• Published 4th Dec 2019
  • 7,105 Views, 69 Comments

Not Enough Love - B_25

Love isn't for him. The young dragon, surrounded by mares, know that none will become his one. Yet it's often when we stop chasing something that it comes to us. Twilight and Starlight pine for the same heart, devising a game for it to win it.

  • ...

Ø - Prologue

Not Enough Love
B_25 & Midnight

I laid back in my bed with a sigh, my chest heavy and mind heavier, doing my best to forget my own existence. Weeks had passed since I gave up on Rarity. Turns out mares like you more when you stop chasing them around. It seemed like with the connotations of possible love gone from the atmosphere that girls settled down easier. Not fearful of a compliment or a revelation being received with an ulterior motive.

I rolled onto my side and pushed a claw into my face. Rarity was a close, treasured friend now, one I could go to about anything or anyone. Having a close friend that's a mare can be useful for knowing how they work.

Apparently, however, deeming mares as 'different workings' was enough for a swat on the wrist. Rarity rubbed the spot afterward, then explaining why a mare would then act like that. I knew better than to raise any questions and simply nodded along.

And then I rolled onto the right side of my bed, and during the turn, became assaulted by memories of the ones that came afterwards. One and then two. A few girls I knew from back in Canterlot. Little flirting and casuals dates. Positive experiences that never led to anything more.

Dear Celestia... why am I wasting my one day off?

Then came the click of the door.

My eyes travelled across the floor to its base, seeing the light from the hall shine inward, expanding upon swinging of the frame. Soft, violet hooves walked into the room. I didn't even bother to recover from my pathetic position.

“The storage room should be in... oh.” Starlight Glimmer took a few steps across the floor before stopping, blinking, and then moving her muzzle around. Her eyes narrowed as confusion swept across her brow. “Was it a wrong turn on the left or the right this time?”

Her eyes then fell upon my own. “Oh.”

I groaned, blinking. “S-Starlight? Do me a favour? Tell me its still morning.”

“Sorry, Spike.” Starlight chuckled while rubbing a hoof vertically against a foreleg. “Afraid I can't cut you that good of a deal on this one. I can settle for very very late morning.” She then laughed, clopping her hoof against the floor. “But I can take out one 'very' because it's you.”

I turned onto my chest and pressed my claws against the mattress, feeling them sink as I pushed myself up, arching my back, popping the kinks developed from my hundred-year slumber. For whatever reason, she watched me intensely, following the curve of my frame. “Don't say something like that. You'll give me the false hope that I'm something special.”

“So you want to be something special then?” Starlight said the words while breaking out from her star, the jerk of her subtle and sweet. Mares were dangerous creatures for they could be cute without trying. Easy there, heart. “Tell me you've passed out in the supply closet, and I'll think of you as something special, all right.”

Living with two girls with the sharpest wits in all the lands wasn't cracked out like it's made to be. Starlight was teasing, and Twilight was outright torture. Those two took particular joy in twisting me about. How I kept up with them, sometimes, was beyond me.

Finally done with my stretch, I slid my legs over the side of the bed, letting the dense blanket fall from my chest. Starlight's gaze fixated there. She seemed stunned even before I had the chance to talk. “Not sure what supplies you're going to find in here other than some books and toilet paper.”

That did the trick. Starlight backed a step with a blush awash on her cheeks. Her hooves fiddled with the other while, above, she turned her muzzle away. Shivers. Subtle but no doubt there. “S-Spike!”

“Hey! I didn't tell you what I'd been using them for.” I turned my head, sneezing over my shoulder. “Sometimes a dragon has to sneeze! Not like I'd actually use them for anything else, nowadays.”

It took a few jerks, but Starlight's muzzle turned back toward me, her expression soft. “Still giving up on love, huh?”

“Who else is going to take Princess Celestia on in her challenge?” I asked with a blink of my eyes, slowly twisting my torso, tensing the muscles beneath taut to work them all out. “Already at a high-score of over a thousand years with her virginity. None else stand a chance taking her on but me.”

Starlight gazed at me for a few seconds later, without a doubt using the whole facilities of her ingenious mind, at full processing power to work out how much of an idiot I was. Rarity said this made me a goof instead of an idiot. We sill haven't reached an agreement on that one.

“There is so much wrong with that statement,” Starlight began by taking a step forward, expression exasperated, “that I would need all of your walls, and with the tiniest writing possible in chalk, to tell you everything wrong with that.”

“Y'know, I recall seeing some chalk the other day.” Once done my twisting, I kept with the flex of my abdomen. Holding your muscles tightly for a few moments, and then relaxing them, soothes the body into a gooey-freedom. “It was in the supply closet in the hall right of here. Second door; third shelf?”

Starlight kept walking, shaking her head and rolling her eyes, the acts beyond faux, though something about them seemed off. She approached the space-in between my legs without break, placing her hoof on the fallen blanket, pulling it back an inch then laying her sole on my thigh.

That muscle tensed for a different reason.

“No wonder why you've given up on mares,” Starlight whispered the words in a soothing tone I'd never heard before, a pitch of warmth and comfort, a dash of a spice that teased to something more. An aroma of heat radiated from her body, warming me the closer she drew. “Can't keep that mouth of yours shut long enough to fool a girl into thinking you're sweet. Has Rarity suggested biting your tongue yet?”

My heart kept thundering in my chest. Between my legs her lithe body rose, using my thigh to bring herself higher against me, coming to place her other hoof against my chest. Something must have flooded her for her next bout of giggles sounded drunk on something.

“Afraid it's been a failure every time, ma'am.” I'd gotten used to little touches of her body pressing against me, of hooves feeling across my scales every now and again for the contact. Starlight and I had been close—but this was closer than usual. “Too slippery to catch. It even keeps in the same place just to tease me.”

“Mmhmm.” Starlight dipped her muzzle while gazing at my chest, the pre-heated warmth of her hooves rubbing across the broad surface. I'd stop flexing, and yet, she continued to search across me. “Quite the shame, Spike. There's more than a few girls that would be lucky to have you.”

“Other than you and Twilight? We're all aware that I'm boned once a mare gets to know me.” I grabbed her foreleg softly, pulling it away lightly, smiling down at her warmly. “And I appreciate this little game you're playing with me right now... but it's not going to cheer me up.”

The flush of her expression dropped at once. “Aw. You saw through it already?”

“The oldest trick in your book, Starlight.” I grinned while letting go of her hoof, seeing it settle on my other thigh. She still kept herself tall and against me, the height of her muzzle only reaching my chin. “Just like our first time together in the Crystal Empire. Bloat me up so we delay your friendship mission.”

Starlight shook her muzzle and, from the movement, rubbing her snout against my jaw. Plush with gentle curves and fur brushing against my smooth scales. “No fun in making up all these games if you refuse to play. None of our other friends are like this.”

I chuckled while flicking back my head. “Because most of them have too much of a good heart to see through you.”

Something about that line caught her. I wasn't sure what the exact word she'd become seized upon—but I felt her shudder in a way that was horrible. I exhaled. Words were supposed to leave me... but they didn't.

“I suppose the friends that can see through us... are the ones we should value the most.” Starlight's face consumed my gaze as she hovered below my chin, then inching toward it. “You were my first friend during that phase, Spike. Don't you ever forget that for me, alright?”

She leaned up and laid her lips against my chin, kissing the spot for a second that lingered, softness and warmth, a flooding of something ethereal coursing through my body. Genuine. It was the first genuine thing the mare had done since entering my room.

But I'd been stunned looking forward by the act. My frills twitched at the clacking of hooves. I barely saw over Starlight's head when the purple hooves appeared before the distant frame of the open door.

Twilight peered into the room at once, the happiness on her face the kind when she was excited to share something with me. But then she stopped. Her joy dripped from her expression. Something had drained her. Had it been the sight? But why?

“Hmm?” Starlight drew back from her kiss with a foreleg already wiping her lips. Holding herself up on my thighs, she checked over her shoulder, the slender curve of her frame pushing out, even just a bit, from the sight. “Oh. Afternoon Twilight. You get lost and enter the wrong room too?”

“We... have maps on the walls.” Twilight glanced behind her to point to such a thing. “It was right here too. Full layout. Marked rooms. The current location stated?”

“You learn something every day, don't we?” Starlight finally hopped down from my lap, turning to the door. She walked across the room, and my eyes followed her every step. It was hard not to. “But I think I've had my fill of games today. It was fun playing with you, Spikey.”

I scrunched my face upon hearing my nickname. I even shook my head as she sauntered out of my room... something which I knew I shouldn't have. There was no denying Starlight had a perfection about her. The sway of her hips elongated and slowed down, the swishing of her tail draping over the plumpness of her flanks.

Worst came once she reached the door. Starlight's tail had been rising ever so slightly as she left and, upon reaching the frame, nearly had it lifted. I didn't mean to look, but... having such a sight made it harder to turn my head away. The end of her tail rising over the start of her crotch, teasing to the contents below it.

And then the mare stopped.

Starlight turned around and, seeing where my eyes had been fixated, then grinned to herself. A haughty chuckle that flounced her mane onto her back. “Well, wouldn't you know it? Maybe there are some games hopeless boys have no choice but to play.”

Starlight paused upon reaching the side of Twilight. The two mares glared at each other—Starlight looking smug and Twilight looking annoyed—with some invisible communication going on between them. I wanted to say something, do something, but silence and inaction became of me.

And then Starlight left with a light hum.

And then Twilight glared at me with an angry growl.

“First things first,” I started by already holding up my claws, “I want to complain to the landlord of his castle—which is you. Now I pay a hefty price of nothing to stay in this room, so I expect the best service here.”

Twilight stepped into the room, her muzzle lowered, eyes up, stalking me. It'd been the same technique of scaring me ever since I was a baby dragon. Talking never ever seemed to save me. But at least it made the upcoming situation a little less scary.

“That crazy mare broke into this room because that door doesn't have a lock, a bolt, and a metal bar to keep it closed.” I waved my claws to opposing sides before letting them drop into my lap. “Therefore, I'm at zero liability for whatever just happened.”

Twilight stopped her assault into the room. That... was another thing that didn't usually happen. Her body tensed and she froze. She kept locked for a few seconds, contemplating something. And then, with a sigh, she broke out from her funk. “And... just exactly were you two doing in here?”

“I was just trying to mop around in bed like a good dragon before she came in here.” I sat back on the bed, taking hold of the blanket still covering my legs. I tossed aside to the flap of fabric and wind. Once more, for whatever reason, now Twilight turned her head away. “But it was just Starlight being Starlight. We joked around and teased each other for a bit. She was trying to cheer me up a little.”

“By kissing you like that?”

“Certainly not the worst way to be cheered up.” I rubbed the spot where the kiss still lingered, not knowing why it had the power to stay there, to still be felt despite the minutes that had then passed. “Still kinda weird flirting with a mare. I mean, it's Starlight, so I guess it really doesn't count. But certainly throws the heart for a whirl, y'know?”

But Twilight didn't take part in the jest or anything like that. For whatever reason, she stood there, muzzle down and now the same true of her eyes, her body feeling like it was shrinking before me. My scales tingled at the activation of my number-one assistant senses.

“Hey, what's wrong with you? Something happen?” I patted the spot next to me on the bed, doing my best to smile through the storm of anxiety. “Come sit down next to me. It's supposed to be my day off—but because you're an old friend, I'll make an exception.”

Twilight gave a silent laugh. There was a smile that tugged her lips back despite the sadness of her expression. Without words, she came to me, slowly raising her hooves to the bed and climbing onto it, the moving of her figure always soft and pleasant on the eye.

But she didn't stop there. Even as I leaned back out of respect, Twilight came to the side of my thigh. She gazed at it for a second, almost like she was unsure of it. Once more, my mouth opened, although I was clueless as to what to say.

“C-Can I... s-s-sit on your lap for a while?”

That... wasn't like Twilight. I nodded my head, of course, as she slowly found herself on top of my legs, settling her barrel in-between them, getting herself nestled in nice and tight. We'd only started doing this recently as well. After the growth-spurt, I mean. My claw hugged around her neck while the other stroked down her mane.

It was different than Starlight. Where she would arch her frame over my body, giving me a feel for her every soft curve and feminine composition—Twilight bundled herself on top of me, nothing sexual, only her overwhelming softness growing closer.

“Hey, Twilight? I'm, uh, s-sorry about earlier.” Even though all I could see was the top of her head facing forward, I somehow hoped she knew how mucked up my face was right now. “You know how Starlight and I get when we're in a mood. We didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. It looked like you had something important to tell me before you came in.”

That caught her attention. Slowly, Twilight's head turned and tilted, craning back to gaze up at me. Her eyes seemed tired, ever so tried—but her smile bore her last bouts of hope. In a small voice, she spoke. “B-Before that... Spike, can I ask you something?”

“Of course, Twilight.” I nudged the side of my head forward. “That ear-fin is always for you. Feel free to tug it down and scream into it if you need to.”

Twilight gave a weak laugh through her apparent sadness—but it was still a laugh all the same. “It has to do between you and Starlight... you two... you aren't... seeing each other, are you?”

“What?” My recoiled and my face scrunched at once. “Of course not.”


“I don't think Starlight's ever seen me in the kind of light before. We flirt and tease each other, sure.” I sighed and slumped forward. “But there's no real weight behind it. I think she knows I don't have much in terms of luck when it comes to mares and just wants to give me some practice before the real thing happens.” I chuckled sadly to myself. “Which, of course, will never be. Just seems like love isn't for me.”

Twilight twitched at that. She probably hated stuff like that coming out of my mouth. But I learned long ago that it's better to be honest, even if the words seem desperate for pity than to repress one current state. “Besides. Her liking me would be like you liking me. You girls are my best friends. So you don't have to sweat anything like that.”

I wanted to ask her why she was even sweating something like this in the first place. Did she dislike the idea of having two lovebirds living in her castle? I could see how having her closest friends become closer to each other, leaving her out and alone.

But surely Twilight knew nothing like that would ever happen to her, right?

“Apparently, I'm having a ball thrown for me.”

I blinked. Those words came out of nowhere. “Ponies in the alleyways pulled your name from a bowl?”

“N-No! Nothing like that, you silly.” Twilight snorted in that adorable way only she could do, turning her muzzle away as a blush warmed the purple of her cheeks. It was something she was always self-conscious about despite how much I loved it. Not once did I stop stroking her mane. “It's going to be happening in Canterlot!”

“So Princess Celestia drew your name out of a fishbowl?” I whistled while I leaned back, giving a little laugh once I was done. “Not going to lie, that's pretty impressive. Do you know how big that fishbowl would have to be to hold that many names in it?”

“Spike! C'mon now.” Twilight lifted a hoof and booped me on the snout. I wrinkled it in response. “Be serious. It's a huge thing!”

“Tell me about it! Soon my lap won't be good enough for you.” I sighed for effect. “The moment your flanks touch Celestia's throne—I'm a goner.”

“You keep brushing my mane like this,” Twilight countered, “and maybe I'll see to making you into the throne.”

“So I get to be with your flanks more? Don't threaten me with a good time.”


“Sorry! Forgot what mare I was talking to for a second there.” I chuckled away the lingering tension in my chest, feeling a pleasant lightness to my body. It seemed like this morning would be self-inflicted torture. Thankfully, I had the wackiness of these two to take me away from my woes. “So how about it then? When are you going to get Canterlot to praise the very existence of Twilight Sparkle?”

“In approximately two weeks from now,” Twilight said with a final laugh, although something substantial chained itself to the end of it. Her muzzle dipped with the weight. “Everypony is going to be there for it.”

“You're saying that like it's a bad thing.”

“Because... he's going to be there.”

“Oh? Oh.” I went to breathe in but, upon hearing those words, breathed out instead. The lightness beneath my scales turned hollow as I finally understood the pain of the mare bundled close to me. “So what are you going to do, then? Show off how much you're like Princess Celestia and banish him to the moon? Tell the Sisters to move their thrones because you're getting yours truly installed?”

Twilight laughed again. There was something painfully sad about it. “I'm not sure about it yet. I don't want to make a fuss for Princess Celestia considering all the effort she's put into this. Kinda... the reason I came to you.”

“Giving me good throne practice, that's for sure.” I chuckled weakly and turned my gaze aside. There had to be something I could say to cheer her up. But my pointless jokes didn't seem to have the stinging power like they used to. “But, y'know, if you need a dragon to play bodyguard for you...”

Twilight's muzzle zipped to me at once, a flushing of energy suddenly brimming with excitement. “You mean you'll come?”

“'Course I will,” I replied. “If a ball is being thrown for you, then, of course, I have to go. Can't promise to stay around long because of all the super-important princess stuff you have to do. But I'll have your back whenever you need it—which you won't. Hey, it's there anyway.”

Twilight sat up on my lap, the gaining pressure sudden but not terrible. She weighed a bit more than Starlight though that added pudge was dished out proportionally. The mass of her rump flatted over the whole of his thighs while the compressed figure of softness rose to meet me.

“You know I'm not anypony different because of the wings, right?”

I glanced away and already broke my rule.

I lied. “Of course I do, Twilight. The moment you're off that throne, you're exactly like normal.”

Not a whole lie, but not the entire truth, either.

“Exactly! Though, as a princess now, there are a few things I can do for you that I couldn't before.”

I smiled when I gazed back at her. Twilight's muzzle hovered inches before my face, the sudden proximity brushing my cheeks with its warmth. She was so cute up close. Perfection of a mare so out of reach that I gave up that hope before she'd even gotten her wings. “I don't doubt it for a second. So two weeks from now, right? Consider it a date.”

I don't know why, but Twilight leaned in, kissing me on the cheek, something she'd done countless times before. But something felt different about this one. Both of the mares had been acting different ever since I gave up on Rarity.

And for whatever reason.

I swore I heard some laughter from the hallway.

~ Starlight ~

It'd taken far too long to get things off the ground.

So many days and nights spent waiting and planning and thinking and dreaming. Trying to set everything up perfectly so I could enjoy the experience the same. Spike had always been the only one able to see through me. Seeing the mare beneath the schemer only to still smile at what he found.

There'd been something endearing about that. From there, I played my little games, finding every reason to travel a hoof across his body. He was such a cute boy to tease. It was always the shy ones, the kind ones, the good ones that caught my eye.

As if they could save what I was underneath it... never mind.

It made me sad that the boy could never catch on. He took to my teasing quickly, able to handle my flirting. But he could never seem to believe it was all for real. After the games I made him play, I suppose I could see why he thought this was one of them.

But how much more obvious can a mare get!? One night came where I left my bedroom door open, listening for his footsteps, pretending to be panting all to disguise my intent. And then he strolled past, and I started to moan, rubbing a hoof across my slender curves and drawing circles on my belly, threatening to go lower should any peak on.

Of course, I clenched my eyes shut to deny the possibility of my seeing of him. I was hoping he'd stare and watch, save some things to memory and, if I was fortunate, to sense him doing the same as me. But even upon finding a mare masturbating loudly for his sake... the dragon then quietly closes the door!

But I'd finally gotten my revenge now, standing before the parted door the washroom, the flooding of steam making the ends of my fur moist. There was a scent to the air. Crisp freshness found in dewy woods. All of it masked with the natural odour of an adult dragon.

“S-Starlight! What do you think you're doing there?”

And there goes my cover!

“Shhh! Will you keep it down?” I looked to my side to see Twilight walking toward me. She looked annoyed and confused but kept quiet all the same. “If you don't mind, I'm trying to do some dragon watching right now.”

“Dragon watching?” Twilight tilted her head upon reaching the side of the door, then peeking inside seconds later.

Her gaze cut through the fog of steam to the tall figure standing in the stall within. A gorgeous body standing beneath cascading steams, scales made slick and glossy by the water, accentuating the slenderness of his physique.

“T-That's Spike in there, Starlight!” Twilight shouted in a hushed whisper. I didn't envy her vocal cords. “You can't be spying on him like this! How would you like it if he was invading your privacy?”

“Happy actually,” I replied in a matter-of-fact. “I've been trying to get him to notice all the little things I do for him. Maybe even get invoked in the things I usually do alone.” I rolled my hoof in the air. “Do you know how many times I leave the door open while I shower, hoping he would take a peek?”

“But you... but I... I thought that...”

I smirked. “What's the matter? Spike tell you that I don't actually have a thing for him?”

Twilight looked shy, suddenly. It wasn't like her to act like a filly in a mare's body but, when it came to sensitive things she was inexperienced with, anything could regress her to such a state. I couldn't blame her for it. Even thinking of the dragon dork created trembles in me that I didn't let anyone else see. “W-Well, it was something along those lines.”

“And how about you? Do you have feelings for your number-one assistant as well?”

“W-What! Don't be ridiculous!” Those words cut her despite being hollow and thrown in an attempt to save her. Her eyes snapped to the dragon in the shower at once, her expression melting to the sight. Peace and warmth consumed her. Bubbling happiness evoked so suddenly. “T-There's no way t-that I could f-feel that way about him.”

“You're a terrible actress, so I know you've already accepted your feelings for him.” I laughed and pressed a hoof against my chest. “It took a little while for my crush to go on into something more. For a while there, I was almost hoping Rarity took him away so I wouldn't have to worry about falling in love with him.”

Twilight sighed and looked away. “You're telling me.”

“So you admit it then!”

“Wait? What? No, no!” Twilight went to go on to say something more but, knowing it all would be pointless she gave up. With a final sigh, she looked to the delicious, slender muscles beneath the scales of his frame. “Alright. You've got me. Spike's... always been there in my heart. Especially recently.”

“The boy who broke your heart?”

“Everypony likes the idea of me as a princess... but when they get to know the mare underneath it better? My friends love and accept me for who I am.” Twilight shook her head. The refection of the showering Spike looked so tiny in her eyes. “But not too many stallions willing to not only be with a princess, one taller and... powerful. But apparently, the mare beneath it isn't worthwhile either.”

I smiled if only because of the connotations of my following words. “But Spike?”

“The fact that I'm a princess doesn't affect him as much as the others.” Twilight dropped her muzzle and gazed at the floor, pawing one hoof against the other. “We're still able to keep equal after all is said and done. And not only that, but he knows me for the mare underneath.”

I then laughed. “Ironically enough. I get you, Twilight.”

Twilight looked up.

“Always thought I'd have to keep making up plans and games to have a stallion wanting to keep being with me.” I sighed as I tried to block out the memories. “Don't get me wrong. Being that kind of mare is fun for the most part. But when it comes to the moments in-between the fun, well... let's just say most didn't end up sticking around once I opened myself up.”

“Except for Spike?”

“He may not be great or powerful or anything like that,” I admitted without an iota of disappointment in my voice. “But he's always there for a girl. Doesn't matter what I said or did. He always seems able to see through it all. Something about always having a guy there for you is... mmhmm... incredibly sexy.”

Twilight looked at me for a few seconds, not angry or upset, but if I had to guess, equally emphatic to it all. We both ended up looking at the shower at the same time, watching the dragon who'd given up on love not realize what was standing outside his door.

“I always thought you were too quick to touch and tease him around.”

“And I always thought you were jealous because you were too shy to act on anything.”

Twilight glared at me. “Spike almost saw underneath your tail today.”

“Can't blame a boy for watching hips swaying for him.” I laughed as I took a step forward, pressing my snout against hers. I expected Twilight to back away—but she held her ground. “And besides. If you weren't there, I would have given him the full view.”

Twilight shook her head, which, since we were touching snouts, made me do the same. “We both can't have him.”

“I couldn't agree more! So why don't we have a little game then?” This had been the moment I'd been waiting for, the reason why I hadn't swooped in right away and taken the win. We were still friends, after all. Things needed to be fair for that friendship to continue that way. “Starting this moment, both of us have to do her best to make Spike fall in love with her. Whomever he chooses, that mare gets to be his.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes. “And the other mare can't get mad at them no matter what happens.”

“Exactly what I was thinking,” I said with a snort. “So should we shake on it?”

We didn't even need to look at our hooves for them to meet and then shake, each of us pushing on the contact longer than needed, glaring into the other's eye. Despite the intensity of it all, both of us were still smiling.

“I guess that settles that, then,” I said while pulling my hoof back to the floor. “Which one of us do you think he'll pick? Sexy or romantic?”

“Do you struggle to be both?”

“Those are fighting words.”

“Then let the best mare win.”