• Published 21st Jul 2019
  • 1,920 Views, 7 Comments

Welcome to the Galaxy - Sammyboiii

When humanity made first contact with the Galactic Council, they were less than welcoming. But, under the United Terran Empire, man has found a way to finally earn the respect of the Milky Way and Equestria is right at the plan's center.

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Chapter 1: First Arrivals

Ponyville, Equestria
7:45 PM, August 5th, 2589 CE

Twilight's library was quiet. The occasional creaking of a window cover amidst the calmly oscillating whistle of the breeze was all that could be heard. Although the sky outside was still light, tinted a dozen hues of orange and purple, the hollow tree was littered with burning candles which blanketed the entire library in a warm light. Inside, a purple unicorn and a similarly colored dragon were sitting next to each other in front of a long, wooden table. Between them and the oil lamp at the table's center was a hefty tome, one that seemed to be flipped halfway through. This, of course, could be confirmed by looking at the dragon's drowsy expression which denoted the apparent hours he had spent in that stool. "Spike? Aren't you going to read the next paragraph?" Twilight asked as she turned towards Spike.

Upon doing so, however, she saw his eyelids well on their way to shutting. Giving him a light nudge with her forehoof did the trick, however, as Spike fell back out of his seat. "Gah!" he shouted as his small frame clattered down onto the ground. He looked up at a slightly giggling Twilight, with her forehoof over her mouth in an effort to conceal the laughter. "Haha, very funny, Twilight..." he groaned as he got up off of the ground and back into his seat.

"Hey, don't blame me, Spike. You're the one who wanted me to teach you how to impress a mare," she stated with a teasing grin. Spike blushed and crossed his arms.

"Yeah, but I didn't think it would involve..." Spike took a second to heave and strain in an effort to lift up the cover of the book, taking a second to read the title, "The Wondrous History and Applications of Equestrian Optical Mathematics." he finished with a grimace.

Twilight looked taken aback. "Well, excuuuse me but when you asked me for help with relationships, I don't know what you want. I do, however, know that this is exactly the kind of knowledge and skillset I would be looking for in my mate." Twilight defended. Glancing over to the balcony entrance on the second floor, she gets a great idea. Spike, still wallowing in the futility of asking his roommate for help, doesn't notice what twilight is planning at all. "Hey, Spike?" He looks up. "What do you say I show you exactly what I'm talking about?" Twilight ends with a plastered grin on her face, seeming more like Billy Mays than a unicorn. With that, twilight took off up the stair and out onto the balcony, her frantic hoofsteps against the wood filling the previously quiet home. Spike rolled his eyes. Being her number 1 assistant, he knew Twilight and she was not going to be dissuaded from doing whatever she wanted to do on the balcony.

On the second floor, Spike peeked around the balcony doorframe to see Twilight quickly setting up her telescope that she kept collapsed in the corner under her bed. Screwing in the final bolt, she turned around with a huff to face Spike. "Now, come on out here and take a look through here," she said, still giddy with excitement. Spike slowly, but surely, walked out onto the porch and stuck his eye up to the viewport of the telescope. What he saw, however, changed his expression in an instant.

His entire field of vision was filled with a crater of Luna's moon. A single crater, but a detailed one nonetheless. he could see all of the crevices along the rim, smaller indentation within the dish, and even the dust particles that comprised its entirety. With a growing smile on his face, Spike turned to Twilight. "Wha-... how?" Twilight stared back with a triumphant grin on her face.

"Well, read that book and you'll know." she teased. Spike humphed, but got over it pretty quickly and went back to looking through the telescope. He started moving it, changing its focus by twisting the lens casing on its front and panning from light to light in the night sky. He arrived at one and pointed out at it with his finger. "Woah! What's that?"

Twilight traced his finger's trajectory and, since the night sky was so lightly populated, was able to arrive at the conclusion that, "Oh, that would be Fauntus, 4th planet from Celestia's sun."

Spike was quick to change the subject, having already re-aimed the telescope towards another attraction in the sky. "Oh, and that looks like its moon, right?" he exclaimed. Twilight was surprised and placed her forehoof over her chest in sarcastic surprise.

"Spike! You actually learned something from the hours of reading you and I spent together?" she jabbed. They both shared a chuckle. Spike went back to looking through the telescope and Twilight decided to go back inside, feeling that her job of getting her assistant interested in some form of science completed. She went inside and flumped down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. It wasn't like those hours of reading hadn't taken their toll on her either. As a matter of-

"Hey, Twilight?" Spike called out for the balcony. With her train of thought broken, Twilight perked up.

"Yes?" she asked, trotting over to the balcony doors. She saw spike looking through the telescope and walked up beside him.

"I-is that a comet?" he asked, a bit of nervousness peeking through his voice. She looked up and saw a streak of light dashing through the sky, small pieces breaking off of it and plummeting to Equis. Twilight didn't know whether to be mesmerized or terrified. Quite honestly, it was a little bit of both. Whatever that thing was, it was headed for somewhere in the north pole. "No, Spike..." was all Twilight could mutter as she attempted to comprehend what was happening.

"Spike? Take a letter." Twilight stated as she stared at the fragments that fell just beyond the Everfree. Spike, during this whole endeavor, was speechless. He didn't know what was happening but Twilight's judgment was usually correct. So, in an instant, he burped up a piece of parchment and a quill. Receiving a nod of approval form Twilight, he touched the quill to the parchment.

"Dear Princess," Twilight began, "I believe it would do us both a very good service if you looked out your window." she continued, her and PSike still staring blankly at the fiery trail the object left behind. Whatever that thing was, it certainly wasn't a comet.

Comments ( 6 )

keep up the good work

Interesting start, but will need to read a lot more until a solid feeling of a story is grasped, but for now attention is here!

The description might be a bit on the longer side i would agree but some authors like to do those. But me thinks that part of story page is meant to pull in the reader and larger context is provided elsewhere.

But really is not really important, is a matter of taste.

So far so good, moar plz.

Next AWESOME chapter please! :pinkiehappy:

Still alive?

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