• Published 29th Sep 2019
  • 537 Views, 5 Comments

The Worth of a Bond - TheOtherSolstice

A pony shall rise to light their darkest hour. But can he rise above himself? Not without an old friend.

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The Worthy

“Say what?!-”

“-How dare you say-!”

“-you blind or something-?!”

"-he's down there risking-!"

“-But he got the touch! -”

“-You ungrateful-!”

“Why?” Amidst the loud protests, that silent plea was the most painful as Discord felt that his answer will crush their hope.

He finally answered when the chance was given. “Quite the pacifist, Optimus was still a formidable fighter the likes never seen. But though his spirit is indeed strong…, stronger than I can compare, the body he has is now weak. It is only a matter of time before the battle of attrition will be in Tirek’s favor.”

Shining valiantly fought back the assault… But his audience finally noticed that for each mighty offense the stallion gave… a piece of his defense was brutally worn away. “That down there is a diversion at best… A sacrifice at worst.” Discord morosely surmised.

Looking how lost they were, Discord offered a distraction… One that the Spirit of Disharmony distracted himself from all those years ago. “I met him once you know… Very cordial despite the circumstance which probably why I humored his proposal… But we never got to an agreement as a terrible storm threatens to destroy those he cherished.”

Discord compared how different yet similar this battle was from then. “I watched his last stand from afar. Curious as I was sadistic back then, I wanted to see what his so-called offer amount for.” Different opposition but the same dire stakes.

“What did he offer you?” Rarity asked, wondering what could be so valuable for a being, who could conjure anything he desires, to catch his interest.

After a long distant reminisce, the ancient being’s answer greatly surprised them. “…He offered me, the Chaos Bringer…, his friendship.”

“Optimus Prime was able to rally many together in their times of strife. Unicorns, Pegasi, Earth ponies… heck even a few prideful Griffons and a stubborn Dragon to name a few. Not by force… but by friendship. You could say he was your predecessor." Twilight was shocked by his admittance, remembering a theory she caught in passing while studying about the Elements.

"A fun fact was that he started out as an archivist... like our dear little Princess here." The cluster of giggle over the blushing mare was a breath of fresh air before they turned back to the battle.

Despite the distance, they can still make out the bright glow on Shining’s chest as if embodying the strength of his fighting spirit. “The Elements of Harmony were not yet discovered but Optimus Prime was able to wield an ancient relic-…”

“The Mantle of Leadership.” Twilight couldn’t fault the others for looking confused. The former Unicorn would not have learned of it so soon if she hasn’t been Celestia’s personal student.

Discord didn’t seem bothered by the interruption, instead more intrigued. “That’s what it’s called? Very fitting. The relic, just like the Elements, found Optimus worthy to be bestowed with its power. Through it, the darkness was defeated … but at a cost.” Now Twilight feared how history will be repeated again.

“He became the light in their darkest hour. Optimus Prime was never seen again but he passed the torch to those who believe the worth of the bond of friendship.” The Draconequus admired… and envied the gift they each were able to bestowed even in such dire times.

“Optimus Prime was the most important Pony at the time…, more than Celestia or Luna. They told him to leave… Yet he stayed. He sacrificed himself… for his friends. Just like you, Twilight Sparkle.” Said Princess of Friendship felt her eyes water, somehow sensing the genuine emotion coming from this being who was thought to care for nothing but himself.

“I never understood the value of friendship back then… Till now. Tirek could have offer so much but took everything for himself. But that noble pony then… and now have so few yet would have given more.” With a face of disgust and self-loathing, Discord ripped the pendant from his neck before stomping it on the ground. “For all that it’s worth; I’m so sorry, everyone.”

When the Draconequus lifted his foot, she wiped her eyes thinking it what because of the tears. But taking a closer look, Twilight was certain that dirty deceitful gift was giving an unusual shine. Not unlike the keys-…

They were startled when Twilight quickly grabbed the pendant, visage hardened with renewed determination. “Everyone, follow me! There may still be a way to stop Tirek!”


Shining Armor was able to reach the head again and delivered a pounding before Tirek tossed him away. To ensure the distance, the Centaur shot a beam of flames.

Withstanding the blaze from behind the shield, Shining returned fire with a blast of his own. However powerful, the pony wasn’t able to avoid the earthquake that sent him tumbling. Throughout his struggle, Shining Armor is very much aware that he cannot keep this up any longer. But the stallion knows that he must… no matter the cost.

The shield felt heavier as he blocked another heavy punch. But this time, the helmet hid the shock as a large crack appeared. The knight had no time to lament as more vicious strikes tore away his strength and defense. “Fall! FALL!” His vicious opponent roared as each blow slowly and painfully brought him to his knees.

The onslaught was finished with a blast from pointblank. Burned from the backlash, the dark grin meant that it was a fair trade. Tirek slowly approached the downed Unicorn, finding satisfaction at the struggling figure amongst the remains of his once mighty protection.

Tirek stood over his defeated foe; a burning sphere of destruction ready between his horns. “You have no idea how long I have waited for this. It’s over, Prime.”

Carrying the stakes that rested on him, Shining finally staggered to his hooves and glared up to his nemesis. “N-Never!”

To hide the worry despite his opponent’s defeated state, Tirek lashed out why he is deemed the victor. “Still defiant till the end. What can save you now?! I took all of your magic! The princesses’. The Element bearers’. Discord’s. Even that body you’re possessing is useless! You all have nothing!”

The intensity of former captain’s glare never wavered, something Tirek found unsettling. “That’s where you are wrong…” As if to emphasize it, a majestic light erupted from a distance. It may have been unbecoming of him, but Shining had a smug grin from behind the faceplate.

Tirek watched in disbelief… and after an attempt to shoot them down, growing dread as the light drew closer to reveal the transformed Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. And they are…, metaphorically, out for his hide. “How is that possible?! I have taken away their magic!”

“That may be so.” Despite his battered form, the strength of the stallion’s words was magnified by the light of his Element. “But as long as they believe in one another…, as long as they hope…, they will always possess the greatest magic that you can never take!”

Before a kaleidoscope of light sealed Tirek’s defeat, a mighty spark of old was reignited once more and for a new generation to set ablaze. “By the powers of the Mantle of Leadership… And the Elements of Harmony… The Magic of Friendship shall light our darkest hour!”


With the restoration of their magic, ponies throughout Equestria celebrate the evident defeat of the infamous Lord of Destruction. In Ponyville, such testimony was magnified by the appearance of a beautiful crystal palace that the Element Bearers would reside in the future.

But while it was a time of great jubilation, it came with a grave cost that is hidden behind the castle’s closed doors.

Resting on a large bed was the broken body of Shining Armor, Cadance laying with him to provide comfort as the others anxiously awaits Discord’s findings. It would come as a surprise that the Draconequus was the most qualified to assess the damage. Remorsefully, the Spirit of Chaos admitted it was because he knew how to inflict such harm to know its extent.

Finally done, the long face Discord held doesn’t bode well. “I fear the wounds are…” He sadly looks away, but what was left unsaid created a loud impact.

“My love...” Cadance wept as she held her brave husband, Twilight just as heartbroken right beside them.

“Shining, you can’t go!”, Spike cried for his honorary brother.

The remaining Bearers had their own ways of dealing with the grief. Sorrow had tightly grasped Fluttershy as she was surrounded by a barely contained Rarity and a bawling Pinkie Pie. Applejack used her hat to hide the tears while Rainbow Dash wasn’t sure whether to wail or salute the most awesome pony in existence.

Luna cursed her immortality to witness a pony dear to her taken away twice. Celestia shared the sentiment by tossing away all dignity as she openly cried for an old friend, the two sisters wrapping a wing around each other for comfort.

Discord was a snap away to amend this, but feared how much worse Chaos magic will aggravate Opt-... Shining Armor’s suffering. It was in a way just like what the Draconequus said: he sensed a great power from the Pony… but the body can no longer take the enormous strain. The academics in the room can argue all possible reasons, but it won’t deny the truth…

Something the former commander calmly made peace with. “Do not grieve. Soon I shall be one with Harmony.”

Weakly turning, his eyes reached out to ones overflowing with tears. “Twilight Sparkle… It is to you, my dear sister, I shall pass the Mantle of Leadership… as it was passed to me.”

Reading and seeing the power the relic held, such honor would be unmatched. “But… Shiny…, I- I can’t take it! I’m not worthy…”, hiding her face and feeling so small.

How can a relatively young Princess compare to what a legend has done all those centuries ago? How can she look up to a valiant warrior who gave his life for all of Equestria time and time again?

Feeling something firm yet gentle on her hoof, her teary eyes caught the reassuring gaze of the legendary commander turned older brother. “Nor was I. But one day a Pony shall rise to unite many and light our darkest hour. Such is the burden of a leader. But you are more than meets the eye. You just have to believe.”

Self-doubt wanted to disagree as what her brother had accomplished alone far exceeded hers. “But… I could have never done any of those alone!”

“Yes…, for I believe in heart… that is why you are indeed worthy…” Even at his weakest, the strength of the former Prime’s conviction stuck every being present. “…All of you. Alone…, you are special… But together…, you all can change the world. Thus, is the Magic of Friendship.”

All were unsure yet humbled from such a powerful declaration. Discord felt more ashamed as how he callously tossed away a priceless treasure. Fluttershy, as if sensing his internal conflict, flew out of the embrace and offered her own… which he gladly accepted.

Shining Armor reluctantly withdrew from the touch of his beloved sister. He undid the clasps on his neck where the glowing relic resided and a serene light washed over them despite the heavy ambience.

He then weakly held it up towards his successor. “I’m proud of you… All of you. To… face what the future may bring… together. Thru all as one.”

His strength finally failing, the Mantle of Leadership fell from his hoof. But Twilight was able to catch it to not harm her brother’s final legacy. As her hooves touched the relic, it shone a brilliant light that everyone felt a comforting warmth.

As if the physical manifestation of life has finally left, his complexion dulled and eyes dimmed before closing for the last time…

Celestia was the first to lower her head for a hero… and a dear friend. The others soon followed with an equally heavy heart. Cadance placed a tender kiss as she lovingly held her selfless beloved. Spike tightly embraced Twilight, who could only allow her tears to cascade onto the Mantle. And if they listen closely, they may feel as if Harmony is crying over a noble soul. None were spared by the touch of loss…

Author's Note:

So there you have it. The last part was what I have inspired this fic. Tragic as it was for it's time, it was Optimus' most nostalgic and iconic scene for generations.

So this is how the story ends... unless... We'll see in the future.

Comments ( 1 )

Sequel? I do hope that Shining was able to impregnate Cadance prior so that Flurry can be born. Just like how Jonathan Joestar of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, did with his wife Erina before he died.

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