• Published 2nd Jul 2019
  • 2,011 Views, 86 Comments

Falling For a Mutant - VioletRose13

What happens when Principal Celestia meets a certain ninja master?

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Back at the Lair, Splinter told the Turtles, April, and Casey everything he said to Celestia that very day.

“So… that’s it? You’re really going to this party?” Leo asked.

“Indeed I am, Leonardo.” Splinter replied.

“Are you sure you want to do this, Sensei?” April asked.

“Yes, April. Celestia said everyone there will be in costume, so I should be safe.”

“Well… I think it’s a good idea.” Mikey chimed in.

“You do?” His brothers, Casey, and April exclaimed.

“Yeah. And I think it’s nice that Sensei is dating again. I mean, it has been nearly twenty years.”

April, Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Casey all looked at each other before turning to look at Splinter who was giving his youngest a smile.

“…I think Mikey might be right.” Donnie commented.

“Wow, that’s something I never thought I’d hear you say, Donnie.” Raph chimed in.

“But what about Karai?” Leo asked.

“Yeah, I’m not so sure she’s gonna be so keen on the idea of Splinter dating someone else.” Casey added.

“But… you do seem pretty happy, Sensei.” Raph told his father.

“I am, Raphael. I do not think I’ve ever been so calm or happy.” Splinter replied.

Casey stood up and approached his friend. “Well Splinter, if you’re really gonna go to this party, you’re gonna need some new threads.”

“What is wrong with the clothes I have now?” Splinter asked.

“It’s a formal occasion, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but…”

“Then you’ll need a new outfit. And no offense, but I don’t think these old robes of yours are gonna cut it. But luckily, Casey Jones is on the job.” He winked.

“And we’re going to need to speed up your dance lessons too, Sensei.” April added, standing up. “But don’t you worry. By the time I’m done with you, I can guarantee that you and Celestia will be locking lips by the end of the night.”

The Turtles all gagged and cried out in response. Splinter blushed furiously and blinked a few times, unsure of what to make of this.


“I still cannot believe you invited that… that thing to the masquerade party.” Luna ranted.

“I wanted to see him again before we leave on Sunday.” Celestia argued.

“Can’t imagine why you’d want to see him.”

“Luna, how can you say those things? I like Yoshi and he likes me. The least you can do is try to support us.”

“Why should I? He’ll just break your heart and leave… just like Sombra.”

Celestia froze at the mention of that name; she sneered at her sister. “You know perfectly well that is NOT what happened! I just want to be happy and right now, I feel happy with Yoshi.”

“He’s practically a monster!”

“I don’t care what he looks like; he’s an amazing person. And so what if he doesn’t look human? After all these years, I’ve finally found someone new and all you’ve been doing was judging him, pushing him away, and trying to keep us apart. What kind of sister does that?”

Luna narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth to speak before she paused and looked at her sister who was giving her a dark glare, waiting for an answer. Luna sighed.

“You really want to do this, huh?” She asked.

“Yes.” Celestia answered, mildly calming down.

“If you really want to do this… then you need something to wear.”

“What?” Celestia’s eyes widened.

“You heard me. You need a new dress.”

“What’s wrong with the one I have already?”

Luna picked up a short pale green dress and held it up with disgust. “Because this won’t do.” She tossed the dress onto the bed, grabbed her sister’s hand, and headed for the door. “Hold on, big sister; I am gonna make this happen.”

Celestia reluctantly picked up her purse before they both walked out the door.


It was Friday. The party was that night and Splinter had spent the past few days preparing for it… with the help of his students. And after a few dance vigorous lessons and fittings for somewhat uncomfortable suits, he was finally ready. He wore a dark red tuxedo with a clean white shirt underneath, a black bow tie, and a pair of large black shoes. The shoes themselves weren’t very comfortable and the suit seemed a bit constricting, but Splinter has been through far worse than tight clothes and pinchy shoes.

“Whoa, Sensei, you look great.” Donnie commented.

“Yeah, looking pretty sharp.” Raph added.

“I think you’re ready.” Leo chimed in.

“Thank you, my sons.” Splinter said before turning to Casey; he adjusted the collar of his shirt. “But if I may ask, Casey… where and how did you acquire these clothes?”

“The thrift store over on 3rd Street. You can find almost anything there. I only made a few adjustments.” Casey answered.

“And how is he supposed to fit any weapons in those tiny pockets?” Mikey asked.

“Mikey, it’s a party. Sensei doesn’t need weapons.” April replied.

“But what if something bad happens?” Mikey asked.

“C’mon, Mikey; what could possibly happen?” Casey scoffed.

“April and Casey are right, Michelangelo.” Splinter said before heading into the dojo; he picked up a few things from the weapons rack. “But just in case something does happen, I should at least take a small Butterfly Knife and a few throwing stars.”

He carefully put the weapons into his pockets along with a T-Phone and headed towards Donnie’s lab. The garage door was already open.

“Have a good time, Sensei.” Leo said as his father climbed into the Rat Attack.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Raph added.

“Tell us everything once you get back.” Donnie chimed in.

“Have fun!” Mikey finished.

“Thank you, my sons. I will be back late.” Splinter said before starting his car and driving out of the lab.


“Are you sure about this, Luna?” Celestia asked as she looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

“Come on. Rarity always said pinks and magentas were your colors anyway.” Luna commented as she adjusted her mask; she was wearing a deep purple dress with amethyst purple and sky blue accents and white crescent moons printed on the skirt, she had sparkling white shoes, and her mask looked like it was made of silver with lavender ribbons.

“Yeah, but… but I’m just not sure.”

“Come on, the party will start soon. Let me see you already.”

After a minute, Celestia exited the bathroom and stood in front of her sister wearing a beautiful dress in various shades of magenta and pink with golden accents and suns printed on the skirt. She had matching shoes and a mask that seemed to be made of a golden metal with matching golden ribbons.

“You look fantastic.” Luna said with a smile.

“I wonder if Yoshi will like it.” Celestia commented.

“Who cares? For now, focus on you. Everything will be fine.” Luna checked her watch. “Oh man! We’ll be late! Let’s go, go, go!”

They both headed out the door and went down to the plaza where the party was taking place.