• Published 16th Aug 2012
  • 727 Views, 5 Comments

Mafioso - Mr.MorningWood

Ponies in a world of crime.

  • ...

The club scene

Note to self never call Octavia 'Octy' (maybe unless your Pinkie pie). Octavia at first glance doesn't look strong at all. But damn she's got some serious strength. Pinkie pie had to pry off Octavia before she could do any serious damage to me. But I'm never going to forget the moment she pounced me like a Celestia damn Manticore.

I reach the town square and look at the huge clock tower. It read Five-thirty five. So I got a couple of hours to screw around this place before I have to escort Octavia and bodyguard her at the club. I move towards a nearby newspaper stand that's selling the obvious newspaper, magazines, sodas, junk food and maps. Gonna need a map since I'm a newcomer to this place. "Hey buddy, how much for a map of this joint?"

The small grey colt snaps out from his daydream and shakes his head. "Pardon sir but what did you ask?"

"I asked how much does a map cost for this place."

"Oh, a map for Ponyville only cost 2 bits sir." I take two bits and toss them up onto the counter. He takes the bits and passes me the map. "Thanks for business mister!" he shouts to me as I walk away. I sit on a bench that was just outside of a park now was the time to examine my newly bought map. I opened the map to see that major parts of the town were listed on the map along with some tourist attractions.I continue to inspect the map for a couple of minutes. As I get up a faint whisper can be heard from behind a tree. I move closer to the noise. "Hello anybody there?" I call out

"Non temere, perché io sono della famiglia." The voice whispers again. My ears immediately perk up from hearing the secret password. Only few people know the secret password and I can't recognize his voice so he must be some pony I don't know.

"Chi sei e cosa vuoi?" I answer back.

"Un socio del mafioso." The voice whispers again.

"Se sei un socio dimmi chi sei." I question the voice.

"Mi rivelerà che in tempo utile, ma nel frattempo hanno questo." He tosses out a letter that's attached to a rose. I go towards the letter and grab it. Upon further inspection the rose had no thorns on it's stem and the front of the letter was completely blank no text. I rip open the letter and read the following words that were on the paper.

Meet me at the night club tonight. The rose will let me single you out from the crowd. When your there, we'll talk more. As of now keep your cover.

I seems that I have another motive to be at the club then just body guarding Octavia while she chat's up with a friend. Looking back at the tree that the mysterious voice was coming from I walk to see who's behind it. What is revealed is that no pony is there at all ( must have skedaddled out of here once he tossed out the letter for me). I store the letter away in one of my pockets and put the rose in the pocket on my chest. Having really nothing to do I just aimlessly walk around Ponyville. I really looked out of place with every pony here. I was wearing a pin-stripe suit with a hat; no pony here at all was wearing clothes with an exception of a few ponies.

I take out my map once more. I look around for I place on the map where I can blow some time. A bar? Perfect. Drinking that wine didn't even give me a buzz at all, I need something with a really punch. Looking back at the map, I'm 3 blocks away from where I'm standing right now. I hustle my way past crowds of ponies to get to my destination which I was quite eager to get to.

I begin to imagine what I'm going to drink once I get there. Maybe an ale, or whiskey, or scotch, or vodka and or lager while I'm at it too. Might as well drink everything while I'm there. Just gotta make sure not to drink so much that I forget everything and end up in some random mares bedroom again (the last time it happened it wasn't so pleasant that's for sure).

I see the bar in the distance. I trot a bit faster to get to my destination. Once I'm right at the door I open it and trot right in and take a seat on a bar stool. I whistle to the bartender to get her attention. "Hold up, show me some I.D before you start hitting the happy juice." I take my I.D card and slap it on the bar. She looks at it and nods. "So what will it be?"

"Give me an ale to start off with." She goes to fill me a pint of ale. A few moment's later she comes back to me with my beverage. She places the drink in front of me. I thank her as she goes off to serve other customers. I grab the mug and begin to drink my ale.

"Hey pretty boy mind if you buy me a drink?" I whip my head back to see who was talking to me and it was none other then Grand-slam.

"Dude, your alive?" I ask dumbfounded

"If I wasn't would I be standing here right now calling you a pretty boy?" He had a pretty good point.

"Well then, take a seat then old buddy of mine". He complies by taking a seat on the bar stool situated on my right. I whistle to get the bartenders attention. She comes back and Grand-slam orders himself some vodka.

"So is Tommy-gun alright?" I ask?

"He's doing fine, he survived to my knowledge he's in Ponyville just like me and you."

"Quick question why are two in Ponyville anyway I thought you would stay in Manehatten and try tying up any loose ends from the job last night."

"Well the Godfather had other plans for me and Tommy-" The bartender interrupts him as she returns with the Vodka and places the glass in front of him,he thanks her and takes a quick sip and continues " he had other plans for us, heck he even told Dead-eye and Sharp-shooter that they may come to Ponyville, if they are needed." He pauses to take a quick swig of his vodka.

"I asked him where you were and he told us you were coming here for a personal job, when we asked him he just shrugged it off as if we never asked him in the first place. You mind telling me what the hell your doing?" he takes a huge gulp of his vodka downing the entire thing.

I look around to make sure knowing is eavesdropping onto our conversation. I motion for him lean, he takes the hint and leans in. "I was sent to bodyguard his daughters." I gulp down all of the ale in my mug to clam my nerves. Grand-slam returns to his normal sitting position. He immediately taps his hoof on the counter to order another drink. I don't blame him, hearing that The Godfather had kids is like seeing your mom wake up with a bunch of hair curlers in her mane along with a mud mask ( I will never get the image of my mother looking like that when I was a young colt out of my head).

Letting him try to recover from his shock as he drank his alcohol, I look to a group of mares who where sitting at a table. One of them was giving me a sultry grin accompanied by bedroom eyes. I try to hide my blush but fail to do so. She giggles at me and it grabs the attention of all the mares she was sitting with. They all look at me and begin giggle as well. My blush increases it's redness tenfold. I turn back to see that Grand-slam had drank about three pints of drinks as he was already downing his forth drink as I looked at him.

"Are you serious?" he whispers.

"About what?" I asked. He looks at me with a 'are you fucking kidding me' type of face.

"You know about the boss and his you know what's." he whispers.

"Oh about that, yes I'm dead serious about that" I can't believe I forgot about the subject.

He takes deep breath. "I can't believe the boss had kids all this time, he never seemed like a family type of man ya' know"

"Well looks can be deceiving and never forget it."

"Amen to that" Grand-slam responds.

The next hour or so were spent chatting with Grand-slam and drinking. "Alright slam, I think I'm gonna leave this joint, it was nice talking to you though." He grunts as a response. I whistle for the bartender so I can pay and leave. I ended up wasting about forty-five bits on my drinks but it really didn't matter to me. As I leave I glance up to the clock it was somehow a quarter to nine PM ( did I really spend that much time drinking at the bar with Grand-slam).

Might as well walk my way back to Octavia's house. When I leave the bar the sun seems to be preparing to set and let the moon and the night take over. Better hustle up before it get's dark. In what I assume was a twenty to fifteen minute walk I make it back to the house. I grab the keys that Pinkie slipped to me when she pried Octavia off of me earlier. I insert the key in the lock and open the locks.

Once I open the door my ears are greeted with the sound of what I assume is a cello being played it sounded a bit melancholy to me. The sound is coming from upstairs. I hike up the stairs slowly still wanting to listen to the sweet music as it filled the air with it's sound. Walking down the hall, one of the doors appears to be ajar and also seems to be the sound of where the music is coming from. I cautiously walk towards the door. I peak thorough the door to see Octavia was the one playing the cello and producing the beautiful music.

I slip into the room without being noticed ( somehow). She continues to play her cello. I look to where her cutie mark would be, it's a treble clef, explains her mastery of the cello. I wonder if she can play other instruments with no prior knowledge of how it's to be played. As she keeps playing the music, I get the chance to quickly inspect this room that I haven't been in.

It appeared to be a room specifically for music. Sheets of music were strewn around the room, music stands and a bunch of other instruments were there as well. I look back to Octavia who appears to be finished playing her music.

"Bravo, encore my dear lady." I say as I clapped my two hooves together. Startled, she drops her bow but luckily she already had set her cello on the stand. Her body whips to the source of the voice which was me. She looks quite unamused.

"Were you listening the whole time?" She asks

"Not the entire time since I just came home a couple minutes ago, by the way, you play really good." I reply. She gives me a confused look from the little compliment I gave her. "um, thanks." Her voice is uneasy.

"Your welcome." I say as I leave the room and close the door behind me. I make my way back down the stairs and plop myself down on one of the many couches. I bring out my revolver from it's holster. I unload it of it's ammunition, six bullets fall out from it and fall onto the couch. I put the cylinder back into it's place and proceed to play around with my unloaded revolver. The sound of the hammer hitting the chamber where a bullet would be rings through out the entire living room. Just looking back at my trusty partner in crime makes me think of the history we have together.

I remember buying this gun from an shady human who sold guns through the black market. It was a long time ago and I spent a fair amount of bits for this weapon. I remember my first time trying to rob some pony with it. It the made the job real easy, even though I almost got caught by the cops. Used to just use my own wits and strength before I got this wonderful thing.

"Can you stop that excessive 'clicking' for a second!" A very angry voice yells from upstairs. I smirk and up the speed on the clicking of my revolver. She doesn't respond. So I go even faster then before.


The sound of a door being opened way too hard rings around the entire house and the clip-clop of angry hooves as they come down a flight of stairs. "Do you really have to keep doing that!" Octavia yells angrily.

"No, but I wanted to have some fun while I wait till we go to the club." I reply while keep clicking the gun at a much slower pace. She groans and begins to walk up the stairs. I turn my head back in time to see just a small glimpse of Octavia with a wet mane and coat, was she taking a shower while I was clicking my revolver like mad? I stop my clicking and begin to reload my revolver with the bullets that I set on the couch earlier. One by one I put them back into their respective chambers, I then put my revolver back in it's holster. I look to the clock that's across the room from me. Nine-forty. Twenty minutes left, I guess I'll take a quick 15 minute power nap in the meantime.


I got a rude awakening when I so suddenly smashed my nose on the floor. I look up to see Octavia with a devious smirk on her face. "Get up, I'm leaving now and I hope your ready because I'm not going to wait." she condescendingly say's to me.

I murmur a couple curses as I get up. "Got any other plans to cause bodily harm to me?" I sarcastically say

"None at the moment, now hurry up we're taking a carriage there and I don't want the driver to wait any longer" She opens the door to reveal a huge carriage, bigger then the one the Godfather had me ride in when he sent me to the train station.

"Ladies first" I say to Octavia as she walks. I enter inside once she's inside. The entire time Octavia nor myself talked, only staring at each other, it was the most awkward experience I every had in my life.

We stop right outside of a building with a huge neon sign. The sign read 'The Pulse'. The name was really cheesy, whoever chose the name for this place must not have thought really hard on the name for this joint. Octavia and I exited our transport.We both walked over to the door which was being guarded by two bouncers. Once they see Octavia they immediately move apart and open the door to let her and I inside. I wonder why they let her in so easily (Maybe she's a regular at this place. Never would have thought Octavia was a partying type of pony.)

Once we were in the building my ears practically went deaf from the deafening music. Laser lights and strobe lights going off. Ponies drinking, dancing and some two random ponies fighting in the corner of the club. Place like this were never my thing, drinking was okay with me but music so loud that you can't hear shit or the thought of me dancing (I'd rather die then some pony making me dance, even if my life depended on me dancing to save my life). I look away from the dance floor to see a bar was in this joint. I instinctively move to the bar to order myself a drink. I tap on the bar to get the attention of the bartender. He's a unicorn, grayish teal coat, a black spiky mane, black dress shirt complimented with a white tie and a pair of black shades.

"Give me the strongest stuff you got here!" I have to yell to him because of the loud as fuck music. He nods and goes off to get me the strongest stuff they serve here. In a minute or two he comes back with green liquid in a tequila glass. I grab and down the drink as soon as he places it in front of me. When I go to ask for another drink, the old bartender had left and a new one replaced him. What happened to the other guy? Meh, better not ask questions he might be on his break or something you never know.

I proceed to do what I was going to do earlier and order myself another drink. All of a sudden the music stops and a crowd roars loudly. I whip my head to see the DJ coming down from her stand as another DJ comes down to take her place, the music resumes shortly after. As I begin to take a swig from my drink two ponies take a seat on both sides of me. I look out of the corner of my eye to see that on my left it's Octavia and on my right is the DJ who was just up on the stand not that long ago.

"So Tavi who's this guy I saw you strutting in here with, your boyfriend?"She playfully inquires. Octavia face hoofs and groans.

"No vinyl he's just a friend" Octavia states.

"Tavi you already friend-zoned this guy?That's harsh Tavi." Now it was my turn to facehoof. "Hey what's wrong guy's?" She asks.

"Nothing's wrong." I sarcastically reply to her.

"Oh okay." She flashes me a huge grin oblivious to my sarcasm.

"Well" Octavia starts. "This is Vinyl". "Sup dude"Vinyl adds."And Vinyl this is..." she pauses "You never told me your name." She resumes.

"Well I don't like to tell ponies who aren't close friends my name." I reply.

"Mysterious, how about we give you a nickname dude." Vinyl chimes in.

"A nickname?" I ask

"Yeah dude." She pauses. "Suit, hat, and a rose in a pocket." She pauses once more the look on her face showing intense thought "I know, how about... Suits!"

"...Suits?" I was quite perplexed by the nickname she had chosen for me. "May I ask why you chose that for me.?"

"Well I got your nickname by the fancy suit your wearing dude." she answers back.

"I guess you got something right about this nickname better then past ones I've been called." I tell her as I bring back my glass to finish off my drink. Out of the corner of my eye I see the old bartender walking out from shadows behind the bar. I cock my head to look at him. He's walking towards a door being guarded by two large bouncers. Once they see him the two bouncers immediately scuttle aside allowing him to go inside. Once he's out of sight, I turn to see that Vinyl had also been look at the mysterious bartender. It may be the alcohol I've been drinking but, I could've sworn that she had a small red tint on her face. I brush off it as unimportant and go on to think about the mysterious letter that I received from the park earlier today. Guy said he was meeting me here but I've been here about forty minutes and no one has come up to me talk to me besides Octavia and vinyl. I'm starting to think this maybe some elaborate hoax or trap of some sort.

My train of thought is put on hold when some pony taps me on the shoulder. I turn my head to see it's one of the few bouncers that are patrolling the club. "Sir, follow me please." He tells me. I nod my head and get off the stool I was sitting on. I begin to follow the bouncer across the club to the same place that mysterious bartender went into. The two bouncers move aside to let us both in.

Once inside the room splits into three hallways. We go through the hall and proceed onward until we reach a fleet of stairs leading up to a huge door. "Alright, go up and make sure to knock three times." he mentions to me as he walks back into the shadows of the hall.

I walk up the stairs and stop right at the door. I knock three times and wait. Five seconds, twenty-five seconds. I count of the seconds in mind. It's been about minute and the door still hasn't opened. Whoever this guy is he must not want to talk. I turn around to go away but, just as suddenly I turn around the door slightly creaks open.

Well then. Looks like I'm actually gonna talk to the guy after all. I walk up to the door and open it fully. I take a quick survey of the room. To the left is a huge glass window that looks off to see the entire club. In the middle is a desk behind is a chair turn around must be the guy I'm talking too. The right is pretty much plain. A simple painting and a couple of plants.Classical music can be heard in the background.

"Come have a seat." He tells me. I walk up to the seat in front of this desk. "Do you remember our little meeting in the park earlier today?"

"Yes I remember."

"Good. So are the rumors true about what happened to your crime family?"

"Yes, they are true."

"That is sad. My informants tell me that a lot of your friends of have died." His voice is solemn. Maybe he knows what it is to lose a friend or an ally.

I stay silent, not responding. "Well I can tell you that one of your friends is here right now and will be joining us shortly."

"And who may that be?" I ask.

"Just wait, he'll come in due time now let's discuss something more important."

"Alright then"

"Do you know who I am?" He asks me.

"Aside from only knowing that your an associate of our crime family no, I don't know who you are." I answer

"As expected, I prefer keeping my criminal business hidden deeply within the shadows, out of sight from the public eye and of course from the cops." He pauses.

"So what kind of business you run besides this club scene."

"I run an extortion and racketeering ring around these parts."

"Alright then what made you go into this type of business then?" I ask

"Well I didn't start the whole crime thing my grandfather did, which he passed onto my father and then onto me."

"So your family is another mafia family I presume?"

"Nope, we're just a bunch of criminals trying to make a living, I mean I wanted to be a musician and I did become one but, my father roped into this stuff anyway." he bitterly says.

"Sorry to hear you couldn't pursue your dream."

"A lot of people say that but, I don't need you to feel sorry for me." He states. Just as I was about to ask another question. Somepony knocks on the door three times. Must be the guy he was talking about joining us earlier. "Hey can you be a dear and open the door for him." He suddenly asks me.

"Sure whatever you say." I get up from my seat and walk over to the door. I open it slowly. From the shadows emerge was Tommy-gun in the flesh. "Tommy? Is that you?" I ask bewildered

"No I'm princess Celestia, of course it's me ya dumb ass." He was being sarcastic but I was overjoyed to know that Tommy survived and was still alive. "You didn't have to be a wise ass about it but glad to see your still alive." Tommy chuckles. "Well I'm glad your still alive boss."

"You don't have to call me boss ya know."

"Whatever man, let's just get this talk over with." I nod to his statement. As he walks past me to take the chair next to my chair. I follow his example and sit down on the chair I was sitting on earlier.

"Well looks like we're all here now so let's get down to business." As suddenly as he talks he spins around from look at the wall to looking at both of us. To my surprise it was the bartender pony who served me the drink before he mysteriously vanished and was replaced with another bartender. "Hey Neon what's up." Tommy starts.

"Hello Tommy How long has it been?"

"Sorry for butting in but you guys know each other."

"Yep we've known each other for years" Tommy replies

"We met during a job we did together a couple years back, remember the time I said I couldn't go on that one job that one time."

"Thinking back I do remember." How could I ever forget that job it involved me and a couple others to getting stuck in a gelatinous green goo. I swear changelings are some weird ass motherfuckers.

"Well I guess since I didn't introduce myself properly before to you I'll do it now."

"Names Neon light's pleasure to meet you. Putting that aside let's get actually get down to business."

"As both of you know because of the stunning failure of your job... no offense to you of course."

"None taken Neon" Tommy and I say in unison

"Well because of this the entire criminal underworld of Equestria has become Disturbed. Before it was your Crime family on top." Neon Pauses "Now because of this, other criminal organizations here think they can muscle their way to the top."

"Many of the associates you guy's have turned their backs on you only a handful had stayed loyal and of course I'm keeping my loyalty towards you."

"Can you tell me some associates who have stayed loyal?" I asked Neon

"I only know one other who stayed loyal, his name is Fancy pants he's some rich unicorn who lives in Canterlot, as for the others I don't know what their doing."

"Well it's good to know that two ponies stayed loyal to us I guess."

"Yeah." Neon takes out a cigar case and pulls out a cigar. "You two guys want one?" Neon asks.

I was never one to smoke but when I was offered I toke it out of courtesy. "Sure Neon pass me one." Neon tosses me and Tommy a cigar. With his magic he takes out a Zippo decorated with three white stars. Must have stamped his cutie mark on his Zippo. He lights all of our cigars. We take our first drags from them. Once we blow out the entire is seemly covered in smoke now. We continue to smoke our cigar's for a few minutes just relaxing and smoking.

But all three of us were teared away from that from a loud sound and screams coming from the club. The sound was a distinct sound of something I was used to hearing in my day. Gunfire. Neon jumps from his leather chair and rushes to the window as we do.

At the entrance we see one lone stallion with a balaclava hold a smoking pistol and one of the bouncers clutching a gunshot wound. From behind him a group of about twenty or masked ponies come in brandishing weapons. Most of the club goer's have scrambled out of the club or some cowering behind over turned tables near the bar area of the club.

"Find her!" the masked pony at the entrance yells. The others go around looking around the club. I look at Tommy and Neon. They both nod knowing what must be done. I begin to take out my revolver from my holster. Tommy takes out his Tommy-gun and Neon uses his magic to take out his weapon of choice from under his desk. A fully automatic assault rifle.

Once fully armed we rush back to the window. To see that Octavia and Vinyl have been taken hostage. One of the ponies passes a megaphone to the pony who shot one of the bouncers. "Neon light's we have taken your friends hostage!"

"We will kill them if you do not meet our demands!" he growls

"One: forfeit over your business to us!"

"Two: Give us all your money!"

"And lastly your life!"

"No way in hell bub!" Neon growls out.

"Okay game plan time boys."

"Tommy I want you to stay her and shoot out this guy's from her and to provide cover fire alright." Tommy nods his head.

"And you I want you jump out that window and free Octavia and Vinyl as fast as you can okay."

"Jumping out of that window are you crazy? That's like a Eight foot drop not to mention the guys with the guns out there. They'll rip me to shreds before I get to ground."

"And that's where this comes in." Neon takes out a cylinder. "What's that?" I ask.

"It's a smoke bomb, I'll throw this out once you jump out alright."

"Okay. Let's do this!"I yell.

"On my mark you jump out of the window into the club."

"One" I gulp




I begin to gallop and jump out the window. Everything feels like it's in slow motion. I look to see that most of the ponies were surprised to see me jump out of the window. From behind me I can hear the sound of Tommy's gun going off. Some of the ponies in the mask drop dead from the shots of Tommy's gun. The next thing I hear is the metallic clink of the smoke bomb and then smoke everywhere.I land on the floor and run as fast as I can to where Octavia and vinyl are. The pony who was guarding them doesn't notice me. I take out revolver and point it towards his head. I shoot and he crumples the ground dead. I move towards Octavia and Vinyl. "Hey girls, follow me." They both nod and follow me to cover. As we get into the cover the smoke begins to dissipate.

"WHERE DID THEY GO!" A pony screams out.

"Right here buck o!" I yell out as I come out from cover to shoot my revolver. I shoot five times hitting three ponies and missing two shots. I go back to cover and reload my revolver. From my brief survey of club it looks like most of them appear to be dead.

From the window I see Neon beginning to fire off his assault rifle. "So you think you can fuck with me!" Neon yells.

"You don't fuck Neon lights, NEON LIGHT'S FUCKS YOU!" He screams out as he runs out of bullets. I take a look out from my cover the rest of the ponies appear to be fleeing from the scene. It seems only two survived the rest are dead on the floor. I look around to see that all the club goer's have left as well. They must have left when smoke screen came out.

"Hey you guy's down there all right!" Neon calls out.

"We're fine shaken up but we're good!" I answer back. "Girl's you can come out now." Both Octavia and Vinyl come out from their cover. "Suits that was some crazy stuff, it was like right out of an action movie." Vinyl tells me.

"Yeah, kinda felt like I was in one."

I jump from out of the cover and begin to walk towards Tommy and Neon who are just starting to come out from the door that was previously being guarded by some bouncers. "Octavia let's get outta here."

"After all that's happened here I have to agree with you. Let's go." She begins to walk. "Hey Tavi, mind if you let me crash at your house tonight." Vinyl asks Octavia as she stops to turn around to give Vinyl a response. "Sure Vinyl you can stay at my house tonight if you wish." Octavia replies to Vinyl and turns back to walk.

"Hey Tommy." Tommy whips his head to me. "Mind if you walk them home for me?" I ask Tommy.

"Sure... Suit's." A huge shit eating grin appears on his face. I face hoof and he laughs out loud. "So is it a deal or what Tommy?" I ask again.

Tommy begins to gallop towards Octavia and Vinyl as they are about to leave the club. "Don't worry I got your back!" He yells to me as he runs out of the club. I turn back to Neon light's who looks quite dejected. "Neon you alright?" I ask him. He lifts his head and removes his black sunglasses revealing blue eyes. "It's alright man, just looking around this place and seeing most of it destroyed sucks for me." He pauses for a brief moment.

"Sorry if you feel like I'm dumping on you but, I built this place practically with my own two hooves. That and some nice construction works who helped me out." he pauses once more. "Just to see this place getting wrecked sucks balls to the max." He turns his head to the right and then he turns his head to the left slowly. He breathes a heavy sigh. "I have a lot of cleaning up to do before I get this place back up in running shape." Neon stands up from his sitting position.

"From how roughed up this place looks now, your gonna have your hooves tied up for the next few day's aren't you?"

"Yep, sure does look like it." Neon sighs once more. "Hey dude are you in any of the following days this week?" Neon asks me.

"Neon I don't swing that way ya know."

Neon scowls. "Not in that way you dolt." Neon tears off his black shades and perches them on his horn. " I got a job for if you want it that is." Neon states.

"A job. So what's going on for this job anyway give me some details man."

"It's a simple extortion job, just picking up some protection money. Think you can do it."

"Sounds simple enough. Sure neon you got a deal."

Neon shows off a huge grin. "Great I'm counting on you for this. I'll give you more details tomorrow, meet me at the park so we can discuss details."

"Sure Neon." I begin to walk away. "Suits" Neon say's quietly. "What... are you gonna start calling me by that nickname Vinyl gave me?"

"You never told me your name so it'll have to do for now, and suits..." I turn back to face Neon.

"When you get back to the mansion... do you mind asking Vinyl if she's alright for me."

Thinking back on before when I saw vinyl looking at Neon she had a small tint of red on her cheeks. At the time I had brushed it off as me being a bit drunk but, now since I'm all sobered up since then maybe there's something more to their relationship then boss and employee. "Sure Neon I can do that." I resume walking away.

"Thanks for the favor suit's. I owe you one!" He yells out to me as I leave the club behind.

I return to the Mansion in about what I estimated was a twenty-five minute walk. I bang on the front door three times. The door is opened by Octavia. She beckons me forward into her house. I walk in and look to the left. Sitting on the couches are Pinkie and Vinyl who appear to be chatting on about something. I take off my fedora hat and leave it on a nearby hat hanger which I never noticed since now. "Octavia" Octavia whips her head to me. "Yes?" She asks.

"Do you have an empty vase I can use?" I ask her.

She raises an eyebrow. "Why do you need a vase for?" She inquires to me intrigued to why I need a vase. I take out the rose that was in my chest pocket. It somehow still in perfect shape and doesn't look as it has wilted at all. "Oh you want a vase to keep that rose in, just take that one over there." She points to an empty crystal clear vase. I move towards it and take it into my mouth and move to the kitchen. I go towards the sink and turn on the tap. A clear cool stream of water begins to rush out from the tap. I position the vase under the faucet for it to be filled. Once the vase is filled with enough water I take the vase out from the stream of water flowing from the faucet and turn off the faucet. I take the rose from my chest pocket and place it into the vase.I grab the vase and head back to the living room. I place the vase where it was once before.

I look up to the clock it was eleven-thirty PM. Upon further inspection I look to see that Pinkie and Vinyl had left. They probably went upstairs. Only Octavia has stayed downstairs sitting on the couch with a cup of tea. I walk over to the recliner across from Octavia. "So how's it going?" I say trying to start a conversation with Octavia.

"I'm fine and yourself?" Octavia responds

"Doing great." This conversation is so awkward. I never knew that talking to a pony could be awkward. But this is Octavia. The mare who pulled a gun on me earlier today, flipped and attempted to murder over the usage of a nickname Pinkie gave her.


My train of thought breaks for a moment. " Excuse can you repeat that I didn't quite catch that the first time?" I asked Octavia

"I said thanks" she repeats for me.

"What's with the thanks Octavia." I ask Octavia

"It's for saving I and Vinyl at the club earlier." She takes a sip of her tea. "Well then, your welcome Octavia." A small smile forms on Octavia's face. Looks like Octavia is warming up to me. It'll feel nice to have a new friend in this new town in which I barely know anypony ( I mean this little stunt that happened at the club will probably have me wanted dead by the gang who I, Tommy and Neon gunned down.)


She looks up to me "Yes?"

"Which room am I staying in?" I wanna go to bed I'm bone tired.

"Go take the third room on the right it's right next to the room vinyl staying in tonight."

I nod my head as I begin to walk up the stairs. I walk down the hall into the third door on the right just like Octavia said. I open the door. A bed, a night stand, some cabinets and a closet. Other then that the room was quite bear. I tear off my suit and set it neatly on one of the cabinets. I exit my room. I go down to the door that vinyl is staying at and knock three times like I always do. The door opens. "Oh, Suit's it's you. You crashing here like I am tonight."

"Well you can say that but, I have a message for you."

"A message? From who dude."

"It's a message from Neon light's the guy from the club."

Bingo. Once I just mention Neon, her entire face went beet red but, just as immediately as it came it was gone. "So.. what did Neon... want you to tell me?" She practically asked pleadingly.

"Well he said he wanted me to ask you if you were alright Vinyl."

A small tint of red returned to her cheeks. "Oh, tell Neon I'm alright dude and can you give him a thank you for caring for me."

"Yeah I can do that for you." I turn away and trot back to my room. I close the door behind me as I walk in. I turn off the light switch now the only source of light is coming from the lamp on the nightstand. I jump on the bed. I slip under the blanket. I pull the switch which turned off the lamp. Once I lay me head on the pillow the sweet bliss of sleep takes me.

Little did I know that as I sleep soundly. That from today more dangers will confront me in the later day's and that I would have to be up to the challenges just to survive.

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