• Published 30th Oct 2019
  • 291 Views, 1 Comments

The Storm - Pazazz

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Chapter 5

After Pazazz spent the Summer recovering from her major surgery, she was pronounced well enough to return to School.

Fluttershy smiled softly, watching her daughter enter the School of Friendship for the first time this School year.

Pazazz was very happy to be back and waved to all her friends. Her friends gave her a friendly wave and smiled warmly as they gathered around her.

“Hey Pazazz, great to have you back.” Spring Rain said happily.

“Hi Rainy, it’s great to be back.” Pazazz beamed as she gave her Kirin friend a hug.

Pazazz soon heard whispering in the halls and saw students staring at her amputated leg. Like it was something to gossip over.

“I heard she was a klutz and fell down a hill, severing her leg.” said a griffon student.

“I heard that a tree fell on her leg, almost ripping it off.” Another student said, wide eyed.

“Look at the pity she gets from ponies. They give her stuff just because she is injured.” Scoffed another student.

Pazazz tried to hide her stump with her tail. It hurt her, being reminded how much she didn’t like being pitied.

“Hey Pazazz, isn’t there a video camera you should be supporting? That’s what tripods do, after all. TRIPOD!!” A fourth student said with a sneer, making the other three laugh.

Spring Rain saw Pazazz running from School in tears. Who had done this?!


Professor Sombra was taking attendance and noticed Pazazz was missing. This was her first day back, correct? Had she chosen to go home?

“Has anyone seen Pazazz?” he asked the class. Before anyone could answer, the door opened.

“Professor Sombra, you need to see this.” Glimmer Carapace said coldly as she handed him her cell phone, a device powered by a small arcane magic battery.

Sombra watched the video and by the end his eyes were leaking purple mist, his teeth bared in anger. He slammed his hooves on his desk as he glared at the guilty party. They realised they’d been rumbled and shivered in fear.

“You four.” Sombra growled.

They laughed nervously. “We’re in trouble, right?”

Sombra snarled. “You think?! This is the School of Friendship. You are obviously missing the point of the School if you feel that bullying another student is alright. Follow me, we’re going to see Starlight this second!”

Sombra left the class with the four students.


Starlight Glimmer was enjoying some cocoa when Sombra showed up with four students in tow. And boy was he MAD, she didn’t think she’d ever seen him this furious.

“Sombra, why are there students out of class? Is something wrong?”

“These four bullied Pazazz, who has not showed for class. Their antics are on record, thanks to Glimmer Carapace.”

He levitated the phone over to her, with the promise that Glimmer would have it back once he was finished with it.

“I see.” Starlight said calmly as she observed the video. She had a sip of cocoa. “Head back to your class, Sombra.”

He nodded, tail swishing angrily as he left.


The four students knew they were in super deep trouble when Starlight glared at them.

“This is the School of Friendship, not the School of Bullying. You insult the very meaning of this School by doing what you did. You insult Twilight’s vision and ethics. What made you think that bullying your classmate was even acceptable in this School?”

The students couldn’t answer in their defence- only now realising their actions had very severe consequences indeed.


Sombra saw Fluttershy in the halls, chatting with Angel Bunny before her next class.

“Fluttershy! Just the mare I was looking for; you might want to sit down for what I want to tell you.”

Fluttershy found the request rather odd, but duly humoured Sombra by doing so. He sat beside her, expression grim.

“Four of my students felt it was okay to make fun of Pazazz and bully her over her disability. The poor dear did not show up in class as a result.”

Sombra handed Fluttershy the cell phone. She watched the video and gasped.

“My…my poor baby! How could they?”


Starlight Glimmer was busy lecturing the four students when Fluttershy knocked on her door.

“Excuse me a moment.” She said pausing her solacing for the moment as she opened the door and seen Fluttershy looking utterly distraught.

“Are these the ponies that picked on my daughter?!” Fluttershy said horsely, yet her soft tones still carried.

The quartet of students heard this, saw Fluttershy in tears and felt like somepony had punched them right in the gut. You just don’t upset Fluttershy, it was a golden rule. They hadn’t realised Fluttershy was her mother, Pazazz hadn’t wanted her mother to feel any pressure about it. Their ears drooped as they realise they hurt more than just Pazazz with their cruelty.

Starlight Glimmer returned to them, looking livid.

“You four will be suspended from School for the week. You will write an essay for each of your teachers, detailing what their element means and why bullying is NOT acceptable. The essays are not to be carbon copies. When you return to School, you will be serving a weeks worth of detention with Sunburst. Need I add that you will not trouble Pazazz ever again. Clear?”

They nodded and were released to return to class while Starlight Glimmer went back to consoling Fluttershy.

“We will find Pazazz.” She promised the shaken pegasus.

Starlight Glimmer went to the intercom and hit the button with her hoof.

“Attention, there will be an assembly in the library in five minutes.” Starlight said through the intercom, hearing her voice echoing back at her through the many PA systems.


The teachers and students filed into the library. Starlight Glimmer waited patiently to start the assembly.

“Good-morning students and staff! It has come to my attention that there has been bullying going on in the School.”

Gasps could be heard in the crowd, the school was widely publicised for the fact that friendship was its core principal.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, the founder of this School, would be very disappointed that this assembly was even necessary. The School of Friendship was created as a haven for others to learn about the magic of friendship in a hostility-free setting; the values of Honesty, Loyalty, Laughter, Kindness, Generosity and Magic.

This morning, a student that was away from School an extra month, was going to return to class. She was greeted by taunting and rumours and subsequently fled in tears. That is not how a friendship student behaves to one who is suffering. The individuals who bullied this student have been punished accordingly.”

Starlight Glimmer paused a moment to speak with Night Blaze and Glimmer Carapace, who were anxiously waiting to make a request.

“Night and Glimmer, you are pardoned from classes to find Pazazz.” said Starlight Glimmer, soon as she heard their questions. They owe dither heads in thanks and ran out of the room.

“Sombra, the stage is yours.” Starlight said as she stepped aside to make room for the taller pony.

“Good-morning.” Sombra made a pointy pony puppet show appear on the projection screen. “As you all know, I was not always the kind pony you know me to be. The history of the Crystal Empire will show that I, King Sombra, was a cruel pony that enslaved the Crystal Ponies.”

Students watched the show and saw the Pointy King Sombra making Crystal Ponies work in the mines, serve him against their wills. They saw the soldiers.

“I was a bully, plain and simple. This could have been avoided, had ponies treat me with kindness instead of cruelty. All I wanted was a friend to understand me. I spent a thousand years frozen with only my thoughts for company. I had not learned my lesson and when I attempted a hostile take over a second time, I very nearly succeeded. Cadance and the Crystal Ponies used the power of the Crystal Heart to destroy me once more.

Being the stubborn stallion I am; when I was reawaken for a second time- I enslaved the Crystal ponies all over again! I was swiftly defeated by the friendship beam, but instead of vaporising me completely, a small portion of me was spared, reborn as a foal. Starlight Glimmer raised me with the values of friendship. To make a long story short, I became a Friendship ambassador. I meet with other leaders once a month to go over events and how we can improve them. None of this would have been possible if I were still a cold hearted bully.”

Starlight Glimmer nodded her head in approval, so proud of Sombra’s efforts. Many a pony in the audience was as misty-eyed as she.

“Thank you, Sombra, for the heartwarming lecture. When you return to your classes, I want you all to think about what you learned today, about bullying and what it can do to others.”

The assembly came to an end and the students returned to their classes.


While this was going on:

Pazazz flew nonstop, all the way to the Treehouse of Harmony. She dashed into the common room and flung herself onto a beanbag chair. She cried at such length that she cried herself to sleep, where her dreams tried to ease her sadness.

Night Blaze and Glimmer Carapace searched the entire School for Pazazz, not knowing how far shed gone.

“Where can she be?” Glimmer wailed as they hit another dead end.

Night looked towards the Everfree Forest. “Could she be there?”

He flew into the forest with Glimmer on his heels. They had an idea where she was now. Sure enough, Night and Glimmer flew into the Tree house and found Pazazz resting. Their hoof steps echoed in the room and she stirred, opening her eyes…


Night and Glimmer gave Pazazz a big hug when they saw her laying down, seen her teary eyes.

“Pazazz, you gave my sire and other teachers a fright by skipping class. We know why you left, but please return to School with Glim and Me.”

“No!” Pazazz said with a stomp. “I’m never going back!”

“You need to return to School to show others that the bullies did not win. We know it hurt, but we need you, the school needs you. We are with you and there are other students who are your friends. The teachers are worried too, especially father and Starlight.” Night said kindly, rubbing Pazazz on the withers.

Another voice chimed in, making all three jump.

“Your friend is right, the guilty parties have been suspended for a week. Your mother is distraught over your disappearing act.” The Spirit of Harmony spoke, having listened in to their conversation.

Pazazz thought about what they’d said. She didn’t want those mean ponies to win. So she stood up and hugged her friends. “Alright, I will go back to School.”

They cheered and hugged her, making her smile.


The three flew back in the afternoon sun.

Starlight Glimmer was relieved to see Pazazz return with her friends, trotting forward to greet her at the entrance.

“Welcome back, Pazazz. I’m so happy you returned.” She said gently, giving Pazazz a hug.


Rarity noticed Pazazz as she walked the halls. The filly was always trying to hide her healing leg, even if these efforts made her stumble. That gave the fashionista a brilliant idea. She would do something to make Pazazz feel comfortable in School.

“Pazazz, please come to my office for a moment.” Rarity said to the youth.

“Of course.” Pazazz said, wondering what the element of generosity wanted to talk about?

Pazazz followed Rarity into her office, still pondering as Rarity lifted a package form her desk.

“Darling, I notice how uncomfortable you are about your leg, so I whipped up something to make you feel better. Do you like it?”

Pazazz opened the box Rarity hoofed her. She saw a cape that would cover her legs. There was even a stocking to cover the bandaged knee. It was beautiful, a very kind gesture.

“Thank you! Rarity.” Pazazz said hugging her Teacher. She felt her hope grow stronger, she could wear her cape with pride!

Author's Note:

I would love to thank Pixel Spark who edited and made the lovely artwork that is in my story.

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