• Published 19th Apr 2019
  • 5,319 Views, 57 Comments

Tempting Shadow - Element of Power

Arriving in a strange world, you, a musician, stumble upon a unicorn named Tempest Shadow. As you grow closer to her, it reveals a growing love.

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Chapter 3

You lay there, not completely conscious, but still out of it. You can faintly hear yelling, the culprit obviously angry about something. Then, the sound of a door closing. Waking once again, you groan, lifting yourself into a sitting position.

Looking up, you see the purple being approaching you once again. 'Can it talk, like the other one?'

It looked back at you, so you decide to take the first step.

"Um... hello? Do you talk?"

The pony's eyes widen, most likely in shock, before speaking, just like the other one.

"Hi... um, what's your name, creature?"

You slightly recoil in surprise. It was true, they could talk. But, that would make things a lot easier. You also noticed the pony's voice had a lighter feminine tinge. You decided that you would refer to it as female until proven otherwise. Making a small smile, you tell her your name.

"Can I also ask what yours is?" You wait to see what she it called.

"Well, my name it Fiz-Tempest. Tempest Shadow." You think about her name. It seemed like an odd name, but that was probably normal here.

"Tempest. Sounds pretty weird if you ask me."

She giggles lightly, before snipping back, "Well, you name is worse."

Chuckling, you stand up, rising over her with your large stature, before sitting back on the couch. Tempest followed, then hopped onto the couch, and sat on her haunches beside you.

She decided to speak first. "So, what exactly... are you?"

You quietly *sigh*, thinking back to your previous life and memories, before telling her.

"Well, my species is called human."

She smiled in satisfaction, before responding.

"Well, I am a pony, specifically, a unicorn."

You almost ask what happened to her obviously broken horn, but decide against it. You didn't know what bad memories it might bring up for her. Instead, you ask a different question.

"So, where exactly am I?" 'I don't think I am near home. If anything, I don't even think I'm on Earth anymore.'

"Well, this is the land of Equestria. Where are you from? I assume you're not from around here."

"No, I'm not from here. I'm from... someplace far from here."

She nodded, before looking down at your hands. Your eyebrow goes up, wondering what she was so interested in, before she looked up blushing.

"Um... I was wondering, could you maybe do that thing to my head again, with your... um..."

"Hands", you chuckle slightly. Tempest leans in, and you scratch her head again, your hand parting her mohawk. She gives the most hilarious reaction from it. You see her eyes roll up, slightly panting with her breathing slowing down. That, combined with her almost human expressions, was enough to make it slightly uncomfortable for you, especially with the fact that she was practically panting now with her tongue hanging out. Ignoring it, you continue, doing your best to make it enjoyable for her.

Slowly stopping, you release your hand from her head. You had honestly been expecting her to protest, but she was so out of it that she barely noticed. She just flopped down on the couch with a distant look. You waited, letting her get herself together. Getting up, she went into the kitchen before calling out, "So, what do you eat? I'm going to make something for us to eat."

Thinking for a second, you then say "Well, pretty much anything. Fruits, vegetables, some grain, meat, but no grasses or plants like that." Then you cringe realizing what you said. 'She's a pony, and they're herbivores. Now she might think I'm going to eat her.'

She walked back in, and apparently noticed your expression.

"Don't worry about the meat thing. Believe it or not, I am actually one of the few ponies that enjoy meat."

This surprised you, but you were relieved. That meant you wouldn't lose the only friend you had at the moment.

Thirty minutes later, she came back in, with a plate. It had two slices of what you assumed was beef, and a small salad on the side. You both sit down, and enjoy your food. You look at her, while she was eating the beef first.

"What made you decide to eat meat?" you ask her.

Tempest seemed to hesitate for a moment, before answering, "Well, I used to have... friends who ate meat, so I just kinda picked it up from them."

You notice the undertone in what she said, but thought nothing of it. You and her continued eating, before a knock on the door was heard. It seemed frantic, so you turn to her, wondering what to do.

She yells "Come in!", and you hear the door swinging open. Multiple sounds that you can only assume are hoofsteps, go through the front, making their way to where you were eating. Six ponies appeared, each a different color. They all had a similar structure to Tempest, so you assumed they were female as well. The one in front was a lighter purple than Tempest's coat, while the others were orange, yellow, blue, white, and... the pink one.

They all stop, and apparently stare at the scene in front of them. You think to yourself, 'What do they think is weirder, me, the fact that I am eating with Tempest, or the fact that there is meat on our plates.' You even notice the yellow one shiver and cower on the floor, while the white one starts to look green.

Slowly, the lead pony tore her eyes away from the meat on the plates, away from you, and to Tempest.

"Tempest, what is that thing?"

Tempest says your name, while telling the leader "He's a human, something that appeared in the Everfree. I decided to take care of him, Twilight."

'So, her name is Twilight.'

Twilight looks almost frightened. "But, it eats meat! It could attack you, or eat you!"

Tempest's eyes look bored, like she expected this."So do I, yet you don't see me eating random ponies."

They all stopped, wide eyed, staring at Tempest.

"I-I didn't know that! How could you eat meat!" She seemed disgusted.

Deciding to intervene, and also make yourself known, you speak. "Hi, would you like to join us? There's also salad."

The yellow one immediately faints, while rest looked on in shock. Twilight, looking more surprised than everyone and started yelling.

"You can TALK! What are you! Where did you come from! What are going to do?"

Before she could possibly go on forever, you raise your hand, silencing her.

"How about you all tell me who you all are first. I know you're Twilight but..."

The rest started introducing themselves. "Mah name's Applejack", "I'M PINKIE PIE!" "I'm Rarity" "Fluttershy" "And I'm Rainbow Dash, the FASTEST in Equestria!" Your eyebrows raise at this but you are otherwise silent.

"So, we're going to go, and come back tomorrow. Does that sound good." Twilight said looking at both you and Tempest.

You look at Tempest, silently confirming with her. She steps forward and says "Of course. You can come by any time."

They all smile at this, leaving the room, then the house. As Pinkie leaves, she looks back with a wide smile. You quickly avert your eyes, not wanting to get caught in her possibly deadly gaze.

With all the guests gone, you follow Tempest to the food. You both finish, full and satisfied. Getting up, you ask "Is it okay if I take a shower?"

She nods, "Of course, it's upstairs."

You climb the stairs, noticing that they are much less steeps than the ones back home. 'That makes sense, since they're on all fours.' Reaching the top, you make your way to the bathroom. You get a new towel from the closet inside, then go to take a shower. Once done, you leave, heading back downstairs to sleep on the couch.

Tempest is still down there, walking around tidying up. She sees you, and walks over to you before you descend down the stairs

"If you are tired, you can stay upstairs and sleep in my bed. I don't mind."

"No, that's your bed, you should sleep in it."

She looked at you, directly into your eyes, your soul. You then found yourself backing up, reverse, reverse, reverse; moonwalking, backing into the bed, and laying down.