• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 125 Views, 1 Comments

Of Light, Dark and The Soul - Wext_Nensday

It is peaceful in Equestria, for now. A string of disappearances in a small seaside town will lead to mystery, adventure and long forgotten secrets.

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3. Strange Happenings in Foal Shores


I need your help. I’ll keep it brief; three ponies have gone missing from Foal Shores, all without a trace. There’s talk amongst the townsponies of monsters coming in the night and taking them away. Cloudy says it’s a bunch of nonsense, but I’m beginning to get concerned. Meadow asked me to write you. I figured you’re probably busy, but you know how it is, I can’t say no to her. If you’ve got the time, could you check the archives for anything similar happening around here. I don’t know what type of records Canterlot has on the Blue Valley region, but anything would be useful.

Your loving brother, Brightstar.

The letter had come during the night, Jade Spectre woke up to find it slipping under the door to his room. At first, he was excited; his brother hadn’t written to him in a long time. But as he read the letter, he became concerned. In a town that far isolated, there were always stories of strange happenings, but actual disappearances… it didn’t bode well.

Jade resolved to go to the library today and see what he could find. So what if he had work to do, it could wait. His brother might be in danger. He tucked the letter into his saddlebag and strapped it on. He left his room and headed towards the library just as the first light of the sun began to filter through the windows. He was excited, there was going to be a lot of reading today.

When Brightstar woke up, he was sore. He found himself in a cosy little room, lit by light filtering through the curtains of the small window. He tried to roll over, but pain immediately shot through him. At first he thought he’d stayed up too late at the library again, but when he saw the bandages wrapped around him, the memories or the previous night came rushing back.

He tired to get up; he had to warn someone. He got out of bed on shaky legs and stood up. Then fell down with a thud. He lay there for a while, trying to get breaths in through the pain, until he heard hurried hoofsteps coming towards the room.

The door opened softly, but no pony came in. “Brightstar?” It was the voice of an angel. “Are you awake yet?” It was Meadow.

Brightstar groaned from his position on the floor; still in pain from falling out of the bed.

“Brightstar!” Meadow exclaimed as she pushed her way into the room to get to his side. “What are you doing!?” She helped him up and gently guided him back into the bed. “You can’t go hurting yourself again, you’re banged up enough as it is.”

“I-I had to warn you.” He muttered weakly as he was tucked back under the covers, barely able to lift his head. “I w-was…”

“You were what?” She asked. “Being silly?” She smiled weakly in an effort to make him—and herself—feel better.

“I-I was a-attacked…” Brightstar sputter out.

“You were attacked!?” Meadow nearly screamed. “Who was it? Who attacked you?”

But Brightstar’s eyes were already beginning to close as he fell back into unconsciousness.

“Brightstar, Brightstar, stay with me.” Meadow shook him in an attempt to wake him. “Brightstar. Brightstar! Who attacked you? I need to know. Brightstar?”

Brightstar groaned quietly as he fell back deep into the blackness of sleep.

“Attacked!” Exclaimed Cloud White. “By whom?”

Meadow shook her head. “He fell asleep again before he could tell me,” Meadow said somberly. She sat at the table, next to her father. Storm Chaser sat on Cloudy’s other side and Ivy Rose paced around the room.

“This is big,” Ivy said as she walked back and forth. “Whatever attacked him might be the same thing that got the other ponies.” She stopped in front of the table. “If it is, he could be our only clue to finding them. We have to go wake him up and find out what he knows.”

“You can’t wake him up!” Meadow shouted, leaping up from her seat. “He needs rest.”

“I know he’s hurt but there are families who can’t get any rest because of loved ones that were taken away from them,” Ivy declared. “He’s our only hope. We have to find out what he knows.”

“What do you think, Cloudy?” Asked Chaser, ending the argument and silencing both Ivy and Meadow.

Cloudy considered it for a moment, his solemn eyes fixed on a portrait hanging on the wall. He sighed, turning his eyes towards the three ponies in the room with him. “Ivy’s right, if he knows anything, we should find out as soon as possible.”

“Exactly!” Ivy said. “I told you-”

“But,” Cloudy interjected. “Meadow’s right too. He’s in no state to offer any information to us. We’ll have to wait until he’s better.”

Meadow smiled smugly at Ivy, who just scoffed back and slumped into a chair.

“Should we tell the townsponies?” Chaser asked. “They ought to know.”

“If they heard there was an attack, they’d panic." Ivy responded. "Best to keep it between us until we know more.”

“Dad?” Meadow asked softly.

Cloudy sighed heavily, his eyes drifted back to the portrait. “We’ll wait until we hear from Brightstar.” He got up from the table. “For now, just keep encouraging everyone to stay inside. I’m going to rest. If anything happens, wake me up.” He walked away sullenly, fatigued.

“We’d better find them soon.” Chaser said. “Without Jewell, I’m not sure how he’ll make it.” His eyes widened a second after the words left his mouth, instantly turning to Meadow. “Oh no, Meadow, I didn’t mean-“

“It’s okay Chaser.” Meadow sniffled as tears started to slowly run down her cheeks. “We’re all struggling, but we manage. I just wish she was here…”

“Meadow…” Ivy began but trailed off.

“I’m going to go check on Brightstar, make sure he didn’t wake up again.” Meadow said, standing from the table. “Call me if you need me.” She walked off, trying to keep her head high, but the others could hear her sobs as she exited the room.

Ivy Rose and Storm Chaser shared a worried look. They both knew that whatever was coming, Meadow and Cloudy would need all the help they could get.

Comments ( 1 )

This story is coming together nicely. You've got this Wext_Nensday!

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