• Published 20th Sep 2012
  • 1,742 Views, 41 Comments

Fallen Angels - Lt_Voss

Will and Bill get forced into a 24/7 on the clock job: hunting dead for the mysterious Gatekeeper.

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Chapter 2 - Bastion

Bill and I walked relatively aimlessly through the forest. We knew which forest we were in, despite not knowing exactly where we were. "Gods," I muttered under my breath. "Why does it always have to be the freaking Everfree?"

"Well, then, it wouldn't be so exciting," Bill said, putting on an affectation of liveliness and of being chipper. With no other option but to go "forward," we had pretty much accepted that we were little more than lost. We hoped that we were going in somewhat the right direction of Ponyville, only having the sun's position, discovered by a quick climb up one of the trees, to guide our direction. Bill and I only knew that we were heading east. Past that, we did not know whether we were too far north or south.

Bill and I had just about given up hope of finding anywhere other than the forest when we, at the same time, saw ahead a light. Instinctively we headed toward this light, desperately wishing for it to be the way out that we sought. When, after a while of walking towards this beacon, it did not appear to get any closer, the two of us stupidly broke out into a run. Our wild sprint lasted for what seemed like centuries. Finally, we reached the source of the light. It was a cottage, hidden within the woods.

I glanced at Bill warily. This didn't look like Zecora's hut to either of us, as it obviously wasn't, and we were wary of its inhabitants. "Think we can walk through walls?"

Bill shrugged. "I don't think that works outside the movies, but it can't hurt to try, right?"

Our wonders were nullified when we heard something approaching from the left. Instinctively we dove into the bushes, not used to, or perhaps forgot that, no living being should be able to see us. Peering from between the branches, we perked our ears towards the direction that the disturber was coming from. Soon, we started hearing mumblings from the creature. "Trixie is great and powerful!" This "Trixie" was female, definitely. "She will succeed in her task!"

I, ever so slowly, turned his face to Bill's and whispered, "Who's she talking to?"

Before Bill could answer, a blue pony with a silver mane jumped through the bushes. "Who's there?! Show yourself!"

"She can hear us?" I asked Bill incredulously. "I thought the living couldn't hear us!"

Bill whispered strongly, "She's got help." Without further warning, he shot forward like a bullet, spun in place, and swung a kick towards the pony. Since he was a wraith and therefore incorporeal, his kick would pass through the pony.

But it would not go through another wraith. With a light thud, a black mass flew from the pony, who I assumed was Trixie. With a much deeper thud, the mass hit the forest floor several feet away. I got up then and ran over to the writhing black mass that I believed to be an evil, or Tartarus-damned wraith. Acting quickly, I jumped on it, hoping to hold it down as I pummeled it, unsure of how exactly to send a wraith back to Tartarus, or even Erebus if Styx had the power to take care of it.

The wraith screamed incessantly and constantly hurled insults at me, usually concerning my heritage or the presence, or supposed lack thereof, of mating instruments. The voice that I could only attribute to the wraith was, as was the pony, definitively female. "Trixie will kill you all," the wraith howled as Bill checked the status of the pony. "TRIXIE WILL MAKE SURE YOU WILL PAY FOR IMPRISONING HER LIKE THIS!" I flinched at the volume, and the became confused. Who really was Trixie? Unfortunately, my confusion was all the wraith needed to retry her efforts to escape my hold.

Bill came to my aid soon enough, and apparently he knew exactly what to do. Using some magic, and to be honest, had I known I could still have magic, I would have taken care of the wraith myself, Bill created a large and very deadly knife from the air around him. "What are you going to do to Trixie?" The wraith asked, terror in her voice.

With the knife, Bill knelt down beside the now paralysed-with-fear wraith. "Get that knife away from Trixie!" The wraith's pleas fell on deaf ears. Bill, gruesomely solemn, used the knife to decapitate the wraith and then set the head ablaze. After that purely disgusting task was complete, and after I had suppressed my urges to vomit all over, he began lighting the rest of the wraith's now... lifeless? Death-less? Bill began torching the rest of the wraith's corpse.

Overall, if this is what it took to send wraiths back to Tartarus, I was going to have an oh-so-wonderful time of it. I could barely hold my incorporeal stomach at the sight of the truncated corpse, and the stench of rotting flesh helped not. Apparently, though, the pony had no problem. She was sitting on her rear end, staring at the ground, shock in her eyes. "What am I doing here?" She asked the dirt.

Without thinking, I replied, "You're sitting in front of your home."

"I'd better get inside then, right? It's getting dark," she responded. Perfectly normal, it wasn't as if she could hear me... wait, what?

"You can hear me?" I asked experimentally.

"Who said that?" The pony asked, fear in her voice now.

"Er," I tried, smartly, trying to redirect and-or answer the pony at the same time. "It's... me, the... wind?"

The pony whimpered. "Even the wind can talk? This place is scarier than mom said it was..." A sniffle emanated from the pony, and her eyes watered. "I wanna go home! Why am I even out here?!"

I don't know what it was with me. Bill himself thought-spoke to me and told me he would slap me upside the head later, but for some reason I just did it. I hated to see a girl cry, even if that girl was a pony that was apparently possessed by an evil spirit. "There, there," I tried to soothe the pony. "This place is scary, I'll admit, but I'm not going to hurt you. I don't even think I can hurt you."

The pony sniffled again. "You won't?" She asked, in a very cute yet sad voice.

"No," I replied, firmly. "Here, how about we go inside, and we can warm up and get some light." Slowly, the pony got up and wobbled her way to the cottage, sniffling all the way. "So," I asked as casually as I could to brighten the mood. "What's your name?"

"Silver Star."

Despite this pony's recent affiliation with the undead, which I believed either was not her fault or she had unknowingly accepted its influence, I believed this pony to be a very kind, if misguided, mare. "Silver Star," I repeated, making it sound very... nice. "It's a wonderful name." The pony had already curled up in the bed that sat in the far corner of the cottage and began snoring lightly when I had begun commenting on her name, so my compliment had fallen on deaf ears. Except for Bill's, of course.

I plonked myself down into a chair, which was very ornate, so I had almost no doubt either the mare was from a rich family or the wraith had aided her theft of money or furniture. Sighing heavily, I leaned back in the chair. "What in the name of Hades," I spoke in an exasperated sigh. "Have we gotten ourselves into?"