• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 400 Views, 2 Comments

The Vicious Queen Chrysalis - Brian Sheil

Everypony wondered if a creepy looking mare is the same on a Wanted poster

  • ...

Time for a comparison

In a saloon at the town of Appleloosa, Four members of the Pie family, Igneous Rock, Cloudy Quartz, Limestone, and Marble, were joined by Applejack's cousin, Braeburn, as he shows the visitors a Wanted poster of a very familiar creature.

"Yes sir, Pie Family." Braeburn announced. "This here's the Vicious Queen Chrysalis."

Cloudy Quartz was very pleased. "It's a good thing you put up this Wanted poster so that anypony who sees this beast will be able to recognize her."

Everypony agreed as they head for the bar. Meanwhile, a lime green pony with a dark green mane and tail was playing the piano. But, he stopped when he saw a black mare next to the piano. Nervous, he trots over to the the bar and whispers to Braeburn and the Pies. "Hey, folks. Folks. That filly standing by the piano looks very much like the Vicious Queen Chrysalis."

They all stared at the mare and got shocked.

"Oh my goodness." Limestone whispered. "Look at that, dad."

Cloudy Quartz got worried. "Gosh. That can possibly be her. How can we tell if it's her or not?"

"Listen here, folks." Braeburn said. "We need to go over there and check this little filly out to see if she's the Vicious Queen Chrysalis or not."

Igneous Rock turns to Marble. "Marble, you shall proceed to check her out."

Marble got scared. "Me? Me? But, how do I do that?"

"Well," Braeburn suggested, "just go on over there and take a look at that there Wanted poster, and then look at her. See if they're the same."

"But, how will I know if they're the same? I'm really scared."

Braeburn gave the young Pie sister some advice. "Well, just go on over there and check one thing at a time."

Marble started to understand. "One thing at a time."

"Yeah. Go check out her eyes."

Marble got a little nervous again. "Her eyes. Gulp!"

The young filly cautiously walks up to the poster where the mare was standing. The mare gave her a gentle greeting. "Hi."

Marbke looks at the poster. "Let's see. The Vicious Queen Chrysalis has eerie looking green eyes. And," She paused and looked at the mare. "this mare here has eerie looking green eyes."

She scooted back to the bar to tell everypony quietly what she found. "It's her. It's her. I know it's her. The Vicious Queen Chrysalis has eerie looking green eyes and that mare over there has eerie looking green eyes too. It's her. I'm telling you it's her."

But, Braeburn isn't satisfied. "That ain't enough evidence for me. You go on back over there and check out her wings."

Marble got nervous again. "Check out her wings?"

"Good thinking, Braeburn." Limestone said quietly as Marble went back to the poster, feeling scared.

"Let's see." Marble said to herself, nervously. "The Vicious Queen Chrysalis has glittery transparent wings. And," she looks at the mare. ”this filly here has," Marble looks at the sparkle of the mare's wings. "glittery transparent wings too."

Marble cautiously returns to the group, and gives a report. "It's her. It's her. I know it's her. They both have the same eyes. They both have the same wings. I tell you it's her. That's the Vicious Queen Chrysalis."

Braeburn is not satisfied yet. "Nah, that's still not enough. You better go on back over there and check out her mane."

Marble got nervous again. "Her mane?"

The young pie sister shook as she returns to the poster to make another comparison.

"Let's see." Marble said to herself as she starts to shake. "The Vicious Queen Chrysalis has, has a greasy looking blue mane. And," She turns to the mare. "this mare here has," She sees the mare stroke her mane back. "a greasy looking blue mane too!"

Marble rushed back to the group. Now, she shouted out her report. "It's her! It's her! I know it's her! They have the same eyes, they have the same wings, they have the same greasy looking blue mane! That's her! That's the creepy Queen Chrysalis!"

"Well, folks." Braeburn announced. "That's good enough for me. Come on."

"Whatcha gonna do?" Limestone asked as the whole group trotted to the poster.

"I'm going over there and check this filly out myself."

Cloudy Quartz was interested. "Oh yeah?"

The group stopped in front of the poster and confronts the mare.

"Listen here, partner." Braeburn said.

"Hi, partner." Chrysalis replied.

"We think you're the vicious Queen Chrysalis!"

The changeling got surprised. "Me?"

"That's right."

Cloudy Quartz chimed in. "Yes."

Igneous Rock gives an explanation. "We think you're the one that's been stealing love energy from all the ponies in these parts."

Marble came in to join the conversation. "Yeah!"

The changeling got nervous. "Uh, no. No. Not the same being. No."

"Oh yeah?" Braeburn said pointing to the wanted poster. "Take a look at that wanted poster. You see it?"

Chrysalis looked at the wanted poster. "That's nice."

"That's a picture of the Vicious Queen Chrysalis. She has eerie looking green eyes, glittery transparent wings, and a greasy blue mane. Looks just exactly like you!"

Chrysalis thought about her predicament. "Yes. We do look alike. But," A thought came to her. "not the same whiskers!"

That caught Braeburn by surprise. "Whiskers?"

"Whiskers?" Marble yelped.

"You ain't got no whiskers!"

Chrysalis realized that she's in trouble. Then, she pointed outside. "Look over there. Look over there!"

Everybody turned and look outside.

"Something going out in the street?" Braeburn wondered.

"Maybe the stagecoach is coming." Igneous Rock replied.

"I don't know. You see anything out there, Limestone?"

While everypony's occupied, Chrysalis took out a black marker and drew some whiskers on the poster. Everypony turned and went back to the mare.

"Never mind that anyway." Braeburn said. "Listen here. What's this about whiskers? You don't have no whiskers."

"No. But, uh," Chrysalis replied as she points to the poster. "She does."

Everyone saw the poster and just spotted the whiskers. They're all surprised. Braeburn approached the changeling, now thinking they made a mistake. "Say, ma'am. We're mighty sorry we had you confused with the Vicious Queen Chrysalis. Hope you'll excuse me."

"Oh, sure." The changeling replied. "No hard feelings."

Then, she saw a passing pony couple, and immediately drained their energy. The group saw this and Limestone spoke. "Look at that! It's the Vicious Queen Chrysalis! Get her!"

Braeburn and the Pies start to pursue Chrysalis as she bids them farewell. "Oh dear. Bye bye!"

Chrysalis ran out of the saloon and headed out of town with Braeburn and the Pies in pursuit.


Author's Note:

To commemorate Sesame Street's 50th anniversary, I decided to write a pony version of one of the show's classic clips. This story is based on "The Great Cookie Thief".

Comments ( 2 )

Well you got me curious. So I went out and found it.
For anyone else interested:

I'M happy you discovered what clip my story is based on. I hope you're impressed.

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