• Published 16th Aug 2012
  • 726 Views, 5 Comments

Mafioso - Mr.MorningWood

Ponies in a world of crime.

  • ...

Meeting the mares

"Don't move a single muscle or I'll shoot you dead, you got that" she sneers to me as she moves in front of me. Just as I was about to answer right back with a smart ass comment she points the barrel of her pistol right at my head. She ain't messing around she's the real deal.

"Whoa whoa whoa lady don't shoot me I'm not the bad guy here." I gulp down my fear. Fear will get me nowhere in this situation gotta keep my cool.

"Why should I, Who sent you?"

"Well it's complicated you see?" She moves closer resting the end of her pistol right on my forehead obviously this was not the answer she was looking for.

"Tell me the truth boy, or I'll just blow your brains out and dump your body in a ditch where no one will find you. Don't fuck with me." She sneers once more.

I sigh guess there's no beating around the bush this time around "I was sent by somepony to protect you and some other mare, this is the honest truth please don't shoot." I keep calm even though she has the power to end my life right now. She takes in the information. A confused look forms on her face. "Sent... to bodyguard me?" She's in hysterics like what I said was the most ridiculous thing she's ever heard in her entire life. "Hehehe don't lie to me like anyone would try to send someone to bodyguard me I'm quite capable to protect myself rather then somepony hire me a second rate bodyguard."

"Well obviously you don't know the Godfather then lady." I respond back quickly before she probably pulls the trigger on me for thinking that I lied to her. Her eyes widen and it almost looks as if her eyes are about to pop right out of her eye sockets. It would've been funny if she didn't have a loaded gun pointed right at my forehead.

"WHO TOLD YOU ABOUT A GODFATHER?!?!?" She yells to me as she drops the pistol she was holding. Using this to my advantage I go for the pistol she dropped and grab it. Now the pistol that was once pointed towards me was now at her forehead. Once she recovers from her shock she looks straight at the pistol she was once holding. "I give up." she answers

"End it, finish my life." she chokes out.

I lower the pistol "I'm not going to kill you." I move closer to here and rest one hoof on her shoulder. Big mistake

Just when I put it on her shoulder, she automatically flips me on my back and the pistol is right back into her hooves. "How do you know about the Godfather! Answer me!".

"Well I work for him, been doing for a couple years now and he sent me to bodyguard you."

" Why should I trust you of all ponies. That you work for him."

"Well just take a look at the letter I gave you earlier open it up". She takes out the letter and throws the gun towards a nearby couch. She rips open the letter and begins to read for both of us.

Dear what's your face,

I assume that you're at the house of the two girls I told you to protect. If your not then will you hurry it up and get there already! Now I know this may come to shock to you (if they didn't tell you already). But both of the girls your protecting are my daughters. Also you may want to watch out for Octavia. The grey coated one she might go off on you if you rub her the wrong way. The other well I don't think she'll mess around with you much maybe. But I can guarantee that she'll be more easy going then Octavia. Also on another note I want you to meet with a couple of my associates in Ponyville they may need work done and they'll pay you good for the work.

Have fun - The Godfather.

P.S- Burn this letter once your done reading this.

P.P.S- Your staying with them.

She finishes reading the letter. She looks down at me and sighs, she knows that I'm the real deal and there's no denying it now. "Why?" she asks "Why does he care all of sudden about us?" she seemingly asks to no one. She continues her self loathing of herself for a couple minutes. Then she suddenly turns to me her eyes slightly teary. "He sends you instead of him coming to protect us himself like a father should do for his children."

"Well if you haven't noticed he's a notorious mob boss he can't just go out in public, he'll probably get attacked by enemy gangs or even worse, get booked by the fuzz."

"You do have a point with that." She chokes out. I move towards the couch and grab the gun, unloading it of it's ammunition. The clip falls to the ground with a metallic clink. I put the gun down on a nearby table and move slowly towards Octavia. "Hey, I know your hurting but you need to calm down." I try to comfort her (on my behalf I think I failed in making it sound comforting). She looks at me then looks away and sighs. "How about I tell you the full story once your sister get's back, that sound good to you?"

"I think that sounds alright." she sniffles.

"Want anything while we wait for your sister to come home?" I ask her.

"Perhaps a glass of wine shall do me good." she responds

"One glass of wine coming up." I say as I trot away.

In about a minute I make it into the pantry and spy a huge wine rack loaded with different types of wine. Burgundy, Bordeaux and a whole bunch of others that could have me here for hours just listing them. I grab one and pull a out a wine glass from a near by cabinet. I uncork the bottle and pour the red liquid in the wine glass. Looking at that one wine glass might as well pour me a glass while I'm at it. Ah screw the glass I'll drink from the bottle. I put the the bottle to my lips and drink away. The taste was amazing, Octavia must be a connoisseur in this wine stuff. After I finish chugging most of the bottle down I grab Octavia's glass and head back to the living room. She's motionless as I walk back into the room. It's like she became a statue in my absence. Once I take a seat down on the couch beside her and set the wine glass on the table, she immediately grabs it and greedily slurps her wine down. Once she's done downing her wine she looks a tad bit more relaxed then before. There we are, sitting on a couch in complete silence no one talking. It's getting really awkward better instigate some small talk. "so" I start " So your names Octavia and what's your side of the story with... you know... the Godfather"

She turns her head to look at me and turns back slowly, she still obviously isn't ready to talk about her father. "Well,then may I use your bathroom that's if you mind that is." I ask. "I don't mind go ahead, upstairs second door on the right, I think I just need to be alone for now."

I get up from my comfy spot on the couch and walk up the stair's. Now alone, I can inspect the upstairs of the house a little. Red carpet, paintings, vases full of roses and other flowers of the sort and a couple doors leading to different rooms and parts of the house. I lumber myself to the door which Octavia said was the bathroom. I walk in and answer the call of nature.

I flush the toilet and move myself to the sink and start to wash my hooves. As I wash my hooves, I hear the squeaking of slightly rusted door hinges. I get out of the washroom and slowly close the door. I make my way back to the stairs leading to the living room. I now hear another voice. As I move closer I make out that it's a mare's voice, must be her sister. Once I make down half-way down the stairs I stop and lean out to see the new mare. Earth pony, blue eyes, pink poofy mane... wait pink poofy mane. I do a double take to make sure What I was looking at was true and not my eyes playing a trick on me. I rub my eyes and look back once more. She's there and they appear to be having a conversation. I try to eavesdrop but they are talking much to quiet for me to be listening in on something important. I continue to walk down the stairs, they still don't notice me even as I make it down completely. I clear my throat and both whip their heads towards the sound. Mind if I join the party." I say as I try to break the ice.

The tension only seems to thickening with my words. Octavia is still motionless and Pinkie is staring straight into my eyes. We continued this for about 4 minutes until I blinked. "YOU BLINKED! I WIN!" Pinkie pie cries as she claps her hooves together. I can almost hear the crickets chirping right now in the background. "What?" I was confused as to what Pinkie pie was referring to.

"I Won!"

"Won what?" I ask

"The staring contest we were having just now."

I was dumbfounded. Did pinkie really think we were having a staring contest the entire time we were staring at each other? I wonder this as I move to nearby arm chair and proceed to sit down. Now with both of them here I can tell them why I'm here in the first place.

"Alright girl's it's story time get ready to listen this might be a long one"

Octavia immediately is knocked out of her torpor and now eyes me as the single most interesting thing in the world like I was some sort of rare animal just discovered that no pony has seen before.

"Both of you know why I'm here is that right?"

Octavia nods, Pinkie shakes her head. "Well pinkie I'm afraid I'm gonna have to drop a sudden bomb of information onto you" she has a confused look on her face. "I'm in a crime organization, more well know as a mafia crime family I work for your father, been doing it for about a couple years now." Pinkie jumps up straight into the air and gasps.

First off all things it scared the living crap out of me, Second I never knew anypony could gasp that loud or jump that high. Third Pinkie is full of surprises and there will never be an end to the surprises will there.

"Can you maybe not do that next time."

"Okie doike lokie"

"Alright then, so the major reason I'm here is because of a major screw on a job that happened last night." They both nod following me so far.

"What happened."

"We lost... a lot of cash, Fifty million to be exact." As expected both of their jaws drop. Any pony would be surprised with that much money being lost.

"And because of this it shows that may be weak and they are going to start targeting our weakest points, just to take us down." I continue "That's why your father sent me to personally bodyguard you in case of emergency and he also sent me to do other jobs while here in Ponyville." I finish.

"How did you screw up on this 'job'?" Both Octavia and Pinkie say at the same time.

"We got ambushed, we fought them off and won, we had the cash and the goods it was gravy." I paused. " But let's just say the other guys weren't gonna give up even after we killed everpony in there ambush attempt."

"What happened" Octavia asked.

"Well after the ambush I split with my friends they went one way, I went the other." I pause for a brief moment remembering these events caused a wave small wave of grief to pass through me as I remembered fallen friends and my monumental failure as a leader.

"I left with the cash they left with the goods."

"Then what happen?" Octavia leans in closer she's interested even more then before.

"I ran as fast as the wind away from the deal site, I thought I was in the clear but fate had another thing planned for me."

"Well then spit it out!" Pinkie shouts.

"Just as I thought I got away four more guys come out of nowhere I take down two of them, I charge the last two but I get the stuffing beat out of me by one of them while the other retrieved the case full of cash and left without a fight."

"The beating continued for about two minutes or so by my estimation, he toke out a blunt pipe obviously he was going to ice me right there and then." I pause and build the suspense. It works, Pinkie Pie and Octavia lean in close.

"And just as I am about to meet my end..." They lean in so close there practically doing the 'lean' from that one famous pop singer.

"BOOM" I yell. My sudden outburst practically made them jump from their seats. "I opened my eyes and I wasn't dead, one of my friends saved me from death, after that I blacked out and the Godfather sent me here after I talked to him after my failure."

"And that's why I'm here right now." I take my hat off as I finish my story

"So because of a screw up that you did, father sent you here to protect us?" I nod my head as Octavia finishes talking.

"But your a failure!" she screams

"Octavia I'm quite capable of protecting others, just because I failed once doesn't mean I'm not able do my job." I was quite annoyed by Octavia's sudden outburst. she acts if I have always been a failure my entire life just because I told her about one of the few things that didn't go my way in life.

"Octy don't judge him like that! He might be great at his job you never know!" Pinkie comes to my defense. Octavia looks at me, then at Pinkie Pie. Her posture relaxes but her face shows nothing but apprehension. Octavia breathes in deeply and slowly. She opens her mouth to speak but no words leave her mouth, she closes her mouth. She looks down obviously thinking about me body guarding her and Pinkie.

"Alright then, I'll give him a chance but I won't like it. Not one bit." she answers. I look over to Pinkie a huge grin starts to appear.

"You know what this calls for..." she questions us.

"Lemme guess, a party." I respond sarcastically

"OH MY GOSH! How did you know?" She yells loudly.

"Lucky guess I suppose." Pinkie must really now be good at detecting sarcasm if she didn't pick that up when it was so evident that I was being sarcastic. Out of the corner of my eye I see Octavia has the slightest of smiles on her face. "So what now girls." I ask both of them. Pinkie is the first to respond to my question.

"Well I got a party to plan for you silly willy, lot of things to do." I look to Octavia.

"Tonight I'm going to visit my friend at her work place." I raise an eyebrow.

"Your friend works at night? What is she a vampire or something?"

"No she works at a nightclub as a DJ."

"That's nice"

"And I might need you to..."

"Need me to what?"

"Bodyguard me" She groans. Hearing this coming from Octavia makes a shit eating grin appears on my face. She facehoofs and groans. "Might as well make use of you, even if I know we're not going to need you." I shrug, can't please every pony now can you.

"As of now do whatever you want but be back at around 10 PM because that's when I'm going to visit her at work"

"Alright whatever makes you happy, Octy."

She double facehoofs.

Ain't I a stinker.