• Published 3rd Dec 2019
  • 2,525 Views, 38 Comments

Cracked Open - Ghuntz

Flurry Heart, seeking to find a reason behind Cozy Glow's actions in the past, ends up releasing her from her stone prison. But Cozy has other plans, and reformation is not one of them.

  • ...

Chapter One: Revival

Cozy Glow

For the last second she was conscious, all Cozy Glow felt was stone crawling down her body, the loss of vision, and a sharp terror creeping up her back. And then, pure blackness.

Huh? The lack of input from the outside was shocking. Silence rang across her ears.

What… what is this?, Cozy thought, unable to sense yet still able to parse time. Let’s just say that being stoned inside a prison that keeps you in a state of altered consciousness was a strange and horrifying experience. Cozy had gone through other similar scenarios, but nothing like this. The dry cage in the depths of Tartarus was now a paltry inconvenience compared to this. It wasn’t as if she was in a black void bereft of matter; it was more like sleep paralysis than anything else. Muscles fail to receive orders, her eyes stuck, her ears attacked with the sound of silence. The only thing left was her mind.

And once this fact became apparent, Cozy realized what she was in for. It can’t be… all eternity like this? Stuck in this chamber forever?! It couldn’t be possible. It made no sense. She always counted on ponies to seek redemption for wrongdoers. But this time, it was different.

The last thing she remembered seeing was a towering sea of ponies and all manner of races, all looking down on herself and her two lackeys. It had seemed like their plans were thwarted. Drat, Cozy thought, everything I worked for, everything we accomplished… all gone in a puff of smoke. Was friendship truly that powerful?

But of course, she’d seen it herself. She tried to exploit it, for Celestia’s sake. And it seemed as though that was the straw that broke the alicorn’s back. Twilight Sparkle’s back, specifically.

These thoughts raced, as they were the only thing Cozy could control. And they raced and raced for an uncountable amount of time. With no sense of day and night, with no sensation, time ceased to exist. The only constant was making sure she didn’t lose herself. I’m still alive. I’ll make sure the moment I’m free, those ponies get what they deserve.

But that moment wasn’t coming. Cozy was certain that at one point or another, she would be freed by some bizarre occurrence or another long-lost creature willing to bring Equestria to its knees. Something had to pull her out, for the thought of eternity was too much to fathom.

Then time ceased to exist.


How long had it been? All she felt was anger. These disgusting peasants! Have they no empathy?! Her conviction was her driving force. The moment these fools brought her back (which she knew would happen eventually), she would enact a revenge so dastardly and perverse that ponies would fear speaking the name Cozy Glow ever again. All she had to do was wait for that moment.

Millions of moments later did she realize it wasn’t going to happen. Her punishment was this, forever. A pit formed in the bottom of her stomach, or at least, what her mind thought was her stomach. A terrible itching started to form. And it didn’t stop.


Who was Cozy Glow? That name wasn’t her anymore. Whatever she was was like a candle in the wind, one puff necessary to snuff her out once and for all. She just couldn’t take it anymore. She let darkness consume her.

Just let it end...


Suddenly, a loud crack was heard. Like a bone snapping in two, Cozy felt something around her crumble. A terribly blinding orange light engulfed her, and for a brief moment, Cozy thought her moment of passing had come.

Sweet release…

That is, until gravity took hold and she landed on what she remembered was fresh grass.

“Ahh!”, Cozy squeaked, “Ahhh!” She had surprised herself with her own voice. She brushed her legs across the blades, tickling her skin. The feeling was pure bliss. For a while she writhed, rusty to the feeling of having limbs to move in the first place. Her vision swirled as shapes of white and gold meshed into a kaleidoscope. She struggled to sit up, but her wings helped her. Her wings! She’d forgotten she even had those.

Finally, the last piece of the curse was lifted. She slowly opened her eyes again, to the radiant orange sunlight that bathed her coat in a splendor of warmth. Her eyesight adjusted, and the first thing she saw was a singular pony standing over her, drenched in glare.

“Whah, huh?” Cozy gasped.

The pony stepped forward and revealed herself. Her coat was a soft, delicately pastel pink, with a splendorous and pudgy rich purple mane kept together by a bright blue highlight, even in her tail. A perfect horn speared through her mane, sizzling with a golden glow. Her eyes were a cool teal, but they were anything but cool right now. She firmly watched over the weakened Cozy, maintaining a steadfast pose. Cozy could swear she’d seen this pony before.

“Cozy Glow.” the pony said with an air of caution.

“Y-yes?” Cozy whimpered.

Her voice was warm and full of life, eloquent and articulate. Cozy raised her shaky gaze to meet hers. “My name is Flurry Heart,'' she said as she spread her wings out, encapsulating Cozy’s vision, “and I have an offer for you.”

Flurry Heart

A few hours earlier…

“Flurry Heart, pay attention!” Princess Mi Amore Cadenza screeched, before rubbing her temples.

“Huh? Y-yes?” Flurry bolted up, remembering she was being scolded by her mom for… Ugh, what was it again?

“You don’t even care, do you? You’re a grown pony now, how can you act this way?”

“Sorry, ma… but, what was it I was supposed to be sorry for again?” Flurry fired up a pleading grin.

The pink princess’ face scrunched up. “Oh, for Celestia’s sake!” She turned to Shining Armor, who was just looking at Flurry, hesitantly. “Shining, dear, please. I can’t deal with her right now, not with so much to take care of until Twilight comes back. Just make sure she sees reason.”

“Yes, Cadence, of course.” Shining affirmed with a smile.

“Meet you later, my love.” She gave Shining a smooch, held a hoof to her chest, breathed deeply, and exhaled. She then turned to Flurry. “Bye, honey. Love you. Know that I say this for your own good. We’ll catch up later.”

“Bye, mom, love you too…” Flurry said dejected. Cadence trotted out.

Shining came up to Flurry and lied down next to her.

“I hope you understand that your mother is in one of her anxious bends whenever something like this happens. She’s the only other Princess, and when Twilight happens to take her protege on a quest, she tends to leave the chaos of things to Cadence. She’s just a little frazzled, that’s all.”

Flurry slumped down. “I really don’t remember what I did wrong, though.”

“You went into the Archives again? The secret wing? Remember now?”

“Oh, right! I was looking for information on Tirek, Chrysalis, and—”

“Ahem.” Shining interrupted.

“Oh. Right.”

“Why are you even interested in those two anyway?”

“I’m not.”

“Wait, what do you mean?”

“*sigh*...You know how when I was a little filly, you guys told me the story of the ‘Final Battle for Equestria’?”

“Calling it the ‘Final Battle’ was kind of naive, wasn’t it?” Shining said, chuckling.

“No, not that. The pony I am curious about… well… she’s actually a foal.”

“Oh, I think I do recall somepony being with them. Kind of hard to tell with how, you know… scary those other two were. Who was she again?”

“Tiny little filly that conspired with Tirek to steal all of Equestria’s magic, but then failed and was sent to Tartarus, but then escaped and partnered up with Queen Chrysalis and—”

“Okay, yeah, yeah, I remember her now. What about her?”

“Well that’s just it, dad! It doesn’t make any sense. Why would Cozy partner up with those two? Why would she want to take over Equestria in the first place?”

“Maybe something happened to her when she was younger. It might’ve influenced her to betray her fellow ponies.”

“Like me?” Flurry blurted out.

Shining backed off from Flurry. “What do you mean?”

“Dad, ever since I was a baby, I’ve been surrounded by danger, malicious creatures, and ponies bent on using power for evil. I still see Sombra sometimes in my dreams! At any moment I could’ve been turned or fillynapped or controlled somehow... and maybe I could’ve even been convinced to hurt—” Flurry’s voice choked up.

Suddenly, Flurry was engulfed by Shining’s caress. A few tears came out, but ceded quickly.

“Of course, Flurry. I understand.”

They laid in each others comfort for a bit.

“But those three are long gone by now. No need to dwell on the past.” Shining kissed Flurry on the forehead. “And do try to stay away from the secret wing in Canterlot, if you can. Equestria still has many enemies, and those archives are locked for a reason. What if someone followed you, or found out where they were? Perhaps try the Crystal library here in the Empire, they might have some more history in that sea of books.”

“I already tried the Crystal library. It just has the story most commonly told. I need more details!”

Shining tapped his chin as thoughts swirled. A smug aura settled around him.

“Hehe… you haven’t been to Canterlot since then, right?”

“Nope… mom kept me from going.” Flurry pouted and crossed her forehooves.

“Well, maybe now that mom is a little busy, we can take a trip. I’m sure you haven’t seen everything in Canterlot.”

“What do you mean?”

Cozy Glow

Back in the present...

“Wait wait wait, an offer? Stop right there.” Cozy stood up, still wobbly. Finally figuring out how to stand, she noticed the flawless marble spires and colorful golden banners indicative of the capital of Equestria. She was in Canterlot.

“Oh, of course, sorry,” Flurry chuckled, her facade of authority slipping slightly, “makes sense that you’d be surprised by all of this at first. As I said, I’m—”

“Flurry Heart, Princess Cadence's daughter. Yes, I remember you from…” Cozy trailed off as she perused the wondrous architecture and whimsy emanating from the city. She had never really taken the time to just take it in, and the last thing she remembered of Canterlot was blasting a magic spell through it. “...oh, golly. How long has it been?”

“Long enough, trust me. Ever since I learned of that whole League of Evil incident I’ve been very against what happened to you. I mean, turning a filly into stone and leaving her beside those two monsters for all eternity? That’s just too—”

“Monsters?” Cozy interjected, pulled in by that peeving statement. “They’re not monsters, they were my…” she struggled to form the proper words.

“Not your friends, were they? That wouldn’t make any sense”, Flurry said.

“And why’s that, exactly, you foal?”

“Excuse yourself, little filly, I’m the bigger pony here”, Flurry spread her wings once more and smirked.

Cozy backed away and scorned. “Technically, I’m older than you.” Cozy turned her grin into poison.

“Oh, come on, I’m just teasing you. Come here.” Flurry folded her wings and serenely walked up to Cozy, patting her on the head. Her smile softened.

“Look, I’ll be frank with you. I brought you back because I always felt like nothing about you made sense.”

Cozy gave Flurry a look.

“Don’t take it personally, heh. But really, think about it. You’ve got this ancient creature that can steal magic from ponies, the Queen and mother of the entire Changeling race, and then…” Flurry signals to Cozy “... you! How did you end up with them?”

Cozy recoils, then swipes away Flurry’s hoof.

“You’re gonna have to tell me at some point. If you want me to help you, I’ll need to know what failed in the past.”

A serene look and silence from Cozy.

“Alright, we’ll get to that later, no worries. You must be tired. Thankfully I’ve arranged a place for us to stay at.”

Cozy was still somewhat baffled. “Wait, what do you mean? Doesn’t everypony hate me here?”

Flurry postulated this for a second. “Some do for sure… but it’s been long enough for ponies to move on. Or just plain forget who you were.”

“Oh, how wonderful.”

“Plus, there’s always new friends to make!” She grinned.

Maybe, just maybe I can use this one. She probably knows where Princess Twilight is. If I’m to restore Tirek and Chrysalis, she can take me to those that can accomplish that.

“Yes, indeed, I’m tired. Where will we be staying?”

“Oh, you’re gonna love it!”

Flurry raised her head as her horn lit up, and a golden flash engulfed the two mares.

Flurry Heart

Back in the past...

“Dad, what are these statues you’re talking about?”

Shining led Flurry through the lush alleyways and flamboyant urban landscaping of Canterlot. She had spent most of her time in or around the Crystal Empire, so even though she had visited the capital a few times, its aura still left quite an impression. As opposed to the Crystal Empire’s jagged and geometrical approach to architecture and design, Canterlot was often free-flowing and uneven, many streets and buildings almost seeming like brushstrokes from a godly painter. Even its colors were matte, like dried acrylic, as opposed to the Crystal Empire’s prevalent shine and fractaling.

“You were too young, but I remember when Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy were all turned to stone, they were moved to Canterlot. A sort of, how do I put it, a reminder of the power of friendship.”

“Not the strongest reminder when friendship literally failed Cozy.”

Shining was taken aback. “Hold on a second, Flurry. Friendship didn’t fail Cozy. If anything, she failed friendship. She was taught about it in Twilight’s School.”

“Maybe that was the problem. I hated school.”

Shining got a chuckle out of that one. “Believe me, I know you did. You often did exactly the opposite of what those poor teachers told you.”

“Exactly! Auntie Twi has always stressed to me the importance of learning friendship naturally. I don’t even know why she set up a school in the first place.”

“Well, you know Twily… she always had an obsession with learning and teaching. Maybe she was just looking to make it a little more streamlined?”

“By what, removing what makes friendships actually happen? Good thing Starlight Glimmer managed to turn that one around—”

“Oh, we’re here.”

Flurry turned to where Shining was staring at, and was struck by a bizarre view. In the center of a small plaza, an amalgam of creatures stood frozen in time. A cowering, pathetic centaur hiding behind his scrawny arms; an eldritch and rage-filled she-demon mid-charge; and barely noticeable, hidden between the two, but ever-so unnerving, a little filly, clutching at her cheeks as pure terror engulfed her face.

Flurry stopped in her tracks, her sight tunnel-visioned on Cozy Glow. She barely knew about this foal, and had only heard about her in stories told by her elders. She didn’t even remember Cozy when she was little. But one look at her and a deep shiver rocked her bones. She rushed to the statue and pressed her hoof toward Cozy’s chest. There was definitely a presence within the stone. She was still alive in there. Flurry clutched at her head, picturing herself stuck senseless for twenty-five years.


A weeping Flurry Heart turned to Shining Armor, sniffling softly.

“It just doesn’t make sense, dad... *sniff* How could they do this to a fellow pony? Discord was brought back! Starlight was given a chance! Why did she have to suffer?”

Shining placed a hoof around Flurry and gave her his shoulder. “We tried our best with what we had, and this is just how it ended. We just wanted them to stop coming after us, to end the destruction of Canterlot and save our lives. If we hadn't done that, Flurry, we wouldn't be here."

Shining looked around him, at his beautiful city. "All this wouldn't be here... It's the only thing we could do. It’s no use getting all sobby for it now.” Shining put his hoof under Flurry’s chin. “Now how about going back home. I’ll make you some delicious Crystal Cruit.”

Flurry smiled slightly and nodded. But even as they were leaving, she turned back one more time. For a split second, she thought she saw a horn atop the filly’s head.

You're wrong, Dad. I’m getting you out of there, sister.

Back in the present...

Cozy rubbed her eyes. After her vision cleared, a sight she thought she would never again see presented itself to her. Despite the amount of time, the quaint little town of Ponyville still stood, just as perfectly charming as it always was. And Cozy didn’t like it at all. This town held many memories for her, and most of them were not exactly pleasant.

“Why are we here? What’s so special about Ponyville, anyway? I used to live here, it’s the least exceptional town in all of Equestria.”

Flurry gasped. “Least exceptional? Cozy, it’s often the simplest of places that breed the truest of heroes!” Flurry said with dramatic flair. Cozy raised a brow.

“Oh, come on. You know exactly what I mean. This was Twilight’s home away from home, where she found the Elements of Harmony, where her friends—”

“Of course I know all that, dummy!” Cozy replied, “I just don’t like it, that's all.” She began to walk toward the town.

Flurry followed, but her mind was somewhere else. There’s no doubt this is a strange situation… Cozy’s been encased in stone for, what twenty-five years? Yet she’s acting totally normal. Perhaps there’s more to this filly than I thought.


Flurry looked down from her cloud of thoughts and noticed she bumped right into Cozy.

“Oof, sorry Cozy, I wasn’t looking.” Cozy looked ahead, dead on her tracks, visibly jittery. “What’s the matter?”

Flurry looked ahead. It was one of her auntie Twilight’s friends, Applejack.

Wow, I haven’t seen her in a while, Flurry thought. Age had definitely gotten to her, as her slightly frazzled mane and visible eye bags carried with her an aura of ambivalence. Still, she retained her down-to-earth demeanor well enough, and appeared to still be at work, carrying a beautifully laced basket filled with steaming apple fritters to somewhere in the town.

Alas, she appeared to notice some movement and turned to face Cozy and Flurry. For a second, she raised a hoof to greet her alicorn friend, but then she saw Cozy Glow. Her pupils dilated and her mouth shot open, dropping the fritters to their dirty death.

Oh, right. This might be a bad idea.

Flurry zipped over to Applejack and placed a reassuring hoof over her shoulder. “Hiya, AJ, long time no see, huh? How’s the farm treating you, you still living with Dash for some rea-”

“Flurry, hold on a sec’, for goodness’ sake,” Applejack said. She rubbed her temple, sighing. “What did ya do this time?”

“THIS time? What do you mean by that?” Flurry asked, appalled.

“Puh, well, did ya forget when you were curious if Timberwolves had their own culture so ya brought one into town so we could ‘become friends’?”

“Well, that was just a friendship theory gone wrong, and nopony got hurt—”

“And that one time ya made all the newborn foals in town able to talk so they conspired to kidnap a cow for infinite milk?”

“I just wanted to make it easier for parents to talk to their kids, nothing wrong with tha—”

“And just last week you were talkin’ about that old mirror pool Pinkie used decades ago to copy yourself-”

Flurry stuck a hoof into Applejack’s mouth

“Okay, okay, I might be a little off the cuff when it comes to my ideas, I understand.”

Cozy suddenly interjected, “You don’t really seem to have your head screwed on straight.”

Applejack recoiled. “Yah!” She shook her head to snap out of it. “Flurry, what in tarnation is Cozy Glow doing here?! She’s evil!”

Cozy held a nasty scowl. Flurry snuggled over to her and patted her curly mane.

“Applejack, I’m shocked! You of all ponies would know the value of forgiveness, and her punishment was straight up unfair. What would Granny Smith think of-”

“Don’t you mention Granny in front of this… this—”

“This what? Monster? Schemer? Supervillain? This tiny old cutesy thing?” Cozy unwillingly smiled as Flurry held her cheeks up.

“Uh, yeah? I don’t expect you to remember much since you were a little baby and all, but think about it. She tried to take over Equestria with an ancient creature and the queen of all the Changelings.”

“And that’s what doesn’t make any sense!”

“What doesn’t make any sense is you—”

“APPLEJACK, YOU’RE NOT LISTENING” a thunderous, imposing yell shut down any dissent. Flurry’s horn flickered, and she sighed softly. “I know I’m not exactly the most responsible of ponies, but this is different. I really care about Cozy, I do. I feel like I could’ve been her myself, one step away from using my power to hurt others. I want to get to the bottom of this, and find a way to get her to understand the value of friendship.”

“Ah don’t know, Flurry. If the School of Friendship couldn’t do it, I doubt anything will.”

“The School of Friendship? Puah, what a joke.” Cozy said.

Applejack gave Flurry a sneering look.

“AJ, it’s going to be a tough endeavor, but it’s something I’m willing to put its due effort into.” Flurry looked down on a brooding Cozy. “I don’t want Equestria to fail another pony ever again.”

Applejack could tell that this was weighing on Flurry quite a bit. She’d never been this resistant to advice.

“Well, AJ, thanks for the talk, but we gotta go. This one here—”

“Just call me Cozy, please.” Cozy said.

“Oh, hahaa, right. Cozy here is tired and hungry since she hasn’t really eaten in the better part of three decades. Talk to you later, AJ!” Flurry pranced away pulling Cozy by the foreleg and disappeared behind a building.

AJ sighed. She needed to talk to the others as soon as possible. She picked up the basket and found it rather light. One more look revealed the fritter massacre that Flurry had accidentally caused. “*sigh*... this better not be a hint of things to come.”

As Cozy was led by Flurry through town, she looked over the place she once called home. It was strange, even though it felt the same, Cozy knew that a long time had passed since she was last here. The lofty architecture, the round hills, and the abundant natural flora of the town was more vibrant than ever, but as she observed the ponies going about their business, she noticed one thing: she didn’t know any of them.

Well, not ‘any’ of them, exactly. Cozy could recognize some of the old faces from back in the day. Cherilee drinking some tea while reading the newspaper, Roseluck and Fluttershy talking about some flowers, it seemed, Rarity talking to a huge Yak— wait a second.

“Is that Yona?!” Cozy asked, mouth agape.

Flurry ignored this question as she was busy pondering the darkening daylight around them. It was almost night.

“Ok, so. The plan will be to rest for the evening and tomorrow morning we’ll go with introductions. How does a breakfast at Sugarcube Corner sound, Cozy?” Flurry asked with a smile.

Cozy gestured a thought. “Doesn’t sound *YAWN* that bad, actually. But sleep sounds better right now.”

“Of course. We’re almost there.”

“Almost where?”

As the duo turned a corner, Cozy was blasted by a comfortably warm yellow hue emanating from the center of a small plaza. As she focused, she saw a beautiful sight she’d never seen before.

It was a tree, shaped like one and as tall as one, with a trunk and branches and everything. But within it, was a house. Windows led to a comfy interior filled with books, potted plants hung from open balconies, and an ornate door welcomed them inside. It was covered in flowers, and the branches extended the further up they went, creating a lush architectural wonder. This home was nothing like the rest of Ponyville. It carried with it a mystical feeling.

“Golly, that’s—”

“Pretty cool, right? Twilight had it rebuilt after Luster Dawn moved down here. She’s out of town right now with Twilight, though, something about a quest near Griffonstone, so she said we’re totally cool to stay.”

“So you did tell Twilight about setting me free?”

Flurry winced. “Not exactly… look, I haven’t been entirely honest with you. I’ve been planning on releasing you for a while, but it’s honestly better if I just did it and then apologized for it later. I know from experience. Plus, I think we’ll be fine. You better not have a super-evil ploy, right?” Flurry giggled and winked at Cozy.

Cozy smiled. “Of course. It’d be silly to try anything now. After all, I want to have the chance to meet Twilight again.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful! Alright, let’s get you something quick to eat and then you go to bed. How does a daffodil sandwich sound? Mine are off the cuff! Do you like…”

As Flurry and Cozy walked into the library, a dark figure between the shadows observed closely. Then as soon as it appeared, it whisked away into the dead of night.

As Cozy sat patiently waiting for her food, she took in the mood of the tree-brary. The rich and shiny brown shades of the tree were refurbished, like polished marble. The soft pink and green hues of the flora mottled the place just right, and the organic structure of both the main framework as well as the dressing and decorations made this place feel extra magical, like a separate dimension. The smell of oak permeated, and gave Cozy a nice little shiver whenever she took a particularly deep breath. But none of this could compare to the sensation of feeling that smooth wooden finish on her coat. She just wanted to lay there on the supple chair all night if it meant—

“Here you go!” Flurry chirped.

Cozy gasped and wobbled her way down to the ground with a deep THUD. Apparently being back in the real world also meant feeling both the pain and the pleasure that came with it.

“One daffodil sandwich. I hope you like it.” Flurry said as she sat opposite to Cozy and sipped on a cup of tea.

Cozy sat back up with a frown, but one look at that sandwich and it dissipated. She just realized she hadn’t eaten food in all this time. She hadn’t even felt hungry, a side-effect of being encased in stone, it seemed. Immediately upon realizing this, the sharpest pang struck Cozy in the stomach, and she flinched.


“Hmm? You alright, Cozy?”

“Yes, I… I guess I’m just really hungry.”

“Go ahead and eat up then, silly.” Flurry chuckled.

Cozy eyed the sandwich. The aroma of freshly plucked daffodils and baked bread wafted to her nose, and she felt like melting. She finally picked up the darn thing and bit into it.

“Mmm…” Oh, the soft yet crunchy give of the bread, the tangy crunch of the petals, the feeling of sustenance, it was… it was…

“Hey, you sure you’re okay? You’re crying.”

Oh? Cozy opened her eyes and found her lids heavy, her vision blurred. She looked down at the silly thing which had caused her this humiliation. Celestia curse it all. Cozy got up and took the plate with her.

“Uh, Cozy? Where are you going?”

“I’m finishing this in my room. Thank you and good night, Flurry.”

“Wait, Cozy—”

The door to the upstairs was slammed shut. As Cozy’s steps grew more distant, Flurry pondered. Quickly she stomped her hooves on the table.

“I won’t fail her. I can’t fail her.”

Crickets chirped the night away. Cozy yawned. Even after that excellent meal, her body was still feeling shaky. The interior of the room glowed a warm mustard, easing her into a state of lull. She climbed atop the bed and felt the soft, spongey cover brush against her. What bliss.

I’m bringing them back. I have to get rid of this one, first. If Twilight is out of town, then my plan might need some shifting...

“Cozy?” a muffled inquiry appeared behind the door.

Cozy sat up from the bed somewhat startled, but remained silent. She frowned.

“Cozy, I know this is sudden, and you must be feeling a bit shocked by what happened, but I want you to know that you can trust me. Your punishment was unfair, and I want to help you understand why friendship is a force of good. We failed you before, but I promise— no, I Pinkie Promise, that I’ll do my best to make it up to you. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

A heavy silence befell the speech.

“Okay, we’ll talk tomorrow, then. Good night, Cozy Glow. Sleep well.”

And with that, the crickets overtook the night once again. The now opened window allowed their trills to enter the empty room.

Ponyville at night wasn’t the easiest place to sneak around. Natural lamps dotted the town to make a comfy atmosphere, which meant visibility was against her. No ponies in sight as of yet, and the path to the train station was straight ahead. She needed to hurry. She was flying as well, in order to lessen the chances of somepony hearing her.

Her plan was simple: before the sun had risen up, she needed to be on a train to Canterlot. By midday she expected to arrive, and then she’d sneak her way through the city towards the Castle. There, she would somehow find a way to take Grogar’s Bell, steal Princess Twilight’s magic, free Tirek and Chrysalis, and take Equestria back the right way. These flimsy ponies were going to pay for the fate they placed on her. All she had to do was fly there. Simple.

Suddenly, Cozy’s eyelids slammed shut for a split second, heavier than she’s ever felt them. Her body heaved, feeling the weight of a lack of use. Her wings felt as though she was underwater. She careened and teetered, fighting desperately to maintain her balance. Alas, she lost it and tumbled, rolling through the almost pitch black Ponyville dirt road.


“Aah!” Cozy screeched. Something in her wing had popped, and a stinging pain trickled through her appendage. Gravity took mercy on her at last and she stopped dead in her tracks. Belly-down, she could barely move. The pain in her wing was pulsating, and in the distance, two small, shadowy figures approached cautiously.

Oh, darn! Cozy attempted to stand up, but her strength was faltering. She yawned violently and her eyelids finally got the better of her. Whispers and pit-pats came forth, and before she could brace for impact, the much delayed sleep snuffed her lights out.

The sparkle of the morning sun washed over Flurry’s face, tickling her closed eyes. Suddenly an acute pain shot up her spine.

“Yeow!” Flurry yelped and opened her eyes, staring directly into Celestia’s namesake. “Agh—wah!” She seesawed in the chair she had fallen asleep in and fell rump-first into the hardwood floor. “Oww…”

What in the name of—. She looked over at the drool-drenched table that held her face for the night and noticed the book she had found herself lost in. So much so that she’d fallen asleep in a mighty uncompromising position. She hovered it to her.

“Oh, right!” Flurry said as she rubbed her eyes. “‘The Final Battle for Equestria: An Analysis’ by Moondancer… I don’t even remember where I left off, what’s this?” She opened back to the slightly soggy chapter she’d left behind as she ambled toward the kitchen downstairs from the study.

“Let’s see… ‘Theories on Cozy Glow’: Not much is known about this mysterious youngster, other than she attended Twilight Sparkle’s School of Friendship for a period of time. Her place of birth and parentage/caretaker were not known as the School of Friendship never required personal identification to enroll,” Flurry facehooved, “This flaw in the system was overturned after Starlight Glimmer was instated as the Headmare.’ Ha! I always said Starlight saved that school. This’ll make Cozy laugh.”

Flurry arrived at the kitchen and floated over a bowl, filled it with water, and began pouring cornflour, still reading the book. I’m gonna make a nice, cozy breakfast for… Cozy. “Heh!”

Stepping back out and leaving a spoon to mix the mush in the bowl with her magic, Flurry closed the book smugly. Prancing her way up the stairs to Cozy’s room, she tapped on the door.

“Cozyyy, good morning! Oh, I have the funniest thing to show you.” She opened the door. “You know how I told you that Starlight was a blessing for the School? Well, turns out—”

Flurry looked up. The only thing that greeted her was the gentle breeze of the morning brushing against the curtains, a gate to the depths of Ponyville.

Flurry’s smile froze. Her coat hairs erected, an ice-cold spasm making her legs twitch. The book ceased to float as the glow of Flurry’s magic extinguished. A clatter was heard in the kitchen.

I’m finished.