• Published 15th Jan 2020
  • 1,074 Views, 24 Comments

Equestrian Girl - HorseStories

Sunset Shimmer's expedition in the human world runs into an unexpected glitch.

  • ...


Sunset trailed a few feet behind Dash, barely paying attention to the words coming out of her mouth. She couldn't help herself from going over Shim's conversation she had overheard. Every time she replayed the event in her mind, she constructed a new possible explanation or theory. Normally, she would have just asked Shim, but something in her expression when she'd caught Sunset with her phone warned her off.

Eventually, the two of them came to a stop outside the school. Sunset frowned as she glanced up at the towering structure, probably the last place on earth she would have expected Rainbow Dash to suggest they hang out. "What are we here for?"

Rainbow's cheerful expression darkened. "Were you listening to a word I said?"

Sunset blushed, lowering her gaze. "Sorry. I was thinking about... something else."

Dash rolled her eyes, but let it drop. "Like I was saying, I said I'd help this girl set up trial decorations for the Fall Formal. Not that I care about stuff like that." She added quickly. "I just owe her a favour, you know? Besides, she wants me to hand out some awards on the night. Best athlete, best sports team, stuff like that."

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "Sure. When's this 'Fall Formal' taking place, anyway?"

"Well, I'll give you a hint, it's in the fall." Rainbow grinned at her own joke. "It's over a month away. But this girl's really into partying. Like, seriously into partying. She's probably been planning it since Christmas."

Sunset nodded, absorbing this new information. She had a vague memory of hearing about the Fall Formal, but it hadn't been of much interest to her then. Still, she was supposed to be involving herself in the school's life as much as possible. "What other awards are there?"

Rainbow scratched her head. "Not many. The drama club hands out some prizes. Principal Celestia hands out an award for the student with the highest GPA. Oh, and Princess of the Fall Formal. That's the big one."

"Princess of the Fall Formal?" Sunset couldn't help but grimace at the title of Princess being spoken out loud. "What's that for?"

"Just a popularity contest." Dash glanced sideways at her, trying to read the expression on her face. "I hope you're not thinking what I think you're thinking."

Sunset shrugged. "Hey, why not? What do I have to lose?"

"The use of your legs." Rainbow muttered under her breath, pushing the front doors open. Sunset followed close behind, while Rainbow continued. "It's a big deal, representing the school and all. There's always competition, and it's always ugly."

Trailing Rainbow Dash further inside the school, her ears slowly began to pick up the sound of a high-pitched voice shrieking intermittently. "Who would I ask if I wanted to run, anyway?"

"You're about to meet her. Pinkie Pie is head of the Fall Formal planning committee." Rainbow paused just outside doors to the school gym. "She's... quite something."

The shrieking voice reached its apex as Rainbow pushed the doors inwards. A girl with neon-pink hair was inside, blowing up a balloon in the shape of a cupcake. The second she laid eyes on Dash, her eyes widened and her pupils dilated at an alarming speed.

"Dashie! You made it!" The girl - Pinkie Pie, Sunset assumed - released the balloon from her fingers, sending it rocketing across the gymnasium, before grasping hold of Dash and crushing her in a bear hug.

"Pinkie, wait - Pinkie!" Dash patted Pinkie on the head before pushing her away and taking in a ragged breath. "Calm down already!"

Pinkie beamed at her. Something about her aura put Sunset on edge, though she couldn't put her finger on it. It was as if the air around her was electrified. "I thought you were grounded because of the ol'..." She paused, then mimed a drinking action.

Rainbow puffed her chest out. "Please. You of all people should know they can't keep me down forever." She threw her thumb over her shoulder in Sunset's direction. "This is Sunset Shimmer, the girl I was talking about last Friday."

"Oooh!" Pinkie stared Sunset up and down with fascination. "The mysterious transfer student." She lifted up Sunset's arm and peered underneath it, as if expecting to find more. "So, what's your deal?"

Sunset pulled her arm away, taken aback by Pinkie's forthrightness. "Excuse me?"

Pinkie leaned in closer still. "Are you an alien? Or a time traveller? No, an ESPer!" She pulled her head back and grinned. "I mean, come on! A student from out of town that nobody's ever heard of before just turns up at school one day and they're completely normal? No way!"

Sunset laughed nervously before quickly changing the topic. "Pinkie Pie, right? Dash tells me you're the Head of the Fall Formal Committee."

Pinkie Pie nodded enthusiastically. "Yep! First freshman head of the committee ever! Principal Celestia said she'd never seen anyone as serious about partying as me!" Pinkie reached into her pocket and pulled out a long, thin balloon. "How can I help you?" She raised the balloon to her lips and blew, somehow inflating it into the shape of a cupcake.

"Dash told me you could help me get my name on the ballot for Princess of the Fall Formal?" Pinkie's pulled the balloon from her lips, tying a knot in the stem in one swift motion.

"Sure can do!" Snatching up a clipboard from a table overladen with streamers, banners and other party paraphernalia, she pushed it into Sunset's hands. "Just sign your name and year group. Gotta say, I wouldn't hold my breath. The competition's pretty stiff this year."

Sunset ran her eye down the list of names.

1. Chestnut Magnifico
2. Sweet Leaves
3. Rarity
4. Mystery Mint
5. Sophisticata

"Entry's twenty dollars." Pinkie held her hand out. "Sorry, but we'd have every girl in the school signing up if we didn't charge."

Sunset shrugged. "Sure. Why not?" She pulled out her purse and passed Pinkie the money before scribbling her name down. "Guess I'd better get campaigning."

Pinkie giggled. "You don't campaign, silly! The Princess is meant to be the best girl to represent the school!" She struck a dramatic pose. "She's smart, and beautiful, and confident, and... and..." She faltered. "Well, I don't know what else she is. But she isn't a politician."

Sunset nodded slowly. Before she could say anything else, she was interrupted by Dash slapping her on the back.

"All right, no need to scare her any more. I'm sure the competition is quaking in their boots now my homegirl Sunset's on their heels!" Dash said it lightheartedly enough, but Sunset could tell she was holding back laughter. "Tell us what needs doing, Pinkie."

Sunset slid down the wall, exhausted. Pinkie Pie might be psychotically friendly, but she was also a merciless slave driver. Beside her, Rainbow flopped down and let out a mix between a whine and a groan.

The gym was transformed. Balloons, streamers and banners coated the walls, light from the windows reflecting off them and bathing the room in rainbows. Pinkie skipped up and down the length of the room, scrutinizing the final result with a well-trained eye.

"Good job, girls!" Pinkie's voice had an almost sing-song quality to it. "You can consider us even, Dashie!"

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "What did Rainbow owe you for, again?"

A saintly look crossed Pinkie's face. "Can't tell. Special Pinkie Promise, cross my heart and-"

"She got me some money a few months ago."

"Rainbow!" Pinkie blushed and waved her hands in protest.

Rainbow leaned back against the wall. "Chill out. Sunset's not going to tell anyone." She narrowed her eyes in Sunset's direction. "Right?"

Sunset was too exhausted to do anything but wave her arm in conjunction with a verbal grunt signifying agreement.

"You and your goddamn Pinkie Promises, as if they mean anything. You saved my ass back then, Pinkie."

"Yeah, but..." Pinkie sat down beside them, legs crossed. "I hated having to steal. Especially from my parents."

"Pinkie, your parents own a diamond mine. They were never going to notice a few hundred bucks going missing." Rainbow sounded irritated. "My family has to choose between heating and rent. So, y'know, forgive me if your petite-bourgeoisie problems don't stir my heart too much."

"My dad says stealing is a sin."

"Of course he does." Rainbow muttered under her breath.

"What was the money for?" Sunset spoke up.

"Look, just... keep it to yourself, all right?" Rainbow snapped back. "This isn't an inquisition." She glanced at her watch, sighing. "All right. Just between us, I - "

Before Rainbow Dash could say another word, she was interrupted by the deafening sound of the gym door bursting open.

"Darlings! Oh, I'm so sorry I'm late, I've had the most horrific... evening... ever..."

In the doorway stood another girl Sunset didn't recognize, but who clearly recognized her, based upon the daggers being shot her way. She was dressed expensively, and her long purple hair was styled to perfection. She gave off the air of a girl who clearly cared a lot about her appearance, and what other people thought about it.

Pinkie waved manically back. "Rarity! Don't worry, Rainbow Dash was able to make it after all! She even bought a friend!"

Rarity's eyes narrowed. "Yes, I see. Sunset, was it?" She gave a wide, fake smile as she strode towards her. "Good to meet you."

Pinkie Pie jumped to her feet and draped her arm around Rarity's shoulder, pulling her into one of her trademark vice-like hugs. "Sunset Shimmer, this is Rarity! She's from Form C, she's running against you to be Princess of the Fall Formal, and she's had a crush on your boyfriend Flash since, like, fourth grade!"

A deathly silence fell over the group, save for the sounds of Rainbow Dash's poor attempt to hide her laughter. Pinkie's wide smile dimmed slightly. "What? Did I say something?"

Rarity slowly pushed Pinkie Pie off her and smoothed her hair back into its usual, perfect form. "Well, thank you for that, Pinkie Pie. I must say, it looks marvellous. You girls have done a terrific job. Pinkie, darling, I was hoping I could grab you for a bit of a talk. Alone, if possible." She stressed the last sentence through gritted teeth, glaring at Rainbow and Sunset.

Nonplussed, Pinkie nodded enthusiastically. "Sure!" She glanced behind her at Rainbow. "You don't mind, right?"

Rainbow shook her head, unable to speak. Sunset rolled her eyes and waved her on. "No worries. See you around, Pinkie."

Pinkie gave her an earsplitting grin before being all but dragged from the gym by Rarity with a thunderous look on her face. The second the pair were out the door, Rainbow Dash exploded.

"Bwahahaha! That was amazing! I thought Rarity was going to murder you!" She continued to cackle, clutching her chest in apparent pain from laughing so hard. Sunset didn't look amused.

"Would have been nice to know the competition had such a close relationship with the head of the Fall Formal's Planning Committee." She sighed. "Come on, aren't we done here?"

Rainbow nodded, still chuckling to herself. "Yeah, I guess. Besides, I'm not waiting for Pinkie to ask me to help take this stuff down."

Sunset paused as the apartment complex loomed. She couldn't see if the note she'd written was still there from this distance. Fishing in her pockets for her door keys, she wrapped the keychain around her fist and headed up the nearest darkened flight of stairs.

Dash had been mercifully docile for the remainder of the evening. Any other time, that would have been a cause for alarm, but it seemed she was really serious about not blowing her mother's trust. Which, Sunset reasoned, was a promising sign of maturity.

Exiting the stairs on Shim's floor, she followed the balcony landing along until she arrived at Shim's apartment. The note was gone. Removed - but who by?

Sunset was too tired to investigate. She just wanted a hot shower and her couch. Placing her hand on the door handle, she turned it halfway, before pausing at the sound of a soft murmur coming from behind the door.

Pressing her ear to the door, she focused intently on the noise. Shim's voice was unmistakable. If she concentrated, she could just make out the words being spoken.

"...have it under control. How dare you question me? Don't you remember who I am? You owe everything to me! You have some arrogance to question my decisions.

A short period of silence followed.

"Your interference is the last thing I need. Things are uncertain here. I must keep my facade up for a little longer, until I am free to move without fear of exposure." Another pause. "Then you are spoiled by wealth and power. You know nothing of the adversity I faced. We move as agreed beforehand. Leave the spy to me. Then we can deal with the girl."

Sunset's blood ran cold, and she pressed her ear harder still against the doorway, hoping to catch every word. Shim was plotting against her, after all. How stupid she had been to doubt it for even a second!

"Not until I'm satisfied she can't provide us passageway to Equestria. If she can, our plans can proceed faster."

Sunset gritted her teeth, infuriated. Just as she'd suspected, humans didn't change. So, Shim wanted to use her magic to invade Equestria? Well, she'd be somewhat disappointed to discover that magic being used to crush her windpipe as she slept tonight.

"Very well. I'll make contact some other time. Keep vigilant." Silence, followed by the sound of a door closing. Sunset waited for a minute before silently opening the front door and slipping inside.

Her every instinct was telling her to do it now. Take a kitchen knife and finish Shim off before she could complete another step of her twisted plan. She'd never killed a human - or a pony - before, but there was always a first time for everything. Besides, killing one of them was no different than putting a rabid dog down.

But something held her back. She was being hasty again, and hasty decisions were what had got her into this mess in the first place. If she was caught, she'd be exposed. She needed to plan things out. Where would she hide the body? What if Shim screamed? At least one neighbour was sure to come running, if not the police.

As she contemplated these problems, she caught sight of her reflection in a nearby window. She was exhausted, and she looked it. She needed rest. She needed a plan. And she still needed Shim's help to catch her stalker, as much as it infuriated her. The one ace up her sleeve was that Shim still didn't know she suspected her. Why blow it now?

Slowly feeling the adrenaline drain out of her arms, Sunset sat down on the couch. Leaning against the back of the seat, she closed her eyes and let sleep claim her.

The garden was burning. Thousands of fireflies filled the bushes and trees, and thousands more clung to the pathways, a river of flame that illuminated the whole garden in a golden glow. From a darkened balcony, Beatrix watched their teeming mass in silence.

It had cost her no small sum to have the bugs transported in their thousands from overseas, but to her it had been worth every penny. They were one of the only facets of her new estate that didn't feel cold and sterile. As much as it had surprised her, she'd come to miss the home she'd grown up in.

On a table beside her, next to an emptied bottle of wine and a nearly depleted glass, laid an inexpensive mobile phone. The words CALL TERMINATED were emblazoned across the display. Beatrix reached for the glass and drained it in one swift motion, knuckles whitening from the strength of her grip.

Beatrix had expected some teething problems, but nothing like this. She laid her glass down again, burying her head in her arms. It was her own fault, of course. She should have taken more time, spent more time cross-examining Shim, more time perfecting her plan. Instead, she had jumped at the earliest possible opportunity, only to trip at the first hurdle.

Her internal monologue was telling her she should drive down there now, and resolve the problem herself. But she knew better than disobey a direct order. She could only wait for further instructions, and pray her failures would be forgiven.

Sunburst was sitting at the kitchen table when she walked in, leafing through an engineering magazine. He didn't even look up when she entered, something which had once irritated her, but she was now used to.

With a wave of her arm, she levitated the empty wine bottle into the trash, and sent the glass neatly in the sink. Sunburst shuffled his feet with obvious discomfort at this, but said nothing, as usual. Sunburst hated magic with a passion. If there was one thing Beatrix truly despised about him, that would have to be it.

At first, he had laughed her off. When she'd shown him, he'd refused to even discuss it. Sunburst, she had discovered, was amongst the worst of cowards. He didn't care about the potential of her powers or what could be achieved with them, he just wanted to live a comfortable life, devoid of argument, conflict, or standing up for himself. The two of them had never been particularly close, but since that day, they virtually never spoke to each other.


Sunburst glanced up apprehensively from his magazine. "Yes?"

"Do you remember Shim?" He blinked. "Sunset Shimmer? The Canterbridge doctorate student?"

He adjusted his glasses nervously, nodding slowly. "I think so. Why?"

"She might visit us sometime. If she does, I want to know immediately. Don't talk to her unless she talks to you. If she tells you to do something, you do it. Doesn't matter what. Understand?"

He frowned, clearly unhappy at being ordered around. "What? What's going on?"

Beatrix closed her eyes, voice straining as anger started to bubble within her. "Just do what I say. It's none of your business."

For a moment, Sunburst looked like he was on the verge of simply nodding and returning to his book. Then he decided to open his mouth.

"Please, don't talk to me like that -"

"Just do what I fucking tell you!!"

Beatrix spun around and swung a hand through the air, sending Sunburst flying out of his seat and onto the floor. Her hand fell to her side, ears pricking up at the low whine that escaped Sunburst's lips as he laid on the floor. Striding across the kitchen, she seized him by the arm and pulled him to his feet.

"Get up. Get the fuck up! Let's try that one again, shall we? If Shim visits, tell me. Don't speak unless spoken to. And do everything she says. Can you hear me?" Sunburst said nothing, merely looked down at the floor and nodded in response. "Good."

He stumbled as she released his arm, flailing around and grasping the table for support. Beatrix shot him one more glare, then turned her back on him and swept from the kitchen, feeling her spirits rise just a little higher than they had been a few moments ago.

Comments ( 2 )

Sunset shrugged. "Hey, why not? What do I have to lose?"
"The use of your legs."

Much like the rest of the unrest, the competition here's fierce even before Sunset came in. I wonder who the leg-breaker is...

Pinkie leaned in closer still. "Are you an alien? Or a time traveller? No, an ESPer!"

Hmm. Between this and the electrified aura...
No, if this Pinkie were a Suzumiya-grade reality warper, this world would have a lot less grit and grime.

Chestnut Magnifico? Hadn't expected to see that name. Yes, the upperclassmen are rife with potential, but still. This likely answers the question of who's the current queen bee.

She's from Form C, she's running against you to be Princess of the Fall Formal, and she's had a crush on your boyfriend Flash since, like, fourth grade!

See, Dash? This is why Pinkie makes promises. Otherwise, she dumps dirty laundry into everyone's laps.

And some very interesting machinations are in play. I don't see the ongoing Shim-Beatrix power struggle ending well for either of them, or for anyone in their general proximity. Sunset has a lot to worry about. I'm just not sure which brewing problem will erupt first.

Wow, this was super fun to binge read. I hope that there is more to come soon!

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