• Published 18th Jun 2019
  • 4,557 Views, 36 Comments

Jobbing - Cackling Moron

Human and local deity, having tea, have a brief conversation.

  • ...

Just asking questions

Author's Note:

It's a very silly story and I wouldn't take it too seriously, if I were you.

Just watched the movie is all, and the idea dribbled out of me.

“I have a question for you, Celly,” said Arthur, swilling tea around his cup.

“That sounds serious,” she said, also swilling her tea.

It was just the two of them in the room, sitting across from one another quite comfortably. These little get-togethers were quite precious to both of them.

Arthur’s work - that of being a door-to-door salesman selling doors door-to-door - lent itself to what might be euphemistically termed an itinerant lifestyle. Which is a convoluted way of saying that he spent a lot of time on the road, out and about, here and there.

This lack of constant availability alongside his habit of seemingly just dropping off the face of Equestria for whole stretches made his sporadic visits a dash of pleasant unpredictability for Celestia, who also appreciated the fact that whenever he did appear he always brought biscuits with him, too.

Not quite cake, but still very much something she enjoyed.

He proffered the plate of said biscuits towards her. Today, custard creams. She took one gleefully and Arthur sat back again, taking one for himself and dunking it thoughtfully, though not so thoughtfully that it disintegrated. That would have been a rookie mistake, and Arthur was no rookie.

“Not serious, don’t worry,” he said, eating his biscuit and then carrying on: “Just something that was on my mind. Swimming around in there, you know?”

“Ask away,” Celestia said, smiling politely. Arthur set down his saucer.

“Don’t take this the wrong way but, ah, well. There have been in the past some rather large events around here, I am given to understand. Villainous types coming in and causing trouble?”

He’d heard about these all second-hand, of course.

Through sheer coincidence Arthur had been absent from all of these, always on the road at just the right time to miss the fracas, only returning once it had all been dealt with. This was because Arthur’s undiagnosed superpower was being a jammy bastard.

Not that anyone would ever notice. He was too jammy for that.

“It has happened once or twice, I will admit. Was that the question?”

“No, just the prelude. The question was, well, I’m told that more-or-less anytime something big and nasty comes along one of the very first things that happens is that yourself and your sister are promptly taken out or rendered helpless in some way.”

“Ah,” Celestia said, sort of seeing where he was going with this.

“It just strikes me as unfortunate that one of the more powerful beings around - don’t be modest now, you are - is the first one to go down anytime things get serious. Admittedly while not a villain myself I can still understand the need, yes? You being the largest threat and all that.. But the ease with which it happens so consistently is, well, odd. To me. Again, don’t take any of this the wrong way, Celly, I’m just curious.”

It had really been on his mind. Perhaps he was missing something obvious, he thought.

And of course this sort of question could just as easily have been asked of Luna, given that she seemed to suffer much the same fate whenever anything bad rolled around. But Luna was not there at that particular moment, and besides, she and Arthur weren’t quite as good friends as he was with Celestia. So there it was.

Celestia was quiet a moment before she too set her saucer down, got up from her seat and moved over to settle in beside Arthur, who had not expected this.

“Can you keep a secret?” She asked.

“Normally, no. For you, I’ll give it serious consideration.”

She gave him a hard look and he wilted.

“Joking, joking! You know me.”

“I do, that’s why I’m asking. Can you keep a secret?” She asked again.

“Yes! Totally. From your mouth to my ears and no further.”

Her face softened.

“Thank you.”

Celestia took a steadying breath and then said without looking at Arthur:

“There’s never any risk.”

This statement was so blunt and to the point that Arthur had to grapple with it to fully get where it was she might be coming from. His brow furrowed.

“Are you sure? It all sounded pretty risky to me,” he said.

“I’m sure it did. I’m sure it looked risky, too. Perilous, even. But there was never any real danger. Everything was always under control. I’ve made sure of that.”

This was not the answer that he had been expecting. Really, Arthur wasn’t sure what answer he’d been expecting - he hadn’t given it that much thought - but certainly nothing like this. He had no idea what to make of it.

“How can you make sure of that?” He asked.

Celestia twisted about on the sofa the better to face him, and Arthur twisted likewise. She didn’t look like she was pulling his leg...

“Preparation. What I mean to say is, rather, that the situation is always in-hoof, no matter how dire it may look. There are always contingencies, backups. Backups on the backups.”


“Really. If it appears I am trapped I am not. If my power appears to fail it is meant to appear so. If mortal harm looks to befall a subject there are a dozen enchantments and failsafe spells in place to ensure that does not happen. I have a plan and a response to anything and everything you could think of, and a few i am sure you - even with your imagination - could not.”

She gave Arthur another smile but this one was of a very different cast indeed, and not one he’d seen on her face before. It suited her, but did not make him feel especially comfortable.

“I’ve had the time to put all this together, you see? No matter what happens there’s always a way for me to stop it, if I need to,” she said. Arthur swallowed.

“You just never need to?”

“So far, no.”

This wasn’t Arthur’s area of expertise, and since he had never been personally present during any of these events he couldn’t really say how dire they might have been. He’d heard bad things though, so learning that - apparently - there had been a ‘win’ button sitting around somewhere just waiting to be pressed but which hadn’t been was a little perplexing.

“I’m not a deific equine being co-ruling a magical kingdom so you’ll have to forgive me my ignorance but, ah, if you’re so unassailable why wouldn’t you advertise yourself as, ah, unassailable? Perhaps dissuade the ne’er do wells?”

“There’s very little that’ll dissuade those that want to cause trouble, Arthur. If just how pointless it is was well-known it would force the villains to expend even greater energy in their efforts to overcome the odds. Failing, obviously, but perhaps leading to unfortunate consequences. This way, lulled into ease, they often feel that they can achieve their goals with minimal effort.”

There was a logic here, of a sort. An unusual sort that really didn’t fit with how Arthur saw Celestia, sure, but a logic all the same. He turned his face away and scratched his chin.

“I think I can follow that…”

Celestia hovered her saucer and teacup over and took a dainty sip. The daintiness was definite and deliberate

“That, and it keeps Twilight out of trouble,” she said. Then, on consideration: “Well, not really, but it keeps her busy which is the main thing. It’s character-building.”

Arthur had also heard that it was usually this ‘Twilight’ and her buddies who were left holding the bag whenever this sort of thing happened, and it had been Twilight who had pulled the iron from the fire over and over again.

He’d never met her himself, but she sounded like a lovely girl.

“Character building?”

“Oh yes. Wouldn’t be good for her development if I just solved everything, would it? That’s a recipe for complacency. These little trials and tribulations have helped make her the mare she is today.”

Arthur felt that, perhaps, he had misjudged Celestia.

This must have been clear on his face as the mask of cast-iron regal ineffability she had been wearing for the duration of the conversation slipped and she looked all at once both wounded and concerned.

“...I should point out that I’m joking,” she said. Arthur blinked.


She definitely looked hurt now, gaping at Arthur, appalled.

“Did you honestly believe I was telling the truth? Arthur! I can’t believe you’d think I would do anything like that!”

She gave him a slug on the shoulder, which hurt, but not as much as feeling that he’d hurt his friend by thinking poorly of her. He did rub his shoulder a bit though, even as he rushed to protest:

“You were so convincing!”

She was going to say something to this but thought better of it, biting her tongue and instead going with:

“I mean, there are defences but - how could you think I’d just let anything like that happen! Is that what you think of me? Pulling strings and sitting back to watch things play out? Deliberately allowing horrible things to happen to my subjects? To poor Twilight? When I could stop them? Arthur!”

“No no, really! I just - I have no grasp of how things work here! I am but a simple door salesman, Celly, you have to remember. This is not my area of expertise.”

“But I thought you knew me!”

“I do! That’s why I was shocked! I could scarce believe it! ‘This isn’t the kind and loving Celestia I know’ is what I thought to myself! ‘This must surely be a joke!’ I thought! It simply wasn’t like you at all!”

She leaned in close to him, narrowing her eyes.

“So you don’t think I’m a cunning ruthless manipulator capable of the most meticulously fiendish long-term planning?” She asked, in a way that framed it as an obvious trick question. Arthur hesitated, poised on a knife edge.

“...is there a right answer I can give here?” He asked.

She moved in even closer so her nose just nudged the side of his face before saying in a low though clear voice:


Arthur sighed.

“I’m just going to drink my tea and not ask anymore questions,” he said, picking his drink up again, extending his smallest finger and doing his best to look as if he was rising above the situation.

With a light giggle Celestia sat up straight again and gave him a pat on the head.

“Good boy,” she said. Arthur did not give her the satisfaction of reacting.

“To think that I put up with such condescension,” he said instead.

“Well you do keep coming back.”

“I do…”

No denying that.

“Coming back and believing hurtful rumours about me!”

“Rumours indeed! You-” Arthur said, only to find himself muffled by a wing as Celestia turned her face away and raised a hoof to her forehead. All very theatrical.

“My friend! Doubting me! Thinking the worst of me! Oh, it’s a deep cut,” she wailed, at volume. The plate of custard creams floated over and she very deliberately placed it onto the sofa on the opposite side of her, away from Arthur and out of reach.

“Just for that I’m having the rest of these myself,” she said.

Arthur finally got the wherewithal to gently push her wing away, straightening himself out.

“Well, I rather brought that on myself didn’t I?”

Celestia nodded forcefully at him, munching on biscuits.

“You’ve got crumbs, well, it might be easier for me to say where they aren’t,” Arthur said, pointing to the general area of Celestia. She went just the tiniest bit pink about the cheeks and did her best to brush some of the evidence away. It didn’t help much.

“Do you, ah, did you bring any more of those?” She asked, quietly.

Arthur thought of his suitcase, and how what space in it that wasn’t taken up with glossy door brochures was, at that moment, taken up with biscuits he’d brought solely with Celestia in mind.

Perhaps now he’d be a little less generous with them than he’d initially planned on being...

“Oh just a few more. One or two, you know,” he said, sipping his tea.

Comments ( 34 )

Odd and very fluffy.

That's me all over, really.


"That, and it keeps Twilight out of trouble,”

I can see that being the true reason. That mare is a lazy weekend away from becoming a mad wizard hellbent on conquering the land for SCIENCE!!!

Still, cute and fluffy as heck :twilightsmile:

Well you know, idle hands and all that.

Hooves, in this instance one supposes...

Thinking of that Eddie Izzard bit where he keeps trying to convince you he is joking and deadly serious over and over again.

Which has me thinking of entirely unrelated Izzard lines

I like my women like I like my coffee, er, COVERED IN BEES!

I like my women like I like my coffee, in a plastic cup.

"Of course I believed you could do that, Celestia. The alternative is that you're massively incompetent, and I don't want to believe you're that bad at your job."

I think she's simply subject to forces beyond her control.

Narrative inertia? Something like that.

Or jobbing! Hah

Nobody's buying that innocent act Celly. :twilightsmile:

You get a like. Mostly because you chose Custard Creams which are the ultimate in the dunking biscuit world; but the fic wasn't bad either ;)

God they're so good. And so cheap!

Of course, I notice that she didn't actually answer the question, and passing the truth off as a joke is exactly what a master manipulator would do... :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

I - heh - I don't know what you could possibly be implying...


You know i thought this was happening until discord and the alter timelines shit happened.

This fic is so British. :rainbowhuh:

“That, and it keeps Twilight out of trouble,” she said. Then, on consideration: “Well, not really, but it keeps her busy which is the main thing. It’s character-building.”

(To the tune of The U.S.S. Make Sh:yay:t Up by Aurelio Voltaire)

Well Ponyville is quite grim
For a show for little kids.
With ravenous little parasprites
And stampeding leporids,
And monstrous Ursas Major,
Timberwolves, and basilisks,
And cockatrice, and hydras
All thrown into the mix.

And now then there was Twilight's
Purple lizard son
He wasn't a meanie dragon
But his greed made him one.
The efforts of the Wonderebolts
He easily ignored
As he rampaged through Ponyville
To add it to his horde.

And I said,
"Send a scroll to Celestia!
Everypony run and flee!
The situation's going south,
We need the help of Harmony!"
I know that I'm a grown mare,
And I must do my part
But this is way
Above my pay
Please save us Purple Smart!

The chaos trickster god Discord
was locked up all in stone
'Till he was freed by fillies who
Di'nt leave well enough alone
He cackled with a flourish,
Snapped the talons on his hand
And then set about to spreading
Chaos magic 'cross the land.

And then there was the wedding,
All Equestria was in bliss
'Till it was crashed by changelings
And their bug-queen Chrysalis
She took out all the Royal Guard
And mind-controlled the groom
Then captured all of Canterlot
And stuffed them cocoons.

And I said,
"Send a scroll to Celestia!
Everypony run and flee!
The situation's going south,
We need the help of Harmony!"
I know that I'm a grown mare,
And I must do my part
But this is way
Above my pay
Please save us Purple Smart!

The boastful showmare Trixie
Challenged Twilight on a dare
Wreaking havoc on the town
With a stellar bear.
Twilight sent her packing,
But she was not finished yet
She returned and enslaved the town
With the Amulet.

Well Cerebus was distracted
Now Tirek's on the loose
He's scooping up the unicorns
And draining all their juice.
Nopony could hope stop him,
Their plans were doomed to fail
It has been exacerbated
By Discord's betrayal

And I said,
"Send a scroll to Celestia!
Everypony run and flee!
The situation's going south,
We need the help of Harmony!"
I know that I'm a grown mare,
And I must do my part
But this is way
Above my pay
Please save us Purple Smart!


Your avatar is very creepy almost disturbing. Do you still stomp puppies to death?


How even?!

What can I say? Cackling Moron certainly inspired me

That's a damn lie I've never inspired anyone you take that back


you take that back

Take it back? Like this?

ǝɯ pǝɹᴉdsuᴉ ʎluᴉɐʇɹǝɔ uoɹoW ƃuᴉlʞɔɐƆ ¿ʎɐs I uɐɔ ʇɐɥM

No! You turned my words back on me!

Or your words...upside down...

Words were turned is what I'm saying here.

And it's stories like these that remind me why slice-of-life is my favourite category :twilightsmile:

“It just strikes me as unfortunate that one of the more powerful beings around - don’t be modest now, you are - is the first one to go down anytime things get serious. Admittedly while not a villain myself I can still understand the need, yes? You being the largest threat and all that.. But the ease with which it happens so consistently is, well, odd. To me. Again, don’t take any of this the wrong way, Celly, I’m just curious.”

The answer is, of course, that Equestria has villains that are simply MORE powerful than Celestia. In fact, it can be argued they became villains BECAUSE they are more powerful than Celestia and by extension, every other pony.

Always bigger fish, as the saying goes.

[quoteDeliberately allowing horrible things to happen to my subjects? To poor Twilight? When I could stop them? Arthur!”]Yes. Yes I do.

Exhibit A: Tossing them at Nightmare Moon with zero preparations or instructions
Exhibit B: Tossing them at King Sombra with minimal preparations and instructions... one of which was to leave the EoH behind (otherwise it'd be too easy)
Exhibit C: Tossing Discord at them a second time with minimal preparations and instructions and zero explanation.

And then after that she just gets beaten by everything, including Plunder Vines the Mane 6 were shown fending off; and snow storms... the latter being particularly idiotic considering Celestia controls the friggin' Sun.

So yeah, Celly's pretty much either manipulated them all deliberately and has secret safeguards all over the place... or she's really weak and dumb.

Let us not forget the whole 'Sleeping Dragon' incident

9710539 Well, to be fair in that case, the dragon was actually rather a nice fellow.

Rarity tried to steal some of his swag and Dash just kicked him in the face. Let's be honest, you'd be pissed if a pony bucked you in the face right after trying to steal your car.

It was totally their fault. :duck::rainbowhuh:

... I honestly believe it when she says that. Then she backs out, and all I can think is "it's a contingency plan"... but it wouldn't work if he were on the fence about it, and telling him - then backing out - would only serve a purpose if she considered him a threat to her ponies, in some way...

He's a travelling salesman, he's a threat to everything.

No, I mean... if she really is this Chessmaster, then telling him has a purpose. Backing out of it also must have a purpose, but think about it. If he believes her completely, it does nothing (why say anything in the first place?). If he doesn't believe it... it does nothing as well. It only serves a purpose if he's on the fence about it, and would perhaps be willing to test that theory - in which case this would force him to be very cautious about things... possibly buying her some time to set up some more contingency plans... ;]

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