• Published 7th Oct 2019
  • 329 Views, 7 Comments

GSB voI1: A second chance. - RandomFics271197

After the defeat of Lord Tirek, Eris was considered an accomplice. And now it's on The main 6 and the princes hooves to determine her fate.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Chapter 1 is out.
Hi if you want to know the names of the 'new' characters follow the link.

Eris was now being presented at the Canterlot's Council to be judged for her crimes against Equestria.

"Raise your head, defendant," Prince Solaris ordered.

Eris raised her head and traded looks with Solaris. Looking around her she saw ponies, ponies that had trusted but now they seemed to be angry at her.

"Defendant, look at me," Solaris ordered.

Eris squeaked and looked back at him.

Solaris raised his hoof and started to read the verdict.

"So, we're brought here today to judge Eris the Goddess of Chaos," he stated, "She is being accused of conspiracy and helping a recent creature to take over Equestria, putting the peace and wisdom of Equestria in danger. That's why we are here today to get a decent punishment to this defendant."

He looked back at Eris and asked.

"How do you plead?"

Eris looked around her and saw the angry looks of everypony present in the council. She sighed and lowered her head and answered her question.

"Guilty, your majesty."

Prince Astral raised his hoof and let the lawyers talk.

Prince Dusk Shine stepped forward, grabbing a piece of paper with his magic he started describing everything that happened.

"So, first of all," he said while he used his hoof to adjust his glasses, "I'm sorry for being the one that will be judging you, so as I was saying you betrayal to Equestria and our Friendship made me and the Princes think about a decent punishment for you. We discussed an option to give you a second chance but..." he sighed and closed his eyes, "None of us what to give you a second chance."

Her eyes widen and turned herself towards Solaris.

"Please, you've to let me have this second chance," she said, "I can prove to all of you that I can change, please." she kneeled and raised her paws in a pleading matter.

He used his magic and raised her back up.

"We already had given you a second chance but you wasted it. Now you gave us no chance but to imprison you back to stone," he said, "I'm sorry."

Eris gasped and her eyes widened.

"You can't do that, it's..." she said while trying her hard to not cry.

He raised his hoof and stomped it on the table that made her whimper and trembles.

"Silence. I gave you a chance. A chance to use your magic for good purposes. A chance to be free without causing madness on Equestria." he said while pointing at her, "And you wasted that chance by allying yourself with Tirek."

Eris let the tears fall from her eyes and immediately begged.

"Your honor, Can I at least say my last words?"

Giving her a positive sign, she raised herself and look at Butterscotch. Heading slowly towards him she kneeled and pushed her paw forward but he denied it by slapping his hoof at her paw.

"No. I don't want to talk to you," he said, "Just get away from my sight I should never ever accepting this task."

Everypony inside the council gasped and their jaws touched the ground.

"Butterscotch, I...". She tried to hug him but he moved his body to the left and looked back at her.

"Spare your tears, I don't need them," he said.

Eris decided to return to her previous position and sat on the chair. Keeping look back at him, she didn't know why he was like this. Maybe the answer was 'I betrayed him'.

Solaris looked back at Eris and asked.

"Do you want to say something more, or could I proceed with your punishment?"

"Yeah, yeah. There's no need to..."

Then something clicked inside of her when she looked back at her body.

'With all of this, I almost forgot to reveal it. They won't dare to do that if they know.'

She raised her muzzle and looked back at Solaris.

"There's something that I need to reveal before..." she said while using her paw to wipe her tears. "...I'm turned back into stone. Would you let me reveal it?" she asked.

She looked back at Butterscotch and smiled while he looked away from her.

"Yes, defendant, you might speak."

She got back up and headed towards Solaris, reaching towards his ear she whispered something at his ear that made him blush and look in unbelief.

She shook her head up and down, noticing this Astral approached his brother and asked what was happening.

Solaris slowly reached his ear and explained to him what she had said to him, widening his eyes in surprised he looked unbelieved at her.

Doing the same thing she shook up and down.

Both of the brothers looked at each other and ordered her to sit.

"Are you sure she is?" Solaris whispered at him.

Atlas ignited his horn and aimed it at her, confirming the rumor he nodded to his brother.

"It's true I can fell it."

They looked at each other then back at Eris and the crew behind her and then back at each other. Nodding to each other they decided to finally break the ice.

"Due to recent information, we are changing our minds and give Eris a chance to redeem herself," Solaris said.

"WHAT?" a large crew noise was heard in front of them.

Atlas raised his hoof and started to explain.

"It appears that..." he looked back at Eris and waited for her to nod, receiving a positive nod he proceeded his explanation, "Eris is pregnant and by the rules of our kingdom, pregnant creatures will not receive harsh punishments. And since she promised us that she will change we are giving her a chance to redeem herself. So this council is dismissed."

Dusk Shine raised his hoof and Solaris gave him a chance to talk. "Princes is this true? I mean..."

"Yes, it's true. Atlas used his magic to certify us that this is true." Solaris said.

'Wows' and congratulations were heard from the crowd.

"How can you tell that wasn't a trick planned by her to have something that could prevent her imprison?" Butterscotch asked.

Solaris looked at him and immediately answered.

"Like my brother here said, he used his magic and confirmed that was true."

He looked back at Eris and felt a little pain but that wasn't enough she had broken it, she had broken his trust.

"That's impossible, w... she's a different species than us. How can she get pregnant from our species?" he asked.

Solaris raised his hoof and spoke.

"Even being the Goddess of Chaos, creating life is far from her powers. She can give life to inanimate objects but she can't create life without a little help. You probably know what I mean."

"I can't believe that you are forgiving her just because she is pregnant. She had betrayed us all."

Dush Shine and his friends looked concerned at him and asked.

"Butterscotch, is everything alright? It is not natural of you to react like this."

He bared his teeth.

"She broke my trust. I can't stand here while everypony is trying to forget what she did," he said while pointing towards Eris, "I'm out of here."

He rushed out of the council and headed towards home while trying his best to not spill some tears. 'What's wrong with me?'

Noticing this behavior Eris tried to follow him but was stopped by Solaris magic, looking back at him he said.

"I think we need to give him some time."

She looked back at the door at then back at him.

"But... he's hurt I can't stand..."

Rainbow Blitz flew around her and said.

"He's not hurt. There's something that we don't know. Do you mind tell us what?"

Erik raised her paw and started thinking about what possibly could trigger him to do this.

"I broke his trust. That's why he's hurt."

Rainbow Blitz landed back on the floor and nodded at her.


"I need to do something."

Rainbow Blitz nodded again.

"And?" he asked

She raised her paw and thought about something.

"I need to talk to him but he is angry at me," she said.

Rainbow Blitz raised his hoof and pressed it against her chest.

"I've promised you that if you hurt him I would break you but..." he said while lowering his hoof back to the floor. "... this time it doesn't count."

"But he's mad at me and if he doesn't want to see me or if he doesn't want to hear me out," she said.

Rainbow Blitz raised his hoof and boop her muzzle.

"I know Butters for so long to know how he will behave and how he feels," he said.

Signal her to come over his muzzle she pushed her muzzle down.

"He told me that you're the best thing that could happen in his life, before you showed up he just hid and feared everything but when you came around. He became more social and his fear was disappearing from time to time. You are the one who surely could get something from him, something that is bothering him."

She looked unbelieved at him and asked.

"Are you sure?"

He nodded.

"Give him a little time to adjust himself then go see him and talk to him," he said.

She nodded and snapped her fingers and teleported herself away.