• Published 2nd Jul 2019
  • 2,001 Views, 85 Comments

Falling For a Mutant - VioletRose13

What happens when Principal Celestia meets a certain ninja master?

  • ...

At the Party

As Splinter approached the hotel, he grew more and more nervous. This is the first time he had been to a social gathering in almost two decades; he had no idea what to say or do. What if someone called him out? What if he was exposed? What if someone bad showed up and crashed the party? He pulled up to the entrance and slowly got out of his car just as a hotel employee came up to him. The young boy paused in front of Splinter and they stared at one another before for the boy finally spoke.

“Wow, great mask.” He said politely.

“Um… thank you.” Splinter said, trying to sound calm.

“You’re here for the masquerade party?”

“I am.”

“Good. It’s right inside; the ballroom is the first door to the right. And don’t worry; I’ll park your car for you.”

“Thank you.” Splinter was just about to walk in when the employee climbed into the car.

“Excuse me, sir? But where’s the key?” He asked.

“There is no key. The ignition is a little button on the right side of the steering wheel. Be careful. It can be a little touchy.” Splinter said before adjusting his tie and walking inside.

The boy nodded, gently pushed the button, and carefully drove off to find a decent parking spot.

‘Don’t be nervous, Yoshi. I’m doing this for Celestia. I’m doing this for Celestia. I am doing this for Celestia.’ Splinter told himself as he walked through the halls of the hotel.

He stopped at the first door to his right; there was a guard in a black suit and wearing an earpiece standing there and the mutant froze. The guard examined Splinter for a moment before handing him a simple black eye mask and opening the door for him.

“Go on ahead, sir.” The guard said as he granted Splinter passage. “And by the way, great mask and makeup.”

“Thank you.” Splinter quickly said as he entered the ballroom; he put on the mask, hoping it would help conceal his true identity.

The room was filled with all kinds of people wearing masks. Splinter gulped and looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of Celestia but he couldn’t see her for some reason. It shouldn’t be that hard to find her; her long flowing rainbow-colored hair should be pretty easy to spot. He decided to walk around and look for her. As he walked, quite a few people complimented him and commented on his “costume”. He politely thanked them and continued his search.

As Splinter looked around for his female companion, he didn’t even notice Celestia and Luna walk in. Celestia adjusted her mask and looked around, hoping to find a trace of Splinter in the crowd.

“Don’t get your hopes up; I bet he’s not going to show.” Luna muttered, folding her arms.

“No, Luna. I’m sure he will. Why would he lie?” Celestia retorted. “Let’s look around some more.” She started to walk away; Luna rolled her eyes and followed after her sister.

‘Oh brother.’ She thought.

After a minute or so, Splinter finally spotted the pastel colors of a sunrise in another corner of the room; he smiled and approached. He stopped and casually cleared his throat before Celestia turned around to face him. She grinned and gave him a hug.

“Yoshi, you made it!” Celestia exclaimed.

“Of course! I would not miss this for the world. And thank you for inviting me. I could use a bit of fresh air.” Splinter said before glancing at Luna. They parted. “And this must be your sister.”

“Oh, yes. You two haven’t been properly introduced. Luna, this is Hamato Yoshi. And Yoshi, this is my younger sister Luna.” Celestia said, turning to look at her sister.

Splinter politely smiled and offered his hand to her. “I have heard a lot about you, Luna. It is a pleasure to finally meet you.”

Luna gave him a smirk before reluctantly shaking his hand. “Charmed.”

“Told you he’d come.” Celestia joked.

Luna just remained silent and rolled her eyes again before she walked away to mingle with a few other people, leaving Splinter and Celestia alone. They turned to look out at the rest of the party; more people were gradually arriving.

“So… this is what an adult party looks like.” Splinter commented.

“Yeah… it’s no big deal, really.” Celestia added with a shrug.

“You go to parties like this often?”

“Sometimes, but they’re usually not that exciting.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t with the right crowd… or I haven’t found the right person.” She took his hand in her own; he gave her a smile.

“You look very beautiful tonight.”

“Thank you. You look great, too. Where did you get that tux?”

“A friend has given me these clothes. But I must admit that it has been a long time since I have worn actual shoes and pants. Twenty years, in fact.” He gently tugged on the collar of his shirt again.


“Yes… You know, pink is a very flattering color on you.”

“Thanks. Rarity thinks the same thing.”

“And this Rarity is another one of your students?”

“Mmhmm. She and the rest of the Rainbooms are always up to something, either playing a new gig or saving the school from total destruction.”

“The Rainbooms?”

“A band they formed not too long ago. Rarity is on keytar, Twilight sings lead vocals, Fluttershy plays the tambourine, Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer are both on guitar, Applejack plays bass, and Pinkie Pie is on the drums.”

Celestia took her cell phone out of her purse and opened up a video of the Rainbooms playing their most recent gig. She showed the video to Splinter and he couldn’t help but bob his head along with the song. He was so focused on the music that he didn’t even notice the girls in the video seem to grow pony ears, longer hair, and even a few pairs of wings.

“Wow, they are very good.” He commented.

“Yeah, they’re all so talented.” Celestia said as the video ended; she put her phone back in her purse.

“I wonder if these Rainbooms would get along well with my sons.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I’m not sure. For some reason, I sense that they could all become good friends under the right circumstances.”

“Well, you know what they say. You can never have too many friends.”

“Ah, that is very true.”

“Outta my way! Coming through, coming through!” A loud male voice yelled.

Celestia and Splinter looked to see a very fat man in a suit followed by two other suited men enter the room and walk over to the buffet table. He then pulled up a chair and started to devour anything and everything in sight; everyone else could only awkwardly stare in shock and disgust, especially Splinter and Celestia.

“Who is THAT?” Celestia asked.

“I am not certain, but I believe that is a gentleman named Don Vizioso. According to my sons, he is a gangster of a sort, almost part of a mafia if you will. The boss, perhaps.” Splinter answered.

“Oh. But… does he always eat like a pig?”

“From what I heard… yes. All the time.”

“Sheesh. Is he even chewing?”

“No clue.”

“I would say that his eyes are bigger than his stomach, but I guess for him, it’s the other way around.”

They both laughed under their breath.

“I am just curious as to what he is doing here.” Splinter muttered.

“Me too. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t on the guest list. He’s not even wearing a mask or a proper costume.” Celestia added.

Vizioso then shoved a whole plate of spaghetti into his mouth, which made Celestia and Splinter cringe in disgust at the sight.

“I think I just lost my appetite.” Celestia whispered.

“Me too.” Splinter hissed.

“Check, check, check. Is this thing on?” An unfamiliar voice said through the loudspeakers.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the stage at the front of the room and Dr. Warren from the academic meeting a few nights ago was standing right smack in the middle. He was dressed in a sleek black tuxedo with a bright red necktie and he was holding a microphone.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.” He said. “I just wanted to say thank you all for coming to this special little get together tonight. After a long week of work, I think it’s time we have a little fun for a change. Am I right?”

Everyone politely clapped their hands, even Vizioso who was still eating.

“Now that everyone is finally here, let’s all have a good time.” Warren said as music started to play.

People made their way to the dance floor and started to dance; it was a song Splinter had never heard before, but it was very beautiful. Splinter felt his hand being gently squeezed; he looked to see Celestia holding it.

“Oh, I love this song. Would you like to dance?” She asked.

“Dance? Oh, um… I’d love to.” He said before she led him to the dance floor.

She took his hand in her own, put her free hand on his shoulder, and Splinter reluctantly put his other hand to her hip. They began to slowly sway to the rhythm; everyone else around them was already in a waltz. Celestia quickly noticed that Splinter seemed a little nervous and she gave him a sympathetic look.

“Is everything okay?” She whispered.

“I-I’m sorry, Celestia.” Splinter answered. “I do not mean to seem out of it, as it were. But the truth is… I don’t dance much. And I feel as though everyone is looking at us.”

“It’s fine. Don’t focus on everything around you. Just… focus on me, okay?” She lifted his chin ever so slightly and gave him a kind smile; he smiled back.

As they continued to dance together, a few other people moved out of their way to give the pair more room. From where he was sitting, Don Vizioso paused and watched Splinter and Celestia dance.

“Oye. Who’s that woman dancing with?” He asked one of his bodyguards.

“I don’t know, boss.” The guard whispered.

“He seems familiar to me. I want you to find out everything you can about him.” Vizioso told them.

“Yes sir.” The guards said as the song ended.

Everyone stopped dancing and clapped, including Splinter and Celestia.

“Well, that was not as horrible as I thought.” Splinter said.

Celestia giggled. “Since the buffet table is already kind of occupied, what do you say we head out for a bit? Just you and me. I saw an ice cream parlor somewhere up the road.”

“I’m fine with ice cream. Lead the way.”

Celestia took Splinter’s arm and they headed towards the exit, with one of Vizioso’s guards following behind them.