• Published 28th Aug 2019
  • 386 Views, 8 Comments

The Prison Of Peace - WritingIsDope

Magic Blaze gets framed for an atrocious crime which he didn't commit, and gets sentenced to his new life at The Prison Of Peace.

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3. Big Sister Golden Emerald

Treehugger kissed Magic Blaze on the forehead and showed him the way into his sector. After then lightly shoving him in, she locked the door tightly behind him. Suddenly, the speaker turned on.

"Bye little bro, I'll check in on you next week to see how you're doing. Your new big sister will be waiting for you in your sector. Love you bro, take care". Treehugger then turned the speaker off and went back into the main theatre to take the other two ponies to their own sectors.

In front of Magic Blaze was a corridor with another door at the end of it. He walked up to the door and tried pushing it forward to open but with no luck.

"Please place your hoof on the metal plate to the right of the door." a robotic voice instructed.

Magic Blaze did what he was told and put his hoof on the metal plate.

"Purple suit. This is your correct sector. State your name, age and sentence." the robotic voice continued to instruct.

"Magic Blaze. Twenty three years old. Life imprisonment." he answered.

"Voice operations and personal detail information complete. The only time you will be required to leave your sector is for visits from family members, but your big sister must accompany you. You may now enter." the robotic voice concluded.

After the robotic voice was cut off from the speaker, the door in front of Magic Blaze slowly opened, and once he walked through, the door locked tightly behind him. When Magic Blaze saw what was in front of him, he couldn't believe his eyes.

In his sight stood a large forest, full of nature and beauty. There were many trees, plants, bushes, grass, insects, small animals, as well as a fake blue sky on the top of the ceiling and a river, waterfall and cave. He couldn't believe it, this was a prison!?

After taking it all in for a moment, he took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and then went on his quest to find his apparent new "big sister" that Treehugger was talking about. Magic Blaze didn't know much about what these "big sisters" meant. He was unsure whether they were their wardens of the sector, their mentors, or just another prisoner who happened to be female. One thing was for certain, he knew that he'd have to put up with her for life, so he hoped she'd at least be a nice pony.

After exploring almost all of the forest, he couldn't find her, and ended up finally by the waterfall and cave towards the back of the extremely large room. When he arrived at the waterfall, he finally found somepony else meditating next to it.

She was a cream coloured pony with a golden brown mane wearing a purple full body latex suit and a silver peace symbol necklace like Magic Blaze was, but on the back of her suit, the words "permanent volunteer" were imprinted onto it.

Magic Blaze took another deep breath and decided to walk over to her so they could start talking. He then stood right next to her as she was meditating with her eyes closed and hooves put together.

"Um, hi, I'm Magic Blaze. So are you my new big sis-"

"Shhhhhh" the pony interrupted him with a calm soothing voice. "I'm meditating".

She then patted her hoof on the ground next to him. "Please be patient and come meditate with me. When we're done, we'll talk".

Magic Blaze sat down on the ground next to her and the pony then put her hoof around him and pulled him into a tight hug, before then kissing him on the cheek.

A few hours had passed, and Magic Blaze was still meditating with the other pony as she still held him in a tight hug, and she would kiss his cheek or forehead every few minutes. There had been many times where he just wanted to break out of the meditation and desperately want to know the answers for the questions he had. He feared that if he broke out of the meditation, then he would be put into solitary confinement, so he simply went along with it.

All of a sudden, the pony stopped meditating.

"Meditation time is now over, you may now stop." she announced.

Magic Blaze then followed suit by stopping meditating himself.

"Was that hard for you?" she asked.

"A little bit, because I really want to ask you some questions" Magic Blaze replied.

"That was a test I just gave you, which was all about patience, and I'm happy to say that you have passed. Well done little bro" the pony said as she gave him a heartfelt smile.

"So you are my new big sis, I was right" said Magic Blaze.

"Correctomundo. So are you Magic Blaze? My name is Golden Emerald, and starting today, I'm your new big sister for life, so you better get used to me" she said with a small chuckle at the end.

"It's nice to meet you, Golden" Magic Blaze replied with a content beam on his face.

"So, what crime did you commit that caused you to be here for good?" Golden asked.

"I was accused of a crime that I didn't do, I was framed for burning down the central library in Canterlot and murdering twenty five other ponies" Magic Blaze answered.

"So you're saying that you didn't do it?" asked Golden Emerald.

"I most certainly did not!" Magic Blaze shouted, looking offended. "I adored that place, and I don't know why I was accused of doing something so horrible. I swear, if I ever find the pony that framed me, I'll-"

"There's no point" Golden Emerald harshly replied. "This is one of those prison's were its improbable to repeal your case. The Equestrian justice system is unbelievably tough, and what's done is done I'm afraid. You're here for good and it's impossible to go back. You've got to accept your fate little bro."

Magic Blaze sighed, he knew she was right, but he really did wish that he could find who did it, or find out the reasoning for the fire.

All of a sudden, the fake sky in the ceiling turned from day to night.

"It's time to go to sleep, little bro. Come with me and we'll get you into your sleepsack for the night" said Golden Emerald.

"Wait, a sleepsack? Why do I need a sleepsack?" Magic Blaze asked in shock and confusion.

"Sorry bro, it's required for all prisoners, not just you. You have to sleep securely in a sleepsack so you can't escape in the middle of the night" explained Golden Emerald.

"Trust me, I'm not going to escape, I promise" said Magic Blaze.

"I believe you, but it's the rules of this place. Sorry, I only follow and enforce the rules, I don't make 'em bro".

Magic Blaze sighed and accepted it. "Okay, fine. I hope it won't be too uncomfortable. Do you have to sleep in one too?" he asked.

"Nope. I'm a volunteer worker here so I don't need to. I've volunteered to spend the rest of my life with you and reform you into a more peaceful pony. I'll just be holding you close to make sure you're alright throughout the night" Golden Emerald smiled at Magic Blaze.

Magic Blaze gave back a sad smile. He then entered the cave with Golden and found the sleepsack in the centre of the cave.

"Get in little bro" Golden instructed.

"Yes big sis" Magic Blaze replied.

Magic Blaze then got into the sleepsack and lay on the ground. Golden Emerald tied the sleepsack tightly around his body and placed the metal collar around his neck which closed securely.

"The collar will unlock itself in 9 hours and will sound off an alarm which will wake us up. I'll then untie you and we can start our first day together, and we can start to get to properly know each other. That okay, bro?" Golden Emerald explained.

"Yes big sis" a tied up Magic Blaze replied.

"Goodnight little bro, love you" Golden Emerald said with a smooch on his forehead.

"Goodnight" Magic Blaze responded.

As Golden Emerald hugged Magic Blaze's sleepsacked body tightly to prevent him from escaping, Magic Blaze stared upwards and thought to himself about his new life.

A brand new life was about to begin for both Magic Blaze and Golden Emerald.

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