• Published 14th Oct 2019
  • 642 Views, 219 Comments

Another Scootarella Story - The Blue EM2

Remember A Scootarella Story? This is what happened next...

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Onwards to Avalon!

A few moments after Rumble had finished speaking with the Seven Dwarves, they got to work on the engine, working to repair it and get it back into working order. The entire area sounded to the noise of hard work and machinery, as tools such as wrenches, cutters, screwdrivers (of all things) and various other tools were employed in an effort to get the locomotive working once again. Some of them even took to whistling while they worked, whilst Grumpy complained about the overuse of 'happy working songs', as he believed that happym work, and song were three words that did not belong in the same sentence. It even seemed that Grumpy didn't believe in the concept of even being happy, given the purpetual scowl on his face as he worked.

However, using dwarves did lead to a rather obvious benefit; as they were, for obvious reasons, shorter than humans, they could more easily fit in and around the working parts of the engine, and they scurried back and forth, removing old parts, fitting new ones, forging new components, and working relentlessly and as a team to get the train moving (although Sneezy's habit of constantly sneezing did lead to some health concerns about some of the parts, given he had sneezed on them. They needed disinfecting at times). After a few hours of work, and when the great sun itself (or herself, or himself, depending on where you lived) was beginning to fade from the sky, the work was at last finished, and the locomotive was steamed once more and was ready to go again.

"So, what was the problem?" Rumble asked.

"One of the cylinders had failed," Doc explained. "The parts that held the cylinder together as one assembly had come apart, and as a result we needed to fit the bits back together in order for the cylinder to work properly. Whilst we went over, we found a whole bunch of other problems which we have fixed for you. Honestly, it was worse than the Flying Caledon!"

"Avalonian engine?" Thunderlane asked.

"Nope, it was from Caledon," Doc answered. "Clan DunBroch was on their way to an important meeting when the engine broke down. Why do so many engines break down around here? It's ridiculous!"

"Anyways, thanks for the help," said the gaurd of the train. "It would have taken hours for a team from Munchendorf to come down and take a look at the engine."

"No problem," Doc answered again.

Grumpy harrumphed. "Now will you help us with our problem?"

Sure enough, the Royal Party, as well as the train crew and the Seven Dwarves, pulled the mine carts back along the line to the linking point, and the cables were linked onto the trucks in preparation for the winding drums to be started. The Dwarves thanked the humans for their help, and as the drum started up, they hopped into the mine carts and began to sing.

"Hi ho, hi ho!"

"Hi ho-!"

"Hi ho-!"

"Hi ho-!"

"Hi ho-!"

"Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go!"

(Some very in tune and in harmony whistling)

"Hi ho, Hi ho, Hi ho-

"Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go!"

And their singing and whistling could be heard as the mine carts climbed away into the hills and far away. Rumble smiled as he listened to them sing. "What fascinating characters," he said, with a smile.

Thunderlane looked to him. "I hate to burst your bubble," he said, "but we still need to get to Avalon and we're running late thanks to the engine failure. And we're now a day late, and if we stay the night we will miss the ceremony. Way to go not letting father down."

Rumble's face was suddenly filled with determination. "Then we must run through the night to Avalon."

The driver looked horrified at this suggestion. "But sir," he said, "I am in no condition to drive at this hour. Besides, it is dark, and we cannot see where we are going. If we were to attempt running at night, why, we could crash or hold up traffic on the line! The next passing loop isn't until Seven Bangs!"

More silence rolled around the room like a ocean of quietness (not of quiteness. There shall also be no Celestias who are abstract concepts). The Rumble spoke up. "I shall drive then, as I am still awake enough to make the trip. Onwards to Avalon!"

Rumble took the footplate moments later, and took off his formal jacket, leaving only his shirt to cover his upper body. A shirt which, no doubt, would be absolutely covered in soot by the time this trip was done. He stepped up to the mantle, and clasped the regulator handle with confidence. He looked behind him, out of the cab window, and checked to see if the guard had yet responded. Behind him, a guard's whistle blew, and green light shone up the train as the last of the doors banged. "RIGHT AWAY!" called the guard.

Rumble responded with three short toots on the whistle handle, and opened the cylinder cocks and regulator. The engine rolled forward, steam shooting from underneath the frames and a serious of loud, percussive puffs coming from the chimney. The train rolled forward smoothly and quickly, the fireman shovelling coal into the firebox, which glowed in the night in red and orange hue, Rumble keeping a close eye on the water and cutoff to ensure efficient running. Dawn beckoned, and they cleared Giant's Gulch, a large, steep gradient on the centre of the continent, the run was easier now, all downhill. As they steamed along, the hills and valleys opened up, as all Avalon waited for her. They were cleared at speed through stations, and everywhere people had turned out to watch the Royal Train fly by. They waved their caps. They cheered. They danced and shouted, "Three cheers for Munchendorf! Three cheers for peace!"

Rumble responded by sounding the whistle as they flew through the stations, at speeds of up to eighty miles an hour! They did so well they made up some of the lost time, and got into the big station in the capital only 5 hours late. Rumble, by now looking like a chimney sweep, staggered off the footplate and went onto the platform, clearly needing a wash.

"Well," he said, "now that was quite the run."

"Indeed," Thunderlane added, "but we still need to get to the palace, and a carriage is waiting for us. Come on bro, let's go! The train can be put away without us!"

Author's Note:

Can anybody spot the reference to a certain British steam engine?