• Published 26th Aug 2019
  • 638 Views, 37 Comments

Stroke of Luck - Gboyd

One fight among siblings could begin new life and forge a friendship unlike any other, or destroy the world. Time for that flower to bloom. Let's wait and see, shall we?

  • ...

Chapter 6: The Fight

"Those who are closest to us are the ones we know the least. The ones we hate are the ones we know the most. So.. What are we to do? Just keep on going? Yes. That sounds like the best advice.' - Thomas Alhad

Lily furiously shook her head. Mud splatteres spiraled off her face in every direction. She eyed the figurines in the distance headed for the castle. Who were they? Why were they here? Her eyes widened with disbelief. And why were they headed for the princess's castle of all places--espeacially that rainbow-haired brat?

Mud schelched under her ruined shoes and she scoffed in disgust, shaking them for the millionth time. Darting across the street, she hid behind an oak tree, and peered at the girls.

She watched with growing curiosity. One of the girls, the more sofisiticated one by the looks of her, raised her hand to knock on the door. Lily drew in a sharp breath. No way. There was no way the princess would let them au natural without an appointment! Lily paused. Then again, she most likely would....

Lily knew Twilight's reputation. Everyone did. She was known as "The People's Princess". Well, that's what the paper called her as of last year. Princess Twilight was not the type to put on airs, or hold formal meetings with others. Probably had something to with her title. To be honest, Lily didn't understand why. She was a princess, the highest of the high; Equestrian royalty--she SHOULD put on airs and have citizens make appointments in order to see her. But she didn't. Still, it wasn't tradition, and being that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna didn't seem to have a problem with it, there was really nothing Lily could do.

All that aside, as much Lily hated to admit it, it was why she was loved. Her castle doors were always open and welcoming. She never wanted to be put on a pedestal, and always reflected compliments back at others instead of accepting them. To put it simply, Princess Twilight was one of them, a commoner. Lily sighed, and continued to watch the figures in the distance, her curiosity growing more and more by the second.


One by one, the girls arrived at the amythist steps, nervous and anxious. Rainbow huffed. She could just see herself in her mind's eye, rushing at the door, kicking it open and shouting, 'We know you're in there, and we want answers!' But instead, she resorted to hovering above and waited to see what the others would do, a first for her. She knew situations like these had to be handled differently. Besides, this was Twilight they were talking about. Surely she had a valid reason for avoiding them... right? She wouldn't.... Nah! It was Twilight; friendly and all round kind person!

Rarity took a deep breath. Taking encouragement from the faces of her friends, she acsended the crystal steps and raised a closed fist to knock. But before she could, once again, the doors seemed to leer at them. Threatening them, taunting them, daring them to go inside. Biting down on her resolve, Rarity put her fist to the door, steeling herlse fto the ignore the silly warnings.

The door swung open before her fist could make contact, revealing Twilight standing there, eyes alive at seeing them.

"Hey!" she said cheerily, clearly in a good mood. Rarity blinked. Then blinked again.

"What...." she stumbled. Twilight giggled.

"I saw you coming through the window," she said dissmissively. "So what's up? Usually you guys would send me a note or something, not just visit out of the blue."

At this point, the girls weren't quite sure what to say. They had come here with every intention to get answers, but now they were having thoughts. Not to mention that strange dreaded feeling they had been sending since Twilight's return was as strong as ever now. And seeing the mood that Twilight was in, they didn't exactly want to ruin it. So, they opted for silence.

Twilight's smile began to fade, and she closed the door behind her. Fluttershy flinched, and the girls felt that same nagging dread that had been bothering them for weeks. Fluttershy squeezed her eyes shut.

'Please let this be a bad dream,' she pleaded inwardly. 'Please let this not be real'.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Fluttershy squealed in fright as she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. Her eyes popped open, and Twilight yanked her hand back, face pale.

"G-girls? Is... Everything okay? You all look like you've seen a ghost. Is someone hurt?"

There was a long pause of extremely tense silence as the girls thought how they were going to break this to her. Things were changing, and they knew it. With their lives taking different directions, keeping their friendship together want going to be easy. But now... they weren't sure if they could keep it all. Or if they even wanted to keep it. How were they going to break this to her?

"Girls?" Twilight's voice cut through their thoughts, and they all flinched. "Please. You're scaring me!"

Everyone looked up at Rainbow, silently begging her to take the first plunge. The pegasus, knowing there was no other way around it, complied.

She fluttered closer, eyes locked on Twilight. Better start with the questions first. "Twi..... where have you been? We haven't hardly seen you for days."

There was a pregnant pause. "I've been catching up on my work," came the hesitant answer.

Rainbow growled inwardly. That wasn't the truth, and they both knew it. Even during her busiest of days, Twilight always, ALWAYS managed to make time for them. Rainbow shook her head. "No, that's not what we're asking."

Twilight shook her head slightly, clearly confused. "Then..... ?"

Rainbow blew out a breath. "You wanna tell us what you've been up to, Twi? 'Cause you've been making yourself pretty scarce over the last.... Oh, I dunno, FIVE WEEKS!?"

Twilight flinched at the sudden volume change and clear anger that laced Dash's voice. It was clear to Dash that Twilight had gone from confused to bewildered. Rainbow gave an inward scoff. And she was supposed to be the smart one.

"I..... don't....."

Applejack had had enough. "Oh c'mon now, Twi?" She groaned. "Yer a horrible lier. Jest tell us what's goin' on."

"We're worried about you," Fluttershy whispered.

"Have you been purposely avoiding us!?" Pinkie demanded, hair slightly deflated. At this, Twilight sputtered.

"What--avoiding---I haven't been avoiding you! I would never do that!" Rarity raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Then would you like to tell us where you've been? We haven't heard a smidgen of silk on your whereabouts for past mobth, darling."

Twilight sucked in a breath, cheeks pink from anger. But before she could say anything, Rainbow jumped in.

"Then what the hay is going on?" She demanded. Twilight bit her lip.

"I've been swamped," she weakly answered, knowing full well her friends wouldn't accept that as an answer. But it was the truth, and she knew they wouldn't understand.

Fluttershy clenched her teeth. "Too 'swamped' to see your friends?!" she snapped. Twilight reeled backwards, startled at the shy girl's sudden anger.

"What?! No!"

"Then what is it?" Dash yelled. "Tell us what's going on! You've been avoiding us like the plauge, and---"

"I have NOT been avoiding you!" Twilight shrieked, her anger now peaked. She lit into the air. "I've been EXTREMELY busy!"

"With what, pray tell?" Rarity hissed. Pinkie shrank back, flinching. This conversation was going downhill, fast.

Twilight gritted her teeth. "You wouldn't understand."

"Try us!" came the unified response. Twilight blinked. They really wanted to know, huh? Well, they asked, and she would deliver.

Twilight growled. "Alright, fine! Try this: I was delayed by some stupid case of which I don't even know what or why, because no one would bother to tell me--even though I've asked; Celestia got me wrapped up in a trade schtick with Saddle Arabia-with paperwork along for the ride, of course, and THEN she wanted me to try out court, to see how I would do. I aced it, of course as we both knew I would, but I've still got paperwork from that, not to mention the paper I have to finish writing and sign before this week is up so it can have plenty of time to make it across the seas to get approved; somebody, dunno who, thought it was a good idea to poison me--which put me two weeks behind my normal workload, and that's just Canterlot! I haven't even touched Ponyville. Hmm, let's see: work piled up while I was gone; there's that to deal with... Oh yeah! Mayor Mare wanted me to make a temporary law and meet up with her TOMORROW and I don't know how I'm going to do that. And on top of ALL of this, I have a petition to write and sign so I can get it approved by EEA before I travel to Phillydelphia for that Royals Tour, so yeah, you'd think I was busy!"

There was a long moment of silence as Twilight released her frustrations. She blew out her breath, and waited fearfully for their response.

Rarity looked shocked, to say the least. Fluttershy looked mortified, Pinkie deflated at Twilight's outburst, and Applejack was sympathetic. But Rainbow, however, didn't change her expression. She hummed thoughtfully, looking down at Twilight with a neutral gaze. An unreadable, neutral gaze. A neutral gaze that dug a needle of fear deep into Twilight's heart.

"Well then. I see how it's gonnna be."

Regret and shame for her outburst came crashing down on Twilight, and she felt the beginning burn of tears. No! This couldn't be happening! They weren't.....!

Rainbow nodded matter-of-factly. "Yep. Looks like things are gonna have to change. In fact, they've been changing. Ever since you got those things." She leaned down and tweaked one of Twilight's wings.

Icy fear clawed it's way up Twilight's back, and the sting of tears pushed forward even harder. Twilight bit her lip. She didn't respond. Rainbow folded her arms, still in the air.

It was still there. That burning truth, that Twilight was never really their true friend in the first place. That it had been a lie. Twilight had been using them for years. Using Celesita--using everyone!

Then again, if she WAS their true friend, she wouldn't been willing to sacrifice herself for them or Equestria, right?

What was truth?

Rainbow sucked in a breath. "So," she began. "So, guess we're gonna have to make appointments too?" Twilight looked shocked.

"What? No." Twilight's answer was slow, deliberate. "You're my friends."

Rainbow's breath hitched in her throat at that word. She had said it. Friends.... Maybe....

"Why would you have to make... appointments?" Twilight spoke the last word like it was something one should never say. Rainbow threw her hands up, exasperated.

"Well, how else are we gonna see you?!" Twilight gaped. "Don't look at me like that," Rainbow snapped. Her eyes stung with sudden tears. "Is this how it's gonna be?" Her voice cracked. "Was it worth it to get those things?" She buried her face in her hands and softly landed on the ground, defeated.

"What are you talking about?" Twilight snapped, fear making her defensive.

"Twi..." Applejack took a step forward. "Have ya noticed that things are changin'?" Twilight took a step back. Her mind couldn't seem to comprehend what was happening. Her cutie mark seemed to burn. Way in the forest, Magic began to glow slightly, pulsating with a soft light.

"How... How do you mean?" Twilight asked. Applejack took a shaky breath. Here it comes. The truth. It was right there! All she to do was say it. She opened her mouth to speak, but her ever burning tears decided it was their moment to shine, and her throat clogged. She looked at Rarity, who claimed send her eyes, and shook her head, refusing to take the slack. Rainbows mouth tightened into a thin line, and Pinkie buried her face in her hands. It was up to Fluttershy. She gulped and took a step forward.

Twilight gazed quietly at her, willing her to speak. She let her wings slowly relax, mind already spinning a million miles an hour at what their answer might be. But she would never be prepared for the answer.

Fluttershy licked her lips. "W-we think that... That..." her voice rose to a squeak, and she flinched. She chanced a glance her friends, who nodded, encouraging her forward. Fluttershy clasped her hands together. "We feel that.... That... Well, since you're a princess now, you...... You won't have time for us anymore." Her voice trailed to a whisper, and she ducked her head.

Silence was the loudest sound the girls had ever heard. Fluttershy's words seemed to hang in the air like too-ripe fruit, quivering. They dropped, bursting, too late.

Twilight closed her mouth, eyes wide, unable to say anything. She stumbled backwards, only to come to a stop courtesy of her golden doors. She peered atbyer friends, seeing them in a new light now. Her friends, her world, her anchor had just told her she didn't have time for them. Her mind was reeling. Her throat jammed, needles continued to stab themselves into her heart. Was this... True? Did they....?

"You all feel this way?" she asked, voice hitched with unshushed tears. There was a pause. A moment's hesitation. Then they nodded. It was subtle. They nodded. THEY NODDED. Twilight let out a ragged gasp. Pain tore Twilights soul to shreds to the point where she felt like she was bleeding. Her dam holding back the tears burst, and tears blazed paths down her cheeks. Her friends became distorted shapes and colors. She clenched her teeth, trying to keep the tears down,bbut they just kept coming. Her breath hitched in ragged gasps. Her friends... Betrayal, that's what it was. She tried to speak. To say something. Anything! But her mind muddled her words.

A soft sob escaped her throat, and Twilight clutched her chest. Her cutie mark was now burning. She couldn't take it anymore. She took a step forward, flapped her wings once, and was gone, leaving the cries of her friends in the distance.

Twilight couldn't feel the wind blowing against her face She couldn't see where she was headed, but she no longer cared. It didn't matter anymore. Nothing did. She let the wind take her where it would.

Twilight finally lit down on the ground, some miles away from Ponyville. Blurry, disorted shapes and dark splashes of color told her she was in the Everfree Forest. She stumbled forwards, trying to get her bearings, to clear her mind--anything!

A soft presense engulfed her, gently tugging her forward to some unknown location. Twilight shook her head and instinctively resisted, but the force grew stronger. Twilight ceased her struggle and allowed herself to walk forward.

She looked up through teary eyes to see the mouth pf a cave. The soft, comforting glow of the Tree of the Harmony beckoned to her, and she stumbled forwards. The Elements glowed and hummed in response to her presence, but Twilight didn't notice. Magic hissed, feeling her pain. Twilight collapsed on the crystalline roots; the presence that had been guiding her forward completely vanishing from her subconscious. A heart-wrenching sob tore from her throat, and she screamed in pain. All her insecurities, her fear and stress of the past month came out in floods. How dare they! How DARE they! Did they have any idea of what her life was like now? No! They didn't! She had the whole world practically on her shoulders, and they go and.... Twilight ducked her head, her chest heaving with suppressed sobs. Her hair fell forward, hiding her face from view. She was the freaking fourth wheel of the royal trio of royalty these days! All she did was paperwork. And now... it had come. Her greatest fear had come true. That her friends had always been wary of her in the first place. Some Princess of Friendship she was turning out to be.

Twilight continued to cry. She didn't notice the tree's roots gently curl around and slowly lift her into an embrace. She didn't notice the Element of Magic glow fiercely and release itself from its hold on the Tree, and hover over Twilight. Bright pink streams of energy surfaced from the gem and sunk into the young girl's chest, directly into her cutie mark, leaving no scars.

Twilight shuddered. She was so tired, and the edges of her vision were darkening. Sleep overtook her, and her body sagged with relief. She didn't think sleep would be so easy. But a subtle glow from the Element suggested that she may have had some help.

Maybe tomorrow would be a better day.


Magic sighed, gazing sadly at her bearer. She was hurting greatly, and there was every reason for that.

"Will she pull through?"Honesty's sad tone snapped Magic from her thoughts, causing her to sigh.

A wave of firm reassurance came from Magic. Honesty didn't respond, apparently satisfied with her answer. However, her own thoughts were contrary as to what she had transferred to her brother . "She HAS to pull through," Magic thought desperately. "They all will have to. They'll need each-other in the troubling times ahead."

She looked up, seeing the darkening horizon as the terrible day drew to a close. But while most saw the sun setting and the moon rising, all Magic could see were black shadows consuming everything in their path, and a blood-red moon lighting the land with a vicious smirk.