• Published 7th Oct 2019
  • 329 Views, 7 Comments

GSB voI1: A second chance. - RandomFics271197

After the defeat of Lord Tirek, Eris was considered an accomplice. And now it's on The main 6 and the princes hooves to determine her fate.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Author's Note:

The last chapter is out.

In Butterscotch house...

A soft caress on her belly made her raise her paw and shook it around it. Another soft caress made her repeat the same thing. A moment later another soft caress made her grunt and tried to push it away.

"Stop, Butterscotch that tickles," she said while shaking both of her paws over her belly.

After she lowered her paws the soft-touch came back to her belly, opening her eyes she roared and pushed her captor away.

"I think I told you to stop," she yelled.

Standing up from the bed she looked around to see who was doing that and noticed the small bunny trembling on the floor.

She bent down and grabbed the bunny, who started to squirm and kicking her legs to free from her grasp.

"I'm sorry my little friend I didn't mean to scare you, but you were annoying me," she said while brushing her paws on her soft fur.

Looking down to herself she noticed that she was tended. Some of her wounds were still noticeable, using her magic she sealed them and let some cloth bandage to remain on her body.

Putting the bunny down, she headed downstairs and looked around the house.

Looking around in every room, she couldn't find any presence instead of the animals and the little bunny that kept following her.

Turning back to the bunny, she bent down and asked.

"May I ask you where he is?"

The bunny shook her head up and down, signaling to her to follow her she shrugged her shoulders and followed the bunny.

Reaching the kitchen the bunny pointed towards the counter, noticing a small piece of paper she grabbed it and started to read it.

'First of all, good morning I hope that you are feeling better. Fortunately, I had some medicines that I had brought from Zecora, but I needed more so I'm heading out to buy some and to buy some groceries. Secondly, there's a box in my room behind my bed, if you want you could open it.'

Putting the paper sheet back on the counter she headed towards the room but a sudden door click made her stop and look back at the door.

Stepping inside, Butterscotch carried the bags while trying to reach the door to close it. Cursing himself for not finding the door he tripped and fell on the floor, making a 'thud' the bags fell on top of him. Grunting in frustration, he felt something levitating him and the bags. Looking around, he heard a small giggle and saw Eris stepping towards him.

"Having some trouble there?" she asked

Grunting in frustration again, he came back to the floor by a new snapping of fingers. Looking back at her, he felt his cheeks heating up.

"No need to thank me," she said.

Snapping her fingers again, she led the bags towards the kitchen counter. Snapping it again the bags stood still on the counter.

Feeling a hug on her lower body, she looked around and saw Butterscotch tears on his eyes.

Feeling his hug parting away, he invited her to eat together. She nodded and headed towards the dining table.

Keeping looking at him, she noticed that he was trying to not look directly at her. Putting her dish down, she raised her paw and place it under his chin.

"Is something wrong?" she asked. "Why can't you look at me like the other times?"

He pushed her paw away and got up from his chair.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

Rushing towards his room, he slammed the door and jumped to his bed. Noticing this, she followed him.

Standing next to his bedroom door, she opened it slowly and headed inside.

"Butterscotch?" she asked with a worried tone. "Is everything alright?"

He looked back at her and tried to hide under the covers. Lifting it with her magic, she threw them away and laid next to him.

Feeling her hug, he raised his hoof to cover his eyes and started to cry.

"I can't believe that you came back to me after I've said those things to you," he said, "You could stand in your place and forget about me but you... you came back to me," he continued, "You could let those hydras get me but you came to help me," he finished.

"Why?" he asked while looking back at her.

Smiling back at him, she raised her paws and wiped his eyes.

"Well..." she began, "...there was a pony that...", she continued while licked her paw and kept wiping his eyes, "... stood for me and forgot about his 'true' friends opinion to..." she continued while lowering her paw and looking to his eyes, "... let me fell the true power of Friendship and he achieved it."

Looking back at her, he looked at her belly and pushed his hoof towards it.

"I did my best to keep it from bleeding," he said while rubbing his hoof around her belly, "I would blame myself if something would happen to you, you know?" he asked while looking back at her.

"Stop worrying would you," she said, "I used my spell and noticed that anything bad happen to it," she said while rubbing her hoof around her belly. "So stop worrying, ok. And you know me better than anypony that it is needed more than three hydras to get the best of me."

She started to feel a strange smell, coming from a certain place. Smelling the air she noticed that it was coming from under his injured wings. Pushing her muzzle towards it, he slapped her muzzle with his wing. Grunting in frustration, she pushed her muzzle again to be slapped again.

"Keep your muzzle to yourself," he said while folding and unfolding his injured wing.

She snapped her fingers and hold his wing in place.

"Hey," he protested.

Pushing her muzzle towards his wing and she saw that it still had some wounds under it.

Looking back at him, she snapped her fingers and his wing came back to its place.

"You treated my wounds but you let those of yours be untreated," she said while pointing towards his wing.

"You're in the worst state than I was," he said, "I used my supplies to heal you first then I would proceed to myself but how did you know that I was still hurt?"

She poked his nose and answered.

"The smell. I'm a predator after all."

He looked back under his wing and back at her.

"I will heal myself now," he said, "Shall you accompany me?" he asked.

She grinned and closed her eyes, snapping her fingers and his remaining wounds were healed.

Looking back to his wings he saw his wounds disappeared.

He looked back at her and used his wing to push her body towards his.

"Thank you," he said, "I need to show you something."

Leading her around his room he reached behind his bed and bought a box. He opened the box and brought the Dragon Tongue from it.

Looking intrigued to him, she reached the flower and grabbed it.

"It's a Dragon Tongue," she said, "You know how much I love them."

She put the flower on the floor, snapping her fingers the flower earn legs and started dancing and spitting fire.

Looking back at him, she noticed that he turned back and headed out of his room. Grabbing him, she laid him beside the flower while he grunted back at her.

"Come on," she said. "I don't want to see this alone I need a little company here and your bunny is not the safest thing."

"Please," she said while giving him the puppy eyes

Turning his eyes around, he raised his hoof and poked her chest.

"You really should stop using those using to persuade others," he said.

She nodded.

Watching the flower dancing and spitting fire, a sudden rumble noise made them both look at each other.

"We probably should head downstairs and finish our meals, don't you think?" he asked.

She nodded.

Keeping his wing on her back, they headed downstairs and sat back at the dining table.

After finishing their meals, Butterscotch and Eris headed outside and sat at a tree shadow.

Laying on the soft grass, she curled around him and kept her muzzle on his forelegs. Raising his hoof, he started brushing her muzzle along her mane to her lower body. Purring to his display of affection, she closed her eyes and let him kept brushing her body.

Noticing that she had felt asleep on his foreleg, he saw a large and familiar shadow standing on top of them. Looking up, he saw Solaris with his hoof on his month, trying to muffle his giggles.

Noticing that he was spotted, he opened his wings and landed near them.

Heading slowly towards them, he stopped his display of affection and raised a hoof to greet him.

"I see that both of you came to an understanding," he said.

He nodded.

Looking back at her, he smiled and looked back at him.

"Dear Prince, I kindly ask you to forget about my rampage on your council yesterday," he said while kept brushing her body, "I said those things without intention of hurting her or your Highness."

He looked back at her.

"It's been so long since I saw her so peacefull like this," he said.

Butterscotch looked confused at him. Noticing that he was confused he said.

"Long story," he said.

Looking back at her, Butterscotch decided to try one thing.

"What about her punishment?" he asked.

"We are discussing it since not everypony is in favor of forgiving her this once," Solaris answered.

"I'm changing my mind, dear Prince," he said.

He looked back at him and asked.

"May I know the reason?"

Looking back at her, he raised her wing and showed him the cloth bandages placed around her belly.

"What happened?" he asked worried about what he saw.

Lowering his muzzle towards her body, he answered.

"I headed to Everfree last night," he began, "I was searching for the Dragon Tongues to try to reestablish my relationship with Eris but the thing is..." he continued, "...Dragon Tongues grow on hydra territory. Due to my ignorance, I attracted a trio of hydras that started chasing me when they saw me..." he continued, "... after a while, I got cornered and then Eris showed up and..." he stopped and looked at her body while rubbing his hoof along her body, "... she stood for me, she fought the hydras and repel two of them, the other one got scared by my stare and ran away." he finished while some tears fell from his eyes.

Raising a hoof, he placed on his eyes and wiped them.

"She... fought with the hydras because of me... even knowing that I could still be mad at her and that I had spoken to her like that," he said, "She could just let the hydras had their way with me but she denied it and fought against them."

"Butterscotch, is this true?" he asked, "She never stood for anypony."

He gritted his teeth and yelled at him.

"Of course it's true," he said while keeping his hoof high up, "Would I lie to you? Can't you see how hurt her body is?"

Solaris backward a bit and kept his eyesight on his.

"I'll believe you, Butterscotch," he said.

"I'm sorry," he said.

Solaris shook his head to the sides and said.

"The one who should apologize it's me. I never saw her standing for somepony that's all," he said.

"Are you consider the option of forgiving her?" he asked.

He raised his hoof and pointed towards him.

"Well, that depends on you," he said, "What do you think?" he asked.

Looking back at her, he smiled and laid his hoof on her muzzle.

"I'll keep an eye on her if you want of course," he answered.

He smiled.

"I won't mind," he said.

Noticing a small yawn, he opened his wings and said.

"I will leave both of you alone and don't worry about the council."

He flew away from their place.

Opening her eyes, she stroked her eyes and looked around her. Looking up, she saw Butterscotch looking at her.

"Is something wrong with my face?" she asked while using her paws to pat her face.

Uncurling herself around him, she sat beside him.

"I'm sorry, Eris," he began.

Looking back at him, she raised her eyebrow and asked.

"What are you apologizing for?"

"I was rude to you," he answered, "I just couldn't accept that I was losing you. They wanted to hurt you and I couldn't do nothing," he continued, "I reacted like that because I was mad at myself for not be able to do nothing to stop them from doing this to you."

She raised her paw and grabbed his chin.

"You know what you taught me?" she asked, "The Power of Forgiveness, you forgave me when I tried to ruin your party with that friend of yours, you forgave me when I came back to Ponyville for the second time, you forgave me every time I messed up," she continued, "Tirek promised me a thing, a thing that now I saw it as nonsense. You could be free and feel lonely forever or you could be free and feel loved. Tirek didn't know that neither do I. I only learned it because I saw how I hurt you and how I hurt myself. The one who should be asking for forgiveness it's me."

He smiled and looked at her.

"Solaris had forgiven you, now you just need to prove to them that you are changing," he said.

Her eyes widened and looked deep in his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"He was here and told me something," he answered, "To fully forgave you all the ponies you know needed to forgive you and the last pony that needed to forgive you..." he said while pointing towards him, "...me. You're free from your punishment."

She squeaked and hopped up, grabbing him she tangled herself around him and flew right up.

In the sky, she nuzzled him and kept spinning in the middle of the air.

"I'm getting dizzy, get us back down," he said, "Please."

Hearing his begging she descended and laid him on the grass, giving the last spin she laid beside him.

"Thank you," she said while looking at him.

He smiled and got his wing around her body, pushing her towards him he said.

"I'm the one who should thank you."

They nuzzled each other until their muzzles got closer to each other. Closing distance between them their lips connected, accepting each other embrace they kept like this until they parted away and breathed for air.

Butterscotch got back on his hooves and grabbed Eris, holding her on his forelegs he headed back home.


Comments ( 4 )

So, Tirek is female here too, you know that exist Lady Tirek like r63 Tirek?

That's good to know, but in this story, Tirek is Lord Tirek. Even being a gender-swapped story, not all characters are gender-swapped.

Curious decision, and Butterscotch is the real father?

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