the whole down, despite creating a lump in my throat, to ensure I wouldn't lose. “Spike already promised he would take me out today!”

“He did?” Twilight said with surprise before glaring at the dragon.

“I did?” Spike said before closing an eye and staring at me.

“But of course! Or don't you remember?” I gave a little pout that made him flinch on the spot. Got him. For such a cynical dragon he could be so gullible when it came to the matters of another heart. Just didn't have it in him to suspect foul. “You promised me a date around town! Ever since that one stallion ended up standing me up.”

Spike's face broke into confusion. “Which one?”


“W-Wha? Y-Y-You know I didn't mean it like that!”

“So you're bailing on me too, then?”

“What? Of course not! When are we going?”

“After breakfast! So eat up.”

Spike didn't dare to say anything else as he fixated on his plate, shrugging his shoulders and digging in, the matter already dropping from his mind. With his eyes down, I turned to Twilight, drawing a 'one' in the air with my hoof.

I could see her teeth grinding.

If only she knew the kind of club I would be taking our not-so-little dragon to.

Author's Note:

Forgive me lack of an A/N in the previous entry for the corners of my blanket had wrapped around my every limb and dragged me back to bed. Here you will find the proper introduction to this story.

Midnight and I go back. Way back. I claim myself the biggest shipper of Spike there is but, if there was another man that came close to how much love I have for that little scaley bastard—Midnight is ready to steal that silver.

This story will return to my old form in not only using the first person but in being a daily as well. Not even that, but this is one of the few stories that I have outlined from the start. Sorry if the pacing doesn't feel quite there. But first we must stroll across the port before sailing into the storm.

You'll find me at the end of most chapters either rambling about the story or anything in general. I hope to keep within the vein of Oda of One Piece in making these short, whacky and whimsical.

Of course, should you have any questions then feel free to comment then below. I'm down to write or talk about nearly everything. With that out of the way, let's continue on with chapter I!
~ Yr. Pal, B