• Published 20th Sep 2012
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Fallen Angels - Lt_Voss

Will and Bill get forced into a 24/7 on the clock job: hunting dead for the mysterious Gatekeeper.

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Chapter 4 - Two Wraiths walk into a Library...

So there we found ourselves. Bill and I, your friendly neighborhood ghost hunters. In life, we probably would have been called crazies. Frankly, I didn't know if that would be untrue. After all, for the longest time I thought Bill was simply an annoying and arrogant voice in my head. I heard that. That fact that I was now a wraith hunting other wraiths... while I knew this could have likely happened -- well, I know dying could have happened, at least -- it was still unnerving. I didn't much care for the conscription of Bill and myself -- Who would? -- and in doing so the gods pretty much sealed the deal of my annoyance towards them.

Regardless of my... "opinions" on the matter, I still had to do it no matter what, so I figured I had better make the best of it. Still, going on as the unsung hero didn't much hearken to my liking. You have the biggest ego I've seen on anyone. Even Henderson wasn't as bad. 'Really?!' I asked, incredulous. To think that Bill could possibly believe that that maniac had a smaller ego than me... I knew Bill was joking, of course. No. I sighed. But you're cutting it pretty close. For that, I simply had to slap him.

"Okay," Silver Star announced, breaking me out of my reverie. "We're nearly there. I..." she hesitated as if she were mulling over this one point. "I didn't want to do this before, actually go into Ponyville. But... you've been so nice... I can at least see you to a pony who I'm sure will receive you well." Her tone grew an abrasive and apprehensive tone, almost as if she truly didn't want to take me to this pony, but felt she had to out of honour.

"Silver," I replied. "You don't have to do anything for me, you know. You've already done enough giving me someone alive to talk to. Someone alive I could actually have a conversation with, that is. In spite of whatever transformed you into 'The Great and Powerful Trixie', you are a very wonderful pony to be around."

"No, no," she shot back at me, with more conviction. "I insist. I will walk you to a good place to stay for a bit. It is the least I can do. Maybe..." her voice grew softer. "Maybe I can even fix some of the... problems I had coming here last time, too."

"Stop for a second," I told her. She did. I thought over what she was saying. She was willing to risk getting herself horrifyingly humiliated at my expense, just so she could help me gain some good accommodations... all because I was polite? I didn't exactly follow her logic. Perhaps ponies truly are the people of no war. While that kind of went against having a Royal Guard in the first place, I had to agree with Bill on that one. "Silver, you have got to be the greatest companion I've ever been with, besides Bill and-"

I don't know why it was like that. In fact, I'd never even tried to say her name once. Does that make me a horrible husband? Thinking it was no problem. Fluttershy. Fluttershy flutters shyly through the field. Saying it aloud though... "Besides Bill and... my wife." In a manner unbecoming a doting husband, I did not find myself choking up by simply stating her title. I knew it was practically alienating her, but somehow it made it easier to cope. I'm a monster, I know.

"Flu- Flu... you mean... Fluttershy?" Silver asked innocently. I could tell her intention was not to hurt me emotionally, but do that she did.

"Yes," I replied with a weak voice.

"Is she there with you?"

I didn't mean to be rude or forceful. "Look, Silver, I don't want to talk about it. Could we get going?"

In a manner I didn't expect of her, Silver said one last thing before she led me down the path towards the main square of Ponyville. "I understand. I'm sorry for... making you... er, uncomfortable."

Were that said by anyone else, or by someone whom I did not know, I would have certainly, at the very least, belittled them. At worst I might have even -- were it possible, of course -- hit the person for sounding so unrealistic. However, I was simply astonished by how utterly sincere Silver Star declared her apology. I would not assume of anyone the capability to be so empathetic. "Thank you," I replied, my own statement seemed to be swallowed up by the differences in depth between hers and my own.

We continued towards the town square, and at this point it had become quite the difficulty to slip by unnoticed. More ponies resided near the center of town, and unfortunately for Silver Star, Twilight's library was right there. I had to silently applaud Silver's ability to stick to the shadows. Had she been a human, she would have made a great sneaker, possibly even a good steal soldier. Sorry, but my militaristic mind has to be vented somehow.

Unfortunately, though, all good luck must be broken, and all good things must come to an end. Somepony spotted her. It wasn't until I heard saw the pony herself that I recognised the voice, and for that I feel absolutely terrible. There, standing behind a wagon cart filled to the brim with apples was Applejack herself. It was kind of surprising to me that AJ had not spotted Silver Star sooner, since we... well, she, had been sneaking right across the street from her. "What do y'all think yer doin'?!"

Silver, in shock and fear, snapped her head towards the outburst, and immediately shrunk down. "No. No, no, no. Why her?"

"Are you alright, Silver?" I asked. For metaphorical purposes I stood between her and AJ, hoping that somehow in some way I was shield their view from each other. Bill, ever the resourceful man, used his magic to cause a crate to fall over in front of Silver Star, hiding her from view. It also had the side effect of landing on top of me. While it didn't hurt, it was still annoying and for some reason it felt... I felt violated somehow as the box passed through my incorporeal body. "Silver," I repeated. "Are you okay?"

"It's her," she whispered, her voice even then quivering. "She's the strong one. She's the mean one. Right next to the blue one."

I knew what she was talking about, of course, even if an outsider didn't. Applejack and Rainbow Dash are the most... forward of ponies I've met, with Applejack having a very great mistrust of ponies outside her immediate family. I realise she's the Element of Honesty, but I would have hoped that that fact would have aided her very... uncouth and downright poor social skills. Sure, she can be polite, when the time calls for it, but at other times... she's rather disrespectful, even if she doesn't mean to be.

"It's alright, just a little setback. Here, Bill and I will keep you covered, while you-"

"Aha!" An exclamation of victory sounded behind the three of us. I spun to find Applejack, who had apparently left her stand to reaffirm her initial sighting. "I knew it was you I saw!"

Before Silver Star could completely shut down in worry, I threw a crate down between the two rivaling ponies. "Go!" I shouted to Silver Star. Reassured that her ghostly friends had not abandoned her to the wolves, so to speak, she got up and high-tailed it. Get it? I'll stop now.

Unfortunately, of course, dying meddles with your memory a bit. I became vaguely aware of the possibility that maybe Applejack was possibly more agile that I had first thought. She quickly hopped over the crate to give pursuit to Silver. Running to catch up with my new-found friend, I pulled down pretty much any object I could grab on to. I did make sure not to pull down anything open topped or fragile, as best as I could tell. It was an effort that, sadly, Bill was less inclined to put forth. We did what we were trying to do, at least, which was to stall Applejack long enough for Silver Star to get out of sight or get to the library, whichever came first.

And she did. Make it to the library, I mean. Of course, she still had to get in the library, but Bill had that covered. Taking a second to slide through the wall, he... took about thirty to forty five seconds doing something that I had no doubt would get the door to open. Meanwhile, I busied myself covering up Silver as best as I could, to just try and buy her time. I shifted around a few boxes that happened to be lying beside the tree the library was carved from. I arranged them in a wall around the door, hiding her from view of the ponies in the street.

After almost a minute, Bill did finally return from inside the library. "How'd it go?" I asked.

"Well, aside from Spike having to snap Twilight out of trying to study the self-animated quill writing the words "let me in" on a piece of parchment," I facepalmed even though Bill was the only one who could have seen me do it. "It went quite well. I assume it's only taking this long because Spike is so small and has to drag Twilight from the quill. Mind you, it had been still since I let go of it," he grinned. "But apparently she didn't get the hint."

Silver Star opened her mouth to say something, but before she could the door opened. "So, why did I need to open the door, Spi-" Twilight never finished her question. "What are you doing here?! Get away from my library, now!"

"Please, I can explain-" Silver replied in a very soft voice, lowering herself to the ground, saddened by the, perhaps somewhat understandably, immediate rejection.

"No, I don't care! I know who you are, Trixie, and you're nothing but a fake!"

"Bill," I said in a side. "Get me the paper and the quill. If you can, bring me ink." Bill nodded and did as he was told.

"Please, Twilight-"

"Do NOT even think we're on a first name basis, Trixie!"

Silver Star shrunk down even further, and in a voice that barely constituted a whisper, said, "Please, Ms. Sparkle, I have nowhere else to go, and I don't know who else I can trust... please..."

For a moment Twilight's resolve wavered. I could see it in her eyes. However, were it not for the fact that Bill brought out the requested items at that time, I'm sure Twilight would have once again strengthened her position and sent Silver packing, which would not have done well for her in my conscience. After all, Silver Star was almost quite literally risking life and limb for my well being. It would only be suit should I do the same.

Taking the paper and quill in hand as Bill held the inkwell with his magic, I began to scribble down onto the paper in a script only those who had seen my letters would be able to read. On it, I wrote, "Twilight Sparkle. You will let this poor pony in and let her explain her situation. To fail to do so would anger one whose self provided you with an outlet for your own frustration. Do as I say."

I did not know Twilight had read my will, or my personal thank you note, nor any other document of mine, but she certainly could read my handwriting, and while she perhaps did not recognise it at first, she did as the words told her and silently, I could see her fuming by the way, let Silver Star in. The latter pony promptly, though gracefully and possibly with the intention to make herself seem lesser to Twilight, sat on the floor in front of the couch. Twilight saw this and did not object.

"Well," she began in a very annoyed tone. Her eyes shot daggers made of fifty caliber laser beams at Silver Star. "Explain."

Silver Star took a deep breath. "My name, for starters, is Silver Star. I'm a researcher at the Canterlot University."

"How did you come to call yourself 'The Great and Powerful Trixie' if your name was Silver Star?" Twilight, as I mentioned about some other Ponyville ponies, oddly enough, was one who was very hypocritical. 'Be nice and make friends' my arse, if this was how she treated someone who came begging to her door.

"Well... during one of my... experiments... I, er, miscalculated," Twilight, probably against her better judgement, nodded in possible understanding. "And I let loose... please don't think I'm insane."

"Why would I believe you to be insane? Other than being a very self-centered stage pony who was shown up by her own folly?"

"Well," Silver Star replied, leaning in closer to Twilight. "Believe it or not, and I hope you believe me, I let loose... an evil spirit."

Twilight nodded. "That would make one believe another to be insane. And why should I not do so to you, Silver Star?"

"Because... I have proof." Silver replied, shifting uncomfortably where she sat, though, whether that was from the discomfort of where the conversation was going or from having to sit on the floor, I was unsure.

"Oh? And what proof would that be?" Twilight retorted in a thoroughly disbelieving tone, bordering a 'you're so stupid how are you alive' tone.

"Will, Bill," Silver called out. "Could you do something to show Twilight you exist? I mean, I know she can't see you, and I don't think she can hear you, so I think you have to write something again."

"What are you-" Twilight began, narrowing her eyes, but before she could finish I flipped over the paper I held in my hands and began writing again.

This time, I wrote something only she could know. "Remember the bookstore right next door to the toy store? The one with the bunny? I certainly remember how dumb it made me look."

From Twilight's perspective, it looked like a quill was writing something on some parchment all on its own. It then floated its way over to her, and as she read it she gasped. "I don't know how you know about this, and I don't know how you're levitating this without magic, but it isn't funny!"

I snatched the paper from the airspace in front of Twilight's head, leaving her with a nice cool breeze. I scribbled more down, this time writing, "Moonshy and Victor. Paracorns. Remember them? Remember me? I didn't think you could hold such an animosity towards me for so long, even after I've died, Twilight."

Reading it, Twilight, for a second, almost looked like she believed it. But then she noticed one thing. "Remember Paracorns? Really? Hah. It's no secret Paracorns exist, Silver Star. Unless you give me absolutely solid proof-"

Snatching the paper for the last time before I exploded in anger, I scribbled furiously. I swear there was smoke coming up from the paper. I floated the parchment in front of Twilight's face once more. "God damn it, Twilight!" she read aloud. For once I could see she didn't entirely believe Silver Star could be capable of such language. "It's me, Will. You are the most stubborn... the stupidest smart pony I've ever met! I mean, after all, throwing rocks at me in plain view of everyone because I'd caught the attention of the mare you so secretly held as your own is perfect proof! Now behave nicely to Silver Star!"

She set the parchment down on the nearby table with her own magic. Taking a breath, and I could feel the sadness in it, making me worry for a second, and only a second, that I'd gone too far, Twilight readdressed Silver Star. "While I don't subscribe to your point of view in its entirety, I do believe there may be a few grains of truth in it. I'm sorry for acting so harshly. You just have to realise, even if you were controlled by an evil spirit, and I'm not saying you were, you still left a horrible mark on everypony you met."

It was Silver's turn to sigh, in the same expression of sadness but for a different reason, of course. "I know. Will's been catching me up to speed about everything."

"So, why are you here? Need a place to stay, or what?"

Silver nodded. "Yeah. Trixie had me stay in a cottage out in the Everfree, but I was too scared to stay there as I am now."

Twilight furrowed her eyebrows. It was obvious she felt this was obligatory, not voluntary. "Well, if you need to stay somewhere, the library's a good a place as any." She muttered under her breath; only Bill and I could hear her, "Not like anyone comes here anymore."

Bill read my thoughts and grabbed a new sheet of parchment, the old piece having been completely written over. As a first statement, I wrote, "So... now that I'm dead, what's new?"

Twilight read this and responded, "Not much. You've only been dead a day."

I slapped my forehead at this oversight. "Okay... well, I guess what I mean is... is there anything... strange going on? Aside from what's been happening for the past half hour?"

"What do you mean?" I could see Twilight's face turn red. I guess it was embarrassing for her to speaking to air.

"Like, more accidents than there usually are, near-death experiences, random anvils falling from the sky that luckily land a hair's breadth away from someone... somepony?"

Twilight set her mind to thinking and remembering. Bill waltzed around the room, picking at various things while she did. Good gods, she even tapped her forehoof against her chin as she thought. Something brightened in her eyes, and she spoke with a degree of confidence. "Well, now that you mention it..."