> Another Scootarella Story > by The Blue EM2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Out to the Kingdom! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prince Rumble sighed as he looked out of the window of the vast pile that was the Royal Palace of Munchendorf. He had been living here his whole life, and it never ceased to be spectacular, but at the same time he wished for a change of scenery every now and then. Much had happened since his father had ascended the throne. The passing of his grandfather, the former king, had caused much sadness and regret in Munchendorf, as he had been a popular and effective king, wise and fair in his judgements and also having the foresight to leave most decisions to elected individuals. But alas, once he was gone, his son was given the hard challenge of living up to his legacy, the first part of which was repairing the reputation of Muncendorf amongst several other countries, such as Estalia and Flatland (so named because it was extremely flat indeed). By all accounts, he had done a good job, and the countries had accepted the offered reparations to their lands. They had also attended the royal wedding in Avalon of Prince Thomas and Princess Cinderella, which Rumble and his older brother Thunderlane had attended, and even along the way run into their adopted daughter, Scootarella. Literally. Now that had been an awkard meeting indeed. Since then, things had been very quiet on all fronts, and Rumble, to be honest, liked it that way. It meant that there was nobody to mess about with things, and that the people could simply get on with their lives with no fear of interference from foreign powers. Of course, the military had done a good job of defending the border, and even participated in a bid to liberate their ally, Agrabah, from the armies of Sultan Jaffar of Araby. Who was a bad thing, in the logic of 1066 and All That, and thus had to be removed. The new Sultan of Agrabah, Aladdin, had been very thankful for their assistance, and had signed a comprehensive trade deal with Munchendorf in response. In short, things were as good as they could possibly be. None of this, of course, removed the sense of boredom from Rumble's heart. Every day for him was the same. Awake at 7 in the morning, then shower, then breakfast with the Court (which got very awkward and quiet sometimes), and then lessons from his private tutor in all the major languages of the world, as well as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (as his father was very keen on the new inventions sweeping the world at that time), and then the afternoon was given over to sports and riding, often on great hunts into the forest. Then the evenings brought dinner, relaxation through music and acting, with the Palace Theatre Company often putting on a new play, and finally the day would conclude with retiring to bed for the night, to sleep until the next day dawned. And repeat for many, many years both before and beyond this one. Every day was the same. It just went round and round and round, round and round and round, and Rumble was getting tired of it all. He craved to see the world, to experience new cultures first hand, to learn with the inventors who created and toiled in their workshops ceaselessly without care. There was only so much you could learn through books, and Rumble wanted to expand his horizons as much as he could. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a voice. "Hey, little bro!" It was his older brother, Thunderlane, who looked at him. "Is something wrong?" "I'm kinda bored," Rumble replied. "Not much ever seems to happen around here." "At least you weren't alive during the worst of the war years," Thunderlane said back to him. "But enough of that, Father wants to see us in the throne room." "OK," Rumble replied, and got up, his boots making contact with the floor. He straightened out the epaulletes on his jacket, and walked forward. "Shall we go, then?" The walk through the corridors to the throne room was a silent one, the lack of sound punctuated at regular intervals by the double thump of the brother's boots as they touched the tiled floor. Given their military training, both of them walked in perfect synchronisation, producing a most satisfying 'boom' when their boots touched the floor, the echo rolling around the halls as they walked. After a few minutes, they reached a pair of great wooden doors, guarded by two guards each holding a halberd. "Your Royal Highnesses," one of the guards said, "His Majesty the King is awaiting you." "Then we shall enter," Thunderlane replied. The two guards stepped back, and one of them opened the door. "Their Royal Highnesses, Prince Thunderlane and Prince Rumble!" Both princes stepped into a vast stone chamber with a vaulting ceiling and mighty tapestries of kings of long ago hanging from the walls. At the opposite end of the room, sitting underneath a red carpet that ran to the door, was a throne, and above that was a vast stained glass window with a mighty scene of a battle from long ago, with a king of old slaying a dragon. Below it lay the inscription; Dracones Vastabat, Defensor Populi, Stator Leges. (Destroyer of Dragons, Defender of the People, Upholder of the Laws) The King looked out from the throne to his two sons, and smiled. "It is wonderful to see you," he said. "Come and stand before me, for we have much to discuss. As you probably know, our land has had a less than positive history with the land of Avalon." "That's something of an understatement, father," Thunderlane said. Avalon and Munchendorf had had many messy wars over the centuries, and the two nations had something of a relationship of bad blood running between them. "So it is," the King replied. "But I think now is the time to put things right between our nations and restore a prosperous and happy relationship between our two peoples. As you probably know, it is the second anniversary of the marriage of Prince Thomas and Princess Cinderella this weekend." "Are you sending a delegation?" Rumble asked. "If I sent only a duke or a diplomat, it could look like I do not really mean to improve our relations," the King replied. "It would constitute a hollow gesture, and that I will not tolerate. To which end, I shall send you both to participate. You have prior knowledge of Avalonian customs, and so you ought to fit in there perfectly." Rumble nodded. "Yes father. We won't let you down." It was a good day for him. Here, at last, was the adventure he had been looking for. > Train to Nowhere > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since it had been decided that Rumble and Thunderlane were to attend the official celebrations in Avalon, the King had seen it arranged to that a special train should convey them all the way from Munchendorf to Avalon, a very long journey indeed as the two countries sat at opposite ends of the continent. This train was ten coaches long, and contained all of the amenities that two princes could possibly need on their trip to what could well be nowhere. Did they even have railways in Avalon? I suppose it is somewhat a redundant question given they were travelling by train, but anyways, they were now two or three days into the five day journey, and the train flew along the track so fast it seemed to fly, the small but powerful engine on the front snorting like a dragon and shovelling white steam over her shoulder as the mountains raced by. Rumble sat in the carriage and looked out as the world turned to a blur, lakes and valleys passing in a never ending stream of colour and light. "Cheer up, bro!" Thunderlane joked. "There are worse things than having to travel long distance by train. We can do it in five days now, but imagine what it must have been like in the days of horse and carriage!" "It would have taken weeks," Rumble replied. "I did history, remember? We have the same tutor, after all." "Point taken," Thunderlane answered, and sat down next to his younger brother. "If only there was some way to teleport about magically. That'd take the problem out of this sort of travel completely, as you could go from here to there, there to here, here to there, there, there, everywhere-" "I get it," Rumble grunted. "Though apparently Princess Cinderella said something about a mysterious woman in white appearing from nowhere on the night of the ball." "All sorts of weird things can happen," Thunderlane answered. "Look, I get this is not the most exciting thing ever, but at least try to be cheerful when we get there, OK?" "What is there to be cheerful about?" Rumble asked. "Sitting in stuffy halls, eating large feasts, and wandering around gardens filled with manequered plants? Where's the fun in that? It sounds so girly!" "There are worse things," Thunderlane reminded him. "We could get stranded out here with no way of calling for help and with a broken down engine." Just as he said this, there was a loud bang from higher up. Rumble dropped the window and looked out. The engine up front seemed to be leaking steam, and the train was getting slower and slower with every passing moment. The locomotive was not so much roaring and snorting as wheezing pathetically, and it came to a stop near a siding so that the crew could assess what was wrong. "What's going on?" the older prince asked, as a member of the train staff walked down the train to them. "Terribly sorry sirs," he said, "but the engine appears to have suffered a problem. We may be held here for a while." He then bowed, and shut the door, walking further down the train. Rumble glared at his brother. "Thanks a lot," he snapped. "Tempting fate like this. Now we'll be stuck out here for nobody knows how long!" Next to the line was a siding that ran up into the hills, and stopped next to the main line. No traffic had ever been seen on this line, and so Rumble got off to do a bit of exploring. Before him, he could examine the tracks, which appeared well worn and used by something or other. Suddenly, he could hear music in the distance. "Hi ho, hi ho!" "Hi ho-!" "Hi ho-!" "Hi ho-!" "Hi ho-!" Before his very eyes, Rumble saw a train of seven mine cars roll to a stop at the side of the line and come to a complete stop. Each car had a single being sitting in them, and one of them hopped out of his car and he looked annoyed. "Who didn't apply the brakes correctly!" he demanded, staring at one of the others. "Don't shout at me, Grumpy!" said one of the others. "I wasn't on the brakes toaaaah, ahhhh, AAAACHOOO!" "I'm pretty certain it was Dopy," said another of the dwarfs, who had his arms crossed at Grumpy. "Oh well," said another quietly, hiding behind his mine cart. "A- at least we stopped in time." "We stopped too late, that's what!" said one wearing glasses. "We've stopped too far from the winding drum to hook the cables up." Rumble walked over to them. "Excuse me," he asked, "but who are you?" "We work the nearby mine!" said the one with the glasses. "We're the Seven Dwarfs, usually only discussed in connection with Snow White. Speaking of which, we haven't heard from her in a while. "I'm Doc, and these are Dopey, Bashful, Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy, and Happy." "You said you work in a mine, right?" Rumble asked. "Could you help us with something?" "Depends what it is," Grumpy commented. "We've wasted enough time as it is." "Why not try smiling at some point in your life?" Happy said to him. "There's a lot of good things to be seen in life." "And talking endlessly is not one of them." Doc shook his head. "Excuse them, they can be awkward sometimes. What is the problem?" "You see," Rumble said, "me and my brother are on our way to Avalon to participate in the celebrations of wedding anniversary of Prince Thomas and Princess Cinderella." "Another Prince?" asked Sleepy, in confusion. "Hasn't he already got married?" "Different prince, different country," Bashful told him. "We're in Gerallemagne, remember?" "Anyway," Doc interrupted. "What was the problem?" "Our engine has broken down," Rumble finished. "Could you help us to fix it? If you do, we'll help you get your mine carts back to the winding engine and back up to the mine." Doc smiled. "It's a deal, my lad. Come on boys, we have work to do!" > Onwards to Avalon! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few moments after Rumble had finished speaking with the Seven Dwarves, they got to work on the engine, working to repair it and get it back into working order. The entire area sounded to the noise of hard work and machinery, as tools such as wrenches, cutters, screwdrivers (of all things) and various other tools were employed in an effort to get the locomotive working once again. Some of them even took to whistling while they worked, whilst Grumpy complained about the overuse of 'happy working songs', as he believed that happym work, and song were three words that did not belong in the same sentence. It even seemed that Grumpy didn't believe in the concept of even being happy, given the purpetual scowl on his face as he worked. However, using dwarves did lead to a rather obvious benefit; as they were, for obvious reasons, shorter than humans, they could more easily fit in and around the working parts of the engine, and they scurried back and forth, removing old parts, fitting new ones, forging new components, and working relentlessly and as a team to get the train moving (although Sneezy's habit of constantly sneezing did lead to some health concerns about some of the parts, given he had sneezed on them. They needed disinfecting at times). After a few hours of work, and when the great sun itself (or herself, or himself, depending on where you lived) was beginning to fade from the sky, the work was at last finished, and the locomotive was steamed once more and was ready to go again. "So, what was the problem?" Rumble asked. "One of the cylinders had failed," Doc explained. "The parts that held the cylinder together as one assembly had come apart, and as a result we needed to fit the bits back together in order for the cylinder to work properly. Whilst we went over, we found a whole bunch of other problems which we have fixed for you. Honestly, it was worse than the Flying Caledon!" "Avalonian engine?" Thunderlane asked. "Nope, it was from Caledon," Doc answered. "Clan DunBroch was on their way to an important meeting when the engine broke down. Why do so many engines break down around here? It's ridiculous!" "Anyways, thanks for the help," said the gaurd of the train. "It would have taken hours for a team from Munchendorf to come down and take a look at the engine." "No problem," Doc answered again. Grumpy harrumphed. "Now will you help us with our problem?" Sure enough, the Royal Party, as well as the train crew and the Seven Dwarves, pulled the mine carts back along the line to the linking point, and the cables were linked onto the trucks in preparation for the winding drums to be started. The Dwarves thanked the humans for their help, and as the drum started up, they hopped into the mine carts and began to sing. "Hi ho, hi ho!" "Hi ho-!" "Hi ho-!" "Hi ho-!" "Hi ho-!" "Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go!" (Some very in tune and in harmony whistling) "Hi ho, Hi ho, Hi ho- "Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go!" And their singing and whistling could be heard as the mine carts climbed away into the hills and far away. Rumble smiled as he listened to them sing. "What fascinating characters," he said, with a smile. Thunderlane looked to him. "I hate to burst your bubble," he said, "but we still need to get to Avalon and we're running late thanks to the engine failure. And we're now a day late, and if we stay the night we will miss the ceremony. Way to go not letting father down." Rumble's face was suddenly filled with determination. "Then we must run through the night to Avalon." The driver looked horrified at this suggestion. "But sir," he said, "I am in no condition to drive at this hour. Besides, it is dark, and we cannot see where we are going. If we were to attempt running at night, why, we could crash or hold up traffic on the line! The next passing loop isn't until Seven Bangs!" More silence rolled around the room like a ocean of quietness (not of quiteness. There shall also be no Celestias who are abstract concepts). The Rumble spoke up. "I shall drive then, as I am still awake enough to make the trip. Onwards to Avalon!" Rumble took the footplate moments later, and took off his formal jacket, leaving only his shirt to cover his upper body. A shirt which, no doubt, would be absolutely covered in soot by the time this trip was done. He stepped up to the mantle, and clasped the regulator handle with confidence. He looked behind him, out of the cab window, and checked to see if the guard had yet responded. Behind him, a guard's whistle blew, and green light shone up the train as the last of the doors banged. "RIGHT AWAY!" called the guard. Rumble responded with three short toots on the whistle handle, and opened the cylinder cocks and regulator. The engine rolled forward, steam shooting from underneath the frames and a serious of loud, percussive puffs coming from the chimney. The train rolled forward smoothly and quickly, the fireman shovelling coal into the firebox, which glowed in the night in red and orange hue, Rumble keeping a close eye on the water and cutoff to ensure efficient running. Dawn beckoned, and they cleared Giant's Gulch, a large, steep gradient on the centre of the continent, the run was easier now, all downhill. As they steamed along, the hills and valleys opened up, as all Avalon waited for her. They were cleared at speed through stations, and everywhere people had turned out to watch the Royal Train fly by. They waved their caps. They cheered. They danced and shouted, "Three cheers for Munchendorf! Three cheers for peace!" Rumble responded by sounding the whistle as they flew through the stations, at speeds of up to eighty miles an hour! They did so well they made up some of the lost time, and got into the big station in the capital only 5 hours late. Rumble, by now looking like a chimney sweep, staggered off the footplate and went onto the platform, clearly needing a wash. "Well," he said, "now that was quite the run." "Indeed," Thunderlane added, "but we still need to get to the palace, and a carriage is waiting for us. Come on bro, let's go! The train can be put away without us!" > Some Time in the Gardens > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No sooner had Rumble a chance to process what was going on, he was suddenly being pulled across the station platform and into the waiting carriage as the engine was moved off to be cleaned and watered. The driver (whom he identified from his last visit as the Grand Duke) glanced back to them. "Your Royal Highnesses, his Majesty sends his best wishes and commisserations over your unfortunate breakdown." "Tell him we thank him," Thunderlane replied. "We're just glad to be here!" The Duke nodded. "Very well, sir. Driver, away!" It only then became apparent that the Duke was not the driver, but a man who was sitting next to him (though it could just have well as been something else, given what Rumble had heard of the events of two years ago). The driver cracked his whip, and pulled on the reigns. The carriage started away quite suddenly, and bounced along the cobbled streets as even more people turned out in the streets to cheer them by. "It's quite the reception, eh?" Thunderlane smiled. "If their royalty comes to Munchendorf, we must remember to return the favour!" "That we must!" Rumble smiled, who, despite how very tired he was, was smiling from ear to ear. Even so, the day and the long time since sleeping was beginning to take its toll on him, and as the coach came to a stop in front the royal palace, which towered over the rest of the skyline with its impossible towers and great hallways stretching on for miles, it seemed as though the scene was sliding in and out of focus, as Rumble was struggling to keep his head up. Piling out of the coach, the guards came out to provide a security escort. Shaking his head, the young prince followed them as they sped along through the corridors, as they had much time to make up for. Rounding another few bends, he was clearly not focusing on what he was doing, as when they entered the Great Hall, his boot slipped on an exceptionally slippery piece of polished floor, and Rumble turned into a sliding bowling ball, crashing through several court officials and into a table, smacking into a chair leg with a loud bang. "Oww," he moaned, and sat up as best he could. "Sorry, that wasn't the best of entrances." "Excuse me?" a female voice asked, one that sounded oddly familiar. "Do you need a hand?" Rumble looked up, though his vision was still swimming in circles, and saw a faint white blob before him. Moments passed, and then his vision cleared. He looked into the face of a girl with orange skin and purple hair, wearing a white ball gown with prominent panniers and a skirt that dropped to the floor. He had last seen her at the Royal Wedding those years ago. It was Scootarella. He extended his hand to reach her gloved one, and she pulled him up. "Hey, thanks. I appreciate it." She smiled. "No problem, buddy. It's great to see you again, Rumble." "Ah!" said a jovial voice. Both the prince and the princess looked over to see the King had seen them, a little older but having lost none of his jovial character and warmth. "I see that you two have already met again." Scootarella took this as the opportunity to take her leave. "Shall we catch up in the palace gardens? I imagine we have much to discuss." "Of course," Rumble said, and they both dissappeared out through a side door, closing it behind them moments later. Not long after that, Cinderella and the Prince entered. "Where has Scoot gone?" asked the Prince. "She's already met Rumble," the King informed her. "They went out into the gardens to talk with one another. I imagine they don't want to get in the way of the preparations for tonight." "And we really do need to be getting on with those," the Grand Duke reminded them, stepping forward. Unfortunately, his boot then slipped on the incredibly slippery piece of floor that Rumble had slipped on, and he went face first into the same chair with a bang. "Ouch," he said, getting up and adjusting his monocle. "I really need to make the piece of floor less slippery. Somebody could get hurt." "Somebody has been hurt," the King sighed. As all the shenanigans concerning floors was going on, Scootarella and Rumble walked through the palace gardens, the only sounds being the spraying of water fountains (set to go off on a timer), the singing of birds, and the gentle rustle of the fabric of Scootarella's skirt as they walked along. As they walked along, Scootarella was busy telling Rumble all that had happened. "So, since we last met, the Royal Family has been across the continent. Our goodwill tour was seen by thousands, and it helped to secure new trade deals and national ties. It's being jokingly called the 'glass slipper alliance'!" "That's handy to know," Rumble said. "We don't really get around much. Thunderlane and me. We spend most of our time at the palace, which does somewhat lose its novelty value after a while. Do you have any siblings yet, or is something else going on?" "Mom isn't ready to adopt another child," Scootarella replied. "She feels that, given there are so many children who are orphaned and in need of good homes, that having children would simply be irresponsible. So she wishes to set a good example through adopting kids instead." "That's sensible really," Rumble said. "Father was the second of eight. Five brothers, two sisters, all of whom have considerable broods of their own. Two is a very small number by Munchendorfian standards." "Now that's a long word," Scootarella laughed. "My tutor, Miss Cheerilee, has stated that too many of her students use long words in a sentence to sound clever, not because it actually makes sense. Check this one out; 'Esquire Jones decamped via farcical exchange'." "What on earth does that even mean?" Rumble asked. "Mister Jones went to the market," Scootarella told him. "I'm pretty good friends with her daughter, and two of the noble families around here pop over regularly. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are such good friends, the one thing I lacked for so long." "Me too," Rumble sighed. "It's been pretty lonely at times with nobody to talk to. And here I am, pouring my heart out to you. Not that that's a problem, it's always nice when there's somebody there to listen." "I know how you feel," Scootarella answered. "But remember to 'have courage and be kind'. Mom shows both qualities and has been richly rewarded for it, so I intend to stand by those qualities as well." As they sat looking at the water, two voices called over. "Howdy, Scoots!" "Hello, sir! Who are you?" > The Dance at Last > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rumble's attention was suddenly drawn not only to two other girls coming to a stop on the other side of the path, but of intense, furious squeaking behind him. The first girl had purple and pink hair, and the other one red. Both were wearing very similar outfits to the one Scootarella was wearing. He turned around to suddenly see a hoarde of mice, all dressed up (which he wasn't aware was even a thing). One appeared to be trying to communicate with Scootarella, based on how she'd knelt down toward it. "Oh, him? There's nothing to worry about! Honestly Jaq, you worry too much sometimes!" The mouse continued squeaking. Rumble turned around to the other girls. "I have no idea what's going on." "Yeah..." the red haired one said. "She can understand mice somehow. Ah'm Apple Bloom." "I'm Sweetie Belle," said the other. "We're Scoots' friends, alongside Jade." "Who's Jade?" asked Rumble. "The daughter of our tutor, Miss Cheerilee," Apple Bloom explained. "She's a bit of an oddball, really; she won't be seen dead in a dress!" "She also often goes to see on a boat, with a guy called Jack," Sweetie Belle added. "I have no idea what that's about. Something with a bird?" Scootarella seemed to have finished her conversation, and turned back around. "Sorry about that," she said. "Jaq and Gus here were worried and didn't recognise Rumble here. That's all cleaned up now." She addressed Rumble directly. "Rumble, these mice are mom's helpers and friends. They assisted her in breaking free of her evil stepmother's clutches-" "I know the story, it's quite famous," Rumble interrupted. "So, these mice are close to you too? And how can you understand them?" "I don't actually know how I can understand them, actually," Scootarella admitted. "Mom can, so maybe I picked that up somehow?" After another pause, she then adjusted her glove. "I suppose I should introduce them." She then began to point at the different mice in sequence, saying a different name as she went. "Jaq, Gus, Bert, Mert, Luke, Mary, Suzy, and Perla." "Well, tell them it's very nice to meet them," Rumble replied, adjusting his jacket and loosening the collar slightly. "It's hot today, isn't it? These uniforms aren't exactly designed for the heatwave we've been having recently." "We're OK!" Sweetie Belle observed. "I know our dresses may seem quite heavy, but they're surprisingly light and airy. Another benefit of being from the wealthy class, I suppose." "And having a Fairy Godmother help out now and then," Scootarella replied. "But only with very minor things. She reserves her most powerful magic for worst case scenarios." She started to head back towards the palace, but the hem of her skirt got caught on a poorly positioned bramble and tore, leaving a hole in it. "That would not be such a case." The mice suddenly began talking again, and Gus said something in that strange language the mice spoke. "Oh? You would! That's kind!" Producing needles and thread that were comically big from how small the mice were, the mice got to work, and in no time at all, it was as if the tear and hole had never been there. "If only the wardrobe back in Munchendorf was that efficient!" Rumble joked. "Sometimes it can be weeks until we get a repair!" Just then, a trumpet blast sounded from the castle. "Sounds like the evenin's festivities are about to start!" Apple Bloom called. "No, that's just the rehearsal!" Scootarella replied. As the other girls hurried up the path, dodging water jets from fountains, she spoke to Rumble. "Fancy a dance during the gala itself?" "I can waltz, badly," Rumble admitted. "But sure, it sounds like fun." "Great!" Scootarella replied. "Let's go, we need to be back in time!" It was evening at long last, and the Prince checked his pocket watch for the fifteenth time. "Where are they?" he asked, to nobody in particular. "You worry far too much about precise timing, my boy!" the King told him, who had just arrived. "I apologise, father," the Prince replied. "It's just that I want this event to go perfectly, it being-" "I know," the King replied, as the Duke sped past and crashed into a column for the third time that day. "Perhaps we should move the columns, so you don't crash into them!" "That would be quite the feat of architecture, your majesty!" the Duke replied, as he walked away, not physically hurt but rather embarrased by the whole debacle. "I understand this day means a lot to you," the King continued. "But try to enjoy yourself. Sometimes, we get so caught up in the little details we become unable to see the bigger picture. I often couldn't, when I was your age, and it took a lot of learning to see past it." "Thank you for the advice, fath-" the Prince stopped, as Cinderella joined them, and pointed down below. "Hold on a moment. Why is the orchestra starting up? They aren't due here for another half hour!" The King adjusted his monocle and looked closer. "That violin is playing by itself!" he exclaimed. "If Merlin is up to his tricks again, then he'll hear about it from me." Cinderella then spoke, for the first time that conversation. "Look down there! Who's Scootarella dancing with?" Sure enough, Rumble and Scootarella had taken to the floor, not realising they were being observed. Luckily, the staff, assuming it was a rehearsal, had given a wide berth to the pair as they enjoyed their moment together. After a week of festivities, it was time for Rumble and Thunderlane to return home. When Rumble got back into his room in the Munchendorfian capital, he saw a mirror sitting on the wall, with a note next to it. Dear Rumble, I couldn't help but observe your friendship with one of my friends and charges, Scootarella. You two make such a fine couple, and I left you this mirror with which to talk to her. All you need to do is tap on it twice, and it shall illuminate. Rumble had no idea who it was from, but stepped over and tapped twice. The mirror lit up, and the image illuminated onto a bedroom on the other side of the world. Standing in front of the other side, was Scootarella. "Hi Rumble! Pretty neat, huh? Now we can stay in contact wherever we are!" "You'll always be in my heart, Scootarella," Rumble smiled contentedly.