• Published 26th Aug 2019
  • 638 Views, 37 Comments

Stroke of Luck - Gboyd

One fight among siblings could begin new life and forge a friendship unlike any other, or destroy the world. Time for that flower to bloom. Let's wait and see, shall we?

  • ...

Chapter 3: Trial and Decision

"Anger often makes do things we regret. Everyone knows this. The question is, 'do we think of this when we do the deed?'" ~Anonymous

"...Your Highness, you simply must understand. You can't let them out; it simply isn't done! It's against the law and registrations, and even if we managed to allow them freedom, they would still have to pay for their crimes," he said, straightening papers for the millionth time.

Twilight clenched her fists. "I know," she said quietly. "I was under Princess Celestia's personal tutelage; I studied the law quite extensively--""You're Highness---"

"And that's another thing: Do me a favor and STOP INTERRUPTING ME!" Twilight slammed her palms on the table's mahogany surface, the sound echoing throughout the room and silencing the court council. They simply gawked at her, as if shocked that she would dare interrupt them. Twilight blinked, pushing the bitter thought away. She needed to keep better control of her emotions. Better that than have her subjects fear her. "Huh, subjects," she briefly mused. "Still not used to the idea."

Letting loose a relieved, yet self-conscious sigh, Twilight straightened. "Thank you." At the sound of her voice and the apologetic tone it carried, the members relaxed, along with the guards attending back of the room. "Now, if I may continue-" she chanced a look at the members of the law bureau and the Captain of the Royal Guards for any objections, and, seeing none, she spoke again. "The trials need to commence once the first interrogation is over, correct?"

The Chancellor of the Law Bureau, Judge Time Lock, nodded. "That is correct, Your Majesty."

Twilight paused. A thought had just come to her. "What if.... What there is no need for a trial?"

For the third time, silence dominated the room. The members were still too shocked that she would raise her voice against them, apparently. Twilight cringed. "What I mean is, the.... violators," she flinched at saying the word. They were her friends, not violators! "If I vouch for them, they will have my word on their good behavior and conduct, and their safety lies under my crown, then there is no need for the questioning of the public or trials, right?"

The council members looked at one another in silence. They all seemed to be begging their comrades to speak up. Finally, Time Lock took the plunge. "Your Highness," he began. Twilight gave him a respectful nod. "Yes, please go!" she begged silently. "Anything to fill this icy silence they seem to like so much."

"As much as I would to agree with you, as you make a good case, that is simply not something the Royal court can comply to."

Twilight didn't reply. She just studied him quietly. "I apologize sincerely, but these young women have been found guilty in the eyes of the people, and must be dealt with accordingly, lest we cause a riot, or worse, rebellion." A murmur of nods went around the room.

"But... they're innocent." Twilight weakly protested. "I've known them for seven years; they would never stoop so low."

The judge shook his head sadly. "Regardless, the rules still stand, and we must abide by them." Twilight opened her mouth, but the judge held up a hand. "Princess, these rules were created by the Pillars themselves. It was the only way to keep peace throughout a new Equestria. It worked then, and has since then for hundreds of years. And, as much as it pains me to say this, even with your position as a princess, you cannot change the rules. You simply haven't had enough time on the throne. Your qualifications aren't quite up to par yet. I am truly sorry." He gazed at he, his wise eyes speaking volumes. "As a leader you must make tough choices." A tangible relief seemed to seek through the room, as someone had finally spoken up. The crowd visibly relaxed, the expressions on their faces clearly showing they assumed the Judge's words would calm Twilight down. Twilight felt nothing but despair. Then anger.

"So, you're telling me I have to put innocent people behind bars as a punishment for a crime they didn't commit, nor would ever commit, because the public says so!?" Her voice rose in volume.

Time Lock didn't even bat an eye. He merely raised an eyebrow at her in response. "Would you rather the people turn against the crown instead and topple everything you and your fellow princesses have worked for to the ground?"

Twilight could find no response. There was a pause, then an attendee in the back adjusted his eye-glass. Hope rose in Twilight's chest at the sight of Fancypants. Maybe he had found a loophole, or another avenue she could use. Something. Before he could begin, the door opened, followed by the very last person Twilight wanted to see.

"I have input!" a voice trilled, and whispers instantly shot up and bounced off the ceiling like so many hissing fire-crackers. Twilight blinked and sat back down, barely resisting the urge to leap across the table and tackle her to the ground. Instead, she resorted to grinding her palms into ribbons by courtesy of the sharp edges on her throne.

''I'm very sorry to say this," the unwelcome member began in a very sarcastic tone, "but I have to go with the council members on this one. They have to be put away."

The voice alone grated on Twilight's nerves, and she took a deep, shuddering breath. Tears pricked at her eyes, blurring her vision as she stared at the intruder. The same person who had made her life Tatarus just two weeks ago. However, in keeping in with her reputation and title, Twilight decided to try a different approach. She wanted to get her friends out. She had earn her points. Twilight stood up, and held out a welcoming hand, the smile on her face anything but sincere.

"Please, Ms. Sapphire, sit." The young woman instantly bounded over and sat down in Rarity's chair, causing another rush of anger to pulse through Twilight's veins. She swallowed hard and continued, trying to keep her voice from getting too shaky. "First off, you make an excellent point...." The woman's smile grew bigger. "...one that I am well aware of. However, I don't remember inviting you to this meeting. Which, gathering the data I've been receiving from my protection wards, you've entered by way of window and have been eavesdropping for the past hour." The young woman's smile was frozen in place, face growing redder as whispers hissed everywhere from the members. Twilight stood up, her 'peaceful' demeanor remaining. She was anything but calm on the inside.

"Perhaps you could take the 'criminals' place?" Twilight cordially asked, using her fingers to make quotation signed at the word 'criminal'. "You just committed treason, not to mention trespassing, against the crown, among other things. It would only be right, wouldn't it?"

The silence was so loud, one could hear a pen drop. Twilight placed her hands on the table and leaned forward. "Well? Your decision?"

There was no response, and Twilight inwardly rolled her eyes. "Then I suggest you make your leave before I act on my decision." She locked eyes with Lily, her voice going dangerously quiet. "And before you make me any angrier."

Lily stared daggers back and stood up sharply, causing Rarity's throne to teeter backwards. Raspberry magic caught it in an instant, and Twilight slowly put it back in place. Lily instantly put a smile on her face, and let loose a giggle.

"Um, sorry. I just happen to be a member in Celestia's private court. You can't send me out."

"I--" Twilight began, but was interrupted yet again.

"Furthermore, what proof do you have to allow these girls to go free? There's thousands of copies in black and white about the crimes they have committed and thousands of people believe it, word for word. What could your word possibly do to relieve them of the penalty set against them?"

Twilight was silent. Anger was boiling inside her, hotter than it was when Tirek destroyed her library. She squeezed her eyes shut, ememories flooding her mind. Anyone could destroy her home, because a house could be rebuilt. But lives can't be so easily rebuilt. And no one destroyed her friends' lives. Not if she had anything to say about it.

Twilight took a deep breath. "Lily, if I may make three things clear?"

At the sound of her voice, the council shrank back in slight apprehension. No longer sturdy, the princess's voice was shaky and restrained, and those with a trained eye could see slight glow around her hands.

"Oh really," Lily snarked. "And what would those be?"

"Ms. Sapphire," Time Lock warned, but was promptly ignored.

Twilight opened her eyes and froze Lily in her gaze. "Number one, those newspapers are false. You know this. I have several witnesses testifying to you eavesdropping behind an oak fifty feet away from the location where the 'crime'," she made quote signs with her fingers at the word, 'crime' "took place. Second, I know the reporter's reputation with which you conspirited with to make the press. You bribed her with a story you knew she wouldn't refuse. You used her. Furthermore, as of the present, I believe you committed a certain crime by trespassing on private property, despite your claim on the fact you are a member of this council. And even if you are, I did not invite you here, and I strongly requested that you leave immediately. You refused. And finally, as I recall, this is my throne room. Not Celestia's."

Lily was wide-eyed, not able to find a response. "I... You... " finding no response, she stomped out with a growl.

Twilight let loose her breath. "Guards, please make sure she finds her way to the front door." The two nodded and smartly marched out, closing the door quietly behind them. With that over with, Twilight turned her attention back to the room.

"Council, Judge Time Lock, thank-you for your advice and patience in this matter. I will get back to you with my decision, within the next twenty-four hours." The Council stood up as one and began packing documents, but at the sound of Twilight's voice, they paused. "However, when I do, I will not change it." Her eyes passed over all in the room. "That will be all. Meeting adjourned." She stepped out and stepped aside, allowing all the dignitaries and juries to leave and waited. Fancy Pants stepped out, looking frazzled. He hadn't been able to get a word edgewise all evening.

"Was I too much?" she asked quietly, shivering under his thoughtful gaze. He jumped.

''I... do not know, young Twilight." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "I should think your reasons were very justified, all matters considered." He sighed. "Your friends brought life and color to the dullness here in Canterlot. I would like to see them free again." He gazed at her. "Whatever happens, you know you have my full support."

Tears burned in Twilight's eyes, and lump formed in her throat. Seeing this, Fancy Pants smiled and pulled her into a hug. Twilight returned it. When he released her, Twilight faced the ground, and jumped when something cold and hard was forced into her closed fist. Surprised, she looked up to meet Fancy pant's understanding faded blue gaze.

'If you need to talk to me, simply squeeze the button, my dear." Twilight nodded, speak unable to speak. Fancy nodded in turn, and began making his way down the hall. Twilight stood there, studying the summoning device in her hand. She could still hear Fancy's footsteps echo down the hall.

"Oh and Twilight?" She looked up. he was at the corner, a hand on the wall. "Please don't do anything rash." Twilight smiled sadly and nodded in response.

After waiting a few more moments, Twilight swiftly turned and walked down the hall. The disk in her hand was transferred to her pocket as she entered the main staircase. Twilight traveled all the way down, the gears turning in her head. The Council's words and voices reverberated through her mind like so many buzzings bees. What could she do? How the world had turned so quickly against them. Judge Time Lock's words came back to her. "A Leader must make hard decisions..." Twilight blinked and shook her head to clear it and continued her stride down through the first floor of the castle, heading for the outside world.

"Twilight?" a voice sounded, causing Twilight nearly jump out of her skin. She turned, finding Spike peering out from behind a door. Twilight's heart clenched in her chest. He looked so small, so vulnerable. "Spike come here." He ran to her, jumping into her arms.

"What's going on? What happened? Where are the girls?" Twilight bit her lip, trying to keep the tears from spilling out. She considered taking the usual route, saying that she'd tell him later, or that he'd understand when he was older. She brushed the notions aside. She wouldn't lie to him. If push came to shove, he would become one of the only people she could trust.

"The girls in are in jail," she told him simply, turning her head away, no longer being able to keep the tears in. She didn't want to see his reaction.

"WHAT!?" Spike schreeced. "Why!? That hay did they do?"

Twilight shook her head. "That's the worst part. Nothing."

Spike sputtered. "We need to get them out! Maybe... Maybe we could get Starlight down here, or Shining! They could change the public's minds!" Twilight snorted. Whether that was in mirth or disgust, she didn't know.

"Spike, Starlight and Shining have no more influence that I do. If I can't change their minds, what makes you think Starlight will?" Spike paused. She had a point. He opened his mouth again, possibly to protest, but Twilight spoke before he could.

"Spike, you trust me, don't you?" Spike nodded. Twilight smiled. "Then trust me when I say I have a plan." She set him down. "Now, how would you like to spend some time with Ember?"

Spike's face lit up with joy, and he jumped and down. "Yes!" He instantly went on a tangent, wondering what they might do together, what he might learn, and how long he could stay. Twilight merely smiled sadly as Spike raced down the hall in excitement, yelling that he needed to pack. Twilight stood there. "You can stay for as long as you'd like," she thought. "The last thing I need is them using you as ammo against me or the girls. Besides, you're reaching your final growth stage. When that happens, then Equestria really see how deep my love can go." A small thorn of guilt pricked her at the thought. She didn't want to use Spike that. But she was a leader, wasn't she? And a leader had to make hard decisions. Shining's words came back to her. "When you're fighting, you never give up. You always, always play defense, but if push comes to shove, and you can no longer play defense, that's when you go offense. You do whatever it takes to bring your opponent down, even if it means playing dirty..."

Well, push had come to shove. She'd try playing nice. It was time to get dirty. After all, her parents had named her Twilight, for a reason.


A crack appeared on the stone. His finger twitched. Pink light hit the stone again, cracking it further. His now free hand clenched. The stone disappeared from his legs, and he fell hard with a grunt. He groaned, pain sparking all throughout his battered body. Reality caught up with him. He was free? he was free!

He scrambled to his feet, looking around with bleary eyes. That accursed Night Princess's solar orb was in the sky, pinpricks of stars around it. He squinted at it in confusion. Wasn't she supposed to be in it? He shook his head. It didn't matter. He took a step forward, but stopped in his tracks, fear plaguing him for the first time. A pink cuffed chain had suddenly blinked into existence on his ankle, sparking savagely.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" a voice purred sweetly from somewhere in the darkness. He looked around wildly, spotting nothing. Growling, he yanked the chain, only to yelp in pain when it burned him. Gritting his teeth, he stood still, admitting defeat.

"That's better," said the voice. "Now, I believe this belongs to you." A small golden piece floated towards him alight on raspberry aura, jingling slightly. Recognizing, he gave an involuntary jerk on the chains. That was his! How did--whoever this was--get a hold of it! It was sealed that damn mountain!

"You want it?" the voice asked, floating the trinket just out of reach. He growled, his deep voice reverberating around the clearing.

"Of course I want it," he answered.

"Good," his mysterious companion responded. "I have need of your... services. You want revenge on the unicorn who sealed you in stone and took this," his trinket jangled as the aura gently shook it, "away from you. I can get that for you. I want revenge on Equestria, too. You help me, I give you what you want most."

He paused, thinking about it. "What's in it for me?"

His companion chuckled. "I just told you. You do it, you'd get this back." They shook his treasure again. He growled.

"How do I know you won't go back on your word?"

"Darling," the voice simpered, then turned dark. "I never break my promises. Now, do we have a deal?" He paused, then nodded. At his agreement, the chain vanishing, releasing him. He glanced up, his bell still floating there, still ringing. "When your bell tolls, Equestria will burn," the voice said, a slender hand beckoning him forward. Equestria burning, eh? He liked the sound of that.

"Judging by your smile, am I to assume you like the idea?" His new partner asked.

Grogar grinned. "Yes. I do."