• Published 30th Oct 2019
  • 1,836 Views, 9 Comments

Rising Tide - Gladiolus

Urban Wave confronts her curse, and learns over time to accept herself.

  • ...

Lunar Tide

The warmth and brightness of the morning sun streamed in through the blinds, and Urban Wave awoke when it cast its blinding light upon her face. With a soft yawn, she stretched out her limbs and fluttered open her eyes only to belch loudly, and then blinked in surprise before her stomach made a growling rumble of sore indigestion.

Urban sighed, and stared at the silver platter on the nightstand. She thought to last night, and gorging herself on an entire cake. Regret started to fill her mind, and she stirred in bed. Urban groaned as she shifted herself and laid on her back. The mare looked down at herself, and blushed softly as she saw the swell of her belly under the covers. It wasn’t usual for her to have so much weight on her middle, but there it was. It created a mountain in the sheets, obscuring her lower body for now.

Urban gently rolled the covers up along herself, and exposed her overweight body to her eyes. Her blush grew on herself as she watched it all come into view, and then gave a gentle poke towards her tubby belly. It wobbled openly, and it became clear where most of that cake had gone.

Urban idly pondered if, perhaps, her curse had allowed her body to digest more quickly than most could- there seemed to be a lot more of her than was otherwise reasonable. She only ate one cake, after all, but regardless of the cause she was how she was. At least, Urban thought, it would be easier to balance with the weight in her middle.

A gentle warmth grew on Urban’s lower body just as she moved to start getting out of bed, and her eyes widened as the usual panic filled her. When she tried to move the bed creaked and groaned, and the soreness of her stomach made it hard to gather the strength to get out of bed.

Slowly but surely, Urban watched with her ears folded back as the size of her belly shrank, and her joy at- at the very least- being overweight in a different area faded away. She could feel her ass expanding, growing as it greedily consumed the fat added to her middle, and the bed under her starting to bend and creak while her curse exaggerated the mass of her.

Urban closed her eyes, and desperately wished for it to go away. Her wish fell on deaf ears however, and with a loud snapping sound and then a meaty slap the bed broke and Urban flopped onto the floor, laying between the two broken halves while the immense weight of her wide rear pinned her to the floor. Even with her eyes closed she could tell how big it was- she could feel the carpet on either side of the bed.

Keeping her eyes still closed, Urban reached out with magic for her potion, and chugged it as quickly as she could. With a deep sigh afterwards, she wondered just how much breaking this bed was going to cost the crown. When her eyes blinked open, she blushed and bit her lip- she was going to break a lot of beds before her journey across Equestria was over if this kdept up.


With the end of summer came the end of Urban Wave’s long journey. Her return to Canterlot came just as the summer heat ended and the cool breeze of fall swept across Equestria. When she returned to the city, she stepped across the bridge with a tired smile on her face and bloated saddlebags weighing down on her back. They were stuffed with papers nearly to bursting, and all these were the result of her long journey across Equestria.

It had taken months, but Urban had accomplished a great deal. She had explored every major urban area, spoken with the development councils and the mayors, and in her bags was a more detailed analysis of it than- she hoped- the Princesses could have ever dreamed of.

It had taken its toll on the mare however, and her tired expression was just the start. Days and even weeks of eating cheap and high-fat meals had expanded Urban’s figure, giving her a potent gut that hung down under her and swung with every step, and softening up her chest and limbs as well. Her rear end, never a slouch when it came to size, was plain as day even when her curse was resting. It sprouted out behind her, making an even line with the top of her head and forcing her hind legs to spread out slightly.

To Urban’s great relief, it had been for quite some time. The closer Urban had gotten to her deadline, the more it had seemed to give her space to work. Perhaps its sadism had limits and it wasn’t going to ruin this opportunity, perhaps it was simply that Urban had been so focused on her work it was possible she wouldn’t even notice.

With the sun half way down the horizon, Urban made her way towards the Canterlot Castle Hotel. She was able to easily sign herself into a room, and finally relax for the day. With a heavy sigh, Urban sat upon the bed and slowly let herself fall backwards and spread out on the bed. It creaked under her, but Urban was too tired to care and, soon enough, a deep sleep took her.

Urban’s well-earned slumber seemed to end in an instant, but when the sound of knocks at the door woke her up the rays of morning sun pouring in warmth through the window shattered that concept. Despite her lingering exhaustion, Urban sat herself up and looked to the door.

“Hello?” Urban questioned.

The door soon opened, with the lock being worked magically a mare soon enough standing in the doorway. She wore the armour of a royal guard, and it fit her thin body well enough it almost seemed to have been molded around her. She was a unicorn, and had a neutral expression on her face while she set her eyes on urban.

“My name is Lonesome Vigil, I’ve been sent to ask you when you’ll be delivering your report to the Princesses- and it’s just my luck you’re already in Canterlot, so I can’t imagine it will be in too long,” she explained, and then stepped into the room and noted Urban’s discarded bags on the floor.

“Or do you need some time to collect your... notes?” Vigil questioned.

Urban meanwhile was half surprised, and half annoyed. It was leagues of impolite to barge into someones room like this, but the nature of her visitor soothed her worries. It was perhaps only natural that after all these months the crown had begun to wonder what Urban was doing with their money, and so she met her guest with the best smile as she could. Looking to her, and her brass-armoured self, Urban felt moderately intimidated.

“I, well...” Urban started, and swallowed before sitting on the side of the bed more properly. “I’ll need at least a week to put it all together. There’s a lot of... work to do...”

Vigil’s expression remained neutral. “I suppose one more week living on the Crowns dime isn’t too much to ask, but you have certainly created a few... surprises, haven’t you? You’re lucky Celestia is so forgiving, I would have sent someone to collect you months ago.”

Urban swallowed again, and her nerves started to play against her mind. Worries that had been suppressed by her focus on work started to well up again, and she looked over to her papers.

What if her report was unsatisfactory, or the princesses were upset by her expenses? Urban hadn’t thought much of it, but she had naturally booked the best rooms and had plenty of fine meals when she could- even if the bulk of her eating had been fast food.

“Surprises?” Urban questioned.

“Yes. I was told about your curse, but I wasn’t expecting to find out how much its cost in broken chairs...” Vigil noted, and Urban squeaked quietly before the bed creaked under her.

Vigil looked to Urban, and tilted a brow, “That’s it, isn’t it?” She remarked, and shrugged softly before turning to the door. “Don’t worry about it, it’s hardly your fault right?” Vigil noted with a glance back, and then proceeded out into the hall.

Urban sighed and relaxed in place. Her horn soon glowed and pulled over the potion from the night stand, and she drained the mint-tasting alchemical mix quickly. Constrained by the potion her hips wouldn’t get much bigger, but upon a casual gaze downwards Urban noticed they had already expanded by a few inches, and according to the slope of the bed had gained far more mass than that.

Urban knew that even so she’d have to get up. Remaining confined to her room with her work would hardly benefit her figure, and she was just throwing on a sweater to chase off the cool Canterlot air when the door creaked open and Vigil stuck her head back in. The faint hints of a blush covered it, and she looked to Urban.

“Would you care to have tea with me?” Vigil offered.

Urban blinked in surprise, and a strange feeling swept into her while she was under the gaze of the larger mare. A sense of safety pervaded her, and Urban wondered if it was due to the mare being a guard- and certainly having the well built body of one- or something else.

Regardless, she soon spoke a single word and met Vigil at the door, “Yes.”

When the two mares sat down for tea a few minutes later, Urban couldn’t help but fidget awkwardly in her seat. The exaggerated mass of her rear end caused by her curse left her seat creaking slightly while her butt swelled slightly off the sides, and she glanced aside now and then to see if anyone saw.

Thankfully for Urban the day was already in full swing for most of Canterlot. Ponies went about their business, and the constant white noise of city life filled the air while a breeze blowing through the city accompanied it. Leaves fluttered along the ground, and the cafe Urban found herself at was on a picturesque corner with the castle viewable in the distance while nearer buildings provided shade.

Vigil spoke once they had ordered tea, and she met Urban with a charming smile. Across from her, even sitting, Vigil’s larger frame was apparent and filled Urban with a confusing sense of partial intimidation, but also a strong sense of safety.

“So, Urban... what is it exactly you do for the Princesses? Most of their advisors have more gray hairs than sense. I’ve never seen anyone younger than fifty working for them,” she questioned, and sipped from her tea once finishing.

Urban hesitated, and glanced between Vigil and her cup before responding.

“I.. I guess they don’t have many urban planners? They did mention that they wanted someone with recent schooling. Celestia thinks Luna’s thoughts are...”

Vigil leaned forward, “Outmoded? Ancient? Backwards and hyper-traditional?” She offered, and giggled before sipping from her tea. “The princesses are known to have their arguments...”

Urban blinked, and tilted her head slightly. She hadn’t expected such words from a guard, but she was left smiling slightly as the humour easily relaxed her mind.

“I guess they do...” Urban returned, and shifted again in her seat.

The seat creaked below her, and she blushed softly before she felt Vigil’s hoof against her own, and then glanced up to meet her eye.

“Don’t worry honey, you shouldn’t feel ashamed of yourself,” Vigil spoke, and her words soothed Urban’s worries more than any potion ever could.

Vigil held Urban’s hoof for another few moments, and then released it before she sipped from her tea again. Her magic held the cup in a manner that almost seemed ‘refined’, with a gentle but steady slight sway in the air. Urban of course had to drink hers by hoof, and almost felt out of place drinking it in such a ‘primitive’ fashion.

“Soo.. what’s it like being a guard?” Urban questioned, and set her eyes on Vigil.

Slowly but surely, Urban’s innate shyness started to dissolve and she was able to meet Vigil’s always confident gaze. The smile she had was charming and disarming, but Urban’s mind held lingering self doubt- and the creaking of her chair hardly helped her steady her nerves.

“Boring, most of the time. As my brother says- we’re either bored because nothing is happening, or running with our tails between our legs because too much is happening,” she explained, “Try as we might we can’t do much about the sort of stuff Twilight Sparkle and such save the world from.”

With a gentle sigh, Vigil leaned back, and sipped her tea, “I wouldn’t quit for the world though. You see how peaceful Canterlot is? How safe? We did that.”

The cup of tea Vigil was drinking from was soon empty, and she set it down before meeting Urban’s eyes with a grin, “Would you like to come with me for my walk outside the town walls? A nice hike would do that rear of yours some good,” Vigil offered, and Urban blinked from the accusation lingering in those words that was so forwardly phrased.

Vigil rolled her eyes, “Urban you’ve been glancing at your rear all morning. Cursed or not, a hike might at least soothe your nerves. You’re looking at yourself like you’re an alien,” Vigil noted.

Urban sighed, and closed her eyes for a moment. Vigil was right, of course, but a lingering frustration at being insulted whispered in her mind, but it did do well to break through to her in a way. This was her body, and curse or no she was stuck with it.

As if the curse itself had noticed it was being thought about, Urban’s chair began to creak louder as a formidable weight grew upon it. Urban’s large rear slowly bulged around the edges, and the chair bent outwards while it slowly was squished under her increasingly overbearing mass. Urban blinked, and just sighed with displeasure while she could only blush and watch

while she lowered, and Vigil watched bemusedly as Urban eventually made her way to the ground. Vigil soon giggled, and slipped out of her seat before standing close to Urban.

Vigil soon put a hoof to Urban’s chin, and directed her gaze from the pavement to her eyes. With a gentle smile, she looked into Urban’s eyes with neither judgement nor disgust. Urban immediately felt a sense of soothing calm wash over her, and the blush on her face grew slightly.

“You really must stop being so hard on yourself when this happens. It’s not like you’ve eaten yourself into being this heavy, right? Or been lazy....”

Vigil glanced at Urban’s not-quite in shape body.

“...maybe a little lazy, but my point is you’re not the sort of mare my brother chases after, so you hardly have reason to be down on yourself. Now, you carry a neutralizing potion right?”

Vigil’s magic soon poked through Urban’s saddlebags, and the mare blushed profusely upon feeling a few personal artifacts in there. Regardless, she found the potion soon enough, and distracted from that embarrassment and the social boundaries she had accidentally broken trying to help by popping the cap and stuffing it into Urban’s mouth. Urban drank from it readily, and the strange simmering pleasure her rear normally felt when her curse made itself known was replaced instead by a bitter warm pain.

Urban glanced away even so, “It’s hard, okay? Everyone... looks at me, and judges me, and all they see is a fat mare who’s got it all in the butt and nothing anywhere else- you know, too much of a freak to even be a sexy fat mare,” Urban whined, and a tear welled up in her eye while emotions streamed through her mind. “Who would ever want me?”

“I’ll just be stuck in a magical asylum somewhere filling up a whole wing with my own butt!” Urban soon cried out, and the rambling statement was bookended by her crying into her hooves.

“Well I don’t see a fat mare. I see a smart little... whatever your job is. Come on now, if you’ve gotten the attention of the princesses you must be someone pretty special, right?” Vigil spoke, a soft whisper in her ear that at once dissolved her hard feelings.

Vigil took Urban’s hooves, and gently levered her forward to stand on all fours. Soon she put an arm around her shoulder, and gestured with her chin down the street. “To the gates, Urban, we don’t have to say a word- and the walk will do you some good.”

Urban wobbled on her hooves, still having to deal with the weight of her rear even as her potion shrunk it down to a more reasonable ‘curvy’ size, and glanced away from Vigil while her ears pinned back, “I don’t think I’d make a very good jogging partner...” Urban whined, and noticed her own rear-end in her peripheral vision, causing her to blush slightly.

“That’s exactly why you’d be perfect,” Vigil returned, and her soothing voice guided Urban to turn her eyes towards her, with a gentle smile, Urban soon followed along.

The patrol outside of the castle grounds took hours, and lasted until mid-evening. The walk took Urban outside of Canterlot, and along a well-used dirt road while Vigil led, and her pretty voice kept Urban floating on a cloud of comfort behind her as they went on. She explained the purpose of her patrol, and guided Urban’s eyes to a few sightseeing spots. When the sun started to turn down, the pair had circled the city almost entirely, and came to the edge of a cliff facing the Equestrian valley. It was only when the pair stopped, and gazed towards the distant settlements and forests, that Urban suddenly realized just how sore her poor legs were.

With a loud huff, Urban flopped down on the grass and whined loudly. Urban let her limbs go limp and felt a soreness cover her entire body, and Vigil just glanced back with a giggle as she stood looking to the valley, “

“Well, you’re lucky I planned ahead. I always have my dinners here,” Vigil noted, and her magic opened up her saddlebags.

Within moments, Vigil had a picnic spread on the blanket, and pulled the limp-noodle of Urban Wave towards her with her magic. “You really are out of shape,” Vigil noted with a giggle, and rolled an apple towards Urban.

Urban caught it in her mouth, and huffed quietly as she ate a meal appropriate to a horse, as did Vigil. Too sore to really contend with the comment Vigil focused more on dealing with the evenings hunger than anything, and only spoke a few minutes later when she had the strength to pull herself up to sit. Vigil poured her some tea, and sat across from her.

“If we did this every day, Urban, I’m sure your butt would be smaller curse or not,” Vigil mused, and winked at Urban.

Urban sighed, “I wish it was that easy, I’ve tried dieting and working out, it doesn’t seem to help- but I feel so guilty if I stop dieting anyway.”

“Is that so?” Vigil questioned, and poked through her bags for a moment, “Then you wouldn’t mind a cupcake, would you? If dieting doesn’t help the curse... then there’s no reason to not treat yourself now and then- as long as you exercise too.”

The cupcake was soon levitated towards Urban, and Vigil playfully stuffed it into her mouth frosting first. Urban blinked and coughed, pulling it out and glaring at her with a blushing expression of surprised insult. Vigil simply giggled, “Enjoy your cupcake, Urban,” she spoke, and winked at the mare across from her.

Their little picnic date lasted until the sun had gone down, and thankfully for Urban’s sore limbs getting back to her hotel room was far easier than getting up that hill. Once she arrived, Urban flopped herself into bed and took a well deserved rest. The mare was so tired that she didn’t even notice her own rear slowly growing while she slept, and stirred now and then in bed while her weighty rear caused the bed to creek and groan under its exaggerated weight.

When Urban did awaken, and blinked her eyes open when the harsh glare of the morning sun came across them, she groaned with soreness across her body. Trying to move she soon found that the weight of her own rear anchored her to bed, and she sighed before reaching into her nightstand for a potion.

A flicker of embarrassment and distaste for her body buzzed in the back of Urban’s mind, but to her surprise the words of Vigil herself soon whispered against them, as if a base applied to an acid to neutralize it. It brought a soothing sense of security to Urban’s mind, and she drank her potion without the usual self-hate it brought on before wiggling her legs off the bed and yawning in the face of the sun.

Regardless of the dreamy thoughts stirring in Urban’s mind, and the reflections of yesterday in her psyche, she had work to do. So with a simple call to room service for breakfast, and then sitting herself at her desk, Urban set herself to it.

Working on the final report to the Princesses of Equestrian was an arduous process, and during that week Urban took to relying on Vigil for help. She ferried books from the castle libraries, leaving Urban to spend her time on her work and research, and Urban’s fears were greatly soothed by the complete lack of judgement from Vigil. Even when she arrived on the third day, and Urban’s butt had grown in her chair unknowingly to the point it had consumed it entirely with a bean-bag chair of mare fat she had only giggled and given it a slight poke.

For Urban, it was absolutely heaven to know somebody that didn’t judge her, and every day the mares spoke more together, and Urban learned a little bit more about the mare that was taking her heart. She was the daughter of a father born into new money, and a mother that was a model decades ago. She had signed up for the guard not long after her brought, who Vigil didn’t seem altogether inclined to talk much about.

Every morning Urban awoke and looked forward to seeing her, and thoughts of their next meeting always made it hard to work. Even so, the work got done, and as promised one week after Vigil arrived, Urban had assembled an epic of urban planning.

Papers and books were scattered around Urban’s room by then, with sticky notes, graphs, and other data covering almost all he usable space. Upon her desk, her magnum opus, basked in the morning glow and seemed almost to shimmer in it. Three hundred pages of well- researched work, it made Urban proud to look at it- and equally fearful.

After all the work Urban put in, she was sure her report could go over one of two ways. Either it was the single greatest report in urban planning the Princesses had ever seen, and a roadmap to the future; or it was an academic travesty fit only for burning. Fear welled up in Urban’s mind, and she had stayed in her room until well past noon fretting over her worries, sitting on her bed and desperately seeking for any mistakes she might have made.

A gentle knock on the door stirred Urban from her internal musings, and soon the door opened. Vigil stepped inside, and glanced around with a look of slight concern, “Urban, I expected to find you at the castle already. Is something wrong?”

Urban swallowed, and fidgeted in place. Every movement caused her rear to wobble, and the after-effects of her curse from earlier still lingered, making it larger than usual. That didn’t help her nerves, and she turned to Vigil with a look of desperate anxiety.

“What if they don’t like it?” Urban questioned. “They’ll fire me...”

Vigil took a soft breath, and then stepped up to Urban. In a surprise movement she reached out and kissed her forehead, and then gently reached out to brush her mane. It was all immediately soothing, and Vigil leaned into Urban’s ear to whisper quietly, “If they don’t like it, I’ll resign.”

Urban sighed softly, and melted in place as all her fears and anxieties washed off her. Vigil soon stepped away, and took up Urban’s work in her magic, “Come on now, Urban, you have some princesses to impress.”

It wasn’t long before Urban found herself standing once again in the Canterlot Castle throne room, or at least it certainly felt like the time between her hotel room and there had been an

instant. Time certainly seemed to work strangely when one had nerves and was about to do the most important presentation of their entire life. With Vigil at the door, Urban stood in the sunlight of the castle windows while Luna and Celestia looked down at her, their faces mostly neutral, although Celestia wore her usual motherly smile.

“We had begun to think you might have stood us up. You cost the crown quite an amount in your... travels,” Luna started. “A drop in the bucket of government expense, to be sure, but I hope you hadn’t taken advantage of our generosity” Luna spoke, and scowled slightly at Urban.

Celestia’s voice soon echoed through the chamber, fighting off the fear that Luna’s instilled in Urban’s mind, “Oh sun above Luna, we can afford to pay for a few broken beds here and there. That wine you insist on importing from Prance costs easily twice as much,” Celestia chided, and soon set her eyes to Urban, “Please, begin.”

Urban took a deep breath, and then levitated her report in the air. Casting the pages of it onto the wall to present, she went into a rehearsed and well-detailed analysis of Equestrian urban planning. Now and then she glanced towards Vigil when she felt herself get intimidated by the princesses, and her smiling face gave her the strength to continue.

It was only a few dozen minutes in however, with the rapt attention of the Princesses while Urban explained how their methods of urban planning were both faulty in reality, that Urban’s curse started to well up. It was a given that it would happen at some point when she was in the castle that day, but Urban had hoped desperately it would be after her presentation- or at least towards the end of it. Instead, Urban was forced to contend with it, doing her best to ignore it while she spoke with increasingly stammering words towards the Princesses.

Slowly but surely, Urban’s rear started to grow. At first it was more weight than anything, just causing Urban to stumble slightly as she walked on the floor, but soon enough the size of itself became more significant. Urban made up her mind regardless that she wouldn’t stop, and steeled herself towards continuing no matter how big her rear got.

When the first half hour ended, Urban’s rear had grown enough to stand out behind her entire body, and wobble with each movement as it stood above and behind her, and almost consumed her rear legs with its fat mass. Even so, despite the bemusement of Luna or the grimace of Celestia, the pride in Vigil’s eyes allowed Urban to keep herself on track, continuing to speak of her presentation and slowly working through it.

Not long after it became too heavy for Urban to move herself, Urban’s rear became large enough to force her to sit down on a growing bean-bag of mare butt. She kept her eyes on her presentation however, and glanced towards Vigil when she needed moral support. Eventually, after a full hour had passed and Urban was seated upon her own throne, a mass of ass that easily tripled the size of a normal mare and lifted her up in the air, Urban completed her speech.

Once done, Urban’s face turned to fear as she waited for the Princesses response, and she looked back at Vigil, who in turn looked back at Urban with pride that she had accomplished her presentation.

There was silence in the room, and then a loud snap as Urban’s skirt finally gave up and burst off her expanded rear. Luna giggled, and glanced at her sister, “We really should have given her the amulet first,” Luna mused, and looked towards Urban.

“We are pleased,” Luna started, and paused to let the words linger and Urban’s expression to lighten up. “In fact, I think it would be wise to hire you permanently, and find a place in the government for you. I am not sure yet how much of your ideas are suitable for implementation, but you’ve proven to my mind that your place is in the army of ponies advising us.”

Celestia nodded, and looked to Urban with a smile, “I agree. Perhaps you’ll find your place, and I’ll one day greet you as the Head of Urban Development. For now... I think a job placement in the municipal affairs department will do,” Celestia noted, and then leaned back and levitated out a gleaming golden necklace from behind her throne.

“It took some work, but we were able to create a curse-blocking amulet. So long as you wear it, you’ll be protected- but it draws on your own unicorn magic, and I’m not sure what long term effects that might have. So only wear it when you have true need of it.” Celestia explained, and soon draped it over Urban’s head, and laid it upon her. “I’m afraid we have no permanent solution, at least not yet, but perhaps in a few years time- I hope you do understand, this sort of thing can take great minds decades to unravel."

Urban began to rapidly deflate, and squeaked in surprise as she lowered towards the ground. With a happy whinnie of liberation, she soon sighed and found that Vigil had stepped up to meet her, and she leaned against her with a happy sigh. “Thank you, your Highness,” Urban spoke, and a happy little tear splashed on the stone.

Celestia looked to Urban with a gentle smile, “I hardly did a thing, you did all the work. Go with pride, Urban Wave, and take Vigil with you. I know the look of love when I see it,” Celestia teased, and winked at the two.

All Urban could do was blush, and Vigil gently led her away. “Looks like we’re going to work in the same building...” She whispered into her ear.

Urban couldn’t be happier.

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Don't you mean Fillydelphia?

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