• Published 11th Aug 2012
  • 702 Views, 10 Comments

The Royal Executioner - Goatguy64

This story follows the life and events of the Royal Executioner Twisted Fate.

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Chapter 3 part 1

"57...57 executioners have killed themselves" Celestia was choking back tears. She couldn't kill anypony. This she knew. She loved all of her subjects, but some of them just couldn't stay in this world anymore. The problem was that she would get executioners who would be ready and willing to kill soon enough. But returning to their normal lives afterwards was nearly impossible. The current record held was to kill 24 ponies without killing themselves. And there were still 3 ponies left on deathrow today. She was currently in her bedroom. She didn't want anypony to see her cry, but that appeared to be a luxery she could not afford. A small green colt wandered into her room. He looked young enough to have just started attending magic pre-school. He had a small horn in the middle of his forehead, barely visible due to his head being mostly covered by a dark brown hat. She instatly recognized the boy. He was the son of her latest and most recently desceased executioner.

"Princess Celestia" The young green colt gasped. "Why are you crying? Is it about my dad?"

The princess tried her hardest to stop crying. But the question only succeeded in bringing forth a new wave of tears. "Yes little one...I'm afraid he's..."

"Dead, I know." The young colt stated. "He told me before he died to be strong and carry out his remaining duties. To become the new Royal executioner."

The princess managed to stop crying and gave him a small smile. "I think you're a little young to be carrying out such a task."

He looked at her and took a peice of paper out of his saddlebag. Handing it to the princess. "My dad said you would say that. So he wrote this before he...left. Please read it out loud. I wanna know what my dad's last thoughts were." His eyes started to shine a bit more. I must be strong, he thought.

Celestia took the note. Wondering what the last message the desceased would want her to see. " She began to read aloud.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I can not keep this up, each life I take wears down my soul. I'm sorry that I have failed you. But where I may fail, my son shall succeed. Twisted Fate is still very impressionable and wants only to be loyal to his princess. I have been training him to be able to do my job without the remorse I feel."

The princess stopped reading aloud and kept on in her head. Attempting to make it look as though she were just re-reading it.

However, in doing this I have created two personalities. One is the boy you see before you now. Kind, sweet, and wanting his hardest to help you how he can. The other personality however is a being that feels no remorse, and possibly even takes joy in killing. I have managed through much magic to switch between the personalities with 2 phrases that I have attached to the bottom of this letter. My family needs my income to survive. So please tell my wife that he is acting as a servant, she wouldn't be able to handle the truth. I have left three ponies on deathrow to demonstrate my son's abilities. You can't keep losing guards like me. Just try it, and see if he doesn't break the record. A quick note though, you MUST remember to change him back to his current state. If not the results could be disasterous.

Best Reguards,

Golden Dart.

Princess Celestia looked at the note at the bottom of the page. "Follow me" she told Twisted Fate.

They arrived at the southern end of the castle ground. Infront of what seemed to be a shed, the princess opened the doors and revealed the shed was concealing a staircase leading down below the castle. This revealed to lead into a seemingly endless cavern walled with diamonds. "Wow! It's beautiful!" Twisted Fate gasped.

The Princess smiled down at him, she was having second thoughts about asking him to do this. But she had faith in his father, and while what he did to the child was unforgivable...she couldn't just let this all go to waste. They arrived after quite a bit of walking to another door. This one however lead into a hallway lined with weapons rather than diamonds. "Pick whichever ones you like best" The Princess whispered.

Looking up and down the aisle Twisted Fate pondered his choices. I don't want to be to greedy. But they are all soo cool! I bet I could get away with taking 2 just fine.Slowly he walked up and down the aisle inspecting each weapon. Finally he decided upon 2 weapons that lay at the back of the hallway. "Can I have these two?" he asked the princess.

"The cross-bow and bladed hooves huh?" The cross-bow would be the shortest, quickest, and easiest way to kill somepony. But the bladed hooves however, they were normaly only used for climbing walls. "Sure, let's go try them out hrm?" At the end of the hallway was yet another door. This one however lead to a very small room. Inside were two royal guards and between them were the remaining prisoners on deathrow. "You two may leave." She told the guards.

They both looked at her questioningly but knew better than to ask questions. They retreated from the room leaving only the prisoners, Princess Celestia, and a small green colt.

The pricess looked down at the colt and asked "Do you already know what to say?"

He looked up at her and nodded. "Each of you have been sentenced to death. I as the royal executioner will carry out said sentence. Take your final prayers and accept death...Say it Princess."

The prisoners started laughing. A dark brown colt spoke up "This pipsqueak? The royal executioner? Give me a break, he can barely come up to my knees. Much less my throat."

Ignoring the prisoner the princess exhaled and stated "Twisted Fate, your pricess requires your services."

"It shall be done my princess." The voice that stated this was not the gentle one speaking the prisoner's last rights a few seconds ago. It had an edge and felt cold, sending shivers up the Princess' spine. The biggest change however was to the child's eyes. His pupils seemed to dissapear leaving only white orbs. "We shall now begin." He pulled out the cross-bow and started to load it.

The prisoner stopped laughing and spoke up "This kid's got some serious weapons. If we take em' we can probably excape this hell hole!" Just as the three of them rose a loud THRUM!! Echoed through the room. The prisoner grabbed at his neck trying to pry out the bolt that had embedded itself there. It only resulted in the blood escaping faster due to panicking. He slumped onto the floor unmoving.

As the two remaining prisoners stared at the body on the floor. Twisted Fate was finishing putting on the bladed hooves. He looked at the prisoner on the body's left. "Next" he said grinning.

The prisoner looked back at the kid. He must have gotten a lucky shot, I can take him. But before the prisoner could take one step toward Twisted Fate the colt was already upon him.

Twisted Fate cut at the prisoner's knee caps. Nearly severing all four legs. The cry of pain was loud and for Twisted Fate it was the sweetest sound he ever heard. He took one bladed hoof and stabbed into his victim's underside. Cutting up from the base of his stomach to the bottom of his chest. And finished him off with a kick to the newly made cut, releasing any and all organs onto the floor followed by the body.

The last prisoner threw a punch at Twisted Fate, narrowly missing him. Twisted looked up at his attacker and stared him directly in the eyes. The prisoner froze, unable to move or breath. His eye's filling with immediate terror as he finally recognized the danger that stood before him. And all too slowly he realized he wasn't breathing, he was beginning to grow lightheaded. He tried to break the stare but he was too weak to do anything but stand still.

"Now you die." The green colt stated coldly. With one quick motion he brought the bladed hood up into his victim's neck and started to saw. Blood was spurting from the wound onto Twisted Fate's coat. The neck's soft flesh was easily cut through by the sharp blade untill the neck was completely severed. He looked back at Princess Celestia "It is finished Princess."

He waited patiently for the Princess to finish vomiting. Afterwards she very meekly stated "Twisted Fate, your job is complete. Well done."

His pupils re-emerged, his smile faded, and finally when he spoke up...his voice was kind once more "D-did I do good princess?"

The princess was still in shock at how well the boy killed. And how quickly his personality changed back to normal. He didn't seem to terribly depressed, perhaps he will have use after all. "Yes, yes you did. Now then, let's clean you up and send you home. You've had a very...big day.


As the years passed the green colt grew. And as he grew so did his alter ego's lust for blood. Each execution became bloodier and his skill with each weapon grew. Over the next 10 years he was schooled at Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns, his work at the palace payed for him family's living conditions and soon enough it was time for him to move out. Thanks to a generous offer from the princess however, he is able to move into a wing of the castle that remained unused.

As for Celestia, Twisted Fate was the best thing to ever happen to her. While his daker side made her shudder with terror, it did give her an executioner who was the current record holder at 289 kills. And his lighter side was like a friend to her, since she banished Luna to the moon 660 years ago she hasn't had any real friends. But here was a young colt who instead of agreeing with her at every turn argued some points and brought with him an opinion she desperately wanted. He was everything the servant's could never be.

These good times however were short lived. The Gryphon empire had declared war on Canterlot.