• Published 17th May 2019
  • 1,390 Views, 50 Comments

The World Race - TheIronPone035

Rainbow Dash found a strange car in front of her house with a message on the dashboard of a race like no other. Obviously, she chose to participate.

  • ...

First Leg (Part 1)

Rainbow Dash rev'd the engine of the Deora ll as the other drivers lined up next to her, the massive exposed engine in the back of her car rumbling loudly as power flowed through it. She glanced out the left oval shaped window, seeing Applejack roll up next to her in a black '70s Plymouth Roadrunner with painted red, orange, and yellow flames along the hood, roof, trunk, and sides. Yellow tinted windows sealed the car from any sand from the desert that they were lined up on. Applejack has a stern look across her face, both eyes locked on the salt flats ahead of her.

"Someone's focused... " Rainbow pointed out in her mind as she rev'd the engine again.

She looked to her right to see the mystery car which she now knew was called Crazy 8 roll up next to her, the cars entire frame shaking due to its massive engine. Part of her wondered how the driver could deal with all that rumbling, knowing full well that if it were her she wouldn't be able to ignore it for long.

A drone floated up in front of the lined up vehicles with a modified street light dangling below it. The three red lights flashed alive and a sign labeled highway 35 was moving ever so slightly in the wind below it. The speakers on each vehicle suddenly sprung to life, followed by Twilight's crackling voice.

"This race takes place in a dimension separate from ours, a dimension that you will only see once you cross through the portal," Twilight's voice explained from the speaker panel on the console. Rainbow Dash looked up at the light, seeing that it was still red.

"You must be going three hundred miles per hour to enter the portal, use the nitrox 2 injections to get more speed. But make sure to watch how much you use because if you run out, you might not have any when you need it." Twilight stated. "Another portal at the end of the track will bring you back to this dimension."

Over on the other side of Applejack's car was a green vehicle named Balistik with orange glass surrounding the cab. Inside was Pinkie Pie, who was tapping the steering wheel with her fingers as she listened. "Hey Applejack? Do you think Twilight knows what she's saying? Or did she have to much sugar in her coffee this morning?" She asked over the intercom to her fellow racer.

"Not sure, but it took someone with lots 'f knowledge ta build these here cars." Applejack pointed out.

In the purple vehicle Sling Shot, Rarity replied; "You can be a genius and still be over the edge Applejack."

The light turned from red to yellow. Everyone quickly grabbed hold of there car's clutches and hovered over to their gas pedals. Rainbow grinned as she stared at the light, her inner fire just waiting to race.

The light remained yellow for a little longer, before switching to green and rose even higher in the air. Everyone hit the gas, causing a massive cloud of dust to emerge from the back of the line as the vehicles roared across the salt flats.

Rainbow Dash shifted the car up and glanced around. She was in first already!

"Hah! This is gonna be easier than I-" Rainbow was cut off as Crazy 8 launched forward next to her, quickly snatching up first place.

The car was easily smoking her, along with the rest of the cars as its massive exhausts let out a small burst of flames. Rainbow stared at the car, taken aback by how fast it was going.

"thought...." Rainbow finished, before eyeing a yellow button on the center console."Alright, let's see what this nitrox can do!"

As her cyan finger pressed down on the button, a blue electric pulse shot across the engine in the back of the car, wrapping the whole block in an electric blue blanket. The back tires were engulfed in blue fire and the car shot up. The Deora ll was now on two wheels and blasting through the desert.

"NOW THAT IS SPEED!!!!!" Rainbow Dash declared in excitement, her eyes glancing over the speedometer, the needle frantically twisting to the right with the increase of momentum.

Applejack who was right behind her grinned, before activating her car's nitrox. The same thing happened with her car, the back wheels getting engulfed in blue fire before it shot up on two wheels.

The other racers quickly followed suit, all of them now shooting up into above two hundred and fifty Miles per hour range.

The Deora ll fell back down and the speedometer quickly flashed red as the dial peaked at three hundred. In front of the group, a massive purple portal flashed open, multicolored flames flapping in the wind around it.

Rainbow Dash hit the gas as hard as she could and let the car shoot through the portal. The other drivers soon followed. Once all the drivers were through, the portal vanished into thin air as if it was never there to begin with.

Far away in a distant dimension, a similar purple portal snapped open in front of a red track that was built over several dark red rocks and cliffs. A quick flash later and five cars shot from the portal, each one landing with a thump onto the road.

"Whoa," Rainbow Dash muttered, looking around the area she had just landed in. The whole place was covered in brownish red sharp rocks with cracks running up and down them. The sky was a faded yellow and a strange planet loomed overhead.

"Aww, I should've brought my phone! This would've made a great post card for Maud." Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she quickly turned the wheel of her car to the left, letting Balistik twist over to the other side of the track.

Rarity shifted up and hit the gas, her eyes focused on the line of cars ahead of her. "Remember, it's still a track, and a rather dangerous one at that darlings." She stated before shifting up again and twisting the wheel to the left, letting her car line up against Pinkie's.

Behind the group, another five cars emerged from the portal which shut behind them. Starlight looked around in awe at the sight, before quickly returning her focus to the ongoing race.

Rainbow Dash tried to drive past Crazy 8 but was cut off as the back of the Deora ll was bumped by Rarity's Sling Shot.

"Hey! Watch the paint!" Rainbow Shouted through the intercom. She was responded with being passed by Rarity and being forced over to the wall. The wheels grinded against the edge of the track, causing the Deora ll to nearly hop off the track. Rainbow hit the brakes before she could lose traction but this costed her a position.

Rarity rolled her eyes and shifted up again. She was expecting to have at least a little challenge in this race. Even though the track was different, the people driving are almost always the same. That was, until Rarity spotted Crazy 8 in her rear view mirror. The car was catching up quickly, drafting behind her.

"Huh, I might have a challenger in this race after all." Rarity stated, shifting Sling Shot into a higher gear.

Next to her, Pinkie relaxed a little as she bit down on the cupcake she was eating with one hand, her other hand firmly planted on the steering wheel. Even in a race someone could get hungry and what better treat than a cupcake? Especially a cupcake made by herself.

Pinkie was about to finish the pastry when Sling Shot bounced in front of her in an attempt to catch Crazy 8, scraping the front of her car. This was just enough to cause the tires to spin and nearly send Ballistik spinning out of control. Pinkie had to quickly grab the wheel with both hands to straighten out the car, but at the cost of dropping the cupcake which landed with a splat on the floor of the cab.

"Oh, now that's just being a rude driver!" Pinkie shouted at Rarity who's car was now in first. She shifted up and spotted a way to gain some speed. Up ahead was a stiff turn, a perfect place to drift.

Pinkie grinned and hit the gas. She passed Crazy 8 and was right behind Sling Shot. Right as they entered the turn, Pinkie pulled up on the E brake and let Ballistik skit a little. She shifted up right as the end of the turn emerged and Ballistik shot past Sling Shot, gaining first place.

"That's for the cupcake!" Pinkie shouted as she slammed on the gas, causing tire smoke to rise behind Ballistik which covered Sling Shot.

With a quick shift up, Ballistik took a massive lead and was nearing a small bump in the red track. The car quickly rushed up the hill and gained a little air as it drove off the top. With a low scrunch of the suspension being tested, Pinkie's eyes were met with something she wasn't expecting.

"Mother of all sweets..." Pinkie muttered, staring up in awe as a massive loop came into view. The loop went around the center track, easily reaching over four hundred feet into the sky.

Pinkie's shocked expression was quickly replaced with a grin as she accelerated towards the start of the loop. Ballistik rumbled a little as it began to climb up the rising track, gravity fighting against it. She ignored the increasing rumble of the frame and focused on the track in front of her. Soon however, the car lost the battle, its tires breaking free of the road.

"Uh oh..." Pinkie mumbled as Ballistik fell off the track and began falling towards the base of the loop. She quickly grabbed onto a set of strings and pulled. The strings opened up a parachute which caught the air around it, slowing Ballistiks decent.

Applejack and Rarity, who had just rounded the bend, quickly spotted the falling Ballistik as it deployed its emergency parachute which helped ease its fall. However, it was still falling right towards the track. The two drivers quickly turned there cars to the sides of the road as Ballistik slammed down in front of them, the entire machine rumbling at the sudden loss of momentum.

Applejack grimaced as she looked at the crashed car. Even though it landed on all four wheels, that impact must have shaken Pinkie up badly. However, something told her that she would be fine, and her eyes quickly returned to the track. That was when she spotted an obstacle up ahead.

"That gap is way too big to jump!" Rarity exclaimed through the intercom, slamming her feet on brakes, causing Sling Shot to screech to a halt. Applejack followed suite, Roadrunner stopping just before the end of the track.

Applejack opened the door to Roadrunner and stepped out onto the track, her boots clunking on the red metal panels. She went to the edge and peered over to see a river of lava flowing below. Not only was the lava bubbling and seemed to be flowing like an overflowed river, but also jagged pointy rocks surrounded it. The whole pit screamed of death. Applejack could even swear she spotted a half burnt tire resting next to the lava.

"five million dollars worth of trouble jumping this thing..." Applejack muttered under her breath before walking over to her car.

When she reached the driver side door, she looked over at Rarity, who was giving her a worried look.

"Ah'd say if anyone were ta jump that, they'd be tangling with the devil over that gap. Y'all are gonna need some serious speed ta cross it." Applejack explained, getting back into her car.

Pinkie Pie finally managed to get all of her snacks that had broken free of their bags off of the dashboard, mumbling to herself at all the damaged food. She looked over at the loop, then to the jump. How was anyone supposed to get across that without falling to there doom?

Little did Pinkie know that the answer was right behind her. She looked out the windshield right as the Deora ll shot past her.

"Hold on a minute Dashie! That loop is not at all a great playground!" Pinkie said through the radio.

Rainbow just grinned as she shifted up and turned the Deora ll onto the loop. "You just don't know how to skate."

Rainbow pulled on the E Brake and turned the wheel sharply to the right, causing the car to pull a sharp one eighty halfway up the side of the loop. She increased her speed as she drove towards the other side of the loop, repeating the trick again.

Applejack and Rarity both stared at the car with confusion, until Applejack's mind clicked. "She's do'n it ta gain speed."

Right on cue, Rainbow turned the Deora ll around again and hit the Nitrox booster. The car quickly shot past the other two drivers and off the track. The Deora ll soared through the air over the gap towards the other set of track. Rainbow's grip on the wheel tightened as she prayed that she had gotten enough speed.

Her hopes were met with the sound of the Deora ll bouncing on the other track. Rainbow looked around, seeing that she had made it, and threw her hands in the air.

"YES! Now that's how you do it!" Rainbow shouted through the radio and shifted up.

Applejack did a quick corner cut at a turn and sped up towards Rainbow's car. She shifted up and pulled up next to the blue Deora ll.

"Ya might have a few good tricks," Applejack stated as she stared at Rainbow through the window. "But ya still have a lot ta learn."

"Says the girl who works on a farm." Rainbow said back, glaring at Applejack.

Rainbow Dash shifted up and hit the gas, pulling ahead of Applejack, before quickly pulling in front of her. Applejack quickly swerved to the left and accelerated until Roadrunner was only inches from the Deora ll's bumper.

"Farming is better than sitting around at ah skate park all day. Ah heard that ya'll aren't even plann'n ta go to college after high school." Applejack stated.

"What does that have to do with driving?" Rainbow replied.

Applejack grinned and shifted up. Rainbow was still slightly confused as to what she was talking about, this left her not fully focused on the track. Which ended up causing her car to quickly slam into the left rail of the track. Applejack drove past her and chuckled.

"It doesn't. Ya need ta stay focused on the road, not comments about your skills." Applejack explained.

Rainbow grunted and hit the gas. causing the Deora ll scrapped off the side of the track. She quickly gained on Applejack, now with a ball of anger to throw. She was right behind Roadrunner now, her eyes locked onto the car.

"You wanna to start something? Because i'll be happy to spin you right off this track!" Rainbow barked and grinded the front part of the Deora ll into the side of Roadrunner. Sparks quickly shot from the contact and into the air.

"Sounds like someone has ah bad temper." Applejack muttered, speeding up to lose the contact between the cars.

Rainbow pulled to the side of the track and accelerated until she was side by side with Applejack. Applejack tried to get ahead but Rainbow kept pace, not letting her gain any ground. The two quickly began slamming into each others cars sides. More sparks flew from each impact, but the cars kept their shape.

Finally, one slam from the Deora ll sent both cars spinning right off the track and onto the rocks beside it.

Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her now throbbing head and looked at the track. The other drivers quickly sped past them. The radio crackled as Applejack's voice came through it.

"This isn't a playground kid, you're ah driver." Applejack said in an irritated tone, before accelerating back onto the track and after the other drivers. Rainbow slammed her fist on the wheel in anger, before following suit back on the track.

Author's Note:

Yeah, this was a pain to write. First my internet cut out while writing, then my fan broke, and finally, it was way to much to write for one and I felt like I was taking forever to publish. So I will split the Leg's of the race into parts.

Sorry for the wait! :derpyderp1: