• Published 20th Dec 2019
  • 1,655 Views, 14 Comments

Exterminatus of the Equus Primaris - Lord Inquisitor

Because in the darkness of the 41st Millenium there is only war.

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Exterminatus, The Pony Side of things.

Time to the End T -5 minutes

Equus Primaris


In Ponyville birds sang as they flew around, happy about their lives.

Out of several hundred ponies that lived in this peaceful town nearly all of them were outside of their homes, enjoying various activities with their friends during this beautiful weather while they still could as it was scheduled to rain later today.

In library that wtood in the middle of the small town Twilight Sparkle happily talked with Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash about their last adventure, Applejack and Pinkie Pie were missing with former bucking trees and collecting apples and latter doing her usual Pinkie things in bbaker. There was also music quietly playing in the background coming out of radio that was positively ancient even by pony standards.

”Twilight darling, do you know where is Pinkie?” asked Rarity while flipping her pruple mane, naturally she couldn’t possibly know where was her pink friend without knowledge of all powerful narrator.

”I-” Purple Alicorn’s reply was cut off as static replaced all sounds coming out of radio that unknowingly to her was jammed by the Imperial ships currently orbiting planet. Just as she was about to check what happened all previous sounds were replaced by male voice.

”In fealty of the Emperor, our Undying Lord.

And by the Grace of the Golden Throne,

I declare Exterminatus upon the Xenos world of Equus Primaris,

I hereby sign the death warrant of an entire world,-” cries full of fear could be heard outside as sun dissapeared blocked by something. For a moment Twilight thought that it was Discord pranking everyone but even he wouldn’t go that far, so instead she simply stepped outside with Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow following closely behind. Just after exiting the library they looked up and their jaws fell down all the way to the ground, Fluttershy on the other side fainted immidiately out of fear. There, blocking out Celestia‘s sun were massive metal beasts that if Twilight’s quick estimates were correct had to be larger than Canterlot itself, that’s of course not counting the biggest monster that was twice as large as the smaller ones.

Then, before anyone could do anything something looking like fiery ball fell out of creature’s stomach slowly coming towards them. Everyponys eyes were locked on it as it increased in size, it’s true speed being revealed. Then before Twilight could do anything, ball impacted the ground and all beings in few thousand kilometers from it discovered waht happned after death... For few nanoseconds at least, before thier souls that weren’t prktected by any diety were devoured by various opportunistic daemons and other Warp predators.

Few seconds earlier


Princess Celestia was slowly sipping her tea before she screamed in pain as she fell enormous amount of death and suffering of her little ponies. Instinctually she raised shield around the entire Canterlot just as it was about to be completly erased from existence... It didn’t help too much as shield cracked and failed nearly instantly... Last thing Celestia ever heard was laughter of very weak daemon that devoured her soul, broken by her failure in protecting her precious ponies.


Discord simply looked at wall of fire that was quickly spreading through the entire planet,his power was already nearly completely gone without ponies and other beings to create Chaos... After all what was more orderly than a dead planet without anything on it?

He couldn’t even stop Fluttershy’s killers, their ships protected by multiple psykers, some of them more powerful than him at his highest.

He knew that soon everything would be over even for him. It took barely few more seconds before Discord started to dissapear, his last thought were about Fluttershy’s smile. Soon it was over, nothing else than a single frozen tear remaining in his place.

The end.

Author's Note:

I was bored...
And now that this foul mutant is done all I need to do is wait for some pony worshipper to read it *Evil Tzeentch Laughter* Just as Planned
Well anyway, see you never... I hope.

Comments ( 10 )

FINALLY! Someone who does the Imperium finding Equestria right.

this is the fate to all in 40k

Sir, we have a bunch of... colourful quadrupeds?

“Are they useful?”

They’re Xenos, sir.

“Exterminate them and move on. We have nothing we need here.”

Yes, sir.

Yeah, I've seen it, its one of the best things on this site... Unlike other... stories like one about certain Gold Loving Man turning into a horse... *shudders in disgust*

I find glorification of the decaying and diseased Imperium to be repulsive.

Additionally, this isn't really how things would go down. I'm fairly sure they don't call Exterminatus on a planet they've never even landed on.

Never said it wasn't decaying and diseased.
Decision to order Exterminatus ultimately lays with the Inquisitor, in theory one could order Exterminatus on Holy Terra(obviously that would get him executed but ordering it is within his power). So one Inquisitor who hates aliens could easily order everything from capturing and torturing every alien on that planet to simply ordering usage of Cyclonic Torpedoes.
He wouldn't even face any repercussions since they're just filthy xenos.

I'm fairly sure they at least bother with the xenos for a bit before calling for exterminatus.

Depends, both on circumstances and person leading group that meets said xenos.

for the emperor

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