• Published 5th Jul 2019
  • 3,124 Views, 108 Comments

The Mane 6 And Lee Everett - Can-dees_Murder_Weapon

The mane six is mysteriously transported to an unknown planet. Where rotting, decaying corpses now rule the world. The mane six stray further and further away from their elements as they are forced to face the unrelenting horrors of the cruel world.

  • ...

Long Road Ahead: The Station

The train cart was silent, no one had said a word since the train started moving again. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy hadn't even stopped sobbing. Even though they only knew Duck for a few weeks it still felt like they just lost a little brother. Like a hole been scorned into their hearts.

A part of Fluttershy felt like she was at fault, even though logically she wouldn't have been able to help him. It was just one of those things where she can't help but feel guilt.

Pinkie felt utterly useless. She felt like she didn't matter, it led to her questioning what she was good for. She couldn't comfort Duck in his time of need, it was too hard. Whenever she looked at him, a lump would form in her throat. The memories of Duck only made her sob harder.

Applejack turned her attention to Rainbow Dash who was beside her, struggling to stay awake, "You know, sugarcube, you don't need to stay awake. Besides, you need the rest."

Rainbow Dash widened her eyes, trying to fool Applejack into believing she wasn't tired and failed miserably, "I-I'm not tired... you know, I'm just gonna... rest my eyes." And with that, she voluntarily closed her eyes. Within a few seconds, she fell against Applejack with her head on her shoulder.

Applejack stifled her laughter and whispered, "Yeah, you just rest." Feeling tired herself, the country pony yawned. Since she felt tired, she thought it'd be a good idea to retire. She closed her eyes and unexpectedly with a few minutes, she fell into a deep sleep.

A gunshot was fired, pulling Applejack out of her slumber, her heart beating rapidly. She nerves immediately started to settle down when she saw Clementine aiming a gun at a bottle set on top of a large crate. Lee was behind her, covering her ears with his hands.

She didn't oppose to the idea of teaching Clementine how to use a gun, if anything she thought it was a good idea. But out of all the times that Lee could've picked to train Clementine, he decided that now was a good time? Not at the motor inn, not when they stopped but now, now was the perfect time.

She turned to find that Rainbow Dash was still sleeping. She yawned before she got up from her seat. She stretched, letting out another yawn before trotting over to Lee and Clementine. She made sure to stay clear of the weapon, after witnessing Rainbow Dash get shot back at the motel she definitely did not want to go through that experience. She felt vulnerable not being able to use a weapon, although attacking head on with her hooves is doing well for her but what about Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie? They're the two most timid ponies out of all of them, they wouldn't be able to attack walkers even if they had to to defend themselves. Most likely, they would just run in the other direction.

"Close... now keep it steady." Lee said, still covering Clementine's ears.
She fired another shot, startling Applejack in the process. It was the anticipation that got her, not the gunshot. "Out of all the chances you had to train her, you decided now was the pinnacle of opportunities?"

Lee looked at her with a puzzled look. "Applejack? Did... we wake you up?"

"Yeah, you did."

"Oh uhhh, sorry. Since the train is so loud, I thought it would muffle the gunshot." He glanced toward Rainbow Dash seeing she was still asleep before gesturing towards her. "She's still sleeping."

"Well, thank you for tellin' me 'cause ah didn't know that." Her voice dripped with sarcasm. She started to wonder where Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were when the door to the train cart opened, immediately answering her question. As she watched the two ponies walk in, she sensed something was wrong. It wasn't hard to distinguish, Pinkie Pie had a infuriating look on her face as if she was going to tear this train apart herself and Fluttershy she looked... disappointed?

If she were correct, then she would really be concerned. Did they have an argument or somethin'? She thought, trotting toward the two ponies.

"Are y'all okay? Y'girls seem troubled." Applejack asked as the two ponies sat down.

"Hmm." Pinkie lifted her chin, bringing a hoof to it as she tilted her head. "I don't know, why don't you ask, Ben?"

"Pinkie," Fluttershy said, as if she were warning her to keep her mouth shut. "What she means to say is... that... w-we're fine."

Yeah, y'all seem fine alright. Applejack thought sarcastically, even a foal would be able to tell she was lying. She looked at her incredulously, "Really?"

The pink pony huffed at her friend's question, which earned her a glare from Fluttershy but she didn't acknowledge it.

"Applejack, I'm glad you're asking but... we're fine, really. Me and, Pinkie just had a little... argument."

"So where does, Ben come into this?"

"Why don't you go ask him yourself?" Pinkie Pie said, with that scowling look on her face. She wasn't sure if it was directed at her or if she was just scowling at the thought of Ben.

She took one last look at them before she left to go talk with Ben. She never had any quarrel with him but she never relied on him to get things done. He seemed like the type to mess things up rather than fix them.

Applejack found him leaning over the railing that was only a few steps away from the door. His head hanged in his arms, "Ben?"

He lifted his head up to look at her, his face was riddled with sorrow. If Pinkie Pie hadn't been so aggressive talking about him, she would think nothing of it and she would ask if he was okay, "Yeah?"

"What were you and, Fluttershy and, Pinkie Pie talkin' about?" She asked as she saw Ben's eyes widen. He stood up to face her directly, it was no doubt that he was nervous but of course this is Ben... he was always nervous. But what caught her off guard, was that he was even more nervous than usual, some would even say that he looked guilty.

"Uhh-we j-just had a-a little debate," He practically stuttered over every word he said.

"What about?"

"I-it was nothing... just uhh a-a stupid argument."

She narrowed her eyes at him, incredulously. "What was it about?"

He opened his mouth but no words came out, "I... I can't tell you."

"Why not?" Her voice raised slightly.

"I-I just can't tell you."

She furrowed in confusion, trying to figure out why he couldn't tell her. "Ben... it's a simple question, what... was it... about?" When he didn't say anything, she continued, "Surely, it can't be that bad."

Ben just continued to stare at her with that sad look on his face, he tried being subtle about it but failed.
She could tell he was contemplating telling her, whatever the problem was, she needed to know what it was considering both of her friends were involved.

In all honesty, his silence was beginning to irk her. What could he possibly be doing on this train, what did he even say to her friends? With a sigh, she shook her head when he still hadn't said anything, "Ben, what... is... wrong?" He looked away from her. "I ain't gonna leave until you tell me."

He looked back at her, "...I was the one giving the bandits supplies."

She paused, staring at him. She found herself shaking her head, Rainbow Dash getting shot back at the motel, seeing her laying on the ground in agony. The image made her furious, and she suddenly found the courage to speak, "Why?" She blurted out.

"They said they had my friend that he was with them-"

"So you decided to put everyone else at risk for one person?" She yelled at his face, making him shrink back. When he didn't say anything she continued, "You-so what... is your friend fine? Is he okay? Was it worth three people, huh?"

"He wasn't with them," he muttered quietly but she still heard him.

Her mouth widened as she looked away from him, in absolute shock. She blew a puff of air, letting out a fake chuckle. "Wow! So... what? Three people was it? Oh yeah, that's wonderful 'cause you certainly helped them out!"

He remained silent, shame and guilt flowing through his veins.

She stopped and sighed, shaking her head. Silence dawned between, neither of them knew what to say. "Rainbow Dash is hurt... because of you." She paused to look back to the train car before turning back to Ben, "Is there anythin' else, that maybe on your mind?"

It took a moment for him to answer her when he did, she swore she saw fear in his eyes, "Pinkie said she was... she was gonna..."

"She was gonna what? Harm you?" He nodded his head. She huffed, rolling her eyes finding that to be really ridiculous. "She's not gonna do anythin', Ben."

"You didn't hear what she said," He muttered.

"Ah shit! Hold on, everybody!"

The train was pulled to a hard stop, causing a loud hissing sound and making everyone aboard to slightly tumble around.

The train had finally stopped. It was nearing the afternoon and the scenery still hadn't changed, the group was still surrounded by the forest on both sides of the track.

Kenny was the first to leave the train then everyone else followed, all except Lilly who was left on her own while everyone else was too busy exiting the locomotive to pay her any attention. In all honesty, she preferred to stay. She wasn't going to go out there, while everyone stared at her, shunning her for what she did. It was better if she stayed behind.

Her chain of thought stopped when a pair of white hooves appeared in front of her, she tilted her head upward to find Rarity staring down at her as if she found a lost kitten. "Do you want to come out?" She said.

Lilly shook her head lifelessly, "There's no point, they're all gonna start shouting as soon as I leave." She looked away from her, vividly picturing it in her mind. She could easily see Kenny yelling at her, spraying all kinds of vulgarity, demanding why she's out. He would basically attract the attention of the entire group and that was something she did not want.

"Well no one told you to stay here," The pony said, bringing up a good point. She was right, no one demanded that for her to stay in the train. There was a long pause, Lilly hadn't said anything she was mentally debating whether or not she should go out. Did she want to go out? Did she want to stay here all alone? "If you want to be alone, I understand," The pony continued.

Once more, she looked back up at her confused, "Why are you being so kind to me?"

If the situation wasn't so dire, Rarity would've chuckled, kindness being Fluttershy's thing and all. "Because I didn't bring you here just so I can leave you tied up."

"I mean, after what I did to, Doug. You're so quick to forgive me... why?"

"You're in a bad place," Rarity said after a short pause. "But that doesn't excuse you for what you did."

"I was going to kill a traitor."

"You don't know for certain that it was, Carley," The pony quickly replied. "Even if it was, you still wouldn't know her reason for doing so. She could've been doing it for the safety of all of us." She sighed, not wanting to continue the conversation any longer. "Look, I'm giving you a chance and... it is up to you whether you want it or not."

There was a long pause. The brunette pushed all thoughts aside and she nodded. Soon after, the ropes that were holding her wrists together fell to the ground with a soft thud. Her wrists had red marks from where the rope had been.

As Lilly and Rarity both hopped down from the train cart, they were greeted by anguish yells from Kenny but it wasn't aimed at Lilly.

They both looked up, finding a highway overpass, just a few feet in front of the train. But that wasn't the concern. There just so happened to be a fuel tanker with the end attachment hanging off the overpass, inconveniently in front of the train.

"Maybe w-we could walk," Rarity grinned amusingly at Ben's suggestion.

"That's fuckin' stupid, Ben." Kenny shook his head.

"I-I'm just sayin'."

"I ain't got much experience with y'all fortitude but we could probably deal with that." Chuck said walking toward the tanker. "We got a goddamn train."

"That thing's not full of milk, Charles. That's gas or diesel, somethin' that's gonna explode," Kenny said.

"You gotta get a hold of yourself, this is a crew here." Chuck looked back at him.

Kenny frowned as he walked up to him. "This ain't shit."


"Yo! You keep screamin' like that, you're gonna get your face chewed off!" An unfamiliar voice, suddenly ringed out through the area making everyone tense up. Then another voice, this time it belonged to a female spoke next, "Are you guys gonna be trouble? Because we could just keep walking!"

Two figures appeared on the edge of the overpass next to the fuel tanker. Although they were quite far, the group could still distinguish a man and a woman, the woman being taller.

"No! We're friendly," Lee shouted up to them.

"That's what everyone says," the woman said, her voice giving away distrust.

"We know." He said with a smile, knowing the feeling all too well himself.

There was a short pause before the man spoke again, "Those are some weird looking horses, you guys got!"

"We're not HORSES!" Rarity yelled out, startling everyone.

There was a short pause when the man spoke up again, "That did not just happened!"

The woman's eyes widened shocked and startled by the talking pony, "That thing can talk?" She shouted down to them.

Although she already knew that ponies in this world couldn't speak, Rarity still felt surprised by that fact.

"That's not all they can do." Lee smiled at them, finding the duo's confusion to be humorous.

"What do you mean by that?" The woman accusingly said.

Lee didn't respond to her instead he looked at Twilight beside him, "You think you can teleport us up there?"

Kenny glared at him, finding his recklessness to be stupid. "Hold on, we don't even know these people, Lee."

He sighs, agreeing with his point, "Yeah well, they look like decent folks and they seem pretty distrustful of us too."

"So? What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm saying that we could use some good people."

They all took a chance trusting the St. John brothers and look what happened. But they also took in Ben and David. They didn't turn out to be blood-thirsty maniacs, just ordinary people struggling to survive in a bad world.

Kenny shaked his head at him in dismay, "Fine, let's just get this over with so we can keep movin'."

Twilight turned to Lee, "Hope you're ready." Not even giving him time to prepare himself, she initiated the teleportation spell making them both vanish in a spark.

Both of them reappeared on the overpass near the two survivors, their faces were riddled with bewilderment.

"I-I-uhh-wait, what!" The man yelled, trying to process what had just happened.

"What the hell was that?" The woman shouted but Lee wasn't listening.

He tumbled over, feeling lightheaded and dizzy, nausea filling his stomach. "I don't feel so good..."

"Yeah well like I said, it's gonna take a while to get used to," Twilight said.

"I hate how you don't give me any time to prepare." Lee regained his composure, the nausea fading away.

A slight pause occurred before the man spoke up again, "I'm dreaming, there's no way that this is happening." He said, refusing to believe that a unicorn can teleport.

"I don't think you are, hon'." She said, never taking her eyes off the lavender unicorn.

'Hon', Twilight took notice at that, perhaps they were lovers. She decided that now would be a good time to introduce herself and get it out of the way so that they can move on, "My name is, Twilight Sparkle and this is, Lee."

The man's gaze flew between her and Lee. His perplexed expression never changed, "That's weird." Twilight frowned at him but didn't say anything which the man noticed quickly, "Oh I... didn't mean to be rude. It's just... talking teleporting ponies are a rare occurrence in our world." He went to extend his arm in greeting but quickly pulled it back when he realized ponies don't have hands. "I'm, Omid."

"Where and how did you even come across these things?" The woman inquired from Lee.

"It's a... long story

"We're driving it," Lee said, nonchalantly.

"Sweet!" Omid smiled in excitement.

Once everyone introduced themselves, everyone went back down to the train along with the young couple, who had agreed to help.

The group watched with caution as Twilight, Lee and Clementine walked towards them with the newcomers.

Lee went ahead to introduce the young couple, "Guys, this is, Omid and, Christa. They said they're willing to help us out." He then noticed that Lilly was standing beside Rarity a bit further behind the group. He started to wonder if Rarity let her out. Did the others know about it? Not wanting to create another argument, he decided to leave her be for now.

After a pause with no one saying anything, David went ahead to introduce himself, "Well, we appreciate that! My name's, David. It's a pleasure to meet you two."

"Likewise, man." Omid gave a small wave and he shot him a smile before everything went silent again. Nothing but the sound of nature was heard, wind blowing and trees rustling. Wanting to rid the feeling of awkwardness, he spoke again, "We... want to help out!"

Christa gave him an impassive look, "They know that already."

"Oh, I know. I just wanted to say that because... the silence is getting awkward."

"Okay, the plan is to get rid of that tanker so we can be on our way." Kenny said. Before walking back to the train, he looked at Omid, "Let me show you how this thing works, 'case somethin' happens." And with that, Omid followed him into the control room.

Christa wanting to know more about Clementine and how she ended up with Lee, asked if it was okay to get to know her in which he said "of course". And with that everyone was left do their own thing.

Ever since the train had stopped, Applejack had been thinking long and hard about the confrontation with Ben to the point where it became the only thing that was occupying her mind. She got herself stuck in an unfortunate situation.

She knew the truth, she knew why the bandits attacked the motor inn. One part of her wanted to tell the truth, she was the element of honesty after all but the other part of her wanted to keep it a secret for Ben's sake. It's not likely Kenny would just forgive him like that. He'd be lucky if Kenny didn't hurt him and Lilly?

She remembered how she was acting back in the R.V., back when Doug was still alive. She didn't know what happened since she stayed in the R.V. with Dash but she saw the aftermath. Lilly was standing over him with a gun.

Her chain of thought stopped when something caught her attention. A small building, probably thirty metres away from the train. Feeling the need to go check it out and maybe find some medical supplies for Rainbow Dash, she went to Lee in hopes that she would go with him.

She found him speaking to Clementine and... Christine? Due to being overwhelmed by thoughts about the confrontation, she barely payed any attention to Lee when he introduced them.

She began walking towards them and she was able to hear what they were speaking about. Christine said something about "civil war history" none of it really intrigued Applejack anyway. "Hey y'all."

The three of them turned to Applejack. "Hey, Applejack, something wrong?"

"Applejack?" Christine suddenly said, sounding like she has never heard a name like that before.

Applejack gave her smile, "Yeah, that's me. Pleasure to meet ya', Christine!"

"I-it's, Christa." She looked at her, frowning as if she were contemplating asking a question, "If you don't mind me asking, how did you get here?"

"How we got 'ere? That's a long story."

"That's what everyone tells me." Christa looked at Lee.

"Lee? After your done 'ere ah need your help with that buildin' over there." She gestured in the direction of the building. Lee told her that he would holler at her once he's done speaking with Christa and Clementine.

After idly standing around for a few minutes, Lee eventually came over to her. They both made their way to the building, barely passing the overpass before they were stopped by Clementine. "Can I follow you guys over there?"

"Why? The new girl annoyin' ya?" Applejack jokingly asked.

The little girl eyes widen and she quickly replied, "No! She's nice, it's just"- She turned toward Lee. -"It's what you said, that we were a team?"

"Yeah, okay." Lee shouted to the group, telling everyone that they were going to check out the small building before leaving.

The three walked in a comfortable silence, Applejack was mostly admiring the serenity of the landscape. The scenery was able to calm her down, thinking about the whole Ben ordeal. The afternoon sun, the light wind that was blowing against her face, how peaceful everything was at the moment. It gave her a happy-like-nostalgic feeling, she would love to stop there just to relax in the sun for a bit but unfortunately she had more important matters to attend to. Maybe she would get lucky once the group finds a safe place and she would be able to sit back and relax in the sun.

They neared the building and she was able to make out what it was for. It was a station, it was similar to the one they had back in Ponyville. The trio passed the walkway and the front door to the ticket booth. Next to it, slightly further back was another.

Eagerly, Clementine jogged towards it. Thinking it would be unlocked, she turned the door knob, which she quickly discovered that it was locked. Lee walked up to her and warned her about running off by herself, to which she apologized.

They spent a few minutes to figure out a way in to no avail, before Applejack came up with the idea of bucking the door open.

"Wouldn't that make a lotta noise?" Lee spoke uncertainty, not wanting to deal with any walkers.

"Yeah, but ah don't think there's walkers in the area and we're practically in the middle of nowhere."

"Good point."

With nothing else to discuss, Applejack trotted over to the door. She turned and she gave it a swift kick. The door flew right off it's hinges into the building, sending a loud bang no louder than a gunshot throughout the area.

Applejack went to go get a quick look inside the station most of the windows were boarded up, preventing any sunlight from seeping through, making the room dark but she was still able to see due to the now empty doorway. There was a section of the room that was completely barred with metal bars. Not spotting any walkers, she presumed the station was empty. She turned back to the two, "Ah don't see any walkers."

They all entered the station, she turned to Lee, "What exactly are we lookin' for?"

"Anything that might help us take care of that tanker."

Applejack's gaze quickly landed upon the barred section before walking over looking in between the bars. She spotted a blow torch all by it's lonesome, besides the keys that was hanging on the wall it was practically the only thing that was in there. She didn't know what it was but she assumed that it could be useful, "Lee?" She called. "Do you think this would help?"

He came over looking inbetween the bars, a sense of accomplishment flowing through him as he spotted the blowtorch, "Yeah, that would help. Good job."

She shrugged, "Wasn't hard to find."

He turned back to Clementine, asking if she was okay with going over the gaps in the bars, they were separated wide enough for her to fit through. She was actually quite eager to do so.

He lifted her up onto his shoulders, letting her climb through the metal bars and smoothly landing on the floor. "Alright, go get the keys so I can unlock the door."

She was in the act of nodding when she suddenly stopped looking at them, her gaze trailing elsewhere. Fear was evident across her face.

"It's right behind you, Clem," Applejack pointed out but Clementine still hadn't moved. "Clementine, what is it?"

"Behind you!" She yelled.

They turned, their eyes immediately focusing on the walker that came appearing out of the darkness. It's monstrous growls filling the room. Applejack felt a strong force push her towards the metal bars. She quickly swirved out of the way to her left before she crashed into a pile of crates shattering them on impact, sending a loud crash throughout the room.

Blunt pain occupied all over the left side of her body, her ribs beared the brunt of the impact. She looked up and suddenly it was all gone. Replaced with adrenaline, she could no longer feel it. Another walker came charging at her, she moved out of the way just in time before it fell into the pile that she was just laying on. Hurriedly, she scanned the room for Lee. She found him instantly with his pistol aimed at the walker that was after her and he fired a shot.

The pain in Applejack's ribs came flooding back like acid beginning to boil as the adrenaline that was once keeping her occupied began to decease. She shortened her breath, finding it difficult to breathe deeply.

Lee came up beside her, she could tell that he was worried, "Are you okay?" He layed his palm on her back.

"A-a-ah don't... t-think so. It hurts to breathe," She struggled out, panting inbetween words with a grimace.

"You landed pretty hard back there. Well, as soon as we get back you can rest." Lee stood up walking over to Clementine. "Did you get the keys?"

"Yeah, will, Applejack be okay?" He could already tell Clementine was worried when he was over to her.

"Yeah, she will be once we're back at the train."

Clementine stuck her hand through the metal bars to give him the keys. He unlocked it the door, letting her out when something caught his eye. A figure standing in the darkness, suddenly emerged revealing yet another walker. He was getting fed up with dealing with them, he pulled out his pistol again and shot it in the head immediately. "Jesus, these things can get really annoying sometimes."

"I know but they're still scary."

"Yeah, I know. Alright, let's get the blowtorch so we can-"

"What was that!" A strong feminine voice cut off Lee as it continued, "I thought I heard a gunshot!"

"We're fine!" He called out.

The door opened revealing Christa with Twilight following close behind her. The pony's eyes skimmed across the room, pass the walkers before they layed upon Applejack who was hunched over. A flick of worry passed through her as she noticed her set of breathing. "Applejack? Are you okay?"

"No... no not really, Twi."

"Well... what happened?" She said, taking another look around the room.

"W-walkers happened."

"You, an eight year old and a pony versus the three of them huh?" Christa came trailing over to them with a scolding look on her face.

"We handled it," Lee replied.

"Doesn't look like it to me." She said, glancing down at Applejack who responded with a glare.

"Ah'm still alive, aren't I?"

"That you are." She turned back to Lee. "Once you're done here, Twilight should teleport us back to the train."

After a few moments of exchanging between words, Lee walked over to the blowtorch leaning against the wall. He picked it up and walked back to the group.

"Alright, everybody stay close." With a spark they all reappeared by the train.


Author's Note:

I probably rushed some parts.