• Published 9th May 2019
  • 1,125 Views, 3 Comments

Tails Adventures: The Lost Episode. - Bashy

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Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Author notes: Why is this a thing? Jokes aside, This is my own version on what If Tails was in Equestria.

Inspired by Sunny’s story if you haven’t noticed. (This story has many Sonic Adventure references).

I recommend playing this piece of music for the first two paragraphs of the story. You know what I mean if you're a Sonic Adventure fan.


Or this if you want to go old school.


Editor’s Note: Sunny has no idea what is going on. Honest.

First Person

Hello, I'm Miles Prower. But you can call me Tails! You probably have heard of me, since I'm part of a group called the Resistance, who seeks to see the world free of the dangerous creations of the mad scientist Dr. Eggman. Anyways, a month ago we were invited to a Grand Prix from this big cat guy that looks exactly like Big! Knuckles, always the cautious guy he is, didn't trust this Dodon Pa, that is, until Vector got a message from Espio explaining Dodon was the president of Donpa Motors. I myself still highly doubt it to this day though, but can you blame me? I was a little on edge due to the lack of any attack of Eggman’s forces, and he himself was running on the Grand Prix. It was a little unnerving if I'm being honest.

That aside, we're currently taking a break from racing and the recent Olympics last week. I'm still a little miffed they almost didn't let me participate because of my age. Don't they know how foxes’ years work? Back on track, I got something in store to show Sonic and the gang later this week, and it has been in development since Chaos destroyed Station Square. Thankfully I found a Chaos Emerald on the way back to my workshop, so that's sure to help. I can't wait to show them. I should first make a test run, but I'm sure nothing can go wrong.

Third Person

"The good old runway outback should be the perfect run for the X-Tornado!" Tails said as he climbed atop his newest plane and pressed a button, making the elevator the X-Tornado is in go up towards the surface. "The Tornado 2 went smoothly during take off, now let's see how fast this one can go."

Tails was already aboard the X-Tornado, ready for take-off. Just to be safe in case anything went wrong, he's got a parachute and an eject switch near the steering wheel, but he was confident everything would go smoothly. It was built by him after all!

Safety belt, check. Eject switch, check. Parachute, check. Alright, enough of that, I think it's a hundred percent ready! He thought. Normally he wouldn't be so callous with security check on his inventions, but by god he was just itching to put this baby to test! With confidence, Tails powered up the engines of the X-Tornado and extend the runway it's full size. "The first stop should definitely be Angel Island. And here we g-!”

A huge blast of energy sent both Tails and the X-Tornado through the sound barrier then through time and space before he could even finish his thought. The only trace left were two trails of fire made by the wheels during the take off which would definitely make Sonic proud. The shockwave blasted across the landscape making windows nearby shatter, causing rock slides to occur all over the Mystic Ruins, and only finally ending at the shorelines of Station Square, sending a small burst of energy of the water almost towards the sidewalks and streets of the city.

At the top of a high building in Station Square, the blue blur Sonic The Hedgehog stood surprised by what had just happened in his surroundings. The only explanation that came to his mind was Eggman, but surely he didn't anger Chaos once again. Knuckles would've have warned him ahead of time if that was the case. Not losing a second, the blue blur sped towards the far away Chemical Plant to search for answers, leaving behind a now unstable Station Square.

It seemed like an eternity went by for Tails, but the X-Tornado reached the other side of the portal instantly. Clouds sped by the X-Tornado as it goes on a crashing route straight towards a flying town full of...Pegasi?

"Hold on! Don't fail on me now!" Tails yelled as he tried to avoid hitting the surrounding ponies in his way, but quickly started to panic as the fuel gauge reached empty, sending him straight through the clouds and towards the ground below. "This is still an early prototype, but the transformation better work!"

The fox pulled a trigger near the steering wheel, instantly transforming the X-Tornado into a robotic two-legged vehicle. But something was still off, and that something presented itself as the nose of the plane. It took too much damage from the impact of falling through the clouds.

"B-But that's impossible! Surely it was not solid-”


The impact with the ground was harsh, separating Tails from the mecha, which kept tumbling through the ground until it exploded near a village just outside the forest. Tails himself impacted a pond inside the forest, getting the air knocked out of his lungs and sinking under the surface…

Explosion near Ponyville: Still unknown if anypony was harmed

"Have you seen the headline in the latest Foal Free press article from Featherweight and Shady?" A blue unicorn colt said to a yellow filly as they trotted out of the Ponyville Schoolhouse. "It's spooky huh?"

"I doubt it's true, maybe Diamond Tiara snuck in last night to mess with both of...them." The filly paused as she did recall hearing her parents talking to each other in the morning about those same news.

Meanwhile inside the basement of the school, both Featherweight and Shady Daze were trying to triple check whether the explosion happened or not. Neither of them saw it for themselves, only heard from both Scootaloo and Rumble that their older siblings did watch the explosion from far away.

"Do you know anypony else who saw the explosion, Shady?" Featherweight shook his head in disbelief as he tried and failed to search for answers all day during class. "Because if both Rainbow and Thunderlane saw it, then maybe the rest of the wonderbolts might have as well."

"I told you Feather. Rumble and Scootaloo only said that those two saw it. And we're absolutely not going to ask every stranger in Cloudsdale about something that they might not have even seen!” Shady stomped a hoof as he printed out another copy of the article. "And this one is copy one thousand..."

The door to the basement suddenly slammed open as a tired Skedaddle, who was holding a glowing yellow gem rushed towards Featherweight.

"Hey guys, look what I found near the school! A yellow gem!"

"Is it related to the explosion that happened yesterday?" Featherweight said, perking up as he hoped that there was also evidence to this case. "If it is, you know you can be credited as well!"

"I don't know if it is, it came flying down from the sky and I'm only showing you right now because I didn't want Tiara and Spoon to take it from me only so they could be credited as always!" Skedaddle gasped for air after the minute long rambling. "Also, yes it came from the same direction from the explosion."


"Ok, you're credited. We are going to show this to the Elements of Harmony and etc." Shady said as he pushed Skedaddle out of the basement. “Don't take this the wrong way, we're just trying to be famous for once, so we need all the privacy we can get. We're gonna get loads of bits. Did I also say we want to be famous? And bits! Bye!” He said before slamming the door shut.

Featherweight stood there dumbfounded, not believing his co-worker would make one of his own favorite customers leave so rudely. His mouth formed a thin line as he turned to Shady and rose an eyebrow.

"Seriously Shady?"

"What? I really want those bits."

Unknown amount of time after the crash later…

First Person

I slowly crawled out of the pond, coughing lungfuls of water and wondering how did I survive, I didn't exactly have any rings left on me. Shelving that for later, I looked around, noticing how I was in a forest of sorts and that I wasn't seeing the X-Tornado nearby. Looks like I got separated from it during the fall, which is a good thing since I heard an explosion before I passed out. A thought crossed my mind, reminding me that I had a Chaos Emerald on the plane. I should really find it too just in case, but first things first. I need to make a camp and make sure the area nearby is safe enough for now. I'll have to build some shelter too, good thing that I'm also a good carpenter.

I started by collecting a couple of fallen logs and dry leaves for a campfire, before using a couple rocks to light it. Next, I needed to build shelter from the elements. While I was doing that, I stumbled upon some debris from the X-Tornado. Sifting through it, I found a prototype Power Ring I had been testing out for Sonic. Is it indestructible? It shouldn't have survived the explosion. Shrugging, I decided to take it with me before heading back to the campfire.

It took all day, but using a collection of vines, logs and leaves, I had a working frame for a makeshift cabin. Calling it a frame for a cabin was generous though, it was only a couple of logs holding a leaved roof over an area no bigger than two square meters. If only I had my tolls, I could make something better, but it will have to do for now.

I looked up, noticing how night have fallen. The moon was different though, it looked a lot closer than back home. It was also full of spots on the shape of a… Unicorn’s head? What kind of world have I fallen into? I'll have to find out, and find the Emerald if I am to have any hope of returning to Mobius safely…

It's the dawn of next day, confirming to me that time works the same as it always does like in the other dimensions Sonic and I always travel through. Shaking my head, I decided that it's time to explore. Making sure to grab all the belongings I had that survived the fall, as well as Sonic's prototype Power Ring, I headed away from the campsite and towards the nearby town I briefly saw before landing in the pond. I should refrain from flying for now, as you never know what kind of foe can be around in this strange new world. I'll stick to the ground for now and keep a close look on my surroundings.

Third Person

Along the way, Tails made sure to collect anything salvageable from the debris from the X-Tornado he found. A pang of guilt hit the poor fox’s mind, remembering how just last month he and his friends took a picture on the podium of the Grand Prix.

"Sonic and Knuckles must be worried sick by now…” He closed his eyes before his expression hardened in determination. “Hold on guys, I WILL find a way back home!"

He stopped as he reached the end of the forest. Cresting the hill, he looked down at the village and the sign at it's entrance.

Welcome to Ponyville

The quest to return to Mobius has begun...

Comments ( 3 )

I like it so far; will you be continuing the story. I want to know what happens next.😁👍

hay do more chapters

it's going to be a treck

If you don't mind... to send my Oc as guide .

For convenience to merge with the population and main focus magic , I think to be
dark Navy blue unicorn. one of most used skills is making shield blocking any attack but only blocks once and breaks . Average use and Equestria combat magic just in case for now
in use

most used offence magic is Paralisis often weaved with other spells as it's seen as status conditions debuff

than a spell but would do . it's Tails job to do most of the work and anyone else.

Well I imagined to be near the border of the exit or Everfree forest

Checking the powers , Summoning floating hands and everything , as more outer visitors are from Everfree and reader's point of view to go to the

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