• Published 3rd Dec 2019
  • 2,528 Views, 38 Comments

Cracked Open - Ghuntz

Flurry Heart, seeking to find a reason behind Cozy Glow's actions in the past, ends up releasing her from her stone prison. But Cozy has other plans, and reformation is not one of them.

  • ...

Chapter Two: Betrayal

Somewhere unknown to her, a lost little filly woke up in a flash.

“Ah! What? Where? Huh?” Cozy howled as she held her face in her hooves, ready for anything. Was she in a reinforced prison once more? Tartarus? Back in stone?

“Wait, I can still move!” She pinched and prodded herself all over, making absolutely sure it wasn’t a dream. Unbeknownst to her, she poked at where her wing was, sparking a sharp ting of pain. Drat, that wing is broken… All that time trapped in stone must’ve made her bones more brittle. Upon checking, somepony had carefully done a first-aid wrap around her body, keeping her wings tightly encased. At least whoever decided to take her away didn’t exactly want to hurt her. Only then she began to absorb her surroundings.

Her holding space appeared to be a single-room shack, with two windows and a door that was slightly ajar. Inside this room was a table and a podium, and along the walls were cute little banners with a logo on them: A blue crest with a golden filly wearing a cape, rearing up. Have I seen this before?

Cozy slowly got up and began to creep toward the door. Pulling it open, it whined loudly, making her panic. She quickly exited the building and shut the door behind her, sighing.

“Oh, you’re up!” a bouncy voice greeted her from behind.

Cozy turned on a dime and gasped. “Huh? Who are you?”

Her captor was… not what she expected to see. Before her appeared to be a colt, probably no more than her age (before being trapped, obviously), sporting a rich purple coat, beige fetlocks, a scraggly muted orange mane, and disparate freckles over his snout. She noticed he also had a cutie mark, which was a simple cupcake with an apple slice resting carefully on top of it. This little guy was staring at her with the biggest most blatantly genuine smile on his dopey face.

“Uh… hey there?” Cozy asked.

Without even acknowledging her question, the purple colt turned his head.

“Hey Cheesy, the filly we found last night woke up!”

“...Cheesy? Wait, who’s—”

Before she could even finish, the colt sped away like a cloud on a windy day, off toward somewhere behind some trees below them. Wait, below?

Indeed, the shack she was held in was raised up above, on a tree, no less. Suddenly a fierce deja vu kicked Cozy in the back of the head. “No way, this isn’t—”

Zipping right back up to where she was, the purple colt was dragging another one with him. A bright-eyed and bushy-tailed… filly? That was Cozy’s first guess based on her appearance. Her coat was a light mustard, with a gorgeously bubbly and poofy pink mane and tail, with a slice of (most likely) cheesecake as her cutie mark.

“*gasp*” the yellow foal muttered, mouth wide open. She rushed over and gave Cozy a big, squishy hug. Cozy stood there, taking it, befuddled.

“I’m so glad you’re alright!” she said, her voice a slightly raspy but otherwise lively tone. “We found you collapsed on the road in the middle of the night, and your wing was all crooked. Thank Celestia we managed to take care of that in time. Are you feeling well?” she said as she placed a hoof on Cozy’s forehead.

Cozy backed off, giggly nervously. “I’m fine, alright.” Her eyes darted all over the two kids.

The purple colt rolled his eyes. “Cheesy, you can’t just go up and hug a strange pony like that. Now you got her all nervous.” He said, puffing up his chest and donning a straight face.

Cheesy got into a pensive pose, before a lightbulb lit up in her head. “Of course, we should introduce ourselves!”

“I’m right here, you know.” Cozy answered, deadpan.

“Heh, right. Hello, stranger, my name is Lil’ Cheese, but you can call me Cheesy, just like Muffin here does.” Cheesy said as she gave the purple colt a nudgie.

Muffin lost all sense of seriousness as his face popped a red hue. “Cheesy! I’ve told you hundreds of times not to call me Muffin. My name is Mac, just like my super-cool dad.”

“Sure thing, Lil’ Muffin.” Cheesy said as she jabbed him in the ribs and supported herself on his back. Their banter quickly silenced as they turned to Cozy.

“So, mysterious pegasus, what’s your name and just how did you end up passed out in the middle of the night in the first place?”

Cozy’s mind raced. This could be her chance. A million plans were thought up and discarded in a matter of microseconds. Something as crazy as this might just work out with these two…

“Well… my name is Comfy Shine, and actually, I’m not supposed to really say much more… it could be risky to reveal this information. Only important ponies can know the things I know. In fact, what I’m privy to is only supposed to be heard by Princess Twilight herself!”

Cheese and Muffin looked at each other, gasping, then darted over to Cozy.

“We’re important ponies!” they said with a smile, almost simultaneously.

Excellent. “Well, I can’t tell you any real secrets, but I do need your help. If you can get me all the way to Canterlot and Princess Twilight, I’m sure she’s give all of you one heck of a reward.” Cozy said.

“We promi—”

Cheesy’s yellow hoof blocked Muffin’s speech. “Muffin, this is too great of a task to use a simple promise for.”

Cheesy pouted like a proper big pony and approached Cozy. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” she said as she pantomimed. “Mom takes things like this very seriously, and we will help you get to Princess Twilight. We’ve been to Canterlot plenty of times, haven’t we, Muffin?”

“Well, you have, first of all, not me. But shouldn’t we tell an adult about this? I know auntie Applejack knows Twilight, and so does your mom.”

“No! We can’t!” Cozy interjected, perplexing the two foals. “Uh, there are bad ponies! Secret agents of a pony enclave that seeks to destroy Princess Twilight! They’re hiding out there in plain sight, and know of me. If they find out, well, golly, I’d be toast! We have to be discreet about this. Nopony should know; they might’ve already infiltrated your family members’ circles.”

“Oh, that sounds just like those Changelings we learned about, Cheesy.”

“But changelings are good now, remember? Why would there be bad ones?”

Perfect chance…

“Cheesy, do you remember learning about Queen Chrysalis?”

“Oh, right! That evil changeling queen that ruled them for years and years. But if I remember correctly, she was turned to stone before we were even born.”

“Chrysalis was never reformed, right?” Cozy interrupted. “Just the same with regular old changelings. If Chrysalis was able to resist it, it only makes sense that others did too. And they’re the ones after me.”

“Well, that’s fair. But why would they be after you? You’re just a little filly with a broken wing.”

Cheesy jabbed Muffin. “Hey, don’t be such a meanie.”

“I used to be an assistant to Starlight Glimmer.”

“Who?” Cheesy searched her memory.

“She’s the... headmare, yes, of the School of Friendship.” said Cozy.

“Oooh, the School of Friendship? We don’t even go there, Muffin.” Cheesy said, impressed.

“Good thing, too. That place is too fru-fru-ey for a pony like me.” said Muffin.

“Bet all those ponies are smarter than you, though.” Cheesy grinned from ear to ear.

“Why, I oughta—”

“Guys!” Cozy suspended. “What happened was…” Cozy turned her head on a swivel to ‘make sure’ that there was nopony else eavesdropping. “... Starlight was replaced by a changeling!”

Cheesy and Muffin gasped dramatically, holding each other in terror.

“A-and I was there when it happened, too! And it spotted me, but I got away before it could catch me. If that changeling found out, it probably told the rest… *sniff* I just want Starlight and Princess Twilight to be safe.” Cozy pulled out all the stops, and began bawling.

She then felt two warm bodies cuddle up to her.

“It’s okay, Comfy, we’re here. And Muffin and I will make sure that you get to Canterlot safe and sound! Isn’t that right, buddy? How about an adventure?”

“You bet your patootie I’m in!”

Cheesy and Muffin placed their hooves together, and turned to Cozy.

For a second, Cozy Glow felt the same warmth as with that hug.

Step one, complete. “Let’s go.” She met their hooves with hers.

Flurry snapped out of her mental meltdown, panting and pacing.

“Okay, it’s not the end of the world. Probably. Oh, why did she run away, I thought I was doing so well! There’s no way that—”

That one dreadful thought nagged her.

“No, she couldn’t, s-she wouldn’t! Why would she want to bring those two back? Is it because of her punishment? Maybe they brainwashed her? Argh, this is horrible!”

Flurry teleported into the study and began scouring through ‘The Final Battle for Equestria’. “There has to be something in this book… something about what she’s looking for. If she’s trying to bring those two villains back, she’s definitely not going to be able to do it alone. She’s just a filly, after all…”

Flurry shook her head. “No, this is exactly how she fooled me! She’s going to have to come up with something to help her release them. Is there anypony who she could pair with…?”

Flurry eyed through the table of contents, but there was no mention of any other creature responsible. Apparently it really had been just these three souls coming together in a quest for power, despite how little sense it made.

“...huh? What’s this?” Flurry landed on a particularly ominous chapter title: ‘Grogar’s Bell’. She turned to the page.

“‘Grogar’s Bell: the magical object instrumental to the villain cabal in accumulating the necessary power to overthrow the Princesses.” An attached drawing depicted a jagged green bell, highlighted with vein-like neon passages and runes. “‘Now safely kept inside the Archives, this bell, originally called the Bewitching Bell, has the power to absorb and drain the magical essence of a living being (be it inherent properties like strength and endurance in earth ponies, to the sophisticated control of horn magic natural to unicorns, and everything in between) and to transfer said power into another creature. It is even capable of absorbing non-pony energy’! This is what she’s looking for!”

Flurry lept from the table and flew straight to the door. But, as soon as she was a hair away from kicking the front door open, a harsh knock was heard. Puzzled, Flurry meekly opened the door to find the striking eyes of two Royal Guardponies looking down upon her.


“Miss Flurry Heart, we have an announcement to make. It is for the safety of all Equestria that this information gets to you, as it has been delivered to us through an anonymous witness. The pony known as Cozy Glow was spotted last night flying through the middle of town. Further research reveals that her statue in Canterlot is now missing.” said one of the Guardponies, holding up a wanted poster with Cozy’s mug slapped on it. “An Equestria-wide search is now underway for her, and Princess Cadence issued an urgent retrieval for any important pony to regroup in her castle immediately, seeing as Princess Twilight is occupied with an important matter. You must come with us.”

This wall of information hit Flurry like a train. “Wait, go with you? No, I can’t, I… I-I have things to do, important things too, you can’t just—”

“Your mother issued for your immediate return specifically, Miss Flurry Heart. And she is not a pony we would like to anger right now.” The two guardponies looked at each other sheepishly.

“Oh, dear.” Flurry gulped.

“Wait, hold up!” Cozy yelled at Cheesy and Muffin as they scampered toward the farm. Being earth ponies, they could definitely outrun her piddly hollow bones any day, especially with that crooked and wrapped-up wing.

Sweet Apple Acres was now visible and quickly approaching as the hillside drifted down toward the valley. The two Ponyvilleans had yelled out something or other about using a “Sugar Belle”’s cart and just ran off. Darn sense of adventure in these ponies!

But as the farm became more and more concrete, something stood out. Somepony who didn’t belong was approaching.

Sigh… “HEY, YOU TWO!”

“Huh?” Cheesy turned her head and screeched to a halt. “Cozy, what did you—OOF!”

From behind, a tunnel-visioned Muffin smashed into Cheesy’s behind, making them both tumble and roll into a mess of hooves and heads.

“Ugh… Comfy called us, you oaf!” Cheesy nudged Muffin.

“We were about to get to the farm, though… ouch.”

Cozy fumbled to come to a stop, gasping for air. “That's, *gasp*, the point *gasp*... look over there!” She pointed toward the Apple household. Cheesy and Muffin snuggled together with her to get a closer look.

Walking up to the house was a tall unicorn stallion in glistening golden armor. He was hovering what looked like a wanted poster as he knocked on the front door.

Oh, golly.

Muffin walked forward. “Who’s that? Why’s he going up to my house?” A grimace formed in his face.

“That’s a royal guardpony from Canterlot. Which, by the way, I’ve been to, remember?” Cheesy teased Muffin. “So it just makes sense for me to be your guide for this little adventure.”

Cozy creeped from behind. “Are you sure it’s actually a royal guardpony? I’m willing to bet otherwise.”

After another set of knocks, a purple mare stepped out, at a loss.

“Hey, that’s mom.” Muffin pointed out.

After a silent conversation, she gasped softly, nodded, and went back inside. A few more seconds later, a log of a stallion in red charged from the back door, aiming directly for where the three foals were.

“And that’s dad.”

“We know.” Cheesy rolled her eyes.

The purple mare stepped out through the front door and appeared to thank the guardpony. He then began to walk back to a distant chariot where a pegasus guardpony waited.

That red pony was getting closed.

“Quick, we gotta hide!” Cozy muttered.

“Why? It’s just dad. Maybe he can help.”

“Don’t you get— *sigh*, I can’t take any chances, Muffin. He might already be a changeling.”

“Dad being replaced… *sniff* We’ll get them for this!” Muffin pushed back a tear. “Behind those trees!” Muffin swiped Cozy’s hoof and pulled her around the closest thick timber. Cheesy soon followed. The red stallion shot through the orchard, seemingly going straight to the foals’ treehouse. The three let out a breath.

Cheesy mulled over a thought. “Comfy, we’re gonna have to make some changes if we plan on sneaking around at all.”

“And what changes are those?” Cozy raised an eyebrow.

Cheesy snatched Cozy’s bow loose, the pegasus’ light blue cloud-like mane settling softly around her neck.
“Hey, give that back!” Cozy protested.

Cheesy then ruffled Cozy’s hair spirals and poofed them up, sort of like her own cotton-candy mane.

“Much better.” Cheesy continued to eye Cozy up and down. “Hmm… and that’s also not good either. Let’s see… aha!” She wrapped the dainty yellow bow around Cozy’s flank, covering her cutie mark. “If anyone asks, we’ll just say you’re into weird fashion.” She gave Cozy a wink.

Wow… that’s actually quite clever.

“Golly, thanks, Cheesy. Anyway, we have to move fast. There’s no telling how far the changelings have infiltrated. Let’s get to that train.”

Meanwhile, in Canterlot, the threat of a free Cozy Glow was beginning to become more apparent, and more worrisome to its residents.

Flurry Heart flew past the vast whites of the capital of Equestria, noticing a flowing river of guards putting up posters, speaking to citizens, and forming search parties. No expenses were spared in making sure that this threat was known, and the speed of this revelation reached every corner of the city. Considering what Cozy Glow was capable of, this level of preparation and protection was to be expected in Equestria after decades of perpetual conflict with powerful forces. Forces that had come too close, some would say, to destroying the entire kingdom.

As Flurry approached Canterlot Castle, a subtle ache in her spine began to form. This is all my fault…

Pouring into the main hall, Flurry saw Princess Mi Amore Cadenza standing there, speaking to a very disheveled Shining Armor. Spike was there as well, taking down notes of some kind.

“I’m here, what’s going on?” Flurry blurted out.

Cadence turned and walked towards Flurry. “I imagine you’ve seen the chaos around the city. It’s not good. Princess Twilight sent me a letter through Spike that she is still pressed with… whatever she is doing with Luster. Honestly, doesn’t she see that this is more important?”

Shining kept a somewhat cautious glare toward Flurry. Drops of sweat were summoned on her at his unconscious command.

Cadence continued, “Flurry, for now, you’re to remain here as the guardponies do their job in finding Cozy Glow.”


“No buts, little missy. Cozy is nothing if not malicious, and if she was freed, she’ll do anything to get to those other two. I intend to do Twilight right and make sure nothing happens to her people while she’s gone.” Cadence rubbed her temples. “Ugh, I still don’t get how she was freed. It must’ve been some sort of creature allied to them, or inspired by them. We’ve got a group of ponies already researching possible connections. I’m telling you all this so that you’re caught up. I hope you understand the heaviness of the situation, Flurry. We just want you to be safe, that’s all.”

“Yeah, of course…” Flurry murmured, shrinking.

Shining came forth, a strange, unusual look on him. “Flurry, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about this, would you?”

“What do you mean, dear?” Cadence asked.

Shining kept his eyes on Flurry. “Honey, why don’t you explain to Cadence what you’ve been interested in recently?”

An ever diminishing Flurry Heart looked at her hooves.

“Flurry, what’s he talking about? Flurry?” Cadence inquired, ever more perplexed.

“Well… I-I was reading up on what happened back during the time I was a baby, and I came across the story of Tirek, Chrysalis, and… and Cozy Glow. And you know, I always thought it was weird that a filly would want to… you know, join such creatures and want to do the things she did. She kinda felt like me, in a way. All the stories you’ve told me, all the dangerous things that happened around me, I always empathized with Cozy… That maybe I could’ve been used by evil things to hurt the ponies around me…”

Flurry felt Cadence's hooves around her. “Oh, Flurry… I can see why you’d feel that way. I don’t know what this has to do with what’s been happening, though. Did you find something, read something? What happened?”

Flurry looked up to Shining Armor. He was tentative.

“I, uh… I might’ve… I might’ve freed Cozy Glow…”

Spike’s ambient scribbling ceased after an abrupt crack. A foul reticence percolated in the main hall.

“Wait, did I hear that right?” Spike whispered.

“You… you did what, Flurry?” Cadence’s voice was sharp.

“I used an old spell a-and I unstoned Cozy!” Flurry finally admitted. Tears streamed. “I thought if I was able to-*sniff*, to bring her back and maybe have her, I don’t know, learn friendship the right way—”

“The right way?” Cadence struck down. “You took such a chance, to put at risk the entire kingdom, because you thought she could be saved?”

“Can’t she?” Flurry finally looked up to the grim expression on Cadence’s face. “I don’t want to see her be failed by us! She’s a filly, for Celestia’s sake!”

“She’s a filly who lied her way to the top of Twilight’s School, almost erased all magic from Equestria, conspired with Tirek in Tartarus, and got Chrysalis to join her in almost taking over the entire world! And not only that, but she lied to you and used your good will to escape, and now nopony knows where she is.”

“Let me find out.” Flurry pleaded. “I know what she’s after. If we can just—”

“Absolutely not, young lady.” Cadence stood up, looking down on a shaking Flurry. “You’ve done more than enough, Flurry Heart. I hate to be the villain right now, but you are to stay here in the castle until Cozy is captured.” She dropped the imperative demeanor and picked up Flurry’s chin. “I’m sorry, honey. But I can’t have you going out and looking for her when she’s probably being helped by things unknown at this point. I’d hate for anything to happen to you. Spike here will keep watch, won’t you, Spike?”

“Oh, uh, sure! Let me just finish writing and… okay, done! Sending this to Twilight so everyone’s caught up. And don’t worry Flurry, I’m a big dragon now, no bad guy’s gonna get in the way of me!” Spike flexed his arms as he kicked the air’s butt.

“I’ll keep a watch on the guards, we’ll find her if she tries hiding around here.” Shining interjected.


“You’ll have plenty of time to think things over in the confines of the castle. Let’s go, darling.” Cadence signaled to Shining. With a glow, the great doors to Canterlot opened, and shut.

Flurry was left there, still somewhat shell-shocked. “Spike, could you give me a moment alone? Please?”

“Eh, sorry Flurry, but Cadence asked me to keep an eye on you. And knowing you especially, you’re probably thinking of pulling something sneaky. More reason for me to keep watch extra, extra well.”

“So you’re not even gonna let me go to the bathroom? You have to be there for that too?”

Spike’s scales started steaming. “Okay, fine!” He facepalmed, defeated. But I’ll be standing right outside, and if you take too long to come out, I’m coming in whether you like or not.” Spike huffed.

“Yes, of course,” Flurry said, “so… may I go right now?”

Spike slumped.

Within the confines of the little filly’s room, Flurry sat in the toilet. I really did need to go, anyway.

She heard Spike’s penitent tapping alongside the border of the door. He wasn’t kidding.

Flurry’s relationship with Spike had not been particularly good, mostly because they barely spent time together due to the sheer distance between Canterlot and the Crystal Empire. Flurry had her own duties and Spike had his, only really remembering one another when they were casually mentioned by others.

And now looking back, Flurry winced at the impression he must’ve had of her if he only knew her from hearsay and incident accounts. No wonder it seems he thinks she’ll burn down the castle just by sneezing on it.

But this time, it would be different.

If I just take it sitting down, I’m no different than the ponies who could’ve saved her, but decided to do nothing and keep her there because it was easier. It was so obvious.

She needed to get to Cozy before she was taken again. It was now or never. She’d never get away with bringing her back then, for the statue would be protected at all costs.

The book mentioned Grogar’s Bell, in the archives. So if that’s where she’s going, I

Alas, Cozy was all the way in Ponyville, and chances are, if she hasn’t been caught yet, she’s most likely in or around the area. She can’t be moving that fast through Equestria’s populated roads and dense cities and towns, otherwise she’d be ripe for the capturing. She was definitely moving as safely as possible. Flying from Ponyville to Canterlot doesn’t seem like a good choice, either.

She’d have to use the train to get anywhere...

Not only that, whenever Sweetie comes to the Crystal Empire, she tells Flurry all the time about how she used to get on the train with Applebloom and Scootaloo and go all over the kingdom. Three fillies, unchaperoned, being able to buy tickets out of the country? Gotta love Equestria.

Then I’ll just wait there for her to arrive.

The Ponyville Train Station was the spot. But if the news had already gotten to her during her stay, who knows how bad it could be now.

I have to hurry!

Flurry quietly cast a silence spell before poofing out of existence. I’m sorry, Spike…

“Ponyville has never seemed this scary before…” Muffin meekly said as the trio snuck through a crowded Saturday morning in Equestria’s most pleasant little town. Ponies of all sorts partook in many activities; the marketplace glowed with ripe fruits, vegetables, and shimmering coins being chucked around; the chit-chat was loud, and a rhythm seeped into the atmosphere. A little too much, some would say.

“You can just feel the presence of those evil changelings… they could be anywhere.” Cozy said.

Within the crowd were a handful of standout Guardponies, nailing wanted posters to walls and yapping to anypony that came within five feet. On the far north end, was the elusive train station.

“It’s gotta be the ones handing out posters. Makes sense they’d resort to asking ponies to find you.” Cheesy followed up.

“Good point. We’ll have to sneak around the buildings or merge with the crowds—”

“Hey guardponies, I know where that filly is!” Muffin called out from the center of the town square, waving his hands like flags.

“No! What in Tartarus is he doing?!” Cozy whispered, ready to gallop into the nearest bush. Could he really have just foiled her entire plan?

The guardponies all seemed to hear the hail, and regrouped around the sprightly young colt.

“You said something about seeing this filly?” the guard propped up a Wanted Poster with Cozy’s stoned visage in display.

“Yeah, I saw her this way!” Muffin said before turning around.

“Oh no, this is the end of me!” Cozy shuffled through a million ideas, a million ways out. Muffin had snitched.

But as she thought she saw Muffin pull the guards toward their location, he inexplicably fled into a different alleyway, pulling the entire party with him. Cozy’s mouth dropped.

“Hah! Nothing like a good old distraction to fool the entire crowd. That’s my Muffin!” Cheesy reared up, kicking her hooves in the air. “Let’s go, the coast is clear for the train station.”

Cheesy took Cozy’s hoof and waltzed through the sea of ponies. Like a stone skipping over a river, Cheesy bounced across the plaza, dragging a disoriented Cozy. Almost unnoticed, the duo slithered all the way through the flying coins, the conversations and the many new faces Cozy didn’t even recognize. The ponies she did, though, were now sporting a significant baggage on them, either under their eyes or in their mannerisms. Ponyville was never this vivid, this active. It had grown into quite a little hamlet, a world away from the humble little village she once lived in, overshadowed by the blistering purple and blue crystal castle and the pristine, marble-laden school. This was a whole new town, thankfully too preoccupied to care about a couple of fillies running around.

“There, the train station!” the duo stepped foot into the considerably less packed building, where a board showed various departure times. Fillydelphia at twelve fifteen, Appleoosa at thirty, Canterlot at noon

“There!” Cozy looked at the clock: eleven fifty-six. “But where are we gonna get some bits from?”

Cheesy’s face lit up. “You see that hole in the wood in the corner?” Cozy confirmed that, yes, a hole around the size of the hoof was just there, in one of the many wooden planks that made up this old station. Cheesy stuck a hoof through it, rummaged around for a bit, and managed to pull out five of them. “Mom always told me to keep these around Ponyville for a bit emergency.”

These kids are something else.

“Okay, with this we should be good for about... two round trips and a single one way. Is that alright, Comfy?”

Cozy pondered. I don’t really intend on coming back… “Yes, that’s alright. I’ll find my way home from Canterlot after my business with Princess Twilight.”

“Awesome, now let’s go!” Cheesy said as the little arrow hit fifty-seven.

“Aaaaaaall aboard!” chanted the conductor pony.

As the duo ran for it, Cozy thought she had forgotten something.

“Wait, where’s Muffin?”

“He’ll catch up with us, there’s no time!” Cheesy pleaded.

Oh, no, I’m not going anywhere without one of my patsies.

“Cheesy, try to hold up the train. I’ll look for Muffin, he can’t be that far.”

“Are you sure? It’s almost—”

“Yes, go! We’ve got no time to waste!”

Cozy flipped around and sprinted back to the throng. Behind her, she could hear Cheesy in the station. “Hey, mister ticket salespony, I gotta question…”

She recalled the way Muffin went and prayed to goodness that the guardponies were as dumb as they looked.

Around a corner, the five sentries observed in confusion as Muffin mimed… something. Flailing his hooves, and rolling on his back, shaking his rump, etc. Let’s just say the guards were beginning to question his sincerity.

Peeking from behind, Cozy beckoned to Muffin. Instead, a pony a few feet away and just out of peripheral gave her a wave. This one was slightly older mare with a yellow coat and orange mane.

“Hi, there little one, what got you so chipper?” the mare asked.

Cozy gulped. “Hey, just greeting my friend over there!”

“Who, Muffin? Whoa, that’s a lot of guards—”

“Yep, good ol’ Muffin.” A pause. “Say, could you tell him to meet me around the corner over here? We’re going to Canterlot on the train and, oh golly, we’d really hate to be late for that.” Cozy grinned as genuinely as she could.

“Why, of course, uh, what’s your name? I feel like you’re familiar but I can’t place my hoof on—”

“I’m Cushy… Cushy Glare! But please, call Muffin up. We really should get going.”

“Okay, sure, but I wonder why all those—”

“Miss? Please?”

“Oh, right, sorry!” the carrot-topped pony loped toward the guards, took Muffin’s hand as she saluted them, said a few words and waved back as she took Muffin back to Cozy.

“Hey, why’d you say you were my mom, lady?” Muffin inquired from the cantaloupe mare. Instead of answering, she turned to Cozy and winked, before heading right back to the center of town.

“Anyway, are we good to go, Comf—”


Cozy yanked Muffin from his spot and they zipped back to the station in a moment’s notice. Right on the entrance, Cheesy bounced around.

“I got the tickets! He was so nice, he gave me an extra—”

Cozy ran seemingly right past Cheesy, before she dragged the yellow foal in a wicked dash. Dodging the ponies pouring into the train, she kept a fierce iron grip around their hooves, and charged head first into the opening. The conductor ahead braced for impact, but only found three tickets softly landing on his nose.

Tripping over themselves, the trio tumbled into the train as the closing doors tickled Cozy’s tail. They felt the movement of the train as soon as they opened their eyes and saw the other two. Cozy lept to the window and Ponyville sank into the hilly horizon away.

“Phew!” Cozy fell back onto her haunches, pure relief. The snuggly hug from Muffin and Cheesy snapped her out of it.

“I can’t believe we did it!”

“We’re going to Canterlot!”

They high-fived before Cozy left them hanging. She begrudgingly returned the gesture.

“Ah, well, the point is we’re safe and sound, now all we have to do is—”

A resounding THUMP was heard as something landed on the roof of the train. The metal beast screeched to a halt as the Canterlot mountains watched statically. At the very front of the train, a door opening was heard. Cozy pulled one of the windows open and peeked outside.

“M-Mi-Miss Flurry H-Heart! Wha-What’s the big de-de-deal?” the driver staccatoed.

The purple alicorn looked different. Her head was angled, her wings stayed open, and the wind gave her an ethereal aspect. Not to mention that wicked stare.

“I need to search this train for possible enemies of Equestria.”

“E-E-E-Enemies?! In my tra-train?”

“Yes, and again, I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but this is Royal business.” And with that and a smile, Flurry stepped into the train.

Oh, golly.