• Published 28th Aug 2019
  • 387 Views, 8 Comments

The Prison Of Peace - WritingIsDope

Magic Blaze gets framed for an atrocious crime which he didn't commit, and gets sentenced to his new life at The Prison Of Peace.

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2. The Presentation Explanation

A half hour had finally passed and Treehugger walked up to the stage with a microphone speaker. She was about to explain everything.

"Hello everypony. First of all, I apologise for taking so long but I'm now about to start the presentation. Please listen very carefully to everything I'm about to say, because this will not be repeated a second time in this show. If you have any questions, then please book an appointment with me after the presentation has ended. Is that understood brothers and sisters?"

Everypony in the audience nodded their head, understanding what she meant.

"Okey dokey! Then let's get started! First things first, I'm going to explain what this place actually is. This is the P.O.P, The Prison Of Peace. This place is an actual secure correctional facility that is fifty square miles wide. There are over two hundred thousand convicted criminals here currently serving their sentence, five hundred of them are here for the rest of their lives, and a few of you in the audience here today will be here for good, but I'll explain that later on in this presentation. I'm sorry to keep you on hold like this, but there's essential information that I must explain beforehoof".

Magic Blaze gulped. He was concerned that he would be one of the few ponies that would be given a life sentence. He then calmly breathed in, knowing that there was nothing he could do if that was the case, and he'd just have to grin and bare it. He knew that he would get visits from family once a month, so it wouldn't be like he'd never see them ever again. Magic Blaze's family believed that he committed the crime and were disgusted with him, but still promised to visit occasionally before he was sent away.

"The Prison Of Peace was founded 15 years ago by Princess Celestia herself. After the princess of friendship Twilight Sparkle, and her friends reformed Nightmare Moon back into Princess Luna, who had been previously incarcerated into the moon for a thousand years, Princess Celestia decided to open a facility were prisoners could be reformed into peaceful beings and not just going through a living Tartarus day in and day out. Everypony here will reform from their previous misdeeds into a pony who believes in tranquility and friendship. The worse the crime you committed, the longer you will be here for. Those of you who are here for life will actually be isolated from the others, and will only be accompanied by an older sister, who will take care of you for the rest of your life".

Magic Blaze was a tad shocked by this. He was fairly unaware what The Prison Of Peace truly was, but he didn't know that it was a place for reformation. After Treehugger explained what would happen to permanent residents, he was wondering if that would happen to him.

"So that's the history of the P.O.P explained, now here are the rules. The first rule, and the most important rule is absolutely NO DATING. Everypony here is family, we are all brothers and sisters, and the suits that we wear connect our blood, so if you're dating or have romantic feelings for somepony else here, you are committing a crime of incest. Platonic love is strongly encouraged, but romantic love is strictly forbidden. You can only kiss another pony on the head, cheek, ears, nose, or hooves, nowhere else. Anypony caught having romantic feelings for another pony here will be moved into a different section of the prison away from them, so it doesn't get out of hand. If anypony is caught dating, you will be forced away from each other and put into solitary confinement for one month. If this happens a second time, you will be put into solitary confinement for one year. If this happens a third time, and thankfully this has only ever happened once and hopefully will never happen again, you will be placed into solitary confinement for the remainder of your time here, and won't be released until your sentence has ended, so if you're a permanent prisoner here, then you will be left in solitary confinement for the rest of your life. Please, it's very important to remember this rule. Solitary confinement is absolutely horrible, and I really don't want anypony to end up in there, so please only love each other platonically, not romantically".

Magic Blaze found this to be quite disturbing. So if you were caught going out with another pony at the facility, you were sentenced to pretty much this place's version of Tartarus for at least a month. Thankfully, Magic Blaze was a good actor and good at hiding his feelings, so if he had a crush on someone here then he would keep it to himself and not tell anyone. Celestia help anypony here who was only into romance.

"The second rule here is NO ESCAPING. Okay, this one is very obvious. If you're caught trying to escape the facility, one month in solitary confinement. Second time, one year in solitary confinement. Third time, solitary confinement for the remainder of your time here. The third rule is NO ATTEMPTED REMOVAL OF CLOTHING. What you're wearing right now cannot be removed from your body, and if caught trying to remove the necklace and suit, you will be forced to comply with the solitary confinement rules. The fourth and final rule here is NO NASTINESS. This includes raising your voice, bullying, swearing, and selfishness. The same solitary confinement rules also apply for this, so please no nastiness during your time here, since this is the prison of PEACE. So those are the four rules. NO DATING, NO ESCAPING, NO ATTEMPTED REMOVAL OF CLOTHING and NO NASTINESS. Is this understood?"

Everypony nodded to the rules.

"Good. Now for the final part of the presentation where I'll be explaining the suits and necklaces you're all wearing".

This was the part that Magic Blaze was the most curious about. Since the suit and necklace had been put on him, he'd been dying to know what the reason for wearing them was for.

"Let me start off with the necklace. It's the symbol of the P.O.P, and a permanent reminder that you went to this place or still a part of it. The necklace is attached to the back of the neck with strong magic, so if you plan on sliding it off your neck at any point, not only will you be disappointed with the results, but you will be punished, since your clothing is vital. You will be wearing your suit and necklace for the rest of your lives, so that ponies will know that you served time here at the P.O.P. The suit also provides you with a lengthened lifespan of up to 200 years and doesn't require you to consume food or beverages. That's why there's no cafeteria here, you don't need to eat and drink here, so you'll never go hungry or thirsty."

That disappointed Magic Blaze and most of the other ponies in the crowd, who were looking forward to seeing what food and drink they'd have here.

"I'm sorry about that everypony, we have to do what we can to save money. Now, here is the final part of the presentation, I will be explaining what sentence you'll each be serving, so be prepared for this. Whatever happens, you'll be strong and get through it. This is a nice and peaceful place, and I'm guaranteed that if you follow the rules and remain optimistic, you'll absolutely love it here."

Magic Blaze was now growing in nervousness, he had no idea how long he'd be here for, but he was prepared for the worst.

"Yellow suits, you will be here for one year. Pink suits, you will be here for five years. Blue suits, you will be here for fifteen years. Green suits, you will be here for twenty five years. Brown suits, you will be here for thirty years. Red suits, you will be here for forty years. Orange suits, you will be here fifty years. White suits, you will be here for seventy five years. Black suits, you will be here for one hundred years. Purple suits, you are permanent prisoners, you will be here for the rest of your lives."

Magic Blaze sighed. He knew it, he damn well knew it, he was here for life. There were mixed reactions from the prisoners. Some were relived with their surprisingly short sentence, some were indifferent and fine with what they got, and some were really upset with their ridiculously long sentences that they started crying.

"I will repeat this one more time, so you can hear me properly! Please all be quiet so those who didn't hear can hear their sentences!" Treehugger shouted.











As Treehugger shouted the suit colours and their sentences, the diagram of the screen showed the results as well. Meanwhile, amongst the crowd, there was happiness, sadness, and content.

"Thank Celestia! I'm only gonna be here for a year! I thought I'd be here for at least five years for stealing from the bakery!" exclaimed a light brown stallion wearing a yellow suit in happiness.

"Fifty years huh, I guess I was expecting that type of sentence for robbing a bank and putting that couple in a coma. I wonder if I'll be redeemed by then" said a white mare wearing a orange suit as she laid back in her seat, looking up at the ceiling and simply accepted her fate.


Two friends who were both mares stared at each other. The purple mare was wearing a pink suit and the white mare was wearing a blue suit. "So you're gonna be here 10 years longer than me, huh? Makes sense since I only kept watch on the mission" said the mare in the pink suit. "Yep, that's what it looks like. Not to mention that I also accidentally knocked that guy out" said the mare in the blue suit.

"Everypony who is not wearing a purple suit, please wait outside the door to your right, you will be called back in 2 hours so you'll be sent into groups in different sectors."

After every other pony left the room. Only Magic Blaze and two other ponies, one red mare and one blue stallion remained in the theatre.

"So my brothers and sister, it looks like you'll be here for good. Welcome to your new permanent home, the Prison Of Peace! Now tell me, each of you, what did you do to end up here. I'm curious to know what crimes you committed to end up as permanent residents of this facility! Let's start with you, little bro!"

Treehugger pointed her hoof at Magic Blaze.

"I was falsely convicted of an arson attack on the Canterlot library and the mass murder of twenty five ponies" Magic Blaze responded.

"Wait, that was you?! No wonder you're here for life then, I'm not surprised at all. Surely this place will redeem you and you'll find true peace within yourself"

Magic Blaze couldn't be bothered to respond so just kept quiet. Treehugger then pointed her hoof at the white mare.

"I was the head of a multi million bit scam company. I scammed disabled and disease ridden ponies into giving me lots of money so I could spend it on getting myself a mansion and a cool looking yacht. I was then caught by the family of one of the ponies I'd scammed who died in the hospital after taking one of my fake pills that unintentionally made him worse. I was then accused of murder and fraud and well, now I'm here for the rest of my life apparently" said the white mare.

"That is truly selfish and sickening, but I also hope the best for your redemption my sister"

Treehugger then finally pointed her hood at the stallion in the room.

"I murdered a mare, cooked her body, and then force fed it to her husband and two daughters that I had tied up in cages in my basement."

Magic Blaze, Treehugger, and the white scammer mare all looked at the stallion in complete disgust.

"You need help, bro. Seriously. It's a good thing that you're here, and it's no surprise that you're a permanent prisoner. If you were a black suit or less, I'd talk to the heads of raising your sentence".

After that remark, Treehugger shook her head and cringed.

"Anyway, let's move on from that. Magic Blaze, you're first, you come with me little bro. You two stay here, I'll take you to your own personal sectors after Magic Blaze".

"Wait, own personal sectors?" Magic Blaze asked. "Are us permanent prisoners getting special treatment?"

"In a way you could say that, yes." Treehugger replied. "Now follow me, your new big sister is waiting for you, and she can't wait to finally meet her new little brother"

Treehugger kissed Magic Blaze on the forehead and then showed Magic Blaze the way to his own sector.

Magic Blaze had little to know idea what would soon be in store...