• Published 11th Aug 2012
  • 702 Views, 10 Comments

The Royal Executioner - Goatguy64

This story follows the life and events of the Royal Executioner Twisted Fate.

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Chapter 4

Twisted Fate looked over the six young mares as their princess explained to them the most important years of his life. They were all fairly easy to read save Twilight. Miss Dash looked to be fascinated with the telling of the wars and battles. The yellow one looked distraught, probably about how young he had taken to killing. The Orange mare looked confused, unable to keep up with the story. And the white one was busy staring at the Princess' crown, her mouth was wide open, so either she had never seen the crown before or she did indeed listen to the story as well. The pink one had her left hoof raised above her head. Twisted Fate sighed and asked her, "Yes miss Pie?"

Pinkie had a quizical look about her and stated "Oh! you can call me Pinkie!"

Twisted Fate sighed even louder, "Alright then Pinkie, what is your question?"

Pinkie instantly perked up and asked, "When can I get started on your welcome party silly?"

It was Celestia who answered her this time, "Perhaps you should give him a day or two to get settled in first, hrm?"

Pinkie instantly took on a look of depression, "Oh...ok."

Celestia was about to continue her story, but stopped suddenly. "Oh my, it appears I must return to the Castle and lower the sun. Would you care to join me Fate?"

Before Fate could get a word out Twilight was up and distressed by the looks of it, "B-but princess! He said he would stay with me for tonight. And he already promised to stay for the whole week!" Twilight stopped, she just disrespected her teacher... "Oh! oh I'm sorry princess, It's selfish of me to try and keep him here."

Celestia was about to respond but was cut off by the laughter bursting from Fate, "You really have put the fear of god into em' haven't you Tia?"

Twilight looked terrified, "You can't just say that to Princess Celestia! You greatly underestimate her power!"

Fate managed to stop laughing, but still kept the smile plastered across his face, "And you greatly overestimate her cruelty! When's the last time she handed out a serious punishment for anything short of treason? And besides, I did say I would stay her for the week." He looked over at Celestia, "I'll think about my living arrangments for the next week Tia, Who knows? Maybe I could find a house here?" He looked back to Twilight "Does your offer still stand?"

Twilight nodded and looked to Celestia " I'm certain nobody would mind a few visits from the Princess throughout that week however"

Celestia smiled and started for the door, "I'm afraid I can't make it back for quite some time." She stopped, a shadow seemed to cross her face as she took on a rather serious look. She looked to Fate, "Black Magic has been outlawed since your incident. Remember this, and do not teach it to my student." And with that Celestia left, seeming to disappear into the sunset.

The room was quiet for a few moments, Applejack was the first to speak, "Well, I best be off then. I'll see y'all tommorow."

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy followed Applejack out. Rainbow adding a simple "See ya later Twi."

Rarity looked at Fate, "Stop by the shop tommorow dearie, I'd love to see how you make all those gems!" and with that she left as well.

Pinkie Pie hopped out of the room seeming to sing to herself "Two days, Two days!"

And with that, all that was left was the two ponies, and a certain dragon who managed to stay out of all conversation untill everypony else left.

Spike looked up at the Green Colt, not too far though. He seemed to be no bigger than Twilight. And with no cutie mark he had an air of mystery about him, "Hi there, we never got introduced did we? I'm Spike."

Fate looked down at the dragon, " Hello Spike, and how old are you?"

Spike, quite proudly proclaimed, "I am 8 years old!"

Fate frowned, (poor little guy) he thought, (I should befriend him. He's going to need a friend to comfort him when all his others pass.) "That's great sport. Say, could you go get my saddlebags for me? I have a small gift for each of you."

Spike ran over to the saddlebags sitting in the corner and brought them back to Fate, "They're pretty heavy...What's in em?"

Fate immediately reached down into the bags, "Many of things, mostly provisions for my journey back. But I suppose I won't be making any such journey anymore. Ah, here it is!" Fate continued to pull a fire ruby out of his saddlebag, "I had planned on using this in case I needed money. But I have plenty, would you like it Spike?"

Spike was quite litterally drooling over the gem, "You mean I can have it?" Spike took it from the Colt's hoof. A took a quick taste of it. "It's aged to perfection!" Spike ran off to his room leaving the two remaining alone.

Fate reached into his bags once more. This time he recovered what seemed to be a rectangular object covered in cloth, "I managed to come by this awhile back. And I'm willing to bet you don't have it yet."

Twilight looked skeptical, "Don't be so sure. This library contains most every book from the last hundred years. It also gets regular shipments of new books that have come out recently."

Fate smiled, "Please tell me then, do you own this one?" He took the cloth off of the object. It revealed a book whoose cover seemed to be one of Twilight's cutie mark. But the small stars appeared to be slowly circling the big one. "Star-Swirl took pride in his first editions, making them magic like this."

Twilight's jaw dropped, "N-no, I don't believe I own that one..." After a few moments of staring Twilight managed close her jaw. She could not however contain her giddiness at the new book. "Where did you get it? What is it about? Can I see it?"

Fate wasn't expecting such a strong reaction (She must really enjoy reading), "In that order? I recieved it from him, it is his studies on teleportation magic, and of course! It is yours now after all."

Twilight began bounding around the room seemingly unable to contain her joy, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Fate sighed as his horn began to glow. Twilight was stopped in her tracks and levitated into the air just in front of him. "There is one condition however."

Twilight took on a look of worry, "What's the condition?"

Fate stopped levitating her, "I just need a rundown of all the events I've missed in the past lets say... 50 years?"

Twilight's smile returned rather quickly, "Well, if that's all."

The next couple of hours were spent explaining everything from the repeal of the death penalty 50 years ago all the way through Nightmare Moon, Discord, and the Changling Queen. Up to today. The second Winter wrap up Twilight has taken part in since she arrived in Ponyville. Fate stopped her to ask a question every now and again, but all in all let her tell her story with little to no interruption. Once she finshed it was decided that sleep was a wise option. Arrangements were made for Fate in the guest room down in the basement.


Twilight fell asleep quickly and easily. This was no surprise, it was late, and there were only good thoughts in her innocent mind.

A few rooms away however, Fate lay awake. His body was drenched in sweat. It was the third time he had tried to sleep, and the third time he failed as well. He sighed softly, "I suppose I could go for a walk."

Standing up Fate put on his hat and started for the door. He left the house as quietly as possible as to not wake up the two inhabitants.

The streets of the town were mostly empty, with the few ponies here and there on the graveyard shift.

After a few hours of roaming he decided to find a tree to lean against and stare up at the stars.

A smooth and elegant voice appeared behind him. "So you're the famous Twisted Fate."

Fate found himself looking up at a dark blue alicorn with a mane like the night sky. "And you must be Luna."

Luna looked a bit shocked and more than a bit insulted, "Why do you not bow to your princess?"

Fate gave a sigh and a half-hearted bow, "I'm sorry princess, I'm not much for socializing tonight."

Luna studied him and with a concerned look asked him, "What's wrong?"

Fate stared at the sky, "How many have you killed Princess Luna? Not mercy killings, real killings."

Luna looked up to the sky as well, "I can't say that I've killed anypony. I don't see how this could bother you, you have lived for over 300 years and killed thousands with ease."

Fate sighed, "No, he has killed thousands. I have killed three... And I regret each one of those killings. I haven't been able to sleep a wink since."

Luna looked at him smiling, "Why do you allow yourself to live then? There were 53 before you who all felt the same way you feel now."

Fate smiled back, "Actually I disapprove of suicide more than anything. Think how devastated your sister would be had I killed myself."

Luna stood up, "I suppose I should be going then. The sun will be up in about 30 minutes." Luna's horn glowed as she touched it to Fate's head. "Sleep well Twisted Fate, you deserve it more than anypony else I know."

Fate's eyes became very heavy. He allowed them to close, letting the sweet embrace of sleep take him.


Fate awoke several hours later, it appeared to be about noon. What's more...there appeared to be six gigantic eyes boring into the depths of his soul. He groaned, "Can I help you?"

The eyes jumped backwards revealing 3 startled fillies. The white one spoke, "See! I told you he's not dead!"

The orange one went on the defensive "I never said he was dead!"

The yellow one was still staring at him, "Hullo sir! Ma name is Applebloom. What's yours?"

Before he could respond the Orange one was yelling at her, "Weren't you paying attention at all Applebloom? That's Arcanian! The guy who fought off those Gryphons yesterday!" She looked to Fate "I'm Scootaloo by the way"

He tried to respond but the white one was too quick, "My sister told me his name is Twisted Fate! By the way, she wanted to let you know that she will be busy this morning. Oh! and my name is Sweetie Bell!"

Fate waited a moment to see if he could speak. They were all silent. He gave a soft sigh, "Hello girls, my name is indeed Twisted Fate. You can just call me Fate for short though." He looked at Sweetie Bell, "I take it your sister is Rarity then?" Sweetie Bell nodded. He looked to Applebloom, "And you are Applejack's sister I take it." She nodded as well. He looked to Scootaloo who appeared to be staring at his flank.

Scootaloo looked from his flank to his face and asked him, "Where's your cutie mark?"

He smiled and stated, "I don't have one. It's a long story that I won't bore you with."

The three filly's eyes grew wide. Smiles erupted across their faces. The three of them shouted, "YOU SHOULD JOIN US! THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!!"

Fate took a moment to stop the ringing in his ears. (A club about getting cutie marks huh? Well I have nothing better to do.) "Well, I don't see why not."

Scootaloo perked up immediatly, "So Fate! What do you want to do?"

Fate thought about it for a minute, "Well, I do need to collect some coal for later. And there seemed to be a surplus in the everfree forest."

Applebloom smiled at him, "Ma sister says the everfree forest is dangerous. But we should be fine with you there!"

Scootaloo looked over to a wagon conected to a scooter just a bit away, "Alright, let's get going then. Hop in the wagon and we'll be off."

Fate watched Sweetie Bell and Applebloom get into the wagon. Scootaloo got on the scooter signaling for Fate to climb in. Fate shook his head, "I think I'll hoof it. Don't worry, I'm sure I can keep up."

Scootaloo gave a wicked smile, "Let's make it a race then!' and with that sped off toward the forest.

Fate watched them disappear into the distance, "Well, I suppose if it's a race..." He raised his flank in the air and lowered his front half. "5...4...3...2...1..Go!" He instantly dashed forward, he was careful not to cause a sonic boom. (I'd rather not attract Rainbow Dash)

A moment later he was at the edge to the forest. Deciding the other three wouldn't arrive for a few minutes he decided to stop off at the little cottage just east of him, "Who who make a home at the edge of such a dangerous forest?" he asked himself as he knocked on the wooden door.

To his surprise Fluttershy answered the door, she looked exausted. "Oh, hello." she managed half-heartedly.

Fate looked at her with concern, "Didn't get much sleep? What's wrong?" as if on cue a small yellow ball with wings floated past him. Understanding dawned on him immediately, "Ah, parasprites. May I come in?"

Fluttershy nodded and led him inside. He could see the house swarming with the pests. In a corner there were a pile of makeshift instuments. He smiled to her, "There is an easier way you know." He trotted over to a pile of pots, they appeared to be aranged as drums. He took a medium sized pot and brought it to the nearby fireplace. He pulled water and a strange brown dust from his pack. Mixing them both in and placing them over the fire.

Fluttershy however was more curious about the solution he offered, "What did you have in mind?" she asked.

Fate kept at his task and replied, "Later, first we need to get some energy in you." With that he withdrew two cups from his bags. Dipping each cup into the now brown liquid with his teeth he inhaled the aroma deeply.

He set one cup in front of Fluttershy, she eyed it suspiciously. "What is it?" She asked.

Fate sipped at his cup, "It's called coffee. I don't imagine you grow the beans for it much here, do you?"

Fluttershy shook her head. She lowered her head to the cup and took a small sip. It was bitter, but it seemed to lighten the load on her eyelids. She grew accustomed to the tase rather quickly. Before too long the cup was empty, "It's good!" She walked past Fate, bumping his left side a bit.

Fate fell over in a fit of pain, the burning in his side was unbearable, "Argh!!" he cried out.

Fluttershy gasped and looked down at the pained pony, "Oh my goodness! Are you ok?!?" She brought a hoof to Fate's side, it was immediately swatted away.

Fate spoke in a pained hushed tone, "Don't. I need to do this myself." He brought a hoof to his left side and began to massage the area, he was re-setting the bone. Tears were openly streaming down his cheeks, after a few minutes of painful grunts and barely controlled sobs he stood up.

Fluttershy felt aweful for bringing this pain upon him, "I-I-I'm s-s-so sorry..." Tears were forming in her eyes.

Fate wiped the remaining moisture from his face, he gave her a weak smile, "It's ok, you didn't know."

Fluttershy only let a few tears slip, she wiped them away and asked, "What happened? I barely touched you..."

Fate sighed, "It's a sort of curse I suppose. With all my speed and power I lost my magic. And for endless youth I took a steep penalty. Any injury I endure will remain. And as you witnessed I have a few broken ribs. Enough of that though!" His tone changed for the better and a smile crossed his face, "We need to take care of those pests of yours!"

Fate grabbed a parasprite from the air, he whispered into it and let it fly away, "Polka is the form of music used normally to attract these pests away. However Vocals work just as well." He brought Fluttershy outside, the sprites were massed in front of the house. Just as ponies would mass at a concert.

Fluttershy looked to Fate expectantly, he looked back at her confused. There was an akward silence for a few moments before Fate spoke, "I'm no singer, don't expect anything from me."

Fluttershy looked down, "What should I sing then?" she seemed rather nervous.

Fate shrugged, "Anything upbeat will work. You don't even need words. Just hum loud enough and they'll follow. We'll lead them deep enough into the forest so they won't come back."

Just as Fate finished his sentence an orange blur came into view. It was followed by white and yellow.

Comments ( 1 )

Thanks, I'll work on that before I put out another chapter

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