• Published 7th Sep 2019
  • 1,201 Views, 5 Comments

A Brother of The Changelings - blaszczu2500

Thorax's and Pharynx's adopted older brother returns to the Hive after a few years of absence.

  • ...

The New Hive

After a moment, which felt like eternity for them, Pharynx and Beta released each other from the hug. The two brothers stared at each other for a minute or two, both of them eyeing each other carefully, before Beta spoke up.

"You got tall." He pointed out. His brother was much taller than he was the last time when he saw him.

"You have a scar on your face." Pharynx said, gesturing towards Beta's scar.

Beta touched his scar, as some bad memories flew through his head. He didn't want to think about how he got his scar at this moment, so he decided to point out another change into Pharynx's look, "You're green."

"You have a strange weapon your back." Pharynx remarked, as Beta took his weapon off his back and held it in front of him.

As Beta's weapon engulfed itself In Pharynx's green magic, the changeling stared at it in wonder in his eyes because he has never seen a weapon like this before, Beta began explaining to him what his weapon was, "I like to call it Scattergun. At first it was just an ordinary sawn-off double-barrel shotgun, but a friend of mine modified it to hold 6 ammo instead of 2."

"Looks useful." Pharynx stated, even though he barely understood what he was saying, handing the gun back to his brother, "I would like to try it out."

"Oh it is useful, believe me, it is. As for letting you try it out, we'll see." Beta confirmed with a nod, as Pharynx took a quick glance at the people who were behind his brother.

"What about them?" He asked them.

"Them?" Beta said, as he looked at Mike, Peter, Osgar and Zelda.

"Are they dangerous?" Pharynx asked him. He knew that his brother meant no harm to them, because he knew that Chrysalis and her ways were the reasons why he left the Hive all those years ago, but he didn't know if he could trust the people he brought to his home.

"I wouldn't bring them here if they were." Beta answered, as they both now focused on his companions.

"Their names?" Pharynx asked his brother.

"The guy with a beanie on his head is Mike Farfield." Beta started introducing his friends to Pharynx.

"Hi there." Mike said, giving them a small wave.

"The large guy with a helmet that covers most of his face is Osgar." Beta then pointed at Osgar.

Osgar just nodded his head at them.

"The guy with a baseball bat and a hockey mask on his shoulder is Peter Carlson, but some of us call him PC."

Peter did nothing, just stared at them, as he held his baseball bat against his shoulder. The changelings that gathered around them, didn't know why, but felt that there was something unsettling about him.

"And this..." Beta's smile suddenly grew wider, as he glanced over at Zelda who hid herself behind Mike's and Osgar's legs. He titled his head at them. Mike and Osgar knew what he meant by that. They stepped aside, revealing a young griffon behind them. She looked up at them and saw Mike who giving her an encouraging smile and Osgar who giving her an encouraging nod. Zelda sighed deeply as she slowly began walking towards her dad and his brother. When she made her way to them, Beta kneeled down, and wrapped his hand around her, "...is Zelda."

"It's g-good t-t-to me-meet you, sir..." Zelda stuttured out. Pharynx was about to ask why she was so nervous, but he got an answer to his question when Zelda looked to her right, at his brother, and asked him, more calmly this time, "Dad, I assume that this is one of my... u-uncles?"

Pharynx, who was not excepting that this was the answer he was going to get, remained silent for a moment, before asking Beta, "...What? She's your..." Pharynx's words died in his throat, his mind still trying to process what was happening. His brother returned to the Hive and had a daughter?!

Beta looked around him, and saw that the other changelings, were as much suprised as his brother was by the answer. He chuckled at their reaction, "Adopted but yes, she is."

"Yo-your b-brother f-f-found me t-two years ago a-along with s-sir Ivan." Zelda began stuttering again as she shyly nuzzled Beta, "H-he w-was l-like a d-dad to me ev-ever since."

Pharynx, even though that the mention of this "Ivan" made him wonder why he wasn't with them at this moment, decided to do what Thorax told him to do everytime when someone introduced himself, before he went to Equestria with him for the first time. He slowly extended his hoof, and said, "It's... nice to meet you too, Zelda."

Zelda looked at Beta, who nodded his head at her. She extended her claw towards Pharynx and slowly shook his hoof, "I'm happy that you think like that... u-uncle."

Pharynx blinked a few times, still not believing that his brother had a daughter, and that she just called him an uncle, "So... How about I show you how the rest of The Hive has changed since Thorax took over?"

Beta nodded his head, as he waved for his friends to come over, "Yeah. I was about to ask you that."

As Peter, Mike and Osgar joined them, Pharynx began to walk forward, "Let's go."

Beta, Zelda, Peter, Mike and Osgar began following him, leaving the crowd of muttering changelings alone. Most of them were muttering about their kings brother being back in the Hive, some of them were focusing on Zelda and the fact that she was his daughter, or some of them had their attention on Mike, Osgar and Peter.

1 hour later

"Well, I can tell that the Hive has certainly changed since the last time I was here." Beta said to Pharynx as they walked by each other side, as Pharynx finished their trip. He showed his adopted brother everything the Hive had to offer, even though he wouldn't call himself a fan of some of the exercises.

"Yeah. We heard that a lot." Pharynx told him with a nod of his head.

"Let me guess, most of those ideas were Thorax's? Because I can't imagine you coming up with swing dancing, or feelings forum." Beta asked his brother.

"Yup." Pharynx confirmed with a nod of his head, "I'm responsible for convicing him to keep hunt and patrol in our exercises."

"Hunt? You like hunting?" Peter asked Pharynx, as he walked behind them.

"I'm. I'm heading out at last once a week along with the volunteers, which are only a few changelings, but it's better than nothing." Pharynx answered. Peter nodded his head to that. He may actually find an exercise here that interested him. Then, Pharynx looked down at his niece, who was looking around in wonder, "So, kid. What do you think?"

"I like it here. It's pretty." Zelda replied, as she continued to look around.

"Well, Thorax made sure it looked like that, even though I wasn't a big fan of it." Pharynx explained.

"Speaking of Thorax, where is he?" Beta wanted to know where his other brother was at this moment.

"He's not here at this moment. He and one changeling, Ocellus was her name, I think, went to Equestria because one of their princesses opened a school that teaches friendship, or something like that." Pharynx answered.

"What?" Pharynx turned to the voice and saw Peter, his expression was stoic, but his voice sounded confused by what he had just heard, "We've heard that ponies may be taking friendship too seriously but they seriously opened a school to teach people about it?"

"Yeah, I was suprised myself when one of them came here and informed Thorax about it. Luckilly, picking up the student for it didn't last as long as I thought it'll last after Thorax immediately agreed to her proposition." Pharynx agreed with Peter.

Beta opened his mouth to say something, but he along with the rest of their trip were taken aback when they hard a very loud female voice shout, "BETAAAA!"

Beta turned in the direction from which the voice came from and saw a light-purple changeling flying into his direction, "Wha..."
He didn't even had a chance to finish what he saying as the changeling embraced him a tight hug, which made him collaps on the ground.

"I'm so happy to see you again! It's been so long!" She shouted as she embraced him even tighter.

Beta who could barely breath because of her, looked up at Pharynx, silently asking him who it was. All he got from his brother was, "Take your guess, and you let him go. It may easier for him to realize who you are."

The changeling nodded her head, as released Beta from the hug. Beta took a few deep breaths, as he stood up from the ground. He eyed the changeling for a minute, before a realization who she was hit him. A smile appeared on his face, as he said her name, "Stringy?"

"The one and only!" Stringy nodded her head so fast that Beta, Pharynx, Peter, Mike and Osgar were suprised that it didn't broke her neck.

"I'm sorry I didn't recognize you." Beta apologized to her as Stringy waved her hoof, saying it's okay.

"It okay. The last time you saw me, I was all black." She said, "When I heard that you're back I searched for you as fast as I could."

"Well, you weren't that fast. I was here for..." Beta looked at Mike who looked at his watch.

"An hour." He replied.

"An hour." Beta repeated what he said.

"Hey, the Hive is not that small! And I didn't found out immediately!" Stringy defended herself.

"Alright, alright." Beta laughed, rising his hands defensively.

Stringy rolled her eyes as she looked at Zelda, "So, this is your daughter I've heard of." She eyed her for a moment, before saying, "I like her! She's adorable!"

"... Thank you..." Zelda shyly said, blushing slightly at her complement.

Suddenly, a guard flew over to Pharynx's side and whispered, "Pharynx, we've spotted your brother is coming back from Equestria."

Pharynx's eyes shot open at this, "Now? He was there shorter than I thought. He often stays a day or two." He stated as he looked at his brother, "Let's go see him."

"No." Beta shook his head, "Let's suprise him."

"Believe, he is already going to be suprised by the fact that you're here." Pharynx assured him.

"No, no, no. I have an idea. Tell him that someone is waiting for him next to his throne." Beta wanted to know.

"If you say so." Pharynx said, as he spread his wings and flew up, "I'll see you in a few minutes."

As Pharynx flew off along with guard who informed them about Thorax's return, Stringy looked at Beta with a questioning look on her face, "What are you planning?"

"I'll just wait for him on his throne. He'll be excepting someone from another country, or a simple not important visitor, and then he'll see me." Beta explained his plans to her.

"Oh, Thorax's reaction is going to be priceless! Let's go!" Stringy said as she turned her gaze towards the road which was leading to Thorax's throne.

"She seems to like you." Mike stated, as Stringy rushed as fast as she could towards Thorax's throne, eager to see how Thorax is going to react upon seeing Beta on his throne.

"Yeah. We were hanging out from time to time before I ran away. She unlike many other changelings back when Chrysalis wanted actually to make friends with other changelings, but she, unlike Thorax who was trying his best to have made friends wit them, was hiding it from everyone." Beta explained, as the group began following her towards Thorax's throne.

"I can tell she was happy when your brother changed the ways of this race." Mike stated.

"Yeah, me too." Beta nodded his head in agreement.

"See, little one." Osgar said, looking down at Zelda, as he was walking next to her, "Meeting your uncle wouldn't be as hard you thought it would be two nights ago."

"How do you know about that?" Zelda asked, feeling embarassed by it.

"You forgot that I am a light sleeper, kiddo? I heard your entire conversation." Osgar chuckled as he rubbed her head. Zelda smiled, enjoying it.

"I wouldn't call you a light sleeper, Osgar. Especially after you got yourself drunk with Nathan and Diavul." Mike pointed out.

It took a moment for Osgar to reply, because his best friends were mentioned by Mike, "...You're right about the last part."

"Do you miss them? Nathan and Diavul?" Beta asked Osgar, even though he already knew the answer.

"Every bloody day of my life, lad." Osgar said, looking down at the ground, as he felt someone hands to his shoulder. He looked at the person and saw Mike, giving him a comforting smile.

"If you will ever need to talk with us about it. We will be there for you. We all lost someone close to us that day." He told him as Beta nodded in agreement.

"I know that." Osgar said with a nod of understanding, a small smile growing on his face which was covered by the lower part of his helmet.

"Hey, Beta." Mike called over to his friend. He knew that it was not the time for this question, especially after they mentioned Nathan and Diavul to Osgar, but it was too important to let it wait.

"Yes, Mike?" Beta asked him, completely oblivious of what Mike is going to ask him.

"Are you planning to tell your brother about Moma and her people? You know that they are still looking for us. She wanted all of us dead. She knows that the five of us we survived her attack." Mike asked him. After he asked this question, he could feel the tension rise beetwen his group at the mention of "Moma". Beta bit the bottom of his lips, Zelda came up closer to her dad, Osgar clenched his fists, Peter gripped his baseball bat tightly, as a hint of regret and guilt appeared on his normally stoic face.

Beta sighed deeply, knowing that the conversation with his brothers about Moma and her people is going to happen, sooner or later, if they will let them stay, "I'll tell them when the time is right, Mikey. When the time is right."

Comments ( 1 )

Just a little grammar and spelling and this will be golden

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