• Published 31st Aug 2019
  • 357 Views, 3 Comments

Dinky and Vinyl Go To The Mall! - Serval Shots

Dinky and Vinyl go to the mall as Vinyl babysits her again

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Ch. 1

Ring! Riiinnngg! Riinnng!

Vinyl was too busy jamming out to her music to notice the phone was ringing, her loud wubs vibrating throughout the structure of the house.

“Yeah! Uh huh! Getting that beat!”

Vinyl closed her eyes as she felt the wubs pulsating throughout her body. She became a beacon of wubs: every move she made literally caused a wub.

“Now this is what I’m talking about!”

Vinyl was filled with joy because this is what she loves doing; creating the best wubs in Ponyville. However, there was one wub that was in the back of her mind, and for the life of her, she couldn’t figure out what it was. She wrapped up her jamming session and left her studio, trotting into the living room. Vinyl looked down at her watch & noticed that the day was still young.

“It’s not even the afternoon yet. I wonder where Tavi went” Vinyl said to herself.

Vinyl looked around the living room, knowing that Octavia would leave a note like last time & Vinyl was right; she found a note beside the couch.

“Dear Vinyl, if you’re reading this it means I went to a show to perform. I spoke to Mrs. Hooves and she was delighted at how well you took care of Dinky and she asked if you could watch her again. Please call my mobile as soon as you read this to let me know if you can or want to babysit Dinky again. I promise I’ll make it up to you. With much love, Octavia” the note read.

“Dinky huh? I would love too, she’s pretty cool.” Vinyl thought.

Vinyl went to the telephone & called Octavia. Surprisingly, Octavia answered immediately.

“Hello Vinyl, did you read the note?”

“Yeah Tavi & I have no problem with babysitting Dinky, I’m cool with it”

“Oh how wonderful I’ll let Mrs. Hooves know right away!”

Vinyl could hear a sigh of relief from Octavia.

“Well I must go. The show starts soon and I haven’t done my warm-ups yet.”

“Oh alrighty well see ya’ Tavi”

“See you later Vinyl, love you!”

Octavia hung up and Vinyl stood quietly, shocked at the “love you” part of their conversation. Vinyl knew this could just be a sign of a stronger friendship between them or something much more & she hoped it was the latter. However, her thoughts were interrupted by the knocking on the front door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Vinyl went over to the door & opened it to find Derpy and Dinky awaiting her.

“Hey Mrs. Hooves, how are you & Dinky?”

Derpy smiled and said the both of them were doing great. Vinyl could tell because Dinky couldn’t contain her excitement anymore.

“Hi Vinyl! I missed you a lot!” Dinky happily said.

Dinky gave Vinyl a hug, cheerful because she was going to hang out with her favorite babysitter again.

“Hey kiddo! Haha good to see you too!” Vinyl replied.

Derpy then told Vinyl to drop off Dinky later on in the afternoon and said bye to the both of them. Dinky and Vinyl said bye back and waived their hoofs at Derpy.

“So, what are we going to do today Vinyl?”

Vinyl pondered about what the duo were doing to do but figured it out soon. Vinyl looked at Dinky & grinned.

“We’re going to the mall!” Vinyl exclaimed.

Dinky’s face became a broad smile as she responded happily.

“Yay! Let’s go!”

“Alright well let’s get ready before we leave.”

Dinky nodded & the two of them went into the house, eager to go to the mall.


“So, here we are, The Shops at Canterlot Mall.”

Dinky & Vinyl stood at the front entrance of the mall, astounded by the grand size & appearance of the mall.

“Wow, it’s so cool looking Vinyl!”

“Oh it’s awesomer inside, trust me.”

Vinyl smiled at the young filly & they both trotted to the front entrance doors. Dinky couldn’t help but notice how many ponies there were; to her, it was a rainbow of colors and cutie marks. Dinky looked at her thigh but remembered she had not gotten her cutie mark yet. Vinyl noticed the look of dismay on Dinky’s face & tried to cheer her up.

“Don’t worry kiddo, you’ll get your cutie mark soon.”

Vinyl scruffed up her mane a little and smirked. Dinky smirked too as they both walked into the mall.

“Vinyl, I like it when you scruff my hair. It’s what my daddy does too sometimes.”

Vinyl smiled at Dinky because she knew exactly how she felt.

“Yeah? My dad used to do it all the time when I was a kid too so I kinda picked it up I guess.”

Dinky smiled back as the both of them continued going through the mall. The duo came upon a toy store & naturally Dinky wanted to explore it. Dinky even kept tugging at Vinyl until Vinyl finally decided to go as well.

“Woah, they have like, everything!” Dinky observed.

Dinky was right; the entire store was littered with every toy that any pony could ever want. There was even a section of Halloween masks & costumes.

“Hey, this is actually kinda cool” Vinyl said.

Dinky & Vinyl looked at the masks and Dinky even tried one on.

“Rawr, I’m a dinosaur!” Dinky giggled.

Vinyl chuckled as Dinky attempted to mimic a dinosaur, her mask barely on in a goofy fashion.

“Vinyl, it’s your turn! Try one on!

“Haha, I dunno kiddo. I’m kinda too old for that.”

Dinky gave Vinyl those adorable eyes just like last time as she begged Vinyl to wear a mask. Vinyl couldn’t say no to her & grabbed a random mask, putting her sunglasses on her horn and the mask on her face.


Dinky started giggling at her babysitter, almost rolling on the floor in laughter.

“You look silly Vinyl hehe”

“So do you kiddo” Vinyl chuckled.

The duo walked around the store with their masks still on, occasionally playing around here & there. Eventually, the duo put the masks back & continued exploring the mall.

“So are you a little hungry?” Vinyl said.

“Just a little. Can we get sandwiches?”

“Sure kiddo, let’s go.”

Vinyl led Dinky to the food court and the two of them headed towards Wichester, eager to eat the best subs in all of Equestria. There, they were greeted by a most friendly mare.

“Hi! Welcome to Wichester! How may I serve you?”

The cashier smiled and Dinky & Vinyl gave their orders right away. Soon, their food was ready & Vinyl was about to pay for the food but the cashier spoke again.

“You’re DJ PON-3 right?”

“Yeah, although you can call me Vinyl”

“Wow! It’s such an honor to meet you! I love your music!”

“Oh umm well thanks, glad you enjoy it!”

The cashier smiled & winked at Vinyl. Vinyl smiled back and gave her gratitude, flattered by the mare’s comments. Dinky looked at Vinyl with utmost surprise on her face.

“Woah, you’re DJ PON-3?”

“Why is everypony surprised that I am?” Vinyl chuckled.

Dinky looked down in thought then back up & answered, pointing at Vinyl’s sunglasses.

“Maybe because you’re not wearing your sunglasses?”

“Do I really look that different without them?”

Vinyl used her magic to put them on & Dinky nodded her head immediately.

“Yeah, you kinda do look different” Dinky exclaimed.

“Haha alright kiddo, I guess I do huh.”

The duo found a table to sit at & sat down, munching on their subs.

“These subs are awesome Vinyl!”

“They’re the best in all of Equestria for a reason.”

Dinky smiled as she & Vinyl finished their subs. Dinky burped rather loudly & Vinyl laughed slightly.

“Dinky! That’s not mare-like!” Vinyl said, slightly giggling.

Both of them started laughing as they got up to throw away their trash.

“So what do you say we go check out Games4u?” Vinyl asked.

“Sure, sounds cool.” Dinky replied.

Dinky & Vinyl trotted towards Games4u & on the way played a quick game of I spot. Neither of them could decide who won the short game because the both of them were completely stunned by the immersive number of videogames that Games4u had in stock. There were literally hundreds upon hundreds of videogames, ranging from classics to the top of the line newest and latest games out there. It was every gamers’ dream world & it definitely captivated both the hearts of Dinky & Vinyl.

“There’s soooo many games! Soo many games!” Dinky exclaimed.

Vinyl nodded her head in silence, her mouth still open in awe.

“Hello and welcome to Games4u. Can I help you find anything?” the cashier said.

“It’s..it’s….all so..B-BEAUTIFUL!” Vinyl stammered.

Dinky continued looking at what the store had to offer while Vinyl was still being mesmerized by the store. Finally, Dinky grabbed Vinyl & tugged at her to go into one section of the store.

“Look Vinyl they have Ultimate Pony 4!”

Dinky smiled with delight as Vinyl watched the game trailer on a T.V. nearby showcasing Ultimate Pony 4.

“Wow, the latest Ultimate Pony game. This is amazing kiddo.”

The cashier went over to where the two were at & spoke.

“I can let you try the demo out if you would like too.”

Dinky eagerly nodded & high hoofed Vinyl, who smiled at the cashier & replied.

“We would love too. Thank you so much!”

“No problem, anything for DJ PON-3. Love your music by the way!”

The cashier smiled as he prepared the demo for the duo. Dinky looked up to Vinyl and grinned.

“It’s soo cool having DJ PON-3 as my babysitter!”

“Awh thanks kiddo, you’re cool too. You can just call me Vinyl though.”

Vinyl smiled at Dinky as the two of them grabbed the controllers.

“Ready to lose again Vinyl?”

“Bring it kiddo!”

Dinky started giggling as the demo started, the two of them controlling the swift & powerful characters on the T.V. Dinky’s character was a fury of death but Vinyl’s character was swift & accurate, causing Dinky’s character to start losing a lot of health points. Dinky started sweating as she tried to keep up with Vinyl’s expert moves but pretty soon, Vinyl was about to win. However, once again out of nowhere, Dinky’s character pulled a miraculous recovery & destroyed Vinyl’s character. The game announced that Dinky was the winner & that Vinyl lost. Vinyl knew that she had control the entire time but purposefully let Dinky win again.

“Nice. I totally knew you had her but that was nice of you letting her win” the cashier quietly said to Vinyl.

He smiled at Vinyl & gave her a small nod of appreciation and respect. Dinky hopped up and down, repeatedly saying that she won. Vinyl threw up her hoofs & admitted defeat, the both of them laughing in joy.

“Haha alright kiddo, let’s go home. Your mom’s probably waiting”

Dinky nodded & the duo said bye to the cashier, giving their thanks and skipping together as they left the mall.


“Alright well we’re here at your mom’s.”

Vinyl knocked on the door, waiting with Dinky in front of the doorstep.

“Vinyl I had lots of fun today. It was fun playing with the masks, the sandwiches were awesome & playing Ultimate Pony 4 with you was awesomer. I couldn’t possibly ask for a better babysitter! You’re the best babysitter ever!”

Dinky hugged Vinyl tightly & didn’t let go for some time. Vinyl hugged her back and scruffed up Dinky’s mane.

“I had lots of fun today too kiddo, you’re a great kid. But I bet you won’t be so lucky on Ultimate Pony 3 or 4 next time.”

Vinyl grinned as she raised her hoof, Dinky high hoofing her & the both of them hugged one last time. Finally, Derpy opened her door & greeted the two of them.

“Hey Mrs. Hooves! I had a great time babysitting Dinky & she was good today. She’s a great kid.”

Derpy smiled & gave her thanks to Vinyl, Dinky waiving bye at Vinyl as Derpy & Dinky went into their house.

“She’s a great kid, I know she’ll grow up to be the best mare she can be” Vinyl thought to herself.

She headed back to her & Octavia’s house, crashing on the couch as soon as she got there.

“Why hello there, best babysitter ever.”

Vinyl looked over in the direction of that familiar, alluring voice to find a smiling Octavia.

“Oh hey Tavi, I guess Mrs. Hooves said I did alright then huh?”

Octavia jumped on the couch next to Vinyl & gave her a tight hug.

“Better than alright Vinyl, you were amazing!”

Vinyl’s cheeks became very red as she blushed at how close Octavia was to Vinyl.

“You know Vinyl I said I would repay you, didn’t I?”

Vinyl could only nod her head, unable to utter a word.

“How about you & I go to the movies and to dinner afterwards? All on me.”

Octavia softly stroked Vinyl’s electric blue hair as she said that. Vinyl was speechless & once again, nodded her head.

“Excellent. Well sweet dreams my wubby Vinyl”

Octavia kissed Vinyl on the cheek & went to her room, smiling at Vinyl before going to bed. Vinyl remained on the couch, cheeks still rosy and her heart still rapidly beating. She finally knew how Octavia felt & it couldn’t make her any happier; she smiled as she headed to her room, lying on her bed and closing her eyes, thinking about Octavia as she slipped into a wonderful and pleasant dream.

Comments ( 3 )

Another nice story! Got more planned with Dinky?

And I loved the batman reference.

Of course I had written a whole series of the two! Lol. And I might even expand it since it has been a while since I had originally worked on it. This story was written 4 years ago as well.

Nice! Looking Forward to see them as well. Me, i Made a few human Stories with dinky

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