• Member Since 17th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen May 22nd


I'm a Proud ABDL mommy. Writer of padded pony fics, a lot of fics about Shining Armor and his mom, several about Rainbow Dash and her family, and far more mom stories than you can imagine.

Comments ( 24 )

fun read so far, I can't wait to see how he will find himself in diaper ans a sailor suit.

What a beautiful story. It just glows with the joys of parenting along with the conflicts in knowing your time as a parent is over and a new time is about to start.

Growing up definitely puts a lot into perspective. I remember when my son was born and wishing he was older because he really couldn't do much of anything. My wife told me to not be in such a hurry because it all goes by so fast. She was certainly right.

My favorite memory was when I took my son to BronyCon in 2013. It was the first time I was able to do a true 'father / son' thing and he carried around my plush Spike everywhere. He was so into everything and managed to even talk to some of the VAs while getting in on a few of the recorded panels.

He was so happy and I was so happy to have him happy by my side. Lots of vendors gave him discounted stuff and he even got paid a compliment by some people for how he helped me. (I still had some vision left at this time)

Now, six years later, he's in Middle School and more into YouTube and Fort Night. Totally different kid. Heck, can't even say 'kid' as he's nearly a teen!

So, in this story, I can certainly feel the feelings of Soarin's mom. I am a 'helper' by nature and feeling not so needed is really a bummer. It has to happen but it is certainly one of those things that you never think will occur so quickly. Time really isn't on your side as a parent.

There are some things of his that I hope to keep from when he was little. The best of which was a plush seahorse that I got him for Father's Day when he was 1.5 years old. He loved that seahorse and his cousins were always trying to take it because of how they thought it was awesome.

It goes without saying that you got my feels going with this story. Great job!

I’m surprised my notifications didn’t alert me sooner that you had made a new story. I’m a bit late but it’s better late than never. Anyways, like all stories you write I like this one as well! Very sweet and really makes you emotional :twilightsmile:

Interesting so far, I do like the infection idea to make him incontinent, and just let the need to go back to his foalhood to come back to him. The story flows naturally and isn't too convoluted enough to detach from it. I think the quality of the writing is also much better compared to before, good job on that.

I think the other story with PBB I felt the expectation with the mare of the last story and the drastic change in tone and really forced introspection worked against the story and make too many contradictions.

Wonder if Soarin will eventually mess himself unintentionally? :applejackunsure:

D'aww. This chapter touches on some really deep stuff that can often go overlooked.

The first, and most obvious, is how important it is, as a parent, to try and hold on to those things that made your child into who they are today. It not only shows your child how much their life means to you but also allows the child to be able to have a nice chance to look back themselves on a time they may have forgotten in the hurry to grow up.

The 'grow up' part is next. Peer pressure is awful. Societal norms tend to drive children towards things at paces that a notable number just are not ready to do. This can lead to 'Broken Childhoods' which causes other side-effects later. Fortunately for Soarin his mom did what she could to not be the largest source of pressure.

And, one I can relate to, is knowing my mom accepts me for who I am and what I became. I am not a real fan of 'Skeletons In The Closet' and she knows of my liking to cuddle plushies and wear diapers. It's nice knowing she can 'accept' this instead of making me out to be some sort of monster, bad son, etc. More importantly is, for Soarin, it is allowing him to know his mom isn't going to add to the already massive stress he has while prepping for college and The Wonderbolts.

Having a 'safe Place' and 'Therepeutic Space' are truly wonderful things. They definitely beat out trying to bottle so much up that, for a human, you need to go on medications to keep yourself together. (Starlight Glimmer already showed us the power of pent-up Pony Anger)

Bravo! This chapter touches on another really important topic, in my opinion. This being how 'imagination' tends to go stale with adulthood. Societal norms shrinking the world into a very small place that was once limitless.

Seeing Soarin use his imagination here was not only adorable but also reassuring. It shows his mind is still capable of thinking 'outside the box'. This quality definitely lends him to being one of the core Wonderbolts. You can't keep up with the likes of Spitfire without knowing how to think-on-your-hooves. A strong imagination means you see the world through many perspectives and are never short on options. :)

Something else I like, but this is more indirect, is how Soarin got to redo the original story. I can't tell you how much that has helped me cope with traumas in my earlier years.

Off-topic, but what I've done is taken my character and 'modified' situations from my RL so that I can look at it from the outside over being directly there. This has allowed me to rewrite history while also coming to terms better with traumatic events. :)

You really are on a roll with this!

I like the logic Soarin is using to keep himself from being the one to buy the protection. Soarin's mom definitely knows how much unwanted attention he'd get from being seen buying such things. However, for her, some may just think mom is having some trouble and not say a word for her being an older mare.

The logic as to why he wet the bed is also good. An infection can certainly cause the body to do things it may normally not. Those flight suits are also quite cramped and having that much pressure on yourself for a long time can't be good on one's bladder.

This chapter does well to move the story along. Soarin basically got 'permission' to wear diapers and his mom, not staying in Cloudsdale, casually went into Ponyville to get pamps for her lil' Clipper.

I wonder if Soarin will now sleep better knowing he has less to worry about? It's really amazing when your mind can have some serenity from the chaos within.

Also, as an aside, I've noticed 3:00 to be a common hour to wake up when there are things afoot. I actually talked to my therapist about it and learned how this time is common for those with anxiety and stress to wake up at during the night. So, whether on purpose or not, having Soarin waking up at 3:00 AM makes sense as it is typical for those in his current situation to find themselves being abruptly worked out of slumber.

Well, this is a very interesting chapter, looks like Soar's mother will find plenty of excuses to get him stuck longer then a week in diapers and could get him in a mentally vulnerable to the point that he will be receptive to new input, maybe use subliminal recordings maybe?

Seems pretty tame so far. Wonder how long it will be before things escalate?

Loving how everything is going, really looking forward to seeing how it continues!!

I have no idea, but for the moment, it's a slow burn.

9677035 I see, a slow but steady approach. They always say patience is a virtue.

One that I most certainly do not have the vast majority of the time XD But, the characters are guiding this one. They just tell me what goes on, and I look for reasons why it could happen if necessary.

You know, I wonder if any of the other bolts have ever felt the same way as Soarin? Maybe not to the extent of wetting the bed from stress or an infection, but perhaps longing for a time when they were cared for and didn't need to worry? Maybe Spitfire went through something similar with her mother? :trixieshiftright:

You can explore this if you like.

Interesting chapter, I wonder if things will spiral out of control at some point.

This chapter was perfect in how it shows how Soarin was right in believing he had a bladder infection. Usually, if you know the signs, you'll know what's coming before the worst of it starts to hit. And, on this particular day, it is hitting in full force as all conditions tend to do after time is allowed to pass. Definite perfect timing to get the medication.

The feeling of excitement and guilt from his mom are certainly understandable. She feels on the verge of being an Empty Nester and to have time freeze, albeit not with an infant Soarin, is still precious for it provides her that maternal purpose. However the guilt is how she knows her son definitely doesn't think the same way and to make something 'happy' out of something very embarrassing and stressful to her son is certainly a source of guilt.

This now makes you wonder more on how well Soarin has managed stress in the past? You've provided some hints but, digging deeper, I doubt it is easy for one of the few stallions to properly fit in with a female-dominated Wonderbolts team. He's got talent, he's got the ability, but he's still making a major transition in his life and this transition is not an easy one.

What if Soarin has an anxiety condition? The death of a parent at a memorable age could very well have left behind a bit of insecurity while adding to feeling more pressured to 'fit in' despite being one of few who doesn't have a pair of parents.

With his anxiety and stress reaching a peek, especially after having to ask Spitfire for extra bathroom privledges, I can only guess how much his body is craving a wind-down. So, along with the hoof-sucking, the diaper could be triggering some feelings of security he may very deeply remember when he wasn't without his father nor feeling pressured by his peers?

Yep! This sounds quite like I, from my own personal thoughts on such a topic, would've expected from soarin. His mom missing that feeling of 'being needed' and 'having some pony to be with and care for' flooding her mind as Soarin, being mentally awakened to his past from the diapers and treatment, is now conflicted from how he is getting mixed signals from himself.

Very well written, Ms. rarity. I feel you had Princess Luna explain it pretty well. especially the part of 'hiding from yourself'. Once a door is opened it can never truly be closed. This door for soarin opened way back after losing his dad and remained cracked open until this fateful time. Now it's a matter of learning what to do with it as to be in control, or feel shamed as a result of allowing stigmas and stereotypes / fear to drive him forward in ways that will only work to enhance his stress and shame.

This story is really coming out as one where, if aligned with real life, could help in explaining how the transition from not being aware of a lost childhood and starting to openly explore what your mind is trying to make sense of.

I know, for myself, I constantly felt shame, fear, and a whole bunch of dark feelings as a result of my bizarre desires to feel 'little'. It took many years before I could make any sense of anything beyond those moments when curiosity got the most of me and I snuck some diapers, plushies, etc. to feel 'safe' again.

Now the challenge, as with many people, is to learn more about what all this means to him. Is it a coping mechanism for stress? If it is can it be done in a way that does not feel shameful to indulge in? More importantly is knowing when to allow himself to let this out as part of discovering more of what his young mind forgot while trying to be like every pony else when, even unknown to himself nor his mom, deep seated issues were planted that, now, are bubbling up to create this situation.

Ideas I have would be more depending on how long you want to make this story. I think a talk with his doctor over how much he used his diapers may be worth exploring. Maybe he'd find his bedwetting persists despite his need to use the bathroom returnin to normal during the day?

Maybe he needs to see a therapist as a result of the conflict he feels? Maybe he meets up with an incontinenet mare, or stallion, who helps him to understand a little more about how one should not allow themselves to feel shamed as they continue to learn to accept themselves over worrying so much about the acceptance of others?

This is an adorable story. I’ve really enjoyed reading what we’ve got so far. The need to wear diapers for a medical reason is a good move. It certainly makes the story more believable with the characters involved.

this is a really cute story, I'll say

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