• Published 22nd Oct 2019
  • 382 Views, 48 Comments

Starting A Flame - Star_Shade

Follow the adventures of Dasher, as she joins the rebellion against Queen Nightmare Moon.

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Chapter [1] Memories of another life

This story is dedicated to my younger brother. He has given me a responsibility to be an older sibling to someone with a very different personality than my own. I am so glad we can become the best of friends.

Dasher lost count how many times she went through Flutter Moon’s remaining belongings. Each time she reminisced over Flutter’s final words to her, ‘Take care of my animals for me, will you? Especially Angel Bunny, as he will take it the hardest.’

Some had understood and left when Dasher told them. Yet others had still been relying on Flutter to take care of them. Dasher tried her best, but they only responded to their old caretaker’s touch.

Angel Bunny was indeed the hardest to take care of. Most of the time, he was angry with Dasher. Unwilling to listen to her when she tried to explain to him that Flutter Moon was gone. He barely touched his food and would throw it around the cottage. Other days he would outright ignore her presence, deciding to look for Flutter Moon by himself. These trips took all day, but only a dejected bunny would always return.

Eventually, Dasher was unable to take care of him. One day she brought him to an adoption center. Giving Angel up was the hardest decision that Dasher had to make. He alone had stayed true to Flutter Moon. He was the last reminder of who Flutter Moon was, and it broke Dasher’s heart to give him up.

Coming back to Flutter Moon’s cottage, Dasher simply collapsed and bawled. She had failed at completing the one simple task that her friend had given her. The weight of failure rested heavily on her shoulders. After countless minutes of crying, she eventually picked herself up to grab something to drink. Refreshing herself, Dasher moved to the pile of what was left of Flutter Moon’s possessions. Having to quit the weather team to take care of the critters, Dasher had slowly been drained of bits. She had to sell most of her own possessions, as well as later Flutter’s. The cottage was mostly empty, save for her friend’s few personal items she held most dear.

Dasher promised herself that she would cherish these for the rest of time. She picked up a photo which used to have a message of congratulations on it. Dried tears stained its surface. She looked at the three smiling faces. Flutter Moon and her parents, congratulating her on her cutie mark.

Laying the photo down, Dasher picked up an incomplete sweater. The smell of Flutter Moon on the sweater had slowly faded. Dasher had attempted to finish the sweater, but it just became a mangled mess, and she gave up.

She hadn’t even known that her friend was into knitting. Coming to this conclusion, Dasher realized that she should have spent more time with her friends, her real friends. Ponies that would stick with her through the thick and thin. Not wasting time on useless glory that only lasted for a little while.

Putting the sweater away, Dasher moved onto the third item, well, items, really. A tea set that Moon Sparkle had given to Flutter when the shy pegasus first came to Ponyville. A pleasant gift, helping Flutter calm down from one of Moon Pie’s parties. Dasher reflected on her own reaction to hearing her friend move to Ponyville. One of the few times she had put up with Moon Sparkle’s frivulties and indulged in a fancy tea party with her friends.

She picked up the final item and placed it in a saddlebag, then made her way out of the cottage. After using her very limited amount of bits to purchase flowers, Dasher walked to the town’s cemetery. It was a nice, open place, with trees and hedges surrounding it . The graveyard was lively with birds and squirrels, chattering at each other. Sitting on a bench, she took Flutter’s scrapbook out of her bag. She caressed its tainted cover and flipped it open. This was by far the greatest treasure trove of memories. Flipping through each page, Dasher would smile and giggle at the photos. Seeing Moon Flutter happy made her happy. Reaching the end, Dasher took out the feather that Moon Flutter had given her, the final physical reminder of her friend.

Closing the book gently, Dasher made her way to Flutter’s final resting place. It was a simple marble grave, nothing super expensive or flashy. “Here lies Flutter Moon, who believed that every creature, no matter the size, deserved a little kindness,” was inscribed upon the tombstone. It was the best statement that Dasher could think of and felt like it aptly represented her friend. Laying the flowers that she had bought down, Dasher bowed her head in respect for her fallen friend.

“I failed you, Flutter Moon. I tried so hard, but ultimately, I am just a failure,” Dasher said, eyes closed with tears threatening to come again.

“You are not a failure, Dasher,” came a voice. Turning around, Dasher was surprised to see Moon Sparkle standing behind her. Sparkle did not look any better than herself. She too was disheveled, with dried stains coming down her white face, ruining her makeup. Moving to stand next to Dasher, Sparkle looked directly into her eyes, saying, “You did your best, but I don’t think Flutter Moon would want you to beat yourself up like this. Things happen, and we all need to move on.”

“But how can I move on? There were so many things that she wanted to do, to accomplish. Why should I throw that all away?” Dasher asked.

“You do not have to. Let it guide you, have it remind you of what has happened. Don’t have your past hold you back, but let it give you motivation,” Sparkle said, switching her gaze to the tombstone.

“I guess you are right. But what should I do now? How do I use this pain?” wondered Dasher.

“Well, use it to get your revenge. Do whatever it takes to make Dawn Lighter and Nightmare Moon pay for what they have done,” Sparkle growled.

“Yeah! You know, I am sorry that we never got along that well. I had said some pretty harsh things, and I want to say that… I am sorry,” mumbled Dasher, reflecting over her words.

“I forgive you, and I apologize myself. I still have many things I need to work on and deal with my own way of mourning,” Sparkle said, accepting Dasher’s words by laying a hoof over her shoulder.

Comforted, Dasher found new strength. “You know, I think I will take Moon Melody’s offer. I am sure they could use Equestria’s fastest flyer!” she exclaimed confidently.

“That’s the Dasher I know. Make the Lunar Empire suffer, and show them Tartarus for me,” Sparkle said, stomping her hoof defiance.

Author's Note:

I am sorry if this first chapter is a little dull, writing emotions is personally hard for me, as I am more of a logical person... But future chapters will be much better.

Updated v1.1. Edited and adjusted to flow better. Looking back, this is a better chapter to take a look at Dasher, and how she was effected by previous events.