• Published 17th May 2019
  • 1,384 Views, 50 Comments

The World Race - TheIronPone035

Rainbow Dash found a strange car in front of her house with a message on the dashboard of a race like no other. Obviously, she chose to participate.

  • ...

First Leg (Part 2)

Starlight Glimmer shifted her fifty five Chevy Nomad up a gear and looked at the vehicle ahead of her. The car was a red, yellow and black two door named Muscle Tone, whose driver was Sunset Shimmer. She tried to move her car to the left and get an opening, but Sunset turned her wheel the same way, keeping Starlight's Nomad behind her. Starlight couldn't help but grunt in frustration.

"Come on Sunset! Give me some room here!" Starlight said with an angered tone. She tried again to get an opening, but was once again met with the bumper of Muscle Tone.

"Nah, I think I want to keep you back there, I have a race to win." Sunset replied.

"We're in the back you know. The others are probably miles ahead of us." Starlight emphasized.

"You sure about that?" Sunset asked, looking ahead.

Starlight peaked around Muscle Tone to see three cars ahead of them. She identified them as the leader cars, confirming that Sunset wasn't lying.

Right after Starlight focused back on Sunset's car, she saw it get outlined blue, before springing up onto its back wheels. The car quickly shot past the leading cars, swiping up first place.

"Oh it's on Sunset!" Starlight stated, shifting up and slamming down on the gas.

Starlight reached for the nitrox button but hesitated. She could use it later. Instead, she focused on the twisting road. She did a quick turn before drafting behind Balistik. She needed a balance between speed and agility, otherwise she'd wind up becoming part of the mountain.

Rarity turned a corner, entering a spiral that was going down into what looked like an active volcano. She looked at the rear view mirror to see the headlights from Crazy 8s spring to life.

"Let's see what you've got," Rarity muttered to herself, slamming down on the gas and turning the wheel sharply to the right.

Crazy 8s stayed behind her, matching her speed and following her moves. The car was acting like her shadow, until it jerked forward a little. Rarity eyed the car, quickly realizing that it had been bumped from behind. She peered around Crazy 8s to see what looked like a pure black car. She couldn't make out the model, but it wasn't one she recognized at the starting line.

The black car slammed into Crazy 8s again, causing it to grind against the side of the track. A few sparks flew from the drag and Crazy 8s spun out behind them. The black car then moved up towards her.

"Oh no you don't." Rarity said, turning the wheel to block off the black car. Instead of it slowing down however, it kept going full speed, slamming right into the back of Sling Shot.

Rarity frantically spun the wheel, trying to regain control. The black car pulled up to the side of her, before slamming against her. Sling Shot collided with the track's short barrier, nearly going over it. Rarity straightened out the wheel, before giving the car a deadly glare. Whoever was driving that car was either willing to take risks, or was extremely reckless and stupid.

Either way, Rarity wasn't going to play the victim. She accelerated towards the black car, eyeing its red windows. She sucked in a lungful of air and clubbed the gas, causing Sling Shot to slam right into the black cars bumper. The machine shook, but recovered quickly and soon after that, hit the smoke line. Rarity tried to focus on the car but due to it being black, it blended in with all the haze. When she was out of the smoke cloud, the car had vanished.

"Who was that?" Rarity wondered, before getting passed on the inside by Crazy 8s.

Cursing herself for letting her guard down, she quickly accelerated, trying to regain her place.

Ahead of the two drivers, the black car slowed down to a crawl near the far left of the track, before stopping completely. The drivers side window lowered via an automatic mechanism, allowing a tank of nitrox 2 to fly from the car to the rocks. The car was quick to take off, leaving the nitrox tank alone as it began beeping rapidly. The highly explosive liquid began heating up, the nitrox soon becoming a ticking time bomb that laid right next to the road.

It didn't take long before Crazy 8s and Sling Shot rounded the corner with the bomb next to it, the cars being side by side as they battled for the lead. The second they passed the tank, it detonated, breaking through the rocky walls of the cavern and unleashing a large wave of lava which quickly began falling towards the track.

On the other side of the lava was the Deora ll and Balistik. Rainbow Dash's eyes widened as she saw the wave of molten lava, its course set right in the middle of the road. She quickly shifted up, trying to beat the wave to the track. Pinkie on the other hand rolled down her window and stuck out a stick with a marshmallow on the end towards the lava. The sugary and fluffy sweet was quickly roasted, changing from a cloud white to a carmel brown. Pinkie pulled the stick back into the car and took a bite of the roasted marshmallow, smiling as the perfectly cooked sweet met her taste buds. The two drivers narrowly beat the lava stream, which slammed against the track, melting large parts of the structure down on impact.

The track broke away and fell with the newly produced waterfall of lava down into a dark pit below. Two cars that had just rounded the corner quickly came to a halt before the molten river, their drivers staring at the new obstacle.

"Great... " Applejack muttered, giving the lava a harsh glare.

Starlight's reaction was similar, but her gaze slowly rose up towards the rocky ceiling, then back to the track before her. She got out of her car and walked over to the side of the track, ignoring the increase in temperature as she got closer. She knocked on one of the nearby outstretched rocks, testing its strength, before an idea rose in her mind. Starlight ran over to the drivers side of Roadrunner and knocked on the glass. Applejack rolled down the window and eyed Starlight with confusion.

"I have an idea," Starlight claimed, before pointing at the rocky ceiling. "See that cracked stalactite over there? I need you to to press that button." Starlight pointed at the console at a silver button next to the yellow nitrox button.

"Why? What does that button do?" Applejack questioned, looking at the button.

"It fires the metal grappling line which if aimed correctly, combined with both out cars pulling, should bring down that stalactite and form a bridge." Starlight exclaimed.

After spotting the stalactite, Applejack nodded and drove over to the edge of the intact track. Starlight got back into her car and did the same. The two looked at each other through their cars windows, before nodding and firing there grappling lines. The metal hooks shot above the lava river and struck the cracked rock above.

Starlight and Applejack shifted into reverse and floored it, causing smoke from their cars rear tires. The stalactite began to crack loudly, before breaking free from the rest of the rock. It fell in just the way Starlight had wanted it, connecting both sides across the flowing lava.

"Alright! Good thinkin' Starlight!" Applejack said, before hitting the gas and driving across the new bridge. Starlight following close behind, mentally giving herself a well deserved pat on the back.

Rainbow took a quick glance at Balistik, before returning her gaze to the track ahead of her. She shifted the Deora ll up a gear and managed to match her speed with the other vehicle, driving right along its right side.

"Alright Pinkie, let's race!" Rainbow declared through her cars radio.

"Right back at ya Dashie!" Came Pinkie's response, her words slightly muffled by the radios faint static ambience.

The two cars quickly began picking up speed, the track before them twisting and turning around large stalactites and stalagmites. Rainbow tried to take the lead multiple times, but Pinkie was right on her tail and managed to gain back any ground she lost in mere seconds.

Up ahead, a miniature jump over a rocky ravine began to get illuminated by the two vehicles headlights. Rainbow shifted up again and took the lead, passing Pinkie as their cars shot over the gap. The two hit the other side of the track with simultaneous thuds, Rainbow being the first to recover and shifted once again. The Deora ll ate up the track in front of it, leaving Balistik in the dust.

Light began to glisten from a hole on the far side of the cavern, just beyond it rested the portal that led back to earth. Rainbow let her finger glide over to the yellow nitrox button, her car quickly shooting up on its rear wheels as the engine was once again pushed to its limits. Pinkie was still in her rear view mirror, but she was quite a few meters behind now. Rainbow could practically already hear people chanting her name as she was declared the fastest driver in the world.

The Deora ll shot like an arrow from the red track and towards the portal, quickly getting engulfed in a blinding white light. Rainbow kept her eyes open, waiting for her surroundings to come back into focus. Once they did, she realized that she wasn't back in the desert. Now she was in the middle of what looked like a tropical forest, an identical large cube building stood tall in its small clearing.

Rainbow spun the wheel and hit the brakes, letting the Deora ll come to a grinding halt before the structure.

"HA! I WON!" Rainbow cheered, raising her hands in the air in victory.

When no cheers or annoyed grunts filled her ears, Rainbow began to feel a little confused. That was when she realized that several other cars had already finished and were parked around the structure as well, a few drivers gave her an odd stare.

A low crackle came from her cars console as Twilights voice left the radios speakers;

"This isn't the end of the World Race everyone, it is only the beginning."

Author's Note:

This is only the beginning of the world race...