• Published 7th Dec 2019
  • 2,180 Views, 10 Comments

Like Catnip - ShowShine

Did you know that dragons have the same affect to poison joke cats like have to catnip, cause Discord sure did.

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Twilight flew around the gym in a panic, her clipboard in her magic grasp. Pinkie Pie zipped around the room, putting up colorful party streamers. Twilight teleported the streamers away and flew over to fix a crooked picture. Pinkie Pie added more streamers to the walls. Twilight whipped around with an angry look on her face.

“Pinkie, stop putting up streamers!” Twilight shouted. Pinkie Pie held the party canon in her hooves, getting ready to put more streamers up.

“Put they make the place look like a party!” She exclaimed. Twilight rubbed her temple in annoyance.

“It shouldn’t look like a party, it should look like a normal functioning school!” Twilight shouted, her nose touching against Pinkie Pie’s. She shrugged and put the party canon away.

“Whatever floats your boat.” Pinkie Pie stated with a soft hum as she wrapped her tail around the streamers. They dragged across the floor as she left the room, getting stuck in the door for a moment. Twilight reread the check list that she had written.

“Snacks?” Twilight read off. She looked at the snack table which had stuff like gems, hay, honeysuckle, fish (raw and cooked), grass, and punch. “Check” She said, checking it off of the list. “Entertainment?” There were board games, music, books, and puzzles. “Seating?” Chairs were lined up. Definitely enough for everyone. Twilight let out a sigh of relief. Everything was perfect. Today was parent teacher conference night. Everyone’s parents or guardian going to see the students grades and to see if the school was suitable for them to stay in. Some ponies from Saddle Arabia where going to show up to see if they could transfer some of there children over to go to school.

“Good morning princess.” A familiar voice greeted in a sing song voice. Twilight let out a groan.

“Not today Discord.” Twilight stated as she walked out the gym. Discord popped up next to Twilight, pouting like a child.

“Am I not aloud to have fun now?” Discord asked in a whiny tone. Twilight rolled her eyes and continued to walk down the hallway.

“If you haven’t heard, tonight is parent teachers conference night so it would be best if you stayed out of this.” Twilight said as she shifted a nearby table a few inches to the left.

“I could help out but it seems like you don’t want me here.” Discord stated, looking up in the air dramatically. “Fine I’ll just leave you here to do all of the work by yourself.” Discord said before snapping away. Twilight let out a sigh and smiled.

“Okay, time to get back to work.” She said as she picked up her clipboard and read through the list again.

Discord floated around the school, looking for some chaos to spread. He looked around.

“Release cockatrices throughout the school? No, Fluttershy might not talk to me after that. Spread dragon sneeze flowers across the school? It wouldn’t effect many creatures.” Discord thought outloud to himself. A green flame shout out of a nearby classroom, making him pause. He peaked his head in to see Spike and Smolder standing there. Other than them, the room was completely empty.

“You thought that was big? Well how about this!” Smolder exclaimed before breathing out an even bigger flame that blasted out of the windows. Discord smirked. This act of chaos was going to be absolutely rich. He sauntered into the room with a sly grin on his face.

“Hello you two.” He said, making both teenagers look at him. Spike smiled and waved.

“Hi Discord, what’s up?” Spike asked. Discord snapped his fingers, making two poison joke flowers appear in his claw.

“Have either of you ever tasted poison joke?” Discord asked. Spike took a step back and shook his head.

“Twilight said that stepping in it can make you have crazy effects on you body.” Spike said in an concerned tone. Smolder shrugged her shoulders.

“Garble used to eat poison joke when I lived in Dragonlands but he never let me eat any. It didn’t give him any weird effects on his body. I’m willing to try it.” Smolder said as she took the poison joke from his claw. Spike gave Smolder a trusting look and took the other flower from Discords claw. They both ate the flowers, which had a soft crunch to it. Spike and Smolder scrunched up their faces.

“It’s bitter.” Spike stated as he swallowed his flower. Smolder swallowed hers and stuck her tongue out a bit.

“I don’t know why Garble eats these, they’re gross.” Smolder said. Discord pulled out a clock and stared at it.

“The effects should happen in three, two, one.” Discord counted down. In an instant, Spike and Smolders eyes dilated. Spike flopped to the ground with a loud thud. His hung open and he let out a soft groan, staring at the ceiling. Smolder let out a soft giggle before breaking into full blown laughter. She hopped onto the empty teachers desk and threw her arms up in the air.

“I am the God of Destruction!” Smolder shouted on the top of her lungs. Discord grinned happily, rubbing his claw and paw together. This was going to be a fun conference.

“And done!” Twilight said, checking the last thing off of the list. She had double checked the whole school and everything was in order. She smiled to herself.

“Everyone will be here any minute.” Twilight said happily to herself. The room door burst open, making her jump in surprise. She turned around to see Smolder, who had a wide grin on her face.

“Oh, hi Smolder, how can I help you?” Twilight asked. Smolder looked around, breathing heavily from her mouth. She wiggled her fingers a bit before picking up a desk. Without any warning, she hurled the desk against the wall, making it break apart into pieces. Twilight jumped in surprise and opened her wings in defense.

“What was that for?!” Twilight asked in shock. Smolder let out a loud laugh and jumped out of a nearby window, shattering it. Twilight let out a gasp and ran towards the window. She watched Smolder chase ponies around as they screamed in fear. It was as if she hadn’t just jumped out the window. Twilight flew out of the room in a panic, only to bump into Rainbow Dash.

“There’s something wrong with Spike. I thought it was funny at first but now I’m kinda worried.” Rainbow Dash said in a panic. Twilight looked at Spike to see that he was swaying back and forth a bit.

“Hey guys watch me do a cartwheel.” Spike said. He voice sounded a bit tired. He leaned over to put his hands on the ground only to fall over on his side. He laid there, groaning to himself.

“There’s something wrong with Smolder too, she broke a desk and jumped out of a closed window!” Twilight exclaimed. Rarity and Fluttershy ran down the hallway in a panic.

“Smolder is destroying everything!” Rarity exclaimed. Fluttershy held a stack of charred pamphlets in her hooves.

“She burned all of the pamphlets meant for the parents.” Fluttershy stated. Twilight glanced out the window in the hallway to see Pinkie Pie and Applejack attempting to hold Smolder down. Smolder swept her tail under them, making them fall on their backs. She opened her wings and flew off into town.

“What could possibly be causing her to act like this?” Rarity asked.

“Is there a new villain mind controlling her?” Rainbow Dash asked. Spike stood up from the floor, wobbling a bit.

“How about we all just settle down and throw a paaaaaarrrttyyyy.” Spike sang out. He leaned on Twilights side to hold himself up. There was a bright light and Discord appeared next to Fluttershy.

“Did you know that poison joke is like a drug to dragons?” Discord asked. Rainbow Dash gave him and angry look.

“You did this?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed angrily.

“You need to fix them, the parents will be here any minute!” Twilight pleaded.

“I’m afraid that I can’t, it’s a natural reaction with no magic involved.” Discord explained. Twilight gave a nervous look.

“Come on girls, we have to catch Smolder.” Twilight said before putting Spike on her back and teleporting her friends outside. Discord laughed.

“This is going to be quite a show.”

Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Rarity appeared in town hall. Applejack and Pinkie Pie chased Smolder around as she terrorized innocent ponies. Ponies ran away screaming as she lit a nearby cart on fire.

“Rainbow Dash, put the fire out!” Twilight commanded. Applejack swung around lasso and hurled it forward. It wrapped around Smolders tail, pulling her back.

”NO!” Smolder screeched out. She took in a deep breath and blew a large gust of fire at Applejack. Twilight pulled up a shield in front of Applejack, making the fire quickly disappear.

“Thanks Twilight.” Applejack thanked, holding her now burnt rope. Pinkie Pie blasted Smolder with her party canon, making her growl. She let out a roar and charged at Pinkie, showing her sharp fangs. Twilight put a bubble around Smolder, trapping her inside. Smolder let out a loud scream at she tried to claw through the bubble. Twilight exhaled and looked at Smolder, who was struggling to get out.

“What should we do with her?” Fluttershy asked. Twilight tried to think of something quickly, but couldn’t think of anything.

“I don’t know, Discord said that you can reverse the effects with magic. Everyone is going to be here at any moment and the town is a mess!” Twilight exclaimed, started to hyperventilate. Applejack walked over to her and put her hoof on Twilights chest.

“Deep breaths Twilight. You take Smolder back to the school and we’ll clean up this mess before anyone gets here.” Applejack reassured. Twilight let out a slow steady breath and levitated the bubble Smolder was in.

“Alright, I trust you guys.” Twilight said before flying up into the air. She glanced back at Town Hall that was a mess. She shook her head and flew back to the school.

Creatures walked into the School of Friendship, looking around in awe. Discord stood in front the door, greeting everyone that walked in. Twilight had made him do that as an apology.

“Hello and welcome to the School of Friendship.” Discord greeted in a deadpanned voice, not wanting to do this. Ember walked into the school and looked around.

“Where’s Smolder, I want to get this over with.” Ember stated, crossing her arms. Twilight trotted over to her with a smile.

“There was an incident with Spike, Smolder and poison joke.” Twilight explained. Embers eyes widened.

“They’re too young to have poison joke! Are they okay!?” Ember asked in concern. Twilight nodded her head.

“Come with me, I’ll show you where Smolder is.” Twilight said, leading Ember away from the front doors. They walked away from the group of creatures. Soon enough, they were in the back of the school. Twilight opened a door, revealing Spike and Smolder. Spike laid in a box, wearing sunglasses. He was drooling a lot as reggae played from radio. Smolder was on all fours, playing with a ball of yarn. She wore a harness that was attached to a desk.

“This was the only way we could distract Smolder without her breaking anything.” Twilight explained. Ember let out a sigh of relief.

“I’m glad she didn’t hurt anybody. That would leave a bad reputation on dragons.”
Ember stated. Twilight be gave a forced smile, not mentioning that Smolder had attacked dozens of ponies.

“I’m just glad this was taken care of.”

Comments ( 10 )

There's another kind of dragon nip... and a hellish root that I will not say. Spike was effected like the former, while Smolder the latter.

Snack-sized comedy fics are my favorite. They're like little episodes.

Do you remember mention an idea where Spike in a mulit-relationship?

Would you take it under consideration?

I would take spike gabby and the cmc in consideration.

I think the CMC can help Spike get with Gabby along with a few others who be interested in Spike.

I came up with a few ideas on who could be apart of the relationship

Discord grinned happily, rubbing his claw and paw together. This was going to be a fun conference.

”This is a draconequus, class. It has the head of a pony and the body of a dragon.”

“How about we all just settle down and throw a paaaaaarrrttyyyy.” Spike sang out. He leaned on Twilights side to hold himself up. There was a bright light and Discord appeared next to Fluttershy.

This made me laugh. Audibly. Almost no fics do that for me. But this one did.

Oh god one having Pony.MOV flashbacks…

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