• Published 3rd Dec 2019
  • 3,360 Views, 121 Comments

The Friendship of Evil Grows - Zizi Tachyon

After Grogar's defeat, Cozy Glow and Tirek travel together to the land of centaurs with the hope to learn about friendship.

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Author's Note:

This fanfic is built upon a different take on the finale and some events leading up to it. I made these changes because I wanted to create a happy ending building upon the dynamic of the villains in Frenemies. Besides rewriting the finale, I implement a few more retcons, either to benefit the story or simply because I prefer the setting that way. I aim to introduce such cases in a natural and comprehensive manner, but to avoid unnecessary confusion I will state two things beforehand: 1. In this story the Princesses have no plans to abdicate, and; 2. Starswirl is not alive in the current era. I don't think it's worth going into the consequences of these alterations. That all said, I hope you enjoy my first fan fiction!

The weather must have been influenced by Grogar's powerful magic. During the battle, thick, grey stormclouds had gathered above the skies of Equestria. The mass of clouds sloshed and swirled and the turbulence produced a continuous thunderous roar. The tempest reached a climax as he cast his final spell at the ponies. Gusts of wind strong enough to burst tree trunks drowned out most sounds on the earth's surface.

And when Grogar dispersed into the aether, the skies pacified. The sun pierced holes through the clouds, selectively illuminating the luscious landscape. The skies stopped gurgling and the winds subsided. The sounds of birds chirping returned. The magic of friendship had proven victorious once more. Not so much because Equestria's oldest foe was defeated for good (one might indeed argue that it had failed in this regard), but rather because a bond had been formed between Grogar's underlings. These were three characters of terrible histories, who sought to disturb Equestria's harmony, to oppress its residents and to sack its humble riches.

Their names were Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow. Each had tried to take over Equestria individually, and each was stopped by Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Tirek and Cozy Glow ended up jailed in Tartarus, while Chrysalis lost her sanity in solitude in the dark depths of the Everfree Forest. In these conditions they were unexpectedly summoned by the ancient wizard, Grogar. This ram-figure is known as the Father of Monsters, as he is said to have created all the dark creatures that roam the lands. Together they would conquer Equestria and partition it in four, but the three underlings disregarded his superiority and conspired to overthrow him. This conspiracy would eventually bud into a genuine friendship that altered their fates from that of Grogar's.

The three villains were sent on a mission to retrieve Grogar's Bewitching Bell, which was hidden on top of Mount Everhoof. They succeeded by working together and hid the bell from Grogar to use it for themselves. The plan was that Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy would launch an attack on the Elements of Harmony, who were the greatest threats to their mission. They used the powers of the Bewitching Bell to make their victory swift, but the effect backfired; Grogar knew about the bell as well as their betrayal, and put all of them under a strong spell. With the traitors and the Elements out of the way, the path to Canterlot lay wide open. But the ponies managed to break free from the bell's curse and decided to free the villains. The two parties called a truce and set out to defeat Grogar together.

The six ponies lay in a circle in the grass of the meadow. The battle had left them exhausted. Rainbow Dash's left wing was bruised and misshapen; she wouldn't fly for a few months. Rarity's fur was scorched by a magical blast that she managed to deflect only partially. Every pony suffered ugly injuries. It wasn't until the skies had fully cleared up when Applejack broke the silence.

"I— is it over?" she asked in Twilight's direction. Twilight lay next to her on her back, blankly looking at the sky.

"I think so, Applejack," Twilight responded. "Is everypony okay?" Twilight turned carefully and got up on her legs. Applejack did the same.

Twilight first approached Fluttershy, who lay to her left. Her coat was dirty and her luscious mane had collected dust and twigs. Twilight saw she was breathing, slowly and rhythmically, and gently shook her shoulder with her hoof. "Fluttershy? Are you awake?" The reply was too soft to make out, but she scrambled together and Twilight understood that she wanted to get up. "Here, let me lend you a hoof." Twilight pulled her up by the hoof that she extended in return and gave her the support she needed; she was alright, but she couldn't walk on her own.

Meanwhile Applejack nudged Pinkie Pie. "C'mere Pinkie, let's go home to Ponyville." In one quick motion Pinkie got up and threw herself onto Applejack in a big embrace. "Oh Applejack, I'm so happy to see you." Despite the tiredness in her eyes she was upbeat as always. "I'm so happy I'll throw you a party when we're home!"

AJ responded stoically, "That's very kind and all but what about the others?"

"I'll throw them a party too, silly! I'll throw six parties at once, including one for myself because I'm happy to see me too, and it will be one big super duper party!"

When Twilight was sure that Fluttershy wouldn't faint or collapse she moved on to check Rarity. "Rarity, is everything okay?"

"Why, Twilight, my condition is quite terrible. Have you ever seen my coat like this before?" Rarity sensed this wasn't the moment for drama. "But, I suppose I can get by. I am not so hurt, and a visit to the spa will do wonders." She stood up, and gave Twilight a thankful nuzzle. She then nuzzled Fluttershy and supported her from the other flank.

Pinkie Pie noticed Rainbow Dash was getting up too. She cheerfully bounced over to her. "Heya Dashie, how are ya? Give your best friend Pinkie a hug—"

"No Pinkie—no hugs! Hnng!" Rainbow cringed. She lowered her voice and explained, "My wing hurts real bad, but I can walk by myself. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see you."

"Starlight!" Twilight suddenly remembered it wasn't just the six of them who defeated Grogar and who lay here in the fields. "Where is she? And—" As she looked around she saw not just Starlight Glimmer in the near distance, but also the three villains next to her.

Twilight galloped off to come to Starlight's aid, leaving Fluttershy with Rarity, but balked after the initial dash. She hesitated for a second and figured that a careful approach would be better. Who knows how the villains would react? She had put her trust in them when she decided to free them from the hypnotizing power of the Bewitching Bell, but maybe her judgement was premature. Indeed they helped to defeat Grogar, but they were never really on his side to begin with. The ponies were in no condition to fight or even to run away, if they had to.

Twilight took a second to study them from where she stood. She could see Tirek was awake: he lay on his side, facing away from the ponies, and he was supporting himself by one arm. He was by no means in peak condition, but nor was he scrawny as he was in Tartarus. He may still pose a threat. Chrysalis lay prone in the grass; whether she was conscious or not Twilight couldn't tell.

She looked behind and saw that Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were right behind her. She trod in the direction of the centaur with an air of determination and authority. "Tirek," Twilight announced with the tone her voice has whenever she gives a speech, "we have defeated Grogar. This was a team effort, we could not have done it without you guys. You must now make a choice: you can follow the path of evil, which means you will end up back in Tartarus, or petrified, or dispersed like Grogar. Or…" She took a second to breathe.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle," Tirek's weary voice interrupted her speech seamlessly, "I would love to hear the rest of your story, but this is urgent." He turned around, faced Twilight in a kneeling position and stretched his arms. The sight shook Twilight. In his hands lay a pale pink filly, completely motionless. "Her breathing has slowed down severely. If she stays in this condition any longer, I'm afraid she'll…"

"Good heavens! She must be taken to the hospital immediately!" Twilight's horn assumed a magenta glow as she intended to lift Cozy Glow up, but Tirek pulled his hands back against his chest.

"If you don't mind, I'll carry her," Tirek declared, and he got up on his hooves.

"Well, fine. Let's go, we have no time to lose." She then addressed the other ponies, "Girls, please look after Starlight and Chrysalis." They nodded, and Twilight galloped off in Ponyville's direction. Tirek followed with Cozy cradled between his hands, and soon overtook Twilight. As they rushed beyond the hill they could already see the town's landmarks in the distance. They would be there in just a few minutes.