• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 1,329 Views, 44 Comments

Time Heals All Wounds - Brony4Ever1992

Finale in the "Fall and Resurrection of Twilight Sparkle" trilogy.

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Chapter 23

It was a dreary and overcast day in Ponyville. From her castle, Twilight Sparkle could only glumly look out the window at the gray sky. She asked Rainbow Dash to keep things sunny, but the cyan pegasus insisted Ponyville needed rain. This did not bode well for the down mood Twilight was already in as she laid on her bed with her blanket over her.

"Hey Twilight." said Sunset.

Sunset Shimmer slipped into the room.

"It's getting late. You can't stay in bed all day." said Sunset worried.

"I'm not getting up." said Twilight flatly.

Sunset walked over to her marefriend.

"I know you're feeling down, but you can't mop around." said Sunset.

Sunset used her magic to pull the blanket off Twilight.

"Yes I can." stated Twilight.

Twilight used her magic to put her blanket back over her.

"Ponyville needs you." said Sunset.

Sunset again pulled the blanket off with her magic and tossed it aside.

"Equestria needs you." added Sunset.

"Look what a great job I've done so far." replied Twilight sarcastic.

"You have to stop blaming yourself." said Sunset.

Twilight didn't reply.

"If you don't do anything then more ponies will be hurt." said Sunset.

Twilight sat up.

"Maybe, but nothing has been able to stop Starlight yet." noted Twilight.

Sunset Shimmer rubbed her chin.

"Maybe we can't..." began Sunset.

"What are you talking about?" asked Twilight confused.

Sunset gave Twilight a stern expression and Twilight quickly realized what she was talking about.

"No way!" declared Twilight.

"We don't have a choice." said Sunset.

It was a beautifully chaotic day in Chaosville. In his home, the sole resident of Chaosville, Discord was enjoying some time alone as he planned out what chaotic thing to do next. Suddenly, in a flash he found himself facing Sunset and Twilight.

"Can't you give me a warning before doing that?" asked Discord annoyed.

"Look, we need your help." said Sunset.

Discord laughed.

"The two mighty pupils of Princess Celestia need my help?" asked Discord amused.

"At least he's back to his old self." muttered Twilight irked.

"Yes." said Sunset.

"Does this have anything to do with that Starlight Glimmer who I keep hearing about?" asked Discord.

"We where hoping you could help us fight her." answered Sunset.

Discord stroked his goatee.

"I'm not so sure." replied Discord.

"Oh come no!" cried Twilight.

Sunset managed to quickly calm her down.

"I know you have a short fuse with him. So do I. But, we really need his help right now." noted Sunset.

Twilight took a deep breath.

"Okay." relented Twilight.

Discord cleared his throat.

"Back to me." said Discord.

"You can end this entire mess with a snap of your fingers." said Twilight.

"I probably could." shrugged Discord.

Discord pretended to think it over.

"I don't feel like it." said Discord.

"What?!" asked Sunset enraged.

"Remember, stay calm." whispered Twilight.

Now it was Sunset Shimmer who needed a moment to calm down.

"Why won't you help us exactly?" asked Sunset, trying to stay calm.

"I don't feel like it." answered Discord.

"Oh come on!" cried Sunset.

Twilight quickly worked to keep Sunset calm.

"Why?" asked Twilight.

"Not interested." answered Discord.

"I swear if this is you trying to teach us a lesson in some bullshit manner..." warned Sunset.

"Careful my dear. That might fly in that human world, but here in Equestria the word "bullshit" could be viewed as a slur." replied Discord.

Sunset growled angrily.

"Twilight can simply go back and change time like she's already thinking about doing anyway." said Discord.

"How did you know that?!" asked Twilight surprised.

Discord let out a laugh.

"You forget who you're talking to." answered Discord.

"Have you been spying on us?!" asked Sunset enraged.

"I could be fly on the wall while you're talking about ongoing events or the mouse watching you make love." answered Discord.

"We haven't done that!" exclaimed Twilight.

"And if we find you actually doing that then no pony can save you." said Sunset firmly.

"Some ponies cannot take a joke." sighed Discord.

Sunset and Twilight where not amused.

"Besides, when it comes to helping you against starlight, I just don't see anything in it for me." said Discord.

'Why you." said Sunset furious.

Twilight stopped her marefriend with a smile.

"Not even if they go after Fluttershy?" asked Twilight.

Discord froze as his eyes became as wide as saucers.

"I didn't think of that." whispered Discord worried.

"They're going after every single pony in Equestria and already attacked Pinkie's family. They'll have no issue going after Fluttershy." said Sunset.

Discord snapped his finger and vanished.

'That actually went better than I expected." admitted Sunset.

Twilight left and headed to the study. Sunset didn't see her for a few hours and decided to see how she was doing. Twilight was face first in a book when Sunset walked up to her.

"This is how I expected to find you." admitted Sunset.

Twilight nearly jumped into the air.

"You startled me." noted Twilight.

"Sorry." said Sunset.

Sunset reached Twilight.

"What are you reading?" asked Sunset.

"Theories on time travel and its possible outcomes." answered Twilight meekly.

Sunset braced herself and managed not to keep her composure.

"I see." replied Sunset strained.

"You're upset." realized Twilight.

"I don't want you to change the past. However, that isn't my call." shrugged Sunset.

"Then I won't." stated Twilight.

"You still want to." said Sunset.

"Yes.' confirmed Twilight flatly.

Twilight groaned.

"Why can't this be easier?" asked Twilight.

"One thing I learned is that the world isn't black and white." answered Sunset.

"I just don't know what to do." sighed Twilight.

"Have you talked to Princess Celestia?" asked Sunset.

"i talked with Princess Luna." answered Twilight.

"What did she say?" asked Sunset.

"It's my decision to make." groaned Twilight.

"I taken it you haven't talked with Princess Celestia." mused Sunset.

"I just can't." replied Twilight exhausted.

Sunset thought.

"Let's go over this together." proposed Sunset.

"That would be great." sighed Twilight relieved.

"So, you want to go back and change the past." began Sunset.

"It would erase all of this and no pony would have to suffer." said Twilight.

"You'd still have to deal with Tirek and Starlight." noted Sunset.

"But, this gives me a second chance to do it right." said Twilight.

"You defeated Tirek." said Sunset.

"But, not Starlight." stated Twilight.

"How do you know we won't stop her?" asked Sunset.

"There's no guarantee of it." answered Twilight.

"There's no guarantee changing the past will improve things." said Sunset.

"Yes. That is true." conceded Twilight.

"If I remember correctly, the last time you tried to alter time it only created a paradox leading to the event that you where trying to avoid." began Sunset.

"That is correct." confirmed a curious Twilight.

"What if you travel back in time and it makes things worse?" asked Sunset.

Twilight tensed up.

"I am aware that is a risk." said Twilight.

"And you're willing to take it." said Sunset.

"Indeed I am." confirmed Twilight.

"How will you stop Tirek?" asked Sunset.

"I guess I'd use the chest again." answered Twilight.

"What about Sombra?" asked Sunset.

'If I don't fall back under his control there's no problem." answered Twilight.

"And Starlight Glimmer?" asked Sunset.

Twilight took a moment.

"That's a bridge I'll cross when I come to it." answered Twilight.

Sunset was surprised by this.

"That doesn't sound like you." noted Sunset.

twilight shook her head.

"That's the only thing I can do." sighed Twilight.

"That's dark coming from you." said Sunset worried.

"It's what has to be done." stated Twilight.

"What if you make things worse again?" asked Sunset.

Twilight winced at this.

"You're said you'd let me decided. Yet, you're trying to influence me into making the decision you want." said Twilight bitterly.

"You have your friends..." began Sunset.

Sunset took a moment to brace herself.

"You have me." said Sunset hurt.

Twilight adverted her gaze.

"The biggest thing holding me back is never meeting you." confessed Twilight.

Twilight shook her head.

"But, maybe it's for the best." said Twilight coldly.

Sunset winced.

"How could say that?!" asked Sunset hurting.

Twilight stood firm.

"The fate of Equestria is in the balance." answered Twilight numbly.

"You are the greatest thing in my life. I'd still be cruel and arrogant if it wasn't for you." noted Sunset.

Twilight tense up.

"Because I made you murder an innocent pony!" cried Twilight regretful.

A silence followed suit for several minutes.

"I think it's best we stop before this gets too out of control." said Sunset softly.

Twilight looked down.

"I think you're right." said Twilight.

"Goodnight." said Sunset.

Twilight was silent so Sunset Shimmer began leaving.

"I'll be in our room if you need me." said Sunset.

Hours passed and night fell. While most ponies slept, a group was on the go. The Equalists marched side by side with two in a row. At the front where Double Diamond and Party Favor. Their leader, Starlight Glimmer, stood alone in front leading them. They soon approached their destination: Canterlot. Starlight could help but smile wickedly as they reached the capital of Equestria. Rather then attack, Starlight led her forces around the side.

"I'm worried ma'am, what if we get caught?" asked Double Diamond worried.

Starlight chuckled causing the Alicorn Amulet around her neck to move.

"I told you, I have friends on the inside." answered Starlight confident.

Starlight heard rustling.

"And here he is." said Starlight.

Spearhead walked out of hiding and saluted.

"It is a pleasure to help you ma'am!" declared Spearhead.

"I knew making a guard my friend would work." thought Starlight arrogantly.

Starlight turned to her followers.

"Spearhead here is our friend and is kindly allowing us to enter Canterlot." said Starlight.

The Equalists started getting excited until Starlight hushed them with her magic.

"Remember, this is a surprise and we don't want to ruin it." said Starlight.

The Equalists began to enter Canterlot.

"So, all of Equestria will be follow my message." cooed Starlight.

Author's Note:

A/N: That's where we'll end make it clear, when Starlight knocked out Spearhead she cast a spell that made him a sleeper agent. That is why he's helping them. Discord may or may not be on board while Sunset and Twilight have some tension. Next time, the Equalist attack on Canterlot. Please review.