• Published 5th Jul 2019
  • 3,109 Views, 108 Comments

The Mane 6 And Lee Everett - Can-dees_Murder_Weapon

The mane six is mysteriously transported to an unknown planet. Where rotting, decaying corpses now rule the world. The mane six stray further and further away from their elements as they are forced to face the unrelenting horrors of the cruel world.

  • ...

No Time Left...

Time was running out. Twilight wasn't getting any better and they barely made any progress across this walker infestation of a city. Rainbow and Fluttershy could just fly out of there, the thought definitely crossed Rainbow's mind.

The sky was getting darker and soon enough, the only light source they would have would have would be coming from the moon. Fluttershy stayed by Twilight's side, making sure she would be okay. The pegasus hated this, she hated knowing her friend was going to die and she was powerless to stop it. All she could merely do was offer her her comfort and just be ready... for when the time came.

They crossed multiple structures across the city over the course of a couple hours but by then the sun was gone. Twilight had nearly fainted numerous times during the trip. It was difficult but she managed to keep herself afloat to keep going, much to her friend's dismay. They insisted that she rest for a few minutes but she would always ignore them and carry on. Time was precious and they needed to get out of the city... she needed to see that before she left.

To know that her friends were safe and getting to the train was the perfect solution of guaranteeing that. Besides, she did not want to die in a city with walkers being the last thing she will ever hear.

She had never felt so tired and weak in her life. The fever was an aggressive killer, her whole body felt hot. Like a sort tingling burning sensation and the nausea wasn't helping either. She was constantly dizzy, gravity shifting in her head... it was strange as to how she managed to keep going all this time.

They could see the country side in the distance, the silhouette hills, dead wilted grass and trees. They saw the small black object... the train. They were so close. Twilight's went into another coughing fit but lost the balance in her legs and she stumbled to the floor, hacking and wheezing.

Fluttershy was already by her side, gently patting her friend on the back. She noticed the blood coming out. Applejack and RD came offering their support. Nopony knew what to do, they couldn't stop it. All they could merely do was keep her comfortable, hoping that it would stop soon.

Once the wheezing finally stopped, Twilight went to get back up but struggled... immensely. Her legs wobbled, attempting to keep her balance but after a few seconds, she fell back onto the floor. "I-I-I... I can't k-keep... going." She breathlessly muttered, even talking took too much energy from her. This was really happening now... was it?

She couldn't get up, no matter how hard she tried. It was like carrying a body that wasn't her's. All her strength, her energy, it felt like it was slipping away every time she tried to get back up. This wasn't happening now was it? Not now. They were nearly there. They're nearly out of the city, it was there! It was right there!

"Alright-alright, sugarcube. L-let's just rest for a few minutes, okay? Don't push yerself too hard." Applejack softly said.

"N-no... n-no." Twilight turned to look up at her friend. "AJ... I-I can't... I-I can't move." She said, weakly panting in between.

Applejack felt her heart pierce when she heard that, she turned to Rainbow who looked just as distraught as she did. She glanced back down at her friend. "O-okay... m-maybe we could..." She trailed off, scanning around the roof and her eyes flew over to a large vent situated by the right corner of the roof.

"She doesn't have that much time left." Christa quietly said, walking over Applejack. "At this rate... she won't make it out in time." They both looked at Twilight who was laying on the floor, she had stopped on trying to get up.

"Ah know..." The country pony quietly replied replied.

After a few moments, the woman spoke again. "We'll... give you guys some privacy. Just... let us know when it happens."

"Yeah, thanks." She knew what she meant, the thought of having to put down Twilight was a punch to gut. Just the thought alone disgusted her, it was a no win situation. She couldn't let her turn but she didn't want to put her down either and quite frankly, nopony knew if they were able to turn. Twilight was... dying but would she turn when she finally passed away?

Christa nodded and ushered Omid further away from the group, leaving them alone.

Rainbow Dash came over to the country pony. "What can we do?" She muttered, furrowing.

AJ sighed, shaking her head. "There ain't nothin' we can do Dash." She looked over at Twilight, letting out another sigh. "C'mon."

The alicorn layed out on the floor barely moving. Her torso moved up and down in a slow rhythm.

"Hey Twi." Applejack softly greeted as she sat down beside her. "How're ya darlin'?"

"A-as... good as I can be," she answered, so weakly that AJ almost didn't hear it.

"Alright, well that's good."

"It's not." Rainbow interjected, they all heard her but chose not to comment. "I-I... I can't believe this. I can't believe this h-happening." Her voice cracked. The sight of her friend, the situation they were in, it was all too much. This was too hard for her to keep in and as much as she tried, she couldn't stop the tears from falling. Applejack wrapped her arm around, bringing her close. She felt the same pain she was feeling, the bond they both shared over Twilight. Rainbow's head hanged as she quietly sobbed.

"Girls?" Twilight muttered, gathering everypony's attention. Pinkie hadn't said a word but she was there with her.

"Yeah, sugarcube?"

"C-can you... w-when you find Rarity make sure she's okay?"

Applejack gave her an incredulous look. "Well, of course Twi. O'course I'll will." The rest of the girls agreed to do so. They all stayed huddled around the dying alicorn, talking about past events, sharing stories with one another. Things that had happened back in Equestria, the times they spent together. Everypony was devastated for their alicorn friend, the one who brought them all together in the first place was soon to pass on. They all held her close, sobbing in embrace as she took her last breath.

"Clem... don't..." he trailed off and suddenly he found himself falling to the ground, everything going black.

Clementine gasped as she saw her guardian toppled over. The child bent down next to him. "L-Lee?" She whispered trying to get his attention. She glanced around at the walkers roaming around them, too close for her comfort. They had covered themselves in walker guts to get through the herd and fortunately, it was working.

She shook him, attempting to wake him up. "Lee? Lee?" She scanned around, looking for a way to escape and her eyes landed upon a store with it's shutters halfway closed.

She was in the most dangerous situation. Her guardian has fainted, possibly died right in front of her and here she was stuck in the middle of a herd at night.

She quietly walked over to Lee's head, grabbing both of his shoulders. She attempted to drag him over to the store. It was difficult, very difficult. He was ten times her weight and his clothes had been smothered in walker guts. It was hard even trying to get a stable grip.

Once she finally got it, she began dragging him over to the store. It was the only place she could go to for safety, more so Lee's safety. Without him, she didn't know what to do. If it wasn't for him finding her that day, she would most likely be dead.

Suddenly, Lee's body felt extremely light, Like carrying a bag that was empty. He was lifted off the ground, hovering inches just above it.

The child watched, shaking as Lee's body was slowly maneuvered over to the store. It was almost like... magic was moving him! She quickly took a glance around her area, finding nothing. There was only one explanation to what had just happened. This was unicorn magic, it was Twilight or Rarity that did this but she couldn't see them anywhere.

She turned around to get Lee into the store but gasped as she came face to face with a certain purple-maned unicorn. She shushed the little girl immediately. The unicorn looked around them, keeping her eyes locked onto the herd around them.

Clementine noticed the state the unicorn was in. She looked horrible, fur drenched with presumably walker blood. Guts, bits and pieces of rotten flesh inked her body. Who knows what type of trouble she's been through. They went a whole day without the mare, no leads of where she was or where she went. It was obvious just by the look of her that she struggled to survive out there and it seemed like she was the only one. Lilly, Carley, not even David was with her.

"Clementine get inside, I'll get Lee." Rarity whispered as she quietly walked pass the child. She what the unicorn asked and crawled under the shutters. Soon after, she saw Lee being moved into the store, a faint aura surrounding him. When he was in, Rarity came in and finally closed the shutter door.

A groan came from behind her. The unicorn turned around to see Lee beginning to wake up. She knelt down beside him.

"Lee? Lee?" Clem shook the man, trying to get his attention.

The unicorn couldn't help but notice how sick the man appeared to be. Aside from being smeared in dark crimson, he did not look well.

Once the man finally opened his eyes, he caught the two pairs of concerned eyes looking down at him. "L-Lee? I-I... I thought y-you died." The child cried.

"N-no..." the man gulped before looking at the unicorn. "Rarity?"

"Yes, yes it's me." She nodded down at him with a small smile.

The man let out a painful sigh. "W-what... what happened?"

The mare paused for a moment. "I... got into a bit of a bind but let's not worry about that right now."


"No buts." The mare stood back up. "We have to make sure this place is safe before we do anything." She took a quick scan around the place. It was regular jewelry store with a counter to her right and further to the back was an office. There was a window that allowed her to see through it and she took note of the walker inside it.

She left Clem and Lee alone and walked over to the office, passing the counter. When she reached it, she came across a door but it was locked. She sighed, shaking her head. She heard the walker growling inside of the room but ignored it. She used her magic to pick up a chair sitting to her right, in the corner and she slammed it into the window in the door, shattering it.

Once she got the door open, the mare walked over to the monster. The walker was stuck in a display case, it's arms flailing about, trying to grab at her. She's killed a few of them already, plenty actually. Most of them was from the church after that stranger had cornered her there.

Biting the inside of her lip, she yanked the walker from the case to the floor. She brought it's head up and slammed it into the tile floor beneath it. After it was killed, she went to go back to Lee and Clem but found them struggling to walk along the counter. Well, mainly Lee... something was wrong with him.

She came out of the office and over to them. "Lee? A-are you alright?"

"He was bitten," Clem blurted out.

Rarity froze, feeling her heart fall to the depths of her stomach. "W-what?"

The man slowly lifted his head up. "Yeah... I-I was bit." He said as he struggled to keep his balance.

She furrowed as she went to go help him. The unicorn found herself speechless, he was bit? She couldn't believe it, that would explain why he looked so... ill.

Once they passed the counter, the man lost his balance and he fell against the wall, sliding down it.

"Get up Lee! The door is right here." Clem begged.

Rarity came over, a lump forming in her throat. "Lee?

The man tried getting up but was unfortunately unable to. After another try, he stopped. He ushered the girls over to him. The conversation was difficult to be had, to say the least. Lee was dying and unfortunately there was no more time left, he was too weak to go on.

He made Rarity promise to take care of Clementine, the mare was his only choice, the only guarantee for Clementine being safe. She accepted it, gracefully. Rarity would look after her from now on until they met up with the others by the train. Lee kept the fact of Twilight being bitten, he thought that it was best if she heard it from her friends rather than him.

When he finished telling the two how to survive, the advice he could gave, he adamantly suggested that he be killed.

Rarity tearfully rejected the offer, not wanting to shoot him but after some convincing, she accepted. By the end of it, they all said their goodbyes. While Clementine stood back and sobbed, Rarity held up the gun to his head. She held it there for a moment, struggling to pull the trigger but when the man slowly closed his eyes, she finally pulled it; ending his life.